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me for the rest of my life when asked what i thought about the ending of GoT 
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Daenerys Appreciation Week → Heartbreak
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game of thrones prequel: no targaryens, no dragons, no lannisters either
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me, each time people bring up Game of Thrones:
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Have a tease...
The Dragons Dark and Deep
Chapter 6 coming Wednesday
He just knew he was going to die again, fall right off and plummet to the ground. People would tell stories of how he came back to life only to fall to his death from a dragon. He swore he could hear her laughter on the wind as Drogon sped out in front and led the other two into a steep dive down a ravine. Muscles trembling, breath caught and heart pounding, Jon prayed he didn't throw up as he held on with all his might until Rhaegal came out of the dive and righted himself.
His fears all but vanished, pure joy took him as they soared, sweeping right, then left, then right again. It was exhilarating, beyond anything he'd ever known. They quickly left the ravine behind and Jon surveyed the land around them, instantly knowing where they were, though he hadn’t been there in years. Not since he was a boy hunting with Robb.
His eyes darted ahead to Daenerys, a wisp of white astride her enormous black dragon, wishing he could show her, tell her of his memories. He pulled his gaze back to the scaled beast beneath him.
Maybe he could.
He let the thought gather in his head, pushing, reaching, calling, and soon a rough heat that could only be Rhaegal was touching on the edges of his mind. He almost whooped in happiness as the green dragon followed his command, swooping down to land just where he wanted him. Drogon and Viserion circled around and landed beside them.
With a little help from Rhaegal, he dismounted, somewhat smoothly, his legs wobbly as a new foal's, and gave the dragon a good rub along his snout. "Thank you, my friend. I won't be forgetting that anytime soon."
Rhaegal gave a rumbling chuff and nudged him. Jon turned to see Daenerys watching him, her smile brilliant. He went to her, his own near bursting off his face. “You’ve completely ruined horses for me.” He wanted to pick her up and swing her around, but he managed to refrain, barely.
She chuckled and shook her head. “I still enjoy riding horses,” she said, ”though, not as much as flying. I don’t feel as connected to them. With Drogon, I can feel his moods."
He gazed at her, hardly believing any of the last few days were real. She was the only other living person who could understand what it felt like to have a dragon pressed against their mind. It was just the two of them. That thought thrilled him and terrified him all at once.
"Aye." He waved her forward and she walked beside him through the untouched snow. Keeping a hand out in case she slipped, he threw a glance back at the dragons, still awed by the experience. “It felt like he could feel what I was thinking.”
She smiled up at him. “That’s part of being a dragon rider. Congratulations, Jon Snow, you’ve done something that only I’ve been able to do.”
He stopped, his stomach suddenly knotted. “That alright with you?”
Her smile never faded as she reached out and took his hand in hers, lacing their fingers together and gave it a squeeze as they walked on. “I told you that you were magic. Apparently, I was right," she said then stopped as the waterfall came into view. She let him go and hurried forward a few more steps. “It’s beautiful, Jon."
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tired: fallen angels grieving about getting kicked out of heaven
inspired: fallen angels making memeing to cope
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Self indulgent first meetings.
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Kit apparently said that Dany was bad from the very beginning and "we're culpable. We cheered her on." I cannot stand by the cast painting Dany as evil for her ruthlessness against terrible people while saying nothing about Sansa, Arya, Jon, Jaime, Tyrion, or anyone else doing the same thing in the series. It's blatant hypocrisy.
Virtually every main character in Game of Thrones has killed ‘evil men’ and we’ve cheered them on. By this logic, every viewer is ‘culpable’.
I want to clarify that this is not about whether or not these characters were justified in their actions, it’s just a list to show that the characters and fans gaslighting Daenerys are not and never were morally superior.
The point of this list is to prove that Daenerys is not that different from anyone else where morality is concerned, except that no one ever gave her the benefit of the doubt or considered whether or not her actions were justified.
What was Dany accused of prior to 8x05? (By characters and fans):
Having a temper
Killing her enemies in battle
Executing enemies
Executing traitors
Taking revenge
Executing ‘evil’ men guilty of what she deems a crime (slave owners)
Using a method of execution that ‘makes people uncomfortable’ (fire)
Not preventing her brother’s murder and not being sad enough as it happened
These are the things that the fans and the men conspiring against her insist were warning signs that she was ‘going mad’.
This is going to be a long, ugly post that will probably cost me some followers, but simply typing them out is not good enough because most fans have shorter memories than goldfish. Y’all need visuals.
No, I’m not bothering to put it under a cut either, because I’m trying to prove a point and the fact that it’s long only helps my case. 👍
Let’s take a look at the deeds of the oh-so-morally-superior characters, shall we?
Jaime Lannister oathbreaking by slaying his king
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Jaime Lannister attempted to murder a child
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Jaime Lannister murdered Jory Cassel
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Jaime Lannister killed his enemies in battle, tried to murder Daenerys in battle
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Jaime Lannister kinslayed, strangling his cousin
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Jaime Lannister sacked Highgarden and left no survivors
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Jaime Lannister murdered his enemy, Olenna Tyrell
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Tyrion Lannister killed his enemies in battle
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Tyrion Lannister professed his regret in ever defending King’s Landing
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Tyrion Lannister vowed revenge on his sister
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Tyrion Lannister kinslayed by having murdered his father
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Tyrion Lannister murdered his lover after her betrayal (Shae)
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Tyrion murdered his enemies with Wildfire
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Tyrion and Varys committed treason against their queen, Daenerys
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Varys encouraged Tyrion to seek revenge upon his sister
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Varys tried to murder Daenerys via poisoning her food
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Varys kept a man in a torture box
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Jon Snow broke his Night’s Watch oaths/vow
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Jon Snow murdered Qhorin Halfhand
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Jon Snow killed his enemies in battle
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Jon Snow executed a man who disobeyed his order who cried and begged for his life (Janos Slynt)
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Jon Snow executed men who committed treason and conspired to kill him, including a child
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Jon Snow nearly killed a man with his bare hands
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Jon Snow committed treason against his queen
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Jon Snow kinslayed his aunt/murdered his queen in cold blood
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Sansa Stark executed Ramsay Bolton with dogs
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Sansa Stark committed treason against her family
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Sansa Stark lied to prohibit justice for her aunt’s murder
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Sansa Stark broke an oath she swore in front of the heart tree
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Sansa Stark ordered an execution without a trial
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Arya Stark recited a murder list of future victims
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Arya Stark killed an entire family regardless of individual guilt
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Arya Stark baked the remains into a pie and fed it to the father
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Arya Stark delighted in the murder of Walder Frey
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Arya Stark stabbed out the eyes of Meryn Trant before murdering him
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Arya Stark relished in the death of Polliver
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Arya Stark very brutally tore off the face of the Waif and put it on display
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Bran Stark warged into Hodor against his will
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Bran Stark, who confirms he is aware of the future, moved the chess pieces around to maximize lives lost so that he could seize power
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Let’s take a look at other characters who are held in higher moral esteem than Daenerys Targaryen (prior to 8x05):
Robb Stark executed Rickard Karstark for disobeying him
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Robb Stark knowingly sent thousands of his men to their deaths for a victory
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Robb Stark killed his enemies in battle
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Ned Stark executed a man for what he deemed a crime (Will)
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Ned Stark killed his enemies in battle
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Sandor Clegane murdered a child on an order
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Tormund Giantsbane killed innocents in raids
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Ygritte killed innocents (including women) in raids
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Ygritte killed her enemies in battle
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Tormund killed his enemies in battle (and ate their faces)
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Randyll Tarly threatened to hunt and murder his heir
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Randyll Tarly betrayed his liege lord Olenna Tyrell
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Randyll Tarly sacked Highgarden and left no survivors
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Melisandre poisoned a Maester for trying to kill her
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Melisandre burned non-believers alive
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Melisandre burned an innocent child alive
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Stannis and Selyse Baratheon consented to murdering their child
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Melisandre and Stannis burned a man alive for refusing to bend the knee
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Melisandre and Stannis Baratheon (kinslaying) his brother via shadow demon
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This list ain’t even exhaustive. This is just the shit I came up with off the top of my head!
Want to claim Daenerys Targaryen was always foreshadowed to be mad? Cool!
Now just admit everyone else in the series was foreshadowed as mad, too.
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anyways the last seven to eight minutes of season three episode four retain the status of being the most iconic scene a female character on game of thrones has ever had and I hope y'all die mad about it :)
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Donald Trump gets attacked by an eagle.
This eagle truly represents America. What a majestic symbol.
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