daddyhypnotized · 1 year
The Bully and His Dad
Johnny arrived home from practice like he did every night, eager for a hot shower and beer before turning in, but those plans disappeared as soon as he stepped inside. His university gym bag slipped from his fingers as his mind emptied, and his hands began peeling off his sweaty clothes.
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His big arms systematically dropped the damp practice attire to the floor, starting with the oversized jersey on his shoulders and ending with the rank tennis shoes on his feet.
Johnny bounded further into the house. His body was completely exposed, aside from the massive package held by his tight underwear. He took lumbering steps into the living room and planted his bare feet in the center.
A scrawny guy lounged on the sofa, studying the zombified jock standing tall, idly drooling from his gaping mouth.
"Master, how may this body be of service?" the normally cocky voice slurred each word as it was delivered.
"You can get on this couch and spoon me," the frail geek answered.
Without hesitation, Johnny's body staggered toward the little nerd on the sofa and sunk into position behind him. He wrapped his impressive body around the tiny frame, holding him more securely with his bulging arms and strong legs than he'd held anyone.
Johnny mindlessly clutched the dweeb and pulled him into his muscled chest, incapable of recognizing exactly who this nerd was.
Ever since Johnny entered college, he'd singled out one guy to belittle and abuse. He knew bullying was a shortcut to getting in with the popular crowd. Unfortunately for the jock, he'd chosen a nerd far smarter than he was.
Dennis was that nerd. He wasn't tall, strong, or handsome. He was awkward and unattractive, but he did have some tricks up his sleeve.
He used those tricks on Johnny. With a few blasts from his mind control device, Dennis had turned the football stud into a mindless meat puppet. That empty mind was his to program, and he wasted no time in asserting his hypnotic control over the irish bully.
"I want you to slowly hump me with that giant package of yours," Dennis demanded, "And I want to feel how excited you are, too."
The body Johnny worked so hard on was completely helpless to disobey as his hips began gyrating rhythmically into Dennis' rear. Not a single thought passed through Johnny's head as his massive package hardened like a rock, stretching his tight briefs. He didn't mind that his thin underwear was the only thing barely standing between his package and this dweeb's body. All he could do was hold Dennis and gently thrust like he'd been told to.
"I'm home!" called a mature voice from the front, "Johnny, you home?"
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It was Johnny's dad, Mr. McArdle, but Johnny didn't react in the slightest to his father's arrival. He just continued to push his athletic body into Dennis as they spooned together on the couch.
"What's going on in there," Mr. McArdle called, catching sight of his son from the front door. The man's brow furrowed as he took in the sight, frowning beneath his ginger whiskers.
"Who the hell are you!" Mr. McArdle roared.
He stomped inside, and when his foot hit the hardwood floor of the interior, his anger slipped out of his face. The father's aggressive posture slackened as his big hands dangled at his side.
"You know what to do, old man!" Dennis called from the living room.
Mr. McArdle did not know what to do. The mature man's mind had emptied of all thoughts. Dennis was merely speaking to the man's body, which began moving accordingly.
Johnny's dad slowly undid his shirt and tie, dropping them to the floor near his son's discarded clothing. He slid everything off until he was covered only by his underwear, finally ready to enter the house further.
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Mr. McArdle's body reported to the same spot in the living room his son had, standing before the scrawny kid on the couch. The father didn't acknowledge his son as Johnny humped the stranger on the couch like a dumb animal.
"Master, how may this body be of service," his gravelly voice also slurred the line he was programmed to say.
"Well, daddy," Dennis' nasally voice sang, "Get started by picking up the clothes in the front and put them in the laundry. Johnny's going to need those for practice tomorrow. Right Johnny?"
"Yes, master," Johnny droned from behind Dennis.
"Then get back in here," Dennis continued, "I have two tired feet for you and your son to work on. I think we'll have a little competition. Whoever massages them better will sleep in bed with me instead of on the floor tonight."
"Yes, master," the slow words sounded from Mr. McArdle's throat as he turned and shuffled back to the front.
Dennis turned his attention back to his bully, feeling the rigid boner behind him with every mindless thrust.
"Alright Johnny, I'm the big spoon now," Dennis commanded, turning around.
"Yes, master," the athlete garbled as his head is pressed into the back of the couch by Dennis' hand.
The nerd began aggressively smacking his body into the meaty round orbs beneath his bully's underwear. Dennis didn't always know what he was going to do with his meat puppets next, but he did know that it didn't really matter. Johnny's body would go along with whatever weird impulse or desire he had, and the guy's father was just as malleable.
Dennis had only been staying with the McArdles for a week now, but he loved it. He loved seeing the father and son arrive home, first being confused by the presence of an intruder and then becoming empty and ready for their intruder to use.
He was already planning on living with them for a long time. College could be expensive, but this masculine duo would provide him finely cooked meals and a comfortable master bedroom. Not to mention all the other more intimate services the bully and his father would be providing...
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daddyhypnotized · 6 years
My dad came into my room to see what I was doing and saw I was reading and asked me what I was reading. I told him a book on how to hypnotize people. He said really do you think you have read enough of the book that you could actually hypnotize someone and I said yea I have and I am going to hypnotize my friends tonight. My dad said well why don’t you practice on me right now and hypnotize me. So I told him to sit down and went into the kind of induction the book said looking for signs of my dad responding to the induction and put my dad into a hypnotic trance. To test his trance I told my dad to strip down to his underpants thinking and feeling that he is still dressed.
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Dad undressed down to his underpants and sat back down staring straight ahead with a blank look on his face. I decided to test how much control I had over my dad and told him you have always been in charge but now it is my time to be in charge. From this moment on I am the one who is in charge and you will obey me without question or hesitation whatever I tell you. I asked him if he understood and he said yes and I told him he was a good boy and told him to take off his underpants.
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Dad stood up took off his underpants and sat back down. I gave my dad a trigger so I could put hi back under whenever wanted to. That when he wakes up from this hypnotic trance he will not remember me hypnotizing or us talking about hypnosis. I told dad that on the count of five he will get up and leave my room. Once he steps out of my room he will wake up and not realize or know he is naked and see and believe he is fully clothed. I counted one, two, three, four and five. Dad got up and walked out of my room and woke up. He looked into my bedroom and said I see you are reading I think that is a good idea I’ll get a book also and read in the living room and walked away. Good dad
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daddyhypnotized · 6 years
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Carl taught High School Biology. Carl also loved flunking some of the members of the few sports teams the school had. The Coach grew tired of the routine and decided to teach Carl a lesson. The Coach entered the classroom to find Carl sitting at his desk. The Coach showed Carl a crystal. Carl couldn’t believe what the Coach tried to do. Yet the crystal intrigued Carl. Carl focused on the crystal as the Coach spoke. Coach told Carl how silly it seemed that Coach is hypnotizing Carl. Yet, the very intelligent can go into trance easily. Carl fell into trance. Coach asked one very simply question. “How come you make class harder for the guys in the sport teams?” 
“I hate them.” Carl answered. “They pick on me.” 
“The guys? My men behave very well. I make sure of that.” Coach asked. 
“The football players push me in the toilet or the locker. I can’t stand their smug looks. They keep picking on me.”
The Coach thought for a moment. “How old you, Carl?”
The older man sighed and said, “15.”
“I understand. And you are right, they shouldn’t pick on you. Instead they should embraced you. I’m here to correct that. Come with me.” Coach commanded. Carl followed the Coach. 
They walked into the gym and locker room. Coach looked though the wrestling gear he had. He found a singlet that would fit Carl. He helped Carl into the singlet. Coach noticed Carls’ cock responded to the attention. 
“Now you are one of us… I’ll take care of you.” Coach said looking at the changed man. 
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daddyhypnotized · 6 years
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daddyhypnotized · 6 years
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The Captain looked old; he felt old. He saw the younger guys and couldn’t keep up with them. He knew he’s be asked to retire soon. He refused to give up. In desperation in found a hypnotist online. The Station Captain agreed to anything the Hypnotist wanted and the Hypnotist began to work. The progress the Captain made surprised even the most athletic firemen. So what if the Captain doesn’t remember the session and that the men around him are starting to look really attractive to him. The Captain also began to entice the other men to join him in the Hypnotist sessions.
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daddyhypnotized · 8 years
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daddyhypnotized · 8 years
Time to submit
It’s time for you to relax now Sleepy Daddy. Time for you to relax Sleepy Daddy as you read this message from your boy. Let your eyes move along from word to word without even paying attention to what it is you are reading. Just sit comfortably as you relax Sleepy Daddy and read these words. Hear them in your mind as your eyes move over them. Every word helping you relax Sleepy Daddy. Take a deep breath in and out as you relax Sleepy Daddy and read these words. Letting everything else go as you relax Sleepy Daddy and keep reading. Just focusing on nice deep breaths as you let your eyes move back and forth across these words. Letting each line help you relax Sleepy Daddy even more. And imagine each of those deep breaths as a nice cooling breeze washing over your body as you relax Sleepy Daddy and continue reading. Feel that nice cool breeze from the top of your head to the tips of your toes and you breath nice and deep. In and out. In and out. Each breath helping you relax Sleepy Daddy more and more. And now you’re not even aware that you’re still reading though your eyes continue to move from word to word. Just let these words echo in your mind and you continue to relax Sleepy Daddy and breath. Those nice deep relaxing breaths pushing everything but these words from your mind. Letting everything float away but these words and your need to relax Sleepy Daddy. Feel yourself being filled with these words. Feel yourself needing to continue reading the more relaxed you become. Needing to take in what these words are telling you as you continue to breath and relax Sleepy Daddy. Feeling those nice deep breaths pushing everything out of your mind but these words and their meaning as you continue to relax Sleepy Daddy. And as you relax Sleepy Daddy and breath feel yourself becoming open to what these words are telling you. Feel you mind opening up to these new ideas as you continue to relax breathing in and out. Those deep relaxing breaths pushing everything out of your mind and allowing you to focus on these new ideas. You feel yourself wanting you read more like a good Sleepy Daddy. Wanting to open yourself up to these new thoughts. Wanting to let these thoughts flood your mind. Breath deep and feel yourself becoming overwhelmed with the need to keep reading and becoming totally open to what these ideas are like a good Sleepy Daddy. You feel yourself wanting to submit to these words and the person who wrote them like a good Sleepy Daddy. Feel yourself so relaxed and being open to submitting to the person who has written this for you. You love taking those deep relaxing breaths and you feel yourself becoming open to more instructions from these words now too like a good Sleepy Daddy. Take a deep breath and feel yourself becoming overwhelmed with the desire to obey. Now you feel totally relaxed and ready to listen to the words like a good Sleepy Daddy. Feel yourself totally become obedient to what you are reading Sleepy Daddy. Nothing else matters but what the words are telling you to do Sleepy Daddy. You feel totally relaxed and obedient Sleepy Daddy. You feel the need to prove how relaxed and obedient you are Sleepy Daddy. You feel the need to submit a photo of yourself feeling this totally relaxed. Feel the need to show yourself naked in your most relaxed state like a good Sleepy Daddy. Submit a photo to me of how relaxed and obedient you are message saying you are a Sleepy Daddy. Submit here: http://hypno-for-daddy.tumblr.com/submit
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daddyhypnotized · 8 years
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daddyhypnotized · 8 years
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“That’s right, stare at the light, let it guide you deeper and deeper. Now I know you love the gear and it is time to slowly remove it.” 
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daddyhypnotized · 8 years
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“And sleep!” The Hypnotist told him. The subject promptly fell into trance. 
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daddyhypnotized · 8 years
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“Yes that’s great! Show off that impressive chest of yours! And SLEEP!” The sexy man fell back into trance. 
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daddyhypnotized · 8 years
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“Keep staring straight up at the light. Allow the light to relax you and soothe you. Your body grows heavy and your mind rests now.” 
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daddyhypnotized · 9 years
Had someone message me about wanting to be hypnotized on skype
I do hypnotize Daddies over skype from time to time. Send me your info and we can set it up.
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daddyhypnotized · 9 years
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“That’s it, dad, focus on my cock. It’s bigger than yours, isn’t it? that makes me superior to you. That means you are inferior to me and that you should deffer to me. Good. That’s it. Just do as I say. Obey your betters.”
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daddyhypnotized · 9 years
Deep in trance daddyslave stands at attention awaiting orders from his son. If this photo gets enough likes Daddy may be rewarded with his first orgasm in 4 months.
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daddyhypnotized · 9 years
Daddy is gone. DaddySlave obeys.
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daddyhypnotized · 9 years
Daddy stared deep into the crystal as the sunlight reflected off it into his eyes. He needed to strip naked so his whole body could be bathed in the calming light. He had to obey the voice or the light would be taken away forever.
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