daddyztwink ยท 5 years
first daddy experience
Before I start let me tell you a tiny bit about my life and everything up until this point. Okay first off, I moved from a very conservative state where there were no gays to living in San Diego where there were a lot more of us. Then I met a guy within the first week and we started dating soon after and whatever. A couple weeks later after my birthday some stuff went down with my family and that was just a mess. I didnโ€™t have money or a job and I wasnโ€™t getting money from them anymore. Anyways, I really like to spend money and he also really liked to spend money so we talked about how we could possibly make some extra cash. We first talked about making porn or selling videos and shit, but then his roommate told us about his sugar daddy and how much money he was making so we decided to give it. We used a site called Seeking Arrangement's (I wouldnโ€™t recommend, but if youโ€™re reading this and youโ€™re curious just go for it lmao). Starting off it took us like a week to actually find someone that legit and that wanted to meet because thereโ€™s hella fake daddyโ€™s that try to get your money. Some of the daddies would ask for our account numbers and passwords, like tf, do I come off as stupid? I mean even if I gave them my shit they wouldโ€™ve gotten like $10 from me because I was poor poor. We ended up finding someone that wanted to meet up with both of us and pay $300 EACH. I told him we would do a lot more than what we did haha, but Iโ€™ll get to that soon. The daddy invited us to his really nice hotel, The US Grant Luxury Hotel if youโ€™ve ever heard of it, if not you should look it up because holy fuck. I was so fucking nervous to meet with this man because I had no fucking clue what was going to happen and I didnโ€™t remember what he looked like so I was like what if this man is ugly af. Along with that I kept having these bad thoughts and different ideas of what could happen when we went to his room because if heโ€™s rich enough to pay for sex he could easily have us killed and taken care of, right? Oh I also forgot to mention that we were an hour late because I had to get ready haha so he wasnโ€™t really happy with me because I kept telling him we would be there soon, oops. Alright, so I texted him that we were there and he said he was on the phone and he would come down soon. He comes down in the elevator and walks over to us and asks if weโ€™re so and so and I say yea, nice to meet you blank. He like leads us over to the elevator and asks us questions about where weโ€™re from, what school we go to, all these different things as we head up to his room. We get up to his floor and continue talking to him and walking down this huge ass hotel hallway. We walk all the way down to the end and heโ€™s like this is us and he let us into the room. I think for 10-20 minutes we just sat there and talked about random things, it was so awkward and stupid and he kept saying it was very awkward with 3 people and kept like glaring at my boyfriend trying to get him to leave or something, so it was just wack. He mentioned he was trying to break the ice so none of us felt very tense, but as far as I knew my boyfriend and I were uncomfortable as hell and I was shaking in fear hahaha. After awhile he goes alright well you guys take off your clothes and get started and Iโ€™ll join in after. So we start to get undressed and then get into the bed and start making out. The daddy takes off all of his clothes and then gets in bed with us and starts grabbing me because Iโ€™m in the fucking middle. He started making out with me, but it was just him sticking his tongue in my mouth and I just held his tongue in my mouth for minutes at a time, I literally wanted to vomit on him. He also would stick his tongue in my ear and lick around and suck on my nipples and progressively made his way down to my flaccid penis. Yes, it was flaccid.ย  He sucked on my soft dick for so long and he just kept going at it thinking I was going to get hard, but 1. I was not enjoying any of it and 2. I was so uncomfortable and scared I donโ€™t think I would have been able to do anything to get hard. THEN he started BITING my fucking ball sack, he didnโ€™t just suck on my balls he literally bit the sack. WHO TF. So then he started making out with me again and he wanted me to suck him and I was like uh no (he was soft too), then he asked if we could fuck, and again I was like uhh definetly not. He also was like itโ€™s only okay if you and your boyfriend are okay with it too. Neither of us wanted him to fuck me so it was a hell no. We ended up taking like 2 water breaks because he said that me and my boyfriend were making out too much. The first water break my boyfriend said that he had to go to the bathroom and took his phone and was there for a good 5 minutes and just left me alone and I wanted to die. On the second water break I stood up just so I wasnโ€™t in the middle getting everything anymore and wouldnโ€™t have to be near the daddy. All of us talked for awhile again and then he told me to get back in the bed and we could just lay there and talk so I crawled back into bed butt ass naked. The whole sexual โ€œexperienceโ€ only lasted 20, maybe 30 minutes so thank god for that. Us 3 laying were just laying in the bed naked talking about different aspects of our lives, sex, relationships, etc. We asked him some questions and he told us about him and then he would give us advice and ask us questions about us individually or as a couple. The whole time we were talking to him he was rubbing up and down my leg and it was so uncomfortable because I didnโ€™t want him to touch me anymore and it fucking hurt because I have hairy legs and his hands were clamy and pulling my leg hair. I told him a couple minutes later that we had to get going because I had plans later that I had to get to and he was just like okay yea you guys have better things to be doing than staying here all night. We got out of bed and started getting our clothes and he walks over to his pants and whips out his wallet. He counts out $600, in 20โ€ฒs and hands them to me. Like wtf, I really just made that. I was like thank you and put it in my pocket before he would say anything else. We said goodbye real quick and walked out of the room and got to the elevator and started freaking tf out. We literally made $300 each from making out and him sucking on me and talking. We barely did anything and he definitely wanted to do more, but we told him we could meet another time and do more. He wanted us to fuck in front of him, but I told him a couple weeks later that we probably werenโ€™t interested in another meet-up. He was super butt hurt and really wanted to see us, mostly me again and then my boyfriend and I broke up shortly after so I ended up talking to him about that and he gave me a lot of good advice. This was an awful experience for me, but he was really nice and I mean it could have been worse, maybe lmao.ย ย ย 
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