d2sejanus--plinth · 22 days
As the day passed he felt rather deflated. The satisfaction he felt at telling Livia the truth and humbling her a little faded in time, it dwindled until all he was left with was an aching bruise, and then a numbness. He regretted it quite a lot, especially because of the potential of them, of Coriolanus, getting in trouble in case Livia decided she wanted to make their lives hell one way or another. She was going to find out about them eventually, but she wasn't supposed to know so early, and that left him more than a little bummed out, it left him feeling afraid for their future. He hoped Coriolanus wasn't mad because of his impulsivity; he didn't think he was, but he really hoped there was nothing of that, because he didn't think he could endure negative feelings coming from the love of his life tonight. The day was already awful as it was.
The text he'd received that Coriolanus was on the way managed to calm him down some, to soothe his frazzled nerves. He was still feeling very drained, and the grief that crossed him was unimaginably terrible, but the knowledge that he'll sink into Coriolanus' comforting embrace soon was enough to keep his head above the water. He knew it was going to be a difficult day, but somehow it ended up even more disastrous than he thought it would be, and it was only his fault. He sipped more tea, it helped a little, his stomach was still in knots, however. He needed Coriolanus to an excruciating degree, the images of he and Livia kissing and dressed so elegantly as bride and groom were still swirling in his mind and making him feel sick.
His heart drummed to the beat of Coriolanus' steps on the floor, coming to him, he was feeling emotional even before he saw his face, but when he did it was even more so, an intense feeling, "Coryo," spilled a little weakly between bitten lips, and when Coriolanus leant down to hug him he instead stood up quickly and curled himself all around him. Jumped at him enough that the force of the sudden hug was something else, but to feel him solid and to embrace him so tightly right away did help. His knees were shaky, his hands clutching so tight around handfuls of Coriolanus' shirt, right over his shoulder blades. "Fuck. Fuck." It was relief that made him curse, when Coriolanus said he didn't care that Livia knew.
"I'm sorry I told her. I got so angry, she got me so angry, I shouldn't have been alone with her, I should have left right away," tears spilled over his cheeks, and he pulled back just enough to look at Coriolanus, his frantic hands now caressing at his face, holding his jaw, as if assuring himself he were real, that he was there and not anywhere else, not with Livia, never. "I love you so much. I never meant to put you in danger," he swallowed thickly, leant in for a short but emotionally charged kiss, a little wet as he cried. "I'm not alright, but I'm strong. And I'm with you, Coryo," images of today washed over him again and he winced, "today was fucking torture, but it's done. It's done."
"Did she say anything? Did she threaten you?" he asked with glistening eyes, holding over Coriolanus' face, cupping his cheeks, and he was sure he looked murderous, because even the thought of Livia doing anything of the sort just ignited incandescent rage inside of him. "I know it's not going to be easy, but it's you and I, love. And we can do anything." He was sure of it, and he's always been sure of it; they were unstoppable together, and Coriolanus was going to get what he wanted, and Sejanus was going to get what he wanted, too, the most important of all being a happy, satisfied, right at the top Coriolanus Snow.
Coriolanus had returned to the reception, mildly irritated that Livia was no where to be found. She should have been here waiting for him. Perhaps she had gone to fix her hair or make up. Either way, he wouldn't waste time searching for her. He would continue to work the room, knowing every single conversation he had and every relationship formed was another vote when the time was right. He wouldn't waste a moment of tonight, when he had a captive audience in good spirits on such an occasion. If only he had been marrying Sejanus, tonight could have been perfect.
Livia finally returned, looking slightly flushed but he paid little attention as she kissed his cheek and asked him to come and dance with her. He could't deny her. It was expected after all, this was their wedding day. Certainly the display would give their guests enough sentimental feelings, it might earn him some support. He took her hand, leading her over to the dance floor as he wondered where Sejanus was. He hadn't seen him come in and he couldn't look for him now when all eyes were on them and he was only supposed to have eyes for his pretty Capitol bride.
The band switched to a slow song as they noticed the bride and groom had taken to the dance floor. Coriolanus was vaguely aware of the soft gazes they were receiving from their guests. Perfect. At least this wasn't a completely wasted moment if it was getting them the attention they - he - needed. Livia pressed close to him and they moved around the dance floor in time with the music. They let the silence settle between them, a small fact that Coriolanus was relieved about. He noticed Sejanus had returned to his table and his heart ached for a moment for his beloved, having to witness this display of false adoration.
Livia looked up at him with a small smile suddenly and then leaned in and kissed him. He was surprised but he allowed it. They had an audience and he wouldn't make a scene. Besides, this was their wedding to he supposed it was appropriate. She pulled away after a few moments before she tilted her head to press her cheek against his. He assumed that would be the end of it but then she whispered in his ear.
"So, how long have you been fucking Sejanus Plinth?"
Coriolanus' stomach dropped at the question, his heart pounding. She knew. How? Had she seen them out in the courtyard or had something else happened? Was that where she had been? He hadn't anticipated that she would find out so soon, even though he and Sejanus had spoken about Livia eventually learning the truth about them.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Coriolanus continued to move her around the dance floor, desperately wanting to look for Sejanus but he couldn't. Not now, not yet.
"Don't play coy Coriolanus. It's not becoming. Sejanus told me all about just a few minutes ago. About you two living together in the Penthouse. No wonder you wouldn't let me even visit, let alone have me move in to your little love nest."
Sejanus never would have told her that, Coriolanus was certain. What had happened? Surely she hadn't just figured all of this out and at their wedding too? Had she had him followed? No, he was too careful. Had she seen them together out in the courtyard? She must have. They'd only been hugging but had someone been watching, it might not have been too hard to guess the real relationship between them. Was she bluffing about the Penthouse? Sejanus would never have divulged such secrets. He trusted him completely.
"Cat got your tongue?" Livia looked up at that, the barest hint of a smirk on her face. She knew better than to cause a scene, with all of Panems elite watching them. "Might make a nice change from having it down Sejanus' throat."
"No need to be crass Livia. That isn't becoming of a lady." Coriolanus leaned in and pressed a kiss against her cheek. "Neither is having a vivid imagination."
Livia was giving him a sickly sweet smile and Coriolanus knew she was about to stick in a metaphorical dagger. She leaned in closer, brushing a kiss against his cheek before she pressed her lips against his ear. To anyone watching, it would look like a sweet moment before newlyweds. In reality, she whispered.
"Neither is taking a phone call from your fiance about the flowers for your wedding when you're bed fucking your boyfriend. At the gym were you? Sejanus told me everything!"
Coriolanus felt his grip on her tighten at her words. She couldn't have guessed that. No one else could have told her that either. Sejanus must have told her. Why would he have told her such a thing? His stomach tightened, thinking back to that day.
Coriolanus groaned as he rode Sejanus' cock in their bed. He felt so good inside him, he always did. He felt so full, a perfect stretch. He glanced down at Sejanus, who was gazing up at him. It was all heated, heavy lidded and he was moaning too, reaching up to grab his hips to tug him back down to bottom out inside him
"Fuck Sej, so good. Fuck, you feel so good inside me baby. I...." His phone ringing shattered the moment and he glared at the inanimate object as though it had personally offended him. Who was possibly calling him right now? Who cared...Not when Sejanus was fucking him like this. Whoever it was could wait.
"Do you...if you have to..." Sejanus glanced at the phone in matching irritation at being interrupted.
"No..... for fucks sake." Coriolanus growled, angry at whoever the caller was and not at Sejanus. He reached over to the bedside table, wondering if he shouldn't just throw the damn thing against the wall. His eyes darkened in anger when he saw who the called was. "It's just bloody Livia." He threw the phone on the bed just as it stopped ringing. He breathed a sigh of relief for the silence before he started to move on his cock again with a groan. "Sej... Sej.... Fuck, I love your cock and I...."
The phone started to ring again and Coriolanus glared at it for the audacity of a second interruption. He was determined to ignore it but then Sejanus was grinning up at him wickedly.
"Answer it." Sejanus reached over to grab the phone and shoved it in Coriolanus' hands. He stared down at him, surprised but then he laughed softly, panting as he answered the phone. "What do you want Livia?"
The conversion had been boring, aggravating but watching the amusement and joy and arousal it had brought Sejanus was worth the interruption. He paused his own movements, trying to balance himself on Sejanus' lap with a phone in hand but then Sejanus was snapping his hips up, making a gasp falling from his lips. He couldn't help the glare he gave to Sejanus but then he was swallowing back a laugh at him and a hiss at Livia as he told her that he had just stubbed his toe on the treadmill because she was distracting him.
It hadn't been too long before he had hung up on her, snapping that she knew his family signature flower was roses so why was she even talking about orchids. She was wasting his time and with that he'd hung up on her. He'd thrown the phone aside before he looked down at Sejanus with a grin and a chuckle.
"You little minx!" he had leaned down and kissed him deeply then, hoping the little stunt had satisfied whatever Sejanus had felt the need for. "I almost think you want us to get caught."
Coriolanus came back to the present moment, his eyes now scanning the room for Sejanus. He saw him finally, still at the table. He could only make brief eye contact with him as he moved Livia around the dance floor. He needed to go to him, they needed to talk. He wanted to understand, wanting to know just what had happened. Was he alright? If Livia had upset him in any way, she would be incredibly displeased with the outcome.
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d2sejanus--plinth · 1 month
"A whimsical hat.. it would make a lasting impression, that's for sure," he could see, around him, that people were more and more eccentric as time passed, as the wealth of the Capitol increased (while the Districts starved), that people indulged in what Tigris would call high fashion. Bold, gaudy colors that weren't exactly to his taste, sure, a more eye-catching color now and again was nice, but he preferred not to stand out. He figured, with Coriolanus right now and even more into the future in his role as President he will have to get used to standing out; the man at the president's right side, always, someone who would, inadvertently, also be into the spotlight. Scrutinized. It was already happening, a lot, their more public dates weren't without incidents, ranging from the mildest offenses like people staring too long, to something more serious like reporters wanting to come up with some ludicrous story. "Could work. All I know is that Maple would look very adorable."
"I love you more," and he did, even with all the chaos, even with all that happen and will inevitably happen, the strength of his love was unwavering, it wasn't something to be trifled with, something to toy around with. His love, his loyalty for Coriolanus shined through always. "Thank you for saying that, love. That means a lot. I know you'd rather keep me safe from.. all that." Logically, of course, he knew. Sometimes emotions stirred and deep down he did know that this was the result of Coriolanus going after what he wanted, but he was willing to endure anything for him.
He cupped Coriolanus' face gently, held that precious face that he loved in his hands, that cold, beautiful, determined face, and leaned his forehead against his, drawing strength from mere contact. It was grounding, and now his panic attack seemed very far away, which he was grateful for. Coriolanus had dealt with it and with him very carefully, it was sweet. "Yeah. I suppose. I know you like watching me sleep sometimes," he said it with a grin as if he was about to call him creep, but it was the pot calling the kettle black, he also enjoyed watching Coriolanus sleeping now and again, when his features were so soft and serene. "Always, always. You're my beating heart, Coryo."
He kissed Coriolanus again, gently, all over his face, over his cheeks and his nose. His smile was soft, and he was truly feeling like mush, eager to sit against Coriolanus' chest and relax. "Yeah. Please. You can put in some of the lavender oil. Something sweet for tonight, my love? Red wine." He was always conflicted when he enjoyed such luxuries; but now he simply wanted to melt into Coriolanus' arms and forget about whatever was going on in the outside world. He pressed another kiss to his soft mouth, then scurried away to pick up the bottle of wine and two glasses, looking back at Coriolanus as he went, "Don't make it too hot, love."
Coriolanus could hear the pain in Sejanus' words as the gravity of the situation fully dawned upon him. Yes, forcing Sejanus to watch the Games was indeed awful especially because he believed Ravinstill knew of Sejanus' distaste and even hatred for them. But it was also far bigger than that, it was a lingering threat against the two of them. He could get Sejanus through seeing the first few hours of the Games as they played out, he was sure of it. But it would be a great deal harder to guide them through the treacherous road ahead of them with Ravinstill as an enemy. He was still the most powerful man in the country and that meant they were at risk. Coriolanus pressed a kiss against his forehead as Sejanus promised him that he would protect him. He knew exactly what he meant, even if he hadn't said the words outright. It pleased him, made him feel completely and utterly loved and adored. It aroused him too, his gaze becoming heated as he thought of Sejanus being willing to kill for him. He would never ask him to do that. He would never want him to do that. Sejanus needed to keep his hands clean, as best as he could being his partner. He knew things became murky sometimes, messy. He knew Sejanus knew about Highbottom and Gaul, even if they never spoke about it. He didn't want Sejanus to get blood on his hands. He was willing to do that for them and Ravinstill would be no different. He would die when the time was right. Poison maybe, or suffering a heart attack or stroke. Perhaps a tragic assassination by rebels, where Coriolanus could use the chance to wield his power as Head of the War Department against the Districts and then be elected by a landslide soon afterwards.
"I know you would but I would never ask that of you. I love you too and I know what that would cost you." Coriolanus knew Sejanus already struggled with his position, bought and paid for in blood. At least that's how Sejanus saw it. Paid for by his fathers business, by him too as Game Maker. He had told him enough during some of their fights. He didn't want Sejanus to have to kill for him. He would find a way to keep them safe but until he could take care of Ravinstill with finality, they were going to have to tread very carefully. He had promised Strabo a long time ago that he would keep Sejanus safe and he would always uphold that promise. For Sejanus' parents but mostly for himself. He couldn't begin to imagine his life without Sejanus. To die with Sejanus was less horrifying than losing him. He knew he wouldn't survive long without him. He wouldn't want to Perhaps just long enough to burn down the world around him as a final vengeance before he would kill himself to be with his beloved.
He breathed a soft sigh of relief as Sejanus assured him that he hadn't sent anything to the Districts for almost 2 years. It was unlikely Ravinstill had discovered Sejanus' small acts of rebellion after such a long time. He knew he had always been careful and it had been almost impossible to trace back to him but he had always been worried. There was only so much he and Strabo could do to save him from the wrath of an unforgiving government. "Good." He rubbed his back softly. He knew how much Sejanus would have loathed to cease all assistance but it had been necessary once he had been promoted. The risk to them wasn't worth it. It never had been was but even more so now. Nothing was worth risking the life they had built together. "Oh? You think I will be President one day?" Coriolanus attempted to lighten the mood slightly with a warm smile as he stroked his cheek. Sejanus had always believed in him and the day they had been working towards was getting closer. This was simply yet another bump in the road. "Unfortunately, he has thrown me off balance and surprised me today. He knows it too, or at least suspects it." He cursed himself, at how quick he had tried to turn down the Presidents 'invitation', knowing Ravinstill had felt his reluctance. "I know I can't let him get to me but he knows exactly what he's doing by using you in this way." They had been more open about their relationship for many years now. They couldn't legally get married but they were husbands to one another in every other way. He knew they tried to hide just how truly devoted they were to one another, neither wanting it to be used against them. But he knew many suspected it and Ravinstill was clearly testing the waters here.
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d2sejanus--plinth · 2 months
He was more than happy to provide Coriolanus with the life he deserved, he always loved to spoil him, he could feel a bit of resistance back in Twelve, he could practically feel the stiffness Coriolanus would sometimes assume when Sejanus talked about giving him some of his money to send home, or anything like that. He knew that Coriolanus had quite the challenging time to not think of it as charity, as pity, to not feel offended, even, he always had that notion in his head that he needed to succeed himself, on his own, that he couldn't beg and he couldn't ask for help from others. He knew he had complicated, mixed feelings about it, but Sejanus couldn't feel more relieved when they were back in the Capitol and it seemed that Coriolanus' reluctance fell away. They were partners, in every way, and Sejanus needed him to understand that that meant they shared everything. Material or not, everything Sejanus had was Coriolanus', as well.
Even just watching him eat has been a delight, sure, in Twelve they were getting fed, but it wasn't anything tasty. Seeing Coriolanus enjoy something scrumptious and decadent was an experience in itself for Sejanus. He watched as Coriolanus moved about, gaze darting all over his body shamelessly, watching his slim, beautiful waist with a fond gleam. No way he wasn't going to hold that waist while they ate. "You did distract me. You're an incredible distraction." His smile was wide, and he caught onto Coriolanus' wrist, he was in his lap a second later, the air whooshing with the motion. It felt so good with him in his lap, the steady weight of him, the kiss to the crook of his neck making him shiver, such a pleasurable sensation. He was so beautiful. "Yeah? Even better than fluffy pancakes?" he nuzzled Coriolanus' temple and then into his hair, still clinging to him as he stretched to pour them coffee.
His hand was gentle on his waist, but a sure grip. Steady. "I'm not trying to distract you, I'm just trying to love you, handsome," he sounded entirely besotted, "I still can't believe I can just be all over you, however much I want. Ah, I just want to bite you." There wasn't a bite, but a kiss, on the shell of his pale ear, then a multitude of them showered on his perfect, broad shoulder. His lips twisted into a smile, one that was intrigued, and amused. "Quite the stir? We'd have caused a huge ruckus.. but I just know some of them would've also been envious of me." He was sure of it, Coriolanus was desirable anywhere, and he had seen his fellow peacekeepers, men and women, look his way a little longingly sometimes. He took a strong sip of his coffee. "I think a lot of them knew that you were my boy, though," his smile turned into a smirk, and he kissed Coriolanus' jaw, "as much as we tried to hide." Well, they did try, but sometimes they were reckless, too, driven by uncontrollable desire to be with each other. He pressed a kiss right on Coriolanus' soft mouth, before he cut into his pancake and took his first bite. "Try it, love. It's really good."
Coriolanus watched silently as Sejanus continued to cook the pancakes, the scent of them filling the apartment. It was comforting, domestic in a way he knew he had never felt before. Of course, he had a family home and a family in Tigris and Grandma'am. But they had struggled for so long, ever since the war they had always been scrambling. To pay the money owed on the Penthouse, to put food on the table, to pay their bills, to keep warm in winter and cool in summer with the holes in their walls. Home had always been a point of stress for him, feeling the pressure to care for their Grandma'am and provide for his family when he couldn't even get a job while at the Academy. But this, this was blissful. Certainly not having to starve or make every piece of food they had stretch as far as possible was a relief but Coriolanus knew it was more about the company than anything else. Just indulging in each others company was more than Coriolanus could have asked for. They had been together in 12, almost all day, every day. But they had always needed to hide their true feelings for one another. Amongst the other Peacekeepers, they were simply friends. Best friends certainly but they'd had to sneak around to share even the vaguest hint of affection for one another. Here, at least in the apartment, they could just be together in whatever way they desired. "I'm happy to undertake the sacrifice of the burnt pancake. I did distract you after all." Coriolanus teased as he went about preparing their coffee and collecting their coffee mugs and bringing them over to the table as Sejanus finished making the pancakes and taking the fruit from the fridge. A feast that Coriolanus could have only dreamed about once. His stomach growled quietly and he was about to sit down across from Sejanus when he caught his wrist and tugged him closer, telling him to sit on his lap. Coriolanus chuckled softly. Once he did that, he knew breakfast would swiftly be forgotten but he also couldn't resist. "Hmm they do smell good but you smell better." He teased as he moved to sit down on Sejanus' lap. He leaned in and pressed a kiss against the side of his neck. "Are you trying to distract me from the meal you just spent time cooking?" He pressed another kiss just beneath his ear before he reached over to pour them both coffee from the pot he had placed down on the tray. "It's a shame we couldn't eat meals like this in 12. We would have caused quite a stir in the mess hall."
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d2sejanus--plinth · 3 months
[for our Modern AU because]
It was hot. It was too damn hot. Most of the shades in the apartment were down and the air conditioning was running constantly, but just knowing how hot it was was enough to feel it on the skin. The bare popsicle stick that hung from between Coriolanus' teeth, it's fresh and cold surroundings long gone, felt like a relic of better times.
Dressed only in gym shorts and a loose shirt that hung low off one shoulder, he walked languidly over to where Sejanus was and had been for at least the past half hour. He could ask him to make them both a drink but even that required more effort than he was willing to put out (he would have helped out, of course).
Draping himself over the back of the couch Coriolanus bit down on the now softened stick before taking it out of his mouth. "I can't take being cooped up in here anymore, it's like torture." He groaned next to Sejanus' head and poked his cheek listlessly with the popsicle stick. "And we're out of these."
The whirr of the air conditioning was the only sound he could hear for a while, after the slick noise of Coriolanus sucking on his popsicle stopped. It really was too hot, and even stripped down to his skin, he couldn't feel properly comfortable. The shorts he wore were his shortest pair, and he felt like ripping those off his legs, too. He watched Coriolanus languidly, and his lip turned up a fraction when he seemed bummed out about his icy treat now being gone. He looked cute when he was all dejected, and it never failed to make Sejanus want to rectify that immediately, the need simply tugging insistently at his heart.
His gaze took him in, wandering over his lovely legs and up his smooth, naked shoulder, over his pretty, dispirited face. "What if we take a cold bath," he suggested lazily, then couldn't stifle a chuckle at Coriolanus' dramatic groan and the way he poked his cheek with that popsicle stick. "No, we're not.. " He always kept a secret stash, because sometimes Coriolanus was going through them so darn quickly. And it truly was a crisis when he didn't have one at the ready, which was why Sejanus kept a few in hidden places. It was a bit of fun, and he loved taunting Coriolanus about it. "But I think there are only lemon flavored ones left." No, there weren't. Coriolanus' favorite, cherry, he always stocked up on.
He tilted his head, so his lips brushed Coriolanus' jaw, and then he nibbled there, sucked on the line of his jaw and then bit down. Coriolanus tasted salty, and he bet he tasted the same. His nape felt a little wet with sweat. The ice cubes in his water were not melted yet, and he beckoned Coriolanus over. "Come here, babe." He snagged his waist before he knew it and got him in his lap, straddling him, and fuck, it was hot. Distractedly, he scooped the ice cube out of his glass and pressed it to Coriolanus' neck. It seeped almost right away, water trickling to Coriolanus' collarbone, wetting his shirt, too. He smeared it all over Coriolanus' throat with a dazed smile, leaned in to kiss and bury his face to the cold skin, to suck up the drips of water.
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d2sejanus--plinth · 3 months
Today marked six months since Coriolanus was sworn in as President of Panem. It had been a horrifically busy six months, which both of them anticipated, but it was filled with many good things, too, and the best of them was their wedding preparations. Sejanus was never going to put up with Coriolanus leaving all of the organization to him, and he didn't, no, he was accompanying him to every important appointment, be it their venue, or their choosing their suits, or the flowers for the wedding, Coriolanus was as involved as he'd hoped and wanted, and he was burning to get married to him, even as they'd lived together, as good as married, for years. He was looking forward to this much more than he looked forward to Coriolanus becoming President, but of course that was a monumental, incredible moment, for him, too, but especially for his soon to be husband, who radiated satisfaction and reserved joy that day, his beautiful man who charmed the crowd with a few carefully selected words.
He looked just as stunning now, talking over the podium, looking sharp, his voice booming and yet still so calm and steady, and his people stopped their clamoring to hear all that he had to say. The power that he wielded was dizzying, Sejanus couldn't deny. He, too, in a way, was only one of Coriolanus' followers, if only a bit more important. Maybe a lot more. He was transfixed, watching from the sidelines as Coriolanus went on to talk about the inaguration of a new wing to the children's hospital, new and shiny equipment soon to follow. Sejanus was ecstatic for his fellow doctors who worked there, and maybe it was Sejanus, too, who gave Coriolanus a little push in this direction. No one knew that their fresh, poised president could be convinced with a few thigh kisses and a honeyed voice, no one needed to know.
He clapped vigorously along with everyone else beside him and the crowd, watching Coriolanus with shining eyes. Coriolanus turned, a little into his direction, and gave him a tight lipped smile that Sejanus returned helplessly, grinning from ear to ear. It was loud, the clamoring of the people was far from defeaning but it was far from insignificant too. Even through all the ruckus, he heard it clearly, so intimately familiar with the sound that he couldn't possibly mistake it for anything else: a gunshot.
His ears clogged immediately. Coriolanus was still looking at him, but now he could see only horror clamping his sweet face, his eyes wide. When Sejanus' gaze darted downwards, he could see the left side of the chest of his suit become saturated with blood.
His suit was white. His suit was red..
"Let me through! Let me through.." he could hear his voice as if it were above him, muffled, there was a circle formed around Coriolanus already, before he even stood up, and he wrestled his way in, elbows digging into the sides of whoever tried to slow him down, he thought he roughly pushed someone to the side, but he wasn't sure. Sweat poured from his scalp, his heart beating a mile per minute.
"Coryo! Coryo," his throat was stinging, how many times had he called out his name? It was a blur, he found himself on his knees with Coriolanus on the ground and the screaming coming from all sides, from the crowd, from the people surrounding them, he was panting, his chest heaving with his struggling breaths. His hands were bloody where he pressed on the wound.
More blood gushed out and his hands were slick, he was desperately trying to push down, to make the bleeding slow down, tears were flying from his cheeks and onto his hands as well, onto Coriolanus' chest. Everything was spinning, and he thought he was going to pass out. "They're coming, they're coming, please— please, don't die. Don't leave me alone. Please. Please!"
0 notes
d2sejanus--plinth · 3 months
"I know you will, my love," his temporary insanity earlier was just that, temporary insanity, his mind broke when he panicked and he registered even Coriolanus as danger, but now he was starting to come down from that terrible feeling entirely, the dread the was deflating some, wasn't feeling as urgent. Of course, one couldn't help but feel afraid of one's own life, it was only instinctive, but more than his own life he was always terrified for Coriolanus' life and for what would happen to him if he were to be dispensed with. He didn't want to leave him alone, his stomach twisted uncomfortably, a stab of fear hitting his heart again.
"I love you. I know you would've been with me, if you could. I know you'd have held my hand," his smile was small, Coriolanus' touch, no matter how little, was always a soothing balm, such a cloud of comfort settling over him, even the paltriest thing, even a pinky touching his wrist, "you have your work to do. It's okay." And what work! Terrible work, but also one of the most important in the Capitol. He was dreading everything that had to do with it, even more because he knew it could take hours, though, of course, the guests to attend the viewing weren't forced to stay there every minute, and they could take breaks. He knew he'll have to take breaks when the majority of them took them, and not evade it more times than necessary, to not stand out.
He burrowed further in Coriolanus' embrace, kissing at his chin, his jaw. Nuzzling against it and wanting to just roll around in his scent, in his warmth, the safety that he represented. Coriolanus' suggestion made him hum, it wasn't a bad proposal, though he hoped Maple could sleep or something during the viewing, so that their baby wouldn't have to see all that grotesque horror. "Yeah. It would calm me down a bit to have Maple there." He laughed when Coriolanus finished off with how it could make him look a bit more eccentric. "Eccentric.. should I also get a cane or something? I can say it's for my knee. That it acts up sometimes." It acted up very rarely, and it recovered nicely, but he figured Coriolanus didn't mind if he intrigued some people. Coriolanus himself liked to appear a bit mysterious. It was mostly a joke, mostly.
Of course Sejanus knew he was going to be president. He was on the track for it, and he was already very popular — once Ravinstill was gone, by whatever means, Coriolanus was going to swoop in and he knew the people were going to be charmed. He leant close, arms wrapped around Coriolanus however he could, kissing him, a tender brush of lips that made his heart flutter with love, again that all encompassing feeling of safety. "Yeah. I trust you." He cupped Coriolanus' face, fingers stroking tenderly over his cheekbones, "You and I, Coryo." He felt softer now, more languid, a lot of the tension leaking out from him until it left him a mush in Coriolanus' arms. "I should have greeted you with yummy food and instead it was.. this," Ravinstill had definitely spoiled their night, but it could be recovered, "can we have some wine? Take a bath? Just do something relaxing together. I don't want to think."
Coriolanus could hear the pain in Sejanus' words as the gravity of the situation fully dawned upon him. Yes, forcing Sejanus to watch the Games was indeed awful especially because he believed Ravinstill knew of Sejanus' distaste and even hatred for them. But it was also far bigger than that, it was a lingering threat against the two of them. He could get Sejanus through seeing the first few hours of the Games as they played out, he was sure of it. But it would be a great deal harder to guide them through the treacherous road ahead of them with Ravinstill as an enemy. He was still the most powerful man in the country and that meant they were at risk. Coriolanus pressed a kiss against his forehead as Sejanus promised him that he would protect him. He knew exactly what he meant, even if he hadn't said the words outright. It pleased him, made him feel completely and utterly loved and adored. It aroused him too, his gaze becoming heated as he thought of Sejanus being willing to kill for him. He would never ask him to do that. He would never want him to do that. Sejanus needed to keep his hands clean, as best as he could being his partner. He knew things became murky sometimes, messy. He knew Sejanus knew about Highbottom and Gaul, even if they never spoke about it. He didn't want Sejanus to get blood on his hands. He was willing to do that for them and Ravinstill would be no different. He would die when the time was right. Poison maybe, or suffering a heart attack or stroke. Perhaps a tragic assassination by rebels, where Coriolanus could use the chance to wield his power as Head of the War Department against the Districts and then be elected by a landslide soon afterwards.
"I know you would but I would never ask that of you. I love you too and I know what that would cost you." Coriolanus knew Sejanus already struggled with his position, bought and paid for in blood. At least that's how Sejanus saw it. Paid for by his fathers business, by him too as Game Maker. He had told him enough during some of their fights. He didn't want Sejanus to have to kill for him. He would find a way to keep them safe but until he could take care of Ravinstill with finality, they were going to have to tread very carefully. He had promised Strabo a long time ago that he would keep Sejanus safe and he would always uphold that promise. For Sejanus' parents but mostly for himself. He couldn't begin to imagine his life without Sejanus. To die with Sejanus was less horrifying than losing him. He knew he wouldn't survive long without him. He wouldn't want to Perhaps just long enough to burn down the world around him as a final vengeance before he would kill himself to be with his beloved.
He breathed a soft sigh of relief as Sejanus assured him that he hadn't sent anything to the Districts for almost 2 years. It was unlikely Ravinstill had discovered Sejanus' small acts of rebellion after such a long time. He knew he had always been careful and it had been almost impossible to trace back to him but he had always been worried. There was only so much he and Strabo could do to save him from the wrath of an unforgiving government. "Good." He rubbed his back softly. He knew how much Sejanus would have loathed to cease all assistance but it had been necessary once he had been promoted. The risk to them wasn't worth it. It never had been was but even more so now. Nothing was worth risking the life they had built together. "Oh? You think I will be President one day?" Coriolanus attempted to lighten the mood slightly with a warm smile as he stroked his cheek. Sejanus had always believed in him and the day they had been working towards was getting closer. This was simply yet another bump in the road. "Unfortunately, he has thrown me off balance and surprised me today. He knows it too, or at least suspects it." He cursed himself, at how quick he had tried to turn down the Presidents 'invitation', knowing Ravinstill had felt his reluctance. "I know I can't let him get to me but he knows exactly what he's doing by using you in this way." They had been more open about their relationship for many years now. They couldn't legally get married but they were husbands to one another in every other way. He knew they tried to hide just how truly devoted they were to one another, neither wanting it to be used against them. But he knew many suspected it and Ravinstill was clearly testing the waters here.
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d2sejanus--plinth · 3 months
He did feel selfish for taking this happiness now, after all that happened, knowing how it all wrapped up neatly like this, for them, not for others, for others it ended horribly, others were killed, and some by his dearest Coriolanus, he thought he'd always carry his guilt around, but there were moments, like this one, when he was able to cast it aside, to shove it deep down, to ignore it. It was easy with the lush intimacy Coriolanus gave him, the attention, the affection, to be swayed by it, not only because he'd been lonely almost all of his life and he needed some random's attention, but because it was Coriolanus. The man that his heart settled on stubbornly, the boy that his heart clung to since they were eight years old.
Now, they were relaxing in their apartment, and Coriolanus was hugging him from behind, stealing his attention, so beguiling as always, Sejanus couldn't resist him. He turned in his arms and kissed him, once, twice, thrice, told him about how much he loves him, his heart constricted with it, his chest felt full, tight. More when Coriolanus told him he loved him a lot, that he didn't care about the pancakes being ugly at all, he was precious. He cradled his jaw in hand, leaned in again for a soft kiss, and then the idea of that pancake floated in his busy mind again. It was a little burnt, but nothing too bad.
"I have to agree, it was worth it for your lips," he smiled, leaned into Coriolanus' embrace, into that squeeze over his waist, "but you don't have to eat it. I can eat it. Or maybe we can share." It was a little thing, really, eating a slightly burnt pancake wouldn't be such an aggravating thing at all, but he did pride himself on making good food for Coriolanus. Even on just the short time they'd been back he already was almost always making some food for them, whatever he learnt from his mother, and he was delighted and felt so warm when Coriolanus liked it, when he devoured it.
There were about five more, sizeable pancakes that he flipped into the plate after, thick ones that will definitely sate their hunger. He cut up some fruit, strawberries and peaches, and took the chocolate spread from the cupboard, too, brought them all to the table. He sat down and snagged at Coriolanus' waist, "Sit in my lap, please?" so needily he asked, and he wasn't ashamed to be needy. "They smell so good, right? Look how golden."
Coriolanus couldn't help the grin that spilled from his lips as Sejanus teased him about taking him over the counter. Oh, but they'd already had sex everywhere through the apartment at every opportunity. It seemed that they couldn't keep their hands off on another. Now that they had much in 12 either, although they'd had to be restrained there. No one could know they were together. Peacekeepers were not permitted to date one another, lest they form loyalty to one another and not serving Panem. But here they could just be together, at least open in their own apartment. They hadn't really spoken about whether they would take their relationship public yet. He hadn't mentioned it to Tigris and he knew Sejanus hadn't told his parents yet but no one had made a comment on the fact they'd decided to live together. Coriolanus knew he didn't want to live apart from Sejanus, to used to sharing a space with him even if it had been at the barracks. They'd only shared a bed a few times, the last only a few weeks ago. The day of the Reaping of the 12th Hunger Games. He had known Sejanus had needed comforting. So had he. Both of their thoughts on everything that had happened during the 10th Games. How close they'd come to losing one another. He had crawled into his bed at 2am, knowing he was awake and just held him for hours just until the sun was rising and he knew the alarm would start to go off to rouse them all from sleep. At least now he could hold Sejanus whenever he wanted, which was all the time. He immediately felt the loss of him as he pulled away but reluctantly let him go and caught the boxers he threw him. "For safety." he agreed with a chuckle, pulling them on just before Sejanus grabbed his hand and tugged him out into their kitchen. Their kitchen. The thought made him smile. Theirs. He was kissing him again and again with a soft laugh before Sejanus pulled away to start the pancakes and he turned around to get a pot of coffee brewing. It still seemed strange, unfamiliar to simply have all this food in the cupboards. Food in the barracks had been plentiful but he would never forget how sparse things had been before he had left. He had already taken several bags of groceries over to Tigris and his Grandma'am and he knew he needed to find a way to get them into a better apartment than they were in now. Maybe even find a way to get the Penthouse back. It hadn't sold yet, he had already checked. He took out the mugs, plates and cutlery for their meal, setting the table before he returned to the kitchen. Sejanus was busy mixing the batter and he couldn't resist moving over to wrap his arms around him from behind, placing a soft kiss against the back of his neck. They were back in the Capitol. Together. Safe. It was more than he could have hoped for.
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d2sejanus--plinth · 4 months
I'm up for carrying you the rest of the way, he thought shamefully, a blush blossoming on his cheeks despite his attempts to push it down, to not let the heat of embarassment take over, it was all futile, the image popped in his head and couldn't, wouldn't leave, taunting him, the manifestation of a very small part of his desires. He knew he shouldn't feel ashamed of having those feelings, and he wasn't, not about the feelings themselves, but about them being about Coriolanus, who was likely entrusting him to have.. well, appropriate, friendly feelings for him, and not those mutinous, defiant feelings of want. Of warm, so warm of an affection, so all-encompassing. "Understood," it slipped, a bit belated, still with that impression of a smile on his face, inevitably shy and hoping Coriolanus either wouldn't catch up on it or wouldn't pry, though, he had a distinct feeling that he won't — Coriolanus was smart, he was brilliant, but sometimes more trivial things escaped his scrutiny easily, maybe he simply didn't pay attention to them.
When Coriolanus asked him why he didn't like the thunder, he debated for a second whether to say the simple truth or maybe turn the conversation to something less depressing, but he didn't want to lie or deceive Coriolanus in any way, and so, he was telling him — he was telling him about how they were despised in Two, infamous, about how they were targeted, about how the thunder eerily reminded him of gunshots when his thoughts drifted a bit, when his line of thinking caught in those memories. Like an arrowhead of a fish hook, his thoughts lanced into that memory and couldn't let go easily, couldn't come out cleanly. Every time it happened, it left him shaky. Coriolanus was looking at him, and he was looking at him, too, with a bit of an awkward smile. What a topic to bring up, what a dispiriting little story. There was a tingling feeling that spread from his hand, where Coriolanus' hand overlapped his, and into his arm and into his shoulder, so potent, but Coriolanus was squeezing tight, tight over his hand, and asking him if something was wrong was at the tip of his tongue.
The moment passed for him to ask, when Coriolanus looked ahead, and instead he asked about the thunder, about the fear of the thunder. He started to wonder if it was a good idea to ask when Coriolanus seemed.. a bit off, tilted, and he figured it must've been another story like his own. Coriolanus mentioned the bombs and — it made sense. He continued to watch him, tried not to stare, but just watch gently as he spoke, his heart taking on a quicker pace when Coriolanus' voice tapered off. "Yeah?" He didn't even know if he wanted to encourage the rest of that phrase, stunned when Coriolanus did finish it. Stunned, shocked, his nose burning right away, tears springing to his eyes. A tear that fell at the corner of his eye and he quickly wiped away.
"Oh, Coriolanus." What could one say, to such a tragedy? Coriolanus was so young then. "That must have been so awful." He couldn't imagine — yes, their other family, their family friends, too, all abandoned them, but he still had his parents, it was inconceivable. Coriolanus was slowing down, and he seemed dazed, the noise of the raindrops seemed suddenly defeaning. "Coriolanus," he tried again, touching over Coriolanus' hand that was gripping the handle, so very delicately, looking at him, the need to comfort him was an almost a physical thing, he felt like he would die if he didn't. "I'm so sorry that—that happened. Oh, Coryo." The moniker slipped out, he'd called him that only in his thoughts, but he didn't care to be embarrassed now, he held the umbrella with his other hand, and his arm curled a bit tentatively over Coriolanus' shoulders, patting him lightly on his shoulder blade, in a rhythmic motion. It was what his mother did, when he embraced him when he was upset.
They stopped in their tracks. The raindrops were loud, hitting the pavement, but not as defeaning as they felt earlier. Another thunder cracked the sky, and his hand gripped involuntarily at Coriolanus' shoulder. He was touching him more than he'd done, maybe ever, but it was all so instinctive he couldn't have stopped himself.
It felt as if he was helping support a pillar, that if he were to let go of the umbrella handle the entire sky would fall down on top of them and crush them. It already felt like the air was being pulled out from his lungs as they continued to walk side by side with the thunder now almost a physical weight against them. But Coriolanus kept his breathing steady along with his hand, matching Sejanus' small smile with his own. "Just keep them in check, unless you're up for carrying me the rest of the way." There always seemed to be something extra just behind those deep brown eyes, some half-finished thought or action that continuously hovered about but never came in to land.
As Sejanus began speaking again he listened closely, the sound of the rain against the umbrella matching the tone of his words. A complimentary accompaniment that he'd have no problem listening to for the remainder of their walk. Though when he looked at him something caught in his throat when he brought up his family. As much as Coriolanus knew about how the Plinths were talked about there in the Capitol he was completely unaware of how they were treated back in their home District. He had a feeling it was far from pretty; the fact Sejanus' father got to where he was by aiding the Capitol would certainly not garner them any warmth from their own people, but the mention of gunshots pained an entirely new picture.
A picture not all too different from his own.
Coriolanus' hand dropped a bit down the handle, quite clearly hearing the echo of gunfire in his skull. Gunfire mixed with bomb detonations and parts of buildings collapsing. It took a moment for him to realize his hand was slightly overlapping Sejanus' and gripping the handle hard enough to turn his knuckles white. After a small shake of his head he let go, looking ahead though not focusing on anything. His stomach turned as he was asked the same question. Who knew that a simple walk home would result in such conversation. He'd been entrusted with his friend's story--friend? really?--and though he felt a burning rise up into his throat he wanted to get out what he'd kept to himself.
"The . . . it was the first big air raid here. I can still feel Tigris holding onto me, trying to keep me calm when she should've been the one being held. My mother should have been holding me but . . ." Coriolanus' voice faded as he continued to stare straight ahead, though the rainfall, as if he were looking far past the borders of the Capitol itself. A numbing sensation traveled downward from his head and his pace slowed. It was safe at home in his drawer, his mother's compact, safe and dry, and so he tried to imagine the smell of roses surrounding him, enfolding him. He didn't bother wiping his eyes even though he felt that particular pressure start to build behind them. "I was going to have a baby sister, I was supposed to, but," he stated before swallowing the lump in his throat, "but my mother couldn't get to a hospital so I lost them both."
He didn't care about not getting wet anymore. He felt like one solid wave of water had hit him straight on and stopped him dead in his tracks. He didn't want to look at Sejanus, didn't want to see how he was being looked at. All he wanted was for the walk to be over and to put that memory back into place. Back into the dark.
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d2sejanus--plinth · 4 months
Needless to say, he was morose. His feelings tangled in his chest and the knot was just feeling tighter and tighter, even tighter now that he was ensconced inside, in the venue, in the place where the love of his life was getting married to someone else. It was all so very unfair, but he understood why Coriolanus needed to do this, and he was going to support him in everything he needed, they had plans for the future, they weaved a specific future that they needed to come true. For their safety, for their happiness, it will all be worth it. But, now, he did feel worried; Livia was supposed to find out, one day, they still hadn't decided exactly when, but they surely hadn't bet on it being so soon, right on the day of their sham wedding. It was a little too close for comfort, but they were married already, and Livia had her hands mostly tied - sure, maybe she could bother them personally, in their private lives, but in front of the public she wouldn't dare say anything, not when she knew the people would also gossip about her, that they'll say all kinds of awful things about her, as well.
He tried to calm himself down, he felt bad, too, for losing it on her, he regretted it now, but it was done, he couldn't tug it back, no matter how much he wanted. He tried to find Coriolanus with his gaze, to quiet his racing heart, his roaming mind, to help himself a little, to comfort himself. It worked when he first landed eyes on him, he felt that he could breathe a tad more easily, that his chest didn't feel as constricted. Then, Livia was taking Coriolanus for a dance, and Sejanus was nothing but tension personified. He couldn't tell what they were talking about, of course, but even so, he was attentive to the minutest shift in Coriolanus' expressions, most people didn't know him like he did, no one knew him like he did. Livia leaned in and kissed Coriolanus.
Fuck, it hurt. It was like a knife lanced his heart over and over and over and over again. Embedded there and then twisted, again and again. It wasn't Livia's lips that were supposed to be on Coriolanus', no, only his. Only Sejanus'. He swallowed a knot in his throat, averted his eyes for a moment; it would look bad, too, if he was staring at them the whole time, but he was so curious, so apprehensive of whatever Livia would be telling Coriolanus about now. He couldn't guess. He could maybe see the brief furrow of an eyebrow but everything was just so very brief it might have been his imagination. Whatever it was, Coriolanus kept his composure, and to everyone else he would look like a newlywed in love. Ugh. He felt like he was going to be sick. Maybe he could blame it on the food.
They swung around some more, and, again, Sejanus felt a stab of envy, of jealousy, of bitterness, how it could, should have been him. They looked good, they really did. Two good looking people, together. He supposed Livia was good looking, though he couldn't really say, but others found her pretty. And Coriolanus.. Coriolanus was gorgeous in every way.
His legs felt weak when Coriolanus caught his gaze. Just for a second it felt like, and he was almost positive he looked like a kicked puppy. He wanted this to end so badly. When it did end, he heaved a sigh of relief and called his driver over almost immediately. He'd dropped a text to Coriolanus that he'll wait for him, Coriolanus knew where, he didn't need to specify, of course it was home. He didn't stay in his apartment beneath the penthouse, because he never stayed there. Instead he went up into the penthouse, took a quick shower because he felt even physically gross after having witnessed all of that and after having dealt with Livia. Dressed in soft pyjamas, poured himself a cup of tea, and waited in the kitchen, seated. They did have to talk. Tears sprang to his eyes again and he blinked them back.
He took a shaky breath in when he heard the door open.
Coriolanus had returned to the reception, mildly irritated that Livia was no where to be found. She should have been here waiting for him. Perhaps she had gone to fix her hair or make up. Either way, he wouldn't waste time searching for her. He would continue to work the room, knowing every single conversation he had and every relationship formed was another vote when the time was right. He wouldn't waste a moment of tonight, when he had a captive audience in good spirits on such an occasion. If only he had been marrying Sejanus, tonight could have been perfect.
Livia finally returned, looking slightly flushed but he paid little attention as she kissed his cheek and asked him to come and dance with her. He could't deny her. It was expected after all, this was their wedding day. Certainly the display would give their guests enough sentimental feelings, it might earn him some support. He took her hand, leading her over to the dance floor as he wondered where Sejanus was. He hadn't seen him come in and he couldn't look for him now when all eyes were on them and he was only supposed to have eyes for his pretty Capitol bride.
The band switched to a slow song as they noticed the bride and groom had taken to the dance floor. Coriolanus was vaguely aware of the soft gazes they were receiving from their guests. Perfect. At least this wasn't a completely wasted moment if it was getting them the attention they - he - needed. Livia pressed close to him and they moved around the dance floor in time with the music. They let the silence settle between them, a small fact that Coriolanus was relieved about. He noticed Sejanus had returned to his table and his heart ached for a moment for his beloved, having to witness this display of false adoration.
Livia looked up at him with a small smile suddenly and then leaned in and kissed him. He was surprised but he allowed it. They had an audience and he wouldn't make a scene. Besides, this was their wedding to he supposed it was appropriate. She pulled away after a few moments before she tilted her head to press her cheek against his. He assumed that would be the end of it but then she whispered in his ear.
"So, how long have you been fucking Sejanus Plinth?"
Coriolanus' stomach dropped at the question, his heart pounding. She knew. How? Had she seen them out in the courtyard or had something else happened? Was that where she had been? He hadn't anticipated that she would find out so soon, even though he and Sejanus had spoken about Livia eventually learning the truth about them.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Coriolanus continued to move her around the dance floor, desperately wanting to look for Sejanus but he couldn't. Not now, not yet.
"Don't play coy Coriolanus. It's not becoming. Sejanus told me all about just a few minutes ago. About you two living together in the Penthouse. No wonder you wouldn't let me even visit, let alone have me move in to your little love nest."
Sejanus never would have told her that, Coriolanus was certain. What had happened? Surely she hadn't just figured all of this out and at their wedding too? Had she had him followed? No, he was too careful. Had she seen them together out in the courtyard? She must have. They'd only been hugging but had someone been watching, it might not have been too hard to guess the real relationship between them. Was she bluffing about the Penthouse? Sejanus would never have divulged such secrets. He trusted him completely.
"Cat got your tongue?" Livia looked up at that, the barest hint of a smirk on her face. She knew better than to cause a scene, with all of Panems elite watching them. "Might make a nice change from having it down Sejanus' throat."
"No need to be crass Livia. That isn't becoming of a lady." Coriolanus leaned in and pressed a kiss against her cheek. "Neither is having a vivid imagination."
Livia was giving him a sickly sweet smile and Coriolanus knew she was about to stick in a metaphorical dagger. She leaned in closer, brushing a kiss against his cheek before she pressed her lips against his ear. To anyone watching, it would look like a sweet moment before newlyweds. In reality, she whispered.
"Neither is taking a phone call from your fiance about the flowers for your wedding when you're bed fucking your boyfriend. At the gym were you? Sejanus told me everything!"
Coriolanus felt his grip on her tighten at her words. She couldn't have guessed that. No one else could have told her that either. Sejanus must have told her. Why would he have told her such a thing? His stomach tightened, thinking back to that day.
Coriolanus groaned as he rode Sejanus' cock in their bed. He felt so good inside him, he always did. He felt so full, a perfect stretch. He glanced down at Sejanus, who was gazing up at him. It was all heated, heavy lidded and he was moaning too, reaching up to grab his hips to tug him back down to bottom out inside him
"Fuck Sej, so good. Fuck, you feel so good inside me baby. I...." His phone ringing shattered the moment and he glared at the inanimate object as though it had personally offended him. Who was possibly calling him right now? Who cared...Not when Sejanus was fucking him like this. Whoever it was could wait.
"Do you...if you have to..." Sejanus glanced at the phone in matching irritation at being interrupted.
"No..... for fucks sake." Coriolanus growled, angry at whoever the caller was and not at Sejanus. He reached over to the bedside table, wondering if he shouldn't just throw the damn thing against the wall. His eyes darkened in anger when he saw who the called was. "It's just bloody Livia." He threw the phone on the bed just as it stopped ringing. He breathed a sigh of relief for the silence before he started to move on his cock again with a groan. "Sej... Sej.... Fuck, I love your cock and I...."
The phone started to ring again and Coriolanus glared at it for the audacity of a second interruption. He was determined to ignore it but then Sejanus was grinning up at him wickedly.
"Answer it." Sejanus reached over to grab the phone and shoved it in Coriolanus' hands. He stared down at him, surprised but then he laughed softly, panting as he answered the phone. "What do you want Livia?"
The conversion had been boring, aggravating but watching the amusement and joy and arousal it had brought Sejanus was worth the interruption. He paused his own movements, trying to balance himself on Sejanus' lap with a phone in hand but then Sejanus was snapping his hips up, making a gasp falling from his lips. He couldn't help the glare he gave to Sejanus but then he was swallowing back a laugh at him and a hiss at Livia as he told her that he had just stubbed his toe on the treadmill because she was distracting him.
It hadn't been too long before he had hung up on her, snapping that she knew his family signature flower was roses so why was she even talking about orchids. She was wasting his time and with that he'd hung up on her. He'd thrown the phone aside before he looked down at Sejanus with a grin and a chuckle.
"You little minx!" he had leaned down and kissed him deeply then, hoping the little stunt had satisfied whatever Sejanus had felt the need for. "I almost think you want us to get caught."
Coriolanus came back to the present moment, his eyes now scanning the room for Sejanus. He saw him finally, still at the table. He could only make brief eye contact with him as he moved Livia around the dance floor. He needed to go to him, they needed to talk. He wanted to understand, wanting to know just what had happened. Was he alright? If Livia had upset him in any way, she would be incredibly displeased with the outcome.
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d2sejanus--plinth · 4 months
This was exactly what they needed — a few weeks, really, away from everything, a little delay to the beginning of the rest of their lives, it was too soon to get entrenched in all that meant Capitol and whatever else were their plans for their future, he didn't want to think, he didn't want to think too much, just wanted to love Coriolanus, to snag every precious moment he could get with him. To be affectionate openly in their own sanctuary, to foster and nurture intimacy so their bond would strenghten. While physical intimacy was hardly the most important pylon for their relationship, it was one that also needed to be paid attention to, especially as they couldn't love each other freely back in Twelve.
That was his only plan for today, and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, to love Coriolanus, so, with that in mind, he brought the man along with him and into the kitchen, ready to make him some thick, fluffy pancakes to feast on, they needed the energy. He was stupidly pleased to see Coriolanus eat decently much these days, he had filled out when they were peacekeepers, had grown some muscle, and Sejanus was just starry eyed watching him when he indulged. He had to kiss him a few times before he could get anything started, just addicted to those lips, but, eventually, he managed to gather the needed ingredients for the batter. A comfortable silence settled over them, there was the sound of utensils being used and the brewing of the coffee and the sound of Coriolanus setting up their table, but there were no words, for a little while.
It felt so domestic — it was domestic, and Sejanus felt all giddy knowing that this was just going to be part of a routine, this was his life when he was being loved by Coriolanus Snow. Tranquil and yet exciting at the same time. All he's ever wanted, truly, from an age that was so tender. Even as the days passed and they'd been together for a while now, now and again he still had to pinch himself to check if it was all true.
Coriolanus came back into the kitchen, and Sejanus knew his steps by heart, anywhere he would recognize that gait. He felt those arms wrap around him in a sweet embrace, and that kiss on his nape melted him entirely, he felt his knees weaken. "I want to tell you to keep doing that, I don't know if I'll make some ugly pancakes, though," he laughed, took a fond glance back at Coriolanus, "because I'll be distracted." He took the ladle and scooped some of the batter, and poured it into the hot pan. Leaned back to kiss Coriolanus, to kiss along his jaw and his cheek, one of his hands going to the hands that were settled around his waist, to squeeze affectionately. "I like this a lot. I love this a lot," he whispered, delighted, kissed Coriolanus' lips quickly, once, twice, "I love you a lot." Then, he remembered as he was gazing away at Coriolanus, "My pancake!" It was a little burnt, but it was fine. He looked a little sheepish, and he poured another. "What did I tell you."
Coriolanus couldn't help the grin that spilled from his lips as Sejanus teased him about taking him over the counter. Oh, but they'd already had sex everywhere through the apartment at every opportunity. It seemed that they couldn't keep their hands off on another. Now that they had much in 12 either, although they'd had to be restrained there. No one could know they were together. Peacekeepers were not permitted to date one another, lest they form loyalty to one another and not serving Panem. But here they could just be together, at least open in their own apartment. They hadn't really spoken about whether they would take their relationship public yet. He hadn't mentioned it to Tigris and he knew Sejanus hadn't told his parents yet but no one had made a comment on the fact they'd decided to live together. Coriolanus knew he didn't want to live apart from Sejanus, to used to sharing a space with him even if it had been at the barracks. They'd only shared a bed a few times, the last only a few weeks ago. The day of the Reaping of the 12th Hunger Games. He had known Sejanus had needed comforting. So had he. Both of their thoughts on everything that had happened during the 10th Games. How close they'd come to losing one another. He had crawled into his bed at 2am, knowing he was awake and just held him for hours just until the sun was rising and he knew the alarm would start to go off to rouse them all from sleep. At least now he could hold Sejanus whenever he wanted, which was all the time. He immediately felt the loss of him as he pulled away but reluctantly let him go and caught the boxers he threw him. "For safety." he agreed with a chuckle, pulling them on just before Sejanus grabbed his hand and tugged him out into their kitchen. Their kitchen. The thought made him smile. Theirs. He was kissing him again and again with a soft laugh before Sejanus pulled away to start the pancakes and he turned around to get a pot of coffee brewing. It still seemed strange, unfamiliar to simply have all this food in the cupboards. Food in the barracks had been plentiful but he would never forget how sparse things had been before he had left. He had already taken several bags of groceries over to Tigris and his Grandma'am and he knew he needed to find a way to get them into a better apartment than they were in now. Maybe even find a way to get the Penthouse back. It hadn't sold yet, he had already checked. He took out the mugs, plates and cutlery for their meal, setting the table before he returned to the kitchen. Sejanus was busy mixing the batter and he couldn't resist moving over to wrap his arms around him from behind, placing a soft kiss against the back of his neck. They were back in the Capitol. Together. Safe. It was more than he could have hoped for.
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d2sejanus--plinth · 4 months
Out and about and tipsy — it was the perfect recipe for them to get loose, not that they were ever too prim or formal. The alcohol was merely an enhancement of their disinhibited spirits, and now it was making his head spin a little, but what was making his head all fuzy way more was Coriolanus and the glowing halo around him. He was gorgeous, as always, absolutely enthralling as he promised him the moon and the stars, buy you anything, of course, he said, his voice smooth and velvety. His touch, those fingers grasping around his chin had Sejanus feel all needy, quickly curling his fingers around his hand to hold it to his mouth and kiss it. A few sweet, little kisses in succession, and a playful nibble around the tip of his thumb.
"Mm.. the joys of being a kept man. You're spoiling me, love." He loved to joke around like that, though, to be fair, he wouldn't mind all too much to be Coriolanus' kept man.
Coriolanus was so serious when he spoke that he felt this wave of adoration crash onto him, he was lovely, and Sejanus knew he meant every word, and he clung to every word. It was utterly romantic and terribly devoted, and Sejanus indulged happily in the doting words. His eyes sparkled with affection as he watched Coriolanus slip off his lap. "You're catching my eye. You're already mine, though." A lascivious thought passed his mind, of Coriolanus posing as some sort of rent boy, and he paying for his services, and he locked that away preciously, to be brought up later, and shared lovingly with Coriolanus.
Coriolanus stuck his hand out, and he took it immediately. Promptly, he pulled himself up, and pleasantly discovered he was stable on his feet, really. As soon as he was up he curled his other arm around Coriolanus, languidly pushing his chest against his, and his mouth onto his; another kiss, a bit wet and careless, lighting up all of him, "Let's go on an adventure, then. My Coryo."
The grip over his hips that then slipped oh so wantonly over his ass almost tempted him to stay put, glued around Sejanus' waist for the rest of the evening. If it wasn't for the fact that Coriolanus particularly liked this club he would've dared to unbuckle and unzip Sejanus' perfectly fitted pants and slide his hand teasingly below the waistband. After a few moments his mouth would have certainly joined in.
However he didn't want them to be banned a . . . second time? Third? He hardly cared to keep track. But even as he swept his legs over to one side his attempt at getting up was halted by yet another kiss, attached to the assurance that wherever he wanted to go and whatever he wanted to do Sejanus would follow right along. Just that thought alone would've been enough to push him over the edge, to settle himself back upon his lap and slowly grind want against want. Yet his mind was already made up and there were other more private places they could be.
"I'd buy you anything you want, of course," he offered like a siren as he caressed Sejanus' face, slender fingers curling around his chin. "Anything that catches your eye on our way." Although Coriolanus' eyes still held their alluring charm he was being utterly serious. He would buy anything and everything for him, treat him to the best this life had to offer.
After finally putting his feet on the ground he extended his hand out, his head still in a swirl. He hardly heard the music anymore, hardly noticed the increasingly long stares other club-goers were tossing their way. He simply wanted to step back out into the night with his boyfriend right next to him. "I have no plan at all, handsome, but isn't that the best way to do things?"
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d2sejanus--plinth · 4 months
His lips quirked into a small smile, his expression did not denote any kind of guilt, but amusement instead, there had been maybe a couple times, when they walked together and Sejanus had inadvertently walked ahead of him a few steps, and watched as Coriolanus hopped over hastily. It was cute, really, but he never wanted to be inconsiderate, so he nodded. "Ah, sorry. I guess I got the longer legs." There wasn't much of a height difference between them, but the one that was did endear him, and the desire to reach over and pat Coriolanus' head was not a rare one, but he knew such action would likely not be appreciated, maybe even taken as offensive. Perhaps. He wasn't sure, even as much as he observed Coriolanus, many of his thoughts were too distant to grasp, presented in too flimsy of a manner for Sejanus to turn them over in his head, again and again, to understand them.
The thunder descended upon them again, another booming noise that resonated in his quicker than usual ticking heart. There was something unsettling about it, albeit he did feel more comfortable when he wasn't getting the full brunt of it like this, when he was inside, for example, when it was storming, where the noise would reverberate more faintly. He was curious about why Coriolanus didn't like it, and he could detect some anxiety coming off him, he could feel that he was on edge; he wished he knew how to comfort him.
"I don't mind it so much when I'm inside," he replied, glancing at Coriolanus' hand where he gripped at the umbrella, he could feel his shoulder getting soaked, bit by bit, but Coriolanus was dry, and that was more important, "The loudness of it all, it's startling. And.. " He looked over at Coriolanus, the smile that he flashed still genuine, but pained, a smile that spoke of an old bruise, one that still ached when you poked at it. "Well, as you know. My family is despised back home. Gunshots don't really sound much like thunder, but.. sometimes it reminds me of them. Of Ma and I huddling together at home, low to the ground. Reminds me of that fear."
He smiled, awkwardly this time. Held the handle of the umbrella with a firm grip, and looked at Coriolanus again, but not for too long, before his gaze fixed ahead, the drops were falling fast, and you could feel the smell of the pavement in the air. "And you? If you want to tell me."
The umbrella opened up like a shield against the dark gray sky, against the uneasy feeling that tried to permeate his bones. It protecting them from getting wet was just a small bonus. Well, protecting him at least.
Coriolanus moved in closer only to see just how much protection Sejanus was sacrificing and he thought about saying something, even started to open his mouth, but upon hearing him chuckle and simply accept the situation he decided not to. That was practically Sejanus' thing, self-sacrifice, and at times Coriolanus wanted to see some selfishness from him. Greediness, even.
"Not too quickly," he said just as the thunder rumbled, freezing in his stride for only a second before continuing on, "somehow you always end up walking faster than I do." Now it was a fact that Sejanus was taller than him, a fact that sometimes annoyed him ever so slightly. However most times it was something he just accepted but was almost endeared to. For the moment it meant the choice between walking slightly faster or foregoing the protection of the umbrella altogether in order to keep his own pace. The increasing number of drops against the pavement made the choice an easy one.
Hearing that Sejanus also disliked the thunder evoked a kindred sort of feeling, a shared similarity that was oddly comforting. As the last rumble signaled the storm was creeping up on them steadily he kept his closeness and shot a quick glance around every now and then. Not that he felt anyone would be particularly interested in watching them--the rain was making it so there was no one around to even be interested--but it was still something that was like a rock in his throat, something hard to swallow.
Coriolanus could tell Sejanus wanted to ask him something or at the very least know more, and acquire it in whatever way it could be offered. So he decided to ask first. "What makes you not fond of it, the thunder I mean?" The wind blew a bit harder against their backs and he wrapped a hand around the upper portion of the umbrella to keep it steady. "I would've pinned you as someone who likes it."
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d2sejanus--plinth · 4 months
i’ll tie our veins together in life. even when you’re buried into the soil after death, i’ll find you through the roots and be a part of you. i’ll look for you in everything. you and i always belonged.
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d2sejanus--plinth · 4 months
He had cherished every stolen kiss, every time they'd snuck off somewhere because they couldn't keep the desperation at bay anymore, he didn't look back fondly on the alert and anxiety they felt whenever they kissed or touched and couldn't fully indulge because they couldn't be caught — still, even with that, their eighteen months of being together back in Twelve remained a special time, as grueling and frightening as it was at times, it was where Coriolanus realized his feelings, where their lips found each other first, where their hands touched each other's body with more than friendly intent.
But nothing could compare to this, the bliss and freedom they had now, that they could indulge in, the intimacy, the intoxicating privacy. The luxury, both of the materialistic kind and the luxury of making love all over the apartment, being loud, loving openly and without overthinking, without that layer of anxiety encumbering their hearts. He pulled himself up on top of Coriolanus and took his mouth greedily. Yes, his tongue was much looser now, and he adored letting all kinds of filthy words hit the air, speaking very brashly about what he wanted. He knew Coriolanus found it unbearably hot. He tingled pleasantly with those hands wandering down his back, then settling on his rear, it was so comfortable, so warm, such a familiar touch.
"I always want to spoil you. With everything you might desire." He'd always been like that, and he was delirious with happiness that he could finally take care of Coriolanus properly. A little lazy grin was stuck on his lips but the tone of his voice was serious, and he knew Coriolanus knew he meant it. His hand slid up to caress along his jaw and to the curve of his ear, tenderly. That wink made his heart stop, and he huffed out a short laugh that got swallowed up by Coriolanus' lips — he kissed him, long and slow, full of tenderness. "Don't even have to come back here, I can just take you over the counter." So casually it slipped from his lips, and his heart felt so full. He tipped his head to kiss Coriolanus' neck a few times, and then finally, barely able to tear himself away, he pushed the comforter aside and got off Coriolanus, and then got up.
He tugged on his hand to bring him up on his feet as well, gave him another kiss. "Just gonna get some boxers. For safety." He chuckled, probably nothing was gonna happen when making pancakes, but just to be sure. He handed Coriolanus a clean pair as well, and very obtrusively watched as Coriolanus got them on, smiling delightedly to himself. Pulled his own up quickly, and took Coriolanus' hand again, pulling him along and into their kitchen.
Their kitchen. It was still all so new, and it gave him butterflies.
He pressed another kiss to Coriolanus' lips, and another, and a third one, and very reluctantly pulled away to look into the cabinets and into the fridge for ingredients, diligently gathering the flour, eggs and milk for the batter. "We have some fruit, and chocolate spread. I think we should eat them with both."
continuation to this
Coriolanus' little sleepy hum made his heart race, he didn't think the man would stop having such an effect on him, ever. Then he was tightening his grip on him, tugging him closer, and Sejanus was surrounded by a bubble of comfort and happiness, Sejanus was floating cozily on clouds, it felt like, and it wasn't just the expensive mattress that replicated the feeling, that helped, but it was the company, the gorgeous man that he held in his arms. They didn't have to pull apart from each other. They didn't have to wake up for drills. They didn't have to hide away to sate their yearning for each other. This was pure, utter bliss.
His hand slid over Coriolanus' naked hip, and over the expanse of his back, feeling at the soft skin greedily, the moan that Coriolanus let go of almost made him curse, it was early, they were naked, and now Coriolanus was making those pretty noises.. it was just bound that his body was truly awakening in all the ways. The thought of that, though, of getting all riled up only made him more excited instead of a little frustrated; now they could take advantage of that tension, of that excitement, spend a long, long time taking care of it, scrupulously.
Coriolanus did look cute. When their eyes met, when he saw those beautiful, wild, blue eyes he felt breathless for a moment, caught in their mesmeric snare. "So cute," he repeated, tracing his soft smile with his finger, along the pinkish lower lip, and he grinned with the tender stroke over his cheek, "I love you more." It was sappy, but now he could say it out loud, he could say it proudly, he could moan it and groan it and scream it in pleasure, it didn't have to be only whispered or whimpered or murmured, and he was too ecstatic about it.
Thoughts of how they made it here were far away from his mind. When they were called back to the Capitol he did ponder over it, and he came to some conclusions, and made peace with those. He wouldn't speak out loud of what he realized. There was no need to; now they were here and their lives together could truly begin, unimpended.
He kissed Coriolanus back, and then again, and again, took his lower lip into his mouth, sucked tenderly on it, his hand caressing over his waist, their bodies lining up flush. He was aroused already, but they didn't need to do anything right now if Coriolanus was hungry for food, because they had all day to do whatever they wanted. His hand slid up over Coriolanus' nape, over the buzzed hair, smiling, "You're so handsome, my love, but I do miss your curls, and I know you miss mine, right? I'm excited for when our hair will grow back." He was, he couldn't wait to card his fingers through Coriolanus' hair, to tug on it.
He kissed at his cheek, then at his jaw, nuzzled there happily, "Are you hungry? Want me to make you something?"
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d2sejanus--plinth · 4 months
She didn't want to approach Sejanus, didn't want to have anything to do with the Plinths as far as she was concerned. But talking with Coriolanus was like talking with a fish; while it looked like he was listening, eyes big and holding attention, when it was his turn to open his mouth nothing but useless bubbles came out. He was the most insufferable person she was acquainted with but no mention of it would ever pass from her perfectly pursed lips.
So Sejanus Plinth it was, then.
When she found him Arachne put on her best face. He was alone, as per usual, and a feeling almost like pity stirred in her stomach. "Tensions running high, Sejanus? Got that blood boiling already?" It was quite entertaining, how much Sejanus abhorred the Games. "Especially that pretty little freak Coriolanus scored turning out to be one of the better bets. And from Twelve. Who would've thought, right?"
He remembered the sinking feeling he had when he found out they were going to be mentors. He remembered the feeling of despair. From there, it got bad, and then it got worse, and he was stuck in a living nightmare. To put kids in charge of kids who would engage in a fight to the death until one emerged victorious — victorious meaning barely alive, starved, riddled with wounds and sickness, going back to their distract either to die or live on plagued by trauma — was inhumanely cruel, and he couldn't believe such a thing was set up by adults. The government was supposed to protect everyone in Panem.
It was horrifying. It was unjust. It was vile.
And then, Marcus. Marcus. He wouldn't even look at him, and he didn't know how to save him. He didn't know how to save everyone. He didn't want this, and he knew quite a few of his classmates didn't want this, either, voicing their opposition as well, but in much more hushed tones than Sejanus himself.
Then there was Coriolanus — it was fraught with emotion between them at this time, and Sejanus didn't know how to deal with it, so many tangled emotions and some he was ashamed of, some he felt childish and stupid for, namely jealousy. He would go to Coriolanus, or Coriolanus would come to him, like they always did. But now, here, he was alone, keeping to himself. Wishing he were somewhere else. Wishing he were home, in Two.
He was alone, until he wasn't. Arachne came up to him, and while he found her abhorrent, he wasn't going to just tell her to go away, not yet, at least. He felt listless. Anger snuck up on him often, as well, of course it did. "What do you want, Arachne?" He remembered her lamenting about the possibility of getting a bad tribute. Did she have any modicum of empathy? He had to believe she had. He wanted to believe.
The mention of Lucy Gray Baird got him a little tense. He didn't know how to feel about her popularity — good, he guessed, because it would help Coriolanus. She seemed like a lovely girl, and she had an angelic voice. Only now he turned his head to look at Arachne properly. She was all flawless, as always.
"Don't talk about her like that." She wasn't a freak. She was just a girl. "Is that envy in your tone or what? Coryo— Coriolanus found out what she was good at and they exploited that. She might have a good chance." Then, in a rather resigned tone, "None of this should be happening."
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d2sejanus--plinth · 4 months
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[Quick meme edit based on @d2sejanus--plinth and I's conversations. If Arachne didn't die she'd be the go-to for relationship gossip and would be convinced they had something going on.]
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d2sejanus--plinth · 4 months
Before, before this, before Coriolanus, before knowing what sickening devotion felt like, he would have never imagined that the thought of killing someone would ever cross his mind, even in self-defense - a man cursed with a gift of marksmanship, wanting so badly to be a pacifist, to help, to heal. He couldn't think too deeply about what he was doing nowadays, about the fact that, while his work at the hospital was important and he helped many people, he wasn't really helping the people who needed it most, but it kept him sane, somewhat sane. Coriolanus knew, too, that killing someone would be an inevitable deterioration of his soul, that he would be changed forever, and probably not in a good way, how could he? So, even as he knew that he was entirely willing and capable to do it, he felt relief too, flooding in, when Coriolanus assured him he didn't have to resort to anything like that. His sweetheart will take care of it, get blood on his hands, again.
"I love you. More than anything." He sighed, his chest felt all twisted up still, the tension still tight in his body, but Coriolanus' closeness, the way he stroked his back, his hair, his voice so close to him, sounding sweet and warm, it all helped, it helped him come back to his body, feel more grounded, more anchored into the moment rather than a ghost floating somewhere high to the ceiling, watching himself be absolutely broken. Coriolanus asked him whether he was still sending help to the districts, and he told him that no, not for a while, not since Coriolanus was promoted. It hurt, when he took that decision, he felt sick, he agonized over it, but he burrowed himself under work and more work and the warmth of Coriolanus' body against his and the sweetness of his mouth, he never forgot, not entirely, but, horrifyingly he discovered that over time he could live with it a bit easier, breathe a bit more easily. "Mm. I know I.. have to protect you. Protect us both."
He felt a bit more balanced, and he felt angry, too, and scared. As those emotions swirled within him, Coriolanus quipped, and his little witty remark made him smile, the stroke to his cheek was so tender - halfheartedly he smacked at Coriolanus' arm, very softly. "No. I know you will. Mister President." He had absolute confidence in that, and absolute confidence in Coriolanus, his drive and ambition. He leaned in, nuzzled his cheek against Coriolanus' cheek, felt more determined but still he was shaking, twitching a bit, it was getting better, "Yeah. It was calculating on his part. But you have to be stone. Impervious, my love." His cheeks still felt wet, but he was breathing easier now, his lips found Coriolanus', just a brush, he breathed shakily against them. "You can't think about me when you're doing your job. Not at all. I will be alright. I will do so well."
Coriolanus could hear the pain in Sejanus' words as the gravity of the situation fully dawned upon him. Yes, forcing Sejanus to watch the Games was indeed awful especially because he believed Ravinstill knew of Sejanus' distaste and even hatred for them. But it was also far bigger than that, it was a lingering threat against the two of them. He could get Sejanus through seeing the first few hours of the Games as they played out, he was sure of it. But it would be a great deal harder to guide them through the treacherous road ahead of them with Ravinstill as an enemy. He was still the most powerful man in the country and that meant they were at risk. Coriolanus pressed a kiss against his forehead as Sejanus promised him that he would protect him. He knew exactly what he meant, even if he hadn't said the words outright. It pleased him, made him feel completely and utterly loved and adored. It aroused him too, his gaze becoming heated as he thought of Sejanus being willing to kill for him. He would never ask him to do that. He would never want him to do that. Sejanus needed to keep his hands clean, as best as he could being his partner. He knew things became murky sometimes, messy. He knew Sejanus knew about Highbottom and Gaul, even if they never spoke about it. He didn't want Sejanus to get blood on his hands. He was willing to do that for them and Ravinstill would be no different. He would die when the time was right. Poison maybe, or suffering a heart attack or stroke. Perhaps a tragic assassination by rebels, where Coriolanus could use the chance to wield his power as Head of the War Department against the Districts and then be elected by a landslide soon afterwards.
"I know you would but I would never ask that of you. I love you too and I know what that would cost you." Coriolanus knew Sejanus already struggled with his position, bought and paid for in blood. At least that's how Sejanus saw it. Paid for by his fathers business, by him too as Game Maker. He had told him enough during some of their fights. He didn't want Sejanus to have to kill for him. He would find a way to keep them safe but until he could take care of Ravinstill with finality, they were going to have to tread very carefully. He had promised Strabo a long time ago that he would keep Sejanus safe and he would always uphold that promise. For Sejanus' parents but mostly for himself. He couldn't begin to imagine his life without Sejanus. To die with Sejanus was less horrifying than losing him. He knew he wouldn't survive long without him. He wouldn't want to Perhaps just long enough to burn down the world around him as a final vengeance before he would kill himself to be with his beloved.
He breathed a soft sigh of relief as Sejanus assured him that he hadn't sent anything to the Districts for almost 2 years. It was unlikely Ravinstill had discovered Sejanus' small acts of rebellion after such a long time. He knew he had always been careful and it had been almost impossible to trace back to him but he had always been worried. There was only so much he and Strabo could do to save him from the wrath of an unforgiving government. "Good." He rubbed his back softly. He knew how much Sejanus would have loathed to cease all assistance but it had been necessary once he had been promoted. The risk to them wasn't worth it. It never had been was but even more so now. Nothing was worth risking the life they had built together. "Oh? You think I will be President one day?" Coriolanus attempted to lighten the mood slightly with a warm smile as he stroked his cheek. Sejanus had always believed in him and the day they had been working towards was getting closer. This was simply yet another bump in the road. "Unfortunately, he has thrown me off balance and surprised me today. He knows it too, or at least suspects it." He cursed himself, at how quick he had tried to turn down the Presidents 'invitation', knowing Ravinstill had felt his reluctance. "I know I can't let him get to me but he knows exactly what he's doing by using you in this way." They had been more open about their relationship for many years now. They couldn't legally get married but they were husbands to one another in every other way. He knew they tried to hide just how truly devoted they were to one another, neither wanting it to be used against them. But he knew many suspected it and Ravinstill was clearly testing the waters here.
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