daemontarg · 6 years
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                      THAT DID AMUSE HER, and as her lips curled into a feline-esque simper, a gentle chortle rose in the dowagers chest and rolled off her tongue –––– the easiness of the gesture something only really afforded to her children. Grasping her younger sons hand with a gentle squeeze, Rhaea expelled a breath and set down her goblet; she had always adored his dry wit, a trait he had inherited from her, she would hasten to add and in that moment Rhaea grew a great deal of comfort from it.   ‘    Yes   –––––   he does take to the role quite effortlessly, does he not ?     ’  He should too, it was what he had been born to do after all. Regardless, Rhaea’s chest still swelled with pride upon hearing the crowds chant Aemon’s name. The notion that her son was as adored as his father had been before him…well, there was no greater notion; then again, she had never had any doubts about his suitability for the role –––– for none of her children actually.  ‘    And you, my darling   –––––  I was very proud of you today also, and your sister. One should never underestimate the benefits of a united house.    ’
Daemon squeezed her hand in return, then sat back in the chair, stretching out his long legs with a sigh. From their position they could survey the entire room, as the band struck up and people began to dance. “He is effortless,” Daemon said, a tinge of jealousy colouring his voice, though he tried to suppress it. It wasn’t Aemon’s fault that Kingship came so easily to him, and indeed the realm would be glad of it. He shook his head, as if to dislodge the kernel of bitterness, and smiled at her, lazy now as the wine sparked in his eyes. “Thank you, mama -- I know how important it is to you.” Especially, he thought, though did not say, since the death of their father had impacted Rhaea so much, so strongly; far more so, he could add, than it had impacted him. The late King had always reserved the bulk of his time for Aemon; Daemon had seen him as a figure to respect and sometimes fear, but rarely to love or be loved by. It was the company of his mother that he had always preferred. To see her grieving had been difficult for all of them, and he was glad to see some colour in her cheeks now.
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daemontarg · 6 years
Outside the throne room the air was finally cooling as the sun set over the towers of the Keep, and Daemon had found himself the perfect spot on the battlements, wedged securely into a corner with a book and a pitcher of wine. He had done his duty, conversed with the nobility, chatted as charmingly as he could with strangers, but now he was entirely worn out, and fully intended on drinking the rest of the night away in solitude, if he could manage it -- or at least, getting drunk enough that he could stand another three hours of a crowd.
He settled cheerfully back against the sandstone and opened his book, pouring himself a goblet of wine. He felt as though it was better, anyway, for him to disappear; his temper was growing short, and he often came across as cold and aloof rather than simply tired, as he usually was. He didn’t want to give rise to rumours that he was seeking more power than he had. Lost in his thoughts as he was, he turned a page too hastily, and slashed the tip of his finger. “Damn,” he muttered, to himself, popping it in his mouth to catch the blood. “Ow.”
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daemontarg · 6 years
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such   a   rarity   it   is    .    to find the new queen in a state of such peace and happiness that alabaster cheeks flush with a rosy hue, her feet ache as do her cheeks but it is an ache she would never wish away. the crown in all it’s glory perched upon her halo of dark curls, where it was supposed to be. she was finally queen. with a cup in her hand, she was found, dark eyes locked on her husbands silhouette as a grin graced her features.     ‘    enjoying yourself ?     ’    she questioned jovially, a strange taste it left on her lips, to a passer by as she reached for her chalice once more.
Myrcella looked truly beautiful, and Daemon stood instinctively as she approached, and bent over her hand. “Of course I am,” he said, “how could I not?” His mouth tilted up in a wry smile as he gestured to the splendor around them, but in turn taking in in that expansive wave the number of people, the crowd that surrounded him, something he had always hated. Still, this day was not about him or his choices, and he bent closer to kiss Myrcella on the cheek as well. “I suppose now I can truly call you sister, your Grace.”
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daemontarg · 6 years
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                      IT WAS A BITTERSWEET MOMENT, and whilst Rhaea could say that she was genuinely happy for her son, there was also a deep rooted sorrow that was likely to rise to the surface when the Queen Regent ( or was it dowager now? ) retired to her private quarters later that evening. Naturally, Rhaea’s countenance didn’t portray the conflicting emotions within her, but the Lannister-born was sullen that evening; her emerald-hues lacking their usual glimmer; her smile never quite as believable. Rhaea was quiet too, which was perhaps the biggest indication to her low spirits –– the Queen was rarely quiet lest she was in deep contemplation or morose. Sipping her wine, Rhaea observed the festivities from the gallery whilst recalling her own coronation, to which she couldn’t help but compare her son and his Queens too. It was an utterly painful comparison, Aemon and Myrcella reminded Rhaea so much of herself and her late-husband, so full of life and excitement for the future –– she hadn’t the heart to tell them that one day one of their hearts would break. Yet, as inevitable as that was, Rhaea prayed to the seven that they would know happiness like this for many more years to come. Hearing footsteps behind her, Rhaea tilted her head back over her shoulder and gave the figure the once over,      ‘     i pray you are enjoying yourself on this happiest of occasions ?     ’     
The ceremony had been difficult for Daemon. He was happy for his brother - happiest, especially, because Myrcella seemed such a neat fit into their family unit, something that mattered greatly to him; to endure the company of a sister-in-law he disliked would have been unthinkable - but he disliked any court events, and one such as this, where as his brother’s heir he had taken centre stage, tried his patience immensely. He always tried his best, in moments such as this, to remember the duty incumbent upon him, but he struggled nonetheless, his face blank and oftentimes almost arrogant-seeming in its disinterest in the courtiers that inevitably flocked to him.
He knew that quite often the heir to the throne became a rallying point for rebellion and criticism of the King, but he had no intention of becoming such; he had no interest in ruling, and admired Aemon greatly. He tried to detach himself from dissatisfied nobles, and hoped Myrcella would become pregnant soon, if only for his own selfish reasons. Making his way through the crowd, several people stepped out of his path, intimidated perhaps by his coldness, and he cursed himself and forced a smile for others; the last thing he wanted were rumours about his unhappiness at his brother’s wedding. He spied his mother at the high table, and took the steps to the dias two at a time, a goblet in his hand. When he reached her, his features softened, and he squeezed her shoulder as he passed, slipping into the seat beside her.
“Oh, it’s the best time I’ve had since I broke my wrist last winter,” he said, in a sarcastic drawl, then smiled over to the happy couple. “No, I jest. Aemon looks delighted, and I am happy for him.”
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daemontarg · 6 years
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( jack lowden / 21 / cis male ) → there has been whispers around the keep that DAEMON TARGARYEN, the PRINCE of WESTEROS has been spotted. everyone knows he can be very INTROVERTED, but some may know that he can be INTELLIGENT & CARING. he has pledged his allegiance to HOUSE TARGARYEN, i wonder how long he’ll last in the capital ? → ( eliza / 21 / GMT / she/her )
woo second babie!! daemon is the second targaryen boi and I need to plot w all the other targaryens to establish his place in the #fam but there’s some brief info about his personality under the cut!
so obviously as the second son daemon wasn’t raised to rule, but tbh he wouldn’t be well suited to it anyway. he’s wayyyy quieter than is the norm for a Targaryen -- he can even come across as cold and indifferent to people who don’t know him well and has a bit of a reputation for aloofness, even arrogance.
the truth is, it’s not that he’s shy, more that he finds company draining -- he dislikes carrying out public duties and is much more at home with animals than people. he adores his family, and is actually very caring and compassionate; he’s also highly intelligent and gives the best advice.
he tends to stay out of family squabbles and the role of peacemaker often falls to him. he likes to feel needed and wanted, and he’s most comfortable alone, but his family drains him less than the court and he loves to spend time with them too. he’s an excellent rider and spends a lot of time in the countryside outside the red keep.
I can imagine that he was always a bit in awe of his father (& his older brother maybe) and was frightened of being a disappointment to them because he’s so muted and self-isolating. he struggles w anxiety in terms of how he’s perceived, which only makes him retreat further into his shell, but sometimes when relaxed he can be startlingly witty.
at the moment he’s heir apparent (until aemon has kids, at least) which makes him prince of dragonstone (I think??)
I can imagine he has only a few, but very close, friends, probably from childhood, who understand his moods and like,, protect him I guess.
I DON’T KNOW! plot w him he’s a sweetheart if you can get past his v thick shell lol
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daemontarg · 6 years
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