dad-with-a-blog · 2 years
Baby proofing
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Always put your child's safety first. Boys may startle you, especially if they are playing quietly and you are unaware of their activities. Due to their inability to express themselves properly, it is difficult to determine when a kid has been exposed to anything hazardous.
By securing sharp and toxic items in a location out of reach of your children, you will be childproofing them and assuring their safety. Due to the fact that toddlers have not yet understood the difference between safe and risky goods, childproofing your house keeps them secure for a period of time until they reach the age where you can begin teaching them what is dangerous and what is not.
Childproofing your house will provide you with peace of mind that the area in which your kid is playing is safe. You will protect your child from accidents and injuries, as well as yourself from worrying about or constantly replacing broken objects.
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dad-with-a-blog · 2 years
A boys best friend
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Introducing Your Dog to Children It is just as critical to socialize your dog with kids as it is to socialize them with people and other dogs. Even if you do not want to raise children with dogs, it is important to socialize your dog with children to avoid scared behavior. Early socialization of your dog has been demonstrated to lessen the likelihood of the dog developing hostility as he ages.
Begin desensitizing your dog to children by taking them for walks in places frequented by kids. As your dog gains confidence, bring him closer to the youngsters. This exposes your dog to a variety of various sounds and movements.
Invite children to pet your dog after you are confident in your dog's control and their ability to engage securely with youngsters. Put your dog in a "sit" position and teach them how to approach and pet your dog correctly.
It is critical to begin teaching your child how to engage with your dog at an early age. This includes teaching your child how to approach your dog, when to approach, how to back away from a dog, how to behave around your dog, and how to read your dog's body language and other behaviors.
Teach little children how to engage with your dog by simply saying, "No! Don't do that!" However, as your child matures, you may teach him or her the why's and how's of engagement.
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dad-with-a-blog · 2 years
Eating out with kids
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When you become a parent, you typically have to say goodbye to those late nights out on the town, at least temporarily. However, this does not suggest you cannot eat out. This just signifies that you must use some diligence.
Make a sensible restaurant selection. The restaurant you select should be family-friendly, which means that noise and rambunctious children will not be an issue. That is not to say you are confined to McDonald's.
Learn of other parents where they take their kids. Before making reservations, check the menu for children's foods that your children are likely to recognize.
Order together Children normally keep themselves occupied while eating, so request that your child's dish and yours be brought out concurrently.
Obtain the check When your meal is served, request the check in case you need to leave immediately.  Children are not always the best so this will save you from embarrassment when you decided that your child is not controlled enough to stay and eat without bothering other guests
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dad-with-a-blog · 2 years
Doing Errands with the kids
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Going to run errands with children can be quite a challenge at times and these tips are the ones I used to get shopping a breeze!
Go if only your children are well-rested, nourished, and clean. When conducting errands with children, the first guideline is to ensure that they are well-rested, nourished, and clean.
Take them after they've napped (or awoken from their morning nap) to ensure they're refreshed, not fussy. An errand following a snack or lunch keeps hungry bellies at bay. Additionally, perform a fast diaper change or potty break prior to leaving—you'll have one less duty to complete while out and about.
Offer your children with objects to hold. While children enjoy seeing and exploring new situations, they occasionally want something familiar to touch or soothe them.
Toys, books, and other comfort things may be sufficient to occupy them and avert an outburst. Pacifiers are a godsend for newborns in need of a relaxing pastime.
You can also offer them anything from a store, but only if you intend to purchase it. Otherwise, they will develop an attachment and will be unwilling to give it up when the time comes to depart.
I discovered this all too quickly when I handed a dino pen from the museum gift shop to my then-toddler. He cried so loudly the entire way to the car that I considered returning to get the dumb dino pen.
What is the greatest method for running errands with children? Continue doing so.
We're overwhelmed by the things we're unsure how to manage. I would never have believed you if you told me I'd be out and about with 2 boys. And sure, there were times when kids threw a fit on a major street corner. However, the only way to feel secure and confident is to get out there and do it.
Begin small: Choose one straightforward task that you've completed a million times. Visit during a time when your children are nourished and rested. Additionally, make it brief and manageable.
Continue doing this and you'll realize that you're able to do things you never imagined possible. You never imagined you'd be able to take them to the supermarket, but now you're bringing them to the zoo on your own. You return home exhausted, but also more accomplished and confident.
Soon, juggling errands and children will no longer seem daunting—even if it still takes ten minutes to reach the car.
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dad-with-a-blog · 2 years
Don't forget to give yourself a break!
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As a parent and especially as a single father, we all need a break from parenting.
"As critical as parenting is, it is not our whole lives," we must continue to invest in other aspects of ourselves - whether health, relationships, interests, or identity."
The benefit of doing so is that you'll return to parenting rejuvenated and energetic, which will help you prevent burnout.
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dad-with-a-blog · 2 years
Picky Eaters
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If my child is not hungry, I usually resist the temptation to compel him to eat. Similarly, I avoid pressuring or tricking them into eating specific meals or cleaning them. I do this to prevent them from forming a connection with mealtime anxiety and irritation, as well as a decreased sensitivity to their own hunger and fullness signals.I usually serve them small portions to prevent overwhelming them and to allow them to independently request more.
Make it fun and creative prepare Broccoli and other vegetables with a favorite dip or sauce. Use cookie cutters, cut meals into a variety of shapes. Dinner menus should include morning meals. Serve a range of items that are highly colorful.
Do not offer dessert as a reward. By withholding dessert, you are sending the message that dessert is the ultimate food, which may enhance your child's appetite for desserts. You might designate one or two nights a week as dessert nights and skip dessert the rest of the week — or you could redefine dessert to also include fruit, yogurt, or other healthy options!
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dad-with-a-blog · 2 years
Bed- Time
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As a father, I've discovered that the easiest option to get your child to bed early is to spend the day playing with them! The advantage of having two children in the same age group is that they will naturally do so with one another. To be honest, it wasn't always easy at first. When I had my first son, I did not sleep until 1 a.m. I'd have to say that I tried everything, from reading them a book to bringing them a cup of warm milk before bedtime. I was almost always too tired to play with my oldest when he reached his terrible twos, and my youngest was much too little to safely interact with his sibling. It wasn't until I was a full-time stay-at-home dad and a full-time student that I had more time to play with him. That's when I found that by just playing with him, I was able to get him to sleep early.
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dad-with-a-blog · 2 years
Getting them their first Pet!
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Getting your child their first pet is a great way of teaching them responsivity and If I were to recommend a pet I would recommend a pet fish specifically a beta fish!
One of the main reasons that a Betta fish is an ideal first pet for children is that they are quite effortless to care for. Yes, fish require some maintenance, but when it comes to pets, particularly fish, the Betta fish requires relatively little maintenance to be happy and healthy.
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dad-with-a-blog · 2 years
Rasing my autistic son/ dealing with tantrums.
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I have to say that dealing with my oldest son's tantrums, whether in public or at home, is not as simple as dealing with my youngest child's tantrums, and this is because my oldest is autistic. When a child is diagnosed with autism, this does NOT mean he is less intelligent than other children their age; it just means that his thought pattern and information processing are different. Dealing with an autistic child's tantrums is tough due to the child and parent's lack of communication. My son asks for his favorite cereal by using the phrase " cereal bird ", which is code for fruit loops. My son communicates to me that he needs to shower by making me smell his armpits and saying stink. My son communicates in a variety of ways that may seem unusual at first, but he eventually gets me to understand him. At his current age of five, he should be able to develop phrases, but due to his autism, he is not quite there yet.
Never undervalue how much they truly understand. Autistic children frequently grasp the majority, if not all, of what is occurring around them. The difference consists in their responses to these situations and their ability to communicate.
I have to say it's important to maintain a sense of humor in all circumstances Keep a sense of humor as much as possible. As previously said, social habits and what we consider acceptable or unacceptable are just conditions that we have imposed on ourselves as a community, not necessarily natural rules. Because an autistic child frequently does not understand why social standards must be obeyed (and do they really have to be followed all the time? ), there will be several situations when laughing is the ideal response.
Lastly, Take a break and ask for help. Raising a child with autism could be a very exciting, yet sometimes stressful, job. Recognize that you cannot do anything alone or 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Try to get help wherever you can and take breaks to ensure that when you return, you can offer your child your all.
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dad-with-a-blog · 2 years
Should our kids play with Huggy Wuggy?
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Huggy Wuggy, a terrifying blue monster with razor-sharp fangs who resembles a mix between Grover, Slender Man, and Forky from Toy Story 4, has been making the rounds on YouTube and TikTok, according to numerous local news agencies.
These are the steps to take as a parent.
Learn as much as you can about the world around you. It's difficult to stay on top of all the new social media platforms and apps that come out. Experts, on the other hand, agree that knowing what your child is using is critical.
Find out what they think. An open-ended question regarding a game and their ideas on it might help you get a better understanding of your child's thinking process.
Talk to your child. When you find out that your child is viewing videos of Huggy Wuggy or imitating him on the playground, it might be upsetting. As a matter of fact, you may utilize it as an opportunity to engage in conversation with your child and encourage them to study.
In order to get the most out of this "Statements such as "I love you and I'm afraid that this game might harm you and others," are examples of "I" statements It's critical to show consideration for others." Get the word out that you're here. Seeing these visions may be both terrifying and perplexing for some people.
In order to keep the door open for future talks, it is important to let them know that you understand and that you are always ready.
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