dahcyst · 5 years
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“you’re so good at faking it.” “i know.”
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dahcyst · 5 years
Damn it, yes I NEED a entire book about Ancel and his undying and denied love for Berenger
complaint: Pet was way too short LISTEN I would’ve happily read a whole book about Ancel, Ancel and more Ancel (and Berenger too)
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dahcyst · 5 years
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Ancel and Berenger
(E2 of the Kiss Drawing Prompts)
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dahcyst · 5 years
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That moment when you just wanna finish your book but your lover requires your attention.
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dahcyst · 6 years
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dahcyst · 6 years
#imnotcrying #sheith
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Shiro and Keith :Pre kerberos
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dahcyst · 6 years
“paladins, lets finish this fight” 
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dahcyst · 6 years
Just. Yeeesssssss lhkhala
hear me out… so neil’s got a british accent from his mother right? what about neil sleep talking with a british accent… or neil getting mad/annoyed at something/someone and suddenly the accent just fuckin appears while he’s rambling and andrew’s very confused with his ‘bloody’ boyfriend… low key make neil switching to a british accent mid sentence a thing.
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dahcyst · 6 years
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Some soft sheith, because they both are just so adorable together. I love them so much aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *dies*
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dahcyst · 7 years
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- It feels like I’m not myself-
To make up for the whole shit that went down the last two days - here’s something quick I made this afternoon. Have some Shiro… Or maybe not?
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dahcyst · 7 years
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Don’t You Know That I’m Going Mad…
I’ve been walking in the moonlight looking for you I got nobody but my shadow to get me through So put your lips on my scars and teach me to love Give my slow heart the rhythm of a blood drum I don’t want you to go I need more of you in my life
- “Don’t You Know” by Jaymes Young
Sooo…back to the pre-kerberos sheith, before I finish the latest emperor!AU installation.
I got that pretty littly headcanon here that Keith’s always been the bolder one like “Oh, I know the locker room’s a public place and all, but you know, I really REALLY wanna sit on your lap while you change.” Poor Shiro… he never stood a chance.
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dahcyst · 7 years
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a quick bit of self-indulgence before i gotta work on merch for animeboston :’D
me boy Duo T oT i’ve been on a bit of a nostalgia rampage recently, i really wanna draw some old favs again…
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dahcyst · 7 years
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Danielle Wilds, Matt Boyd, Kevin Day, Nicky Hemmick, Renee Walker, Allison Reynolds, Andrew Minyard, Aaron Minyard
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dahcyst · 7 years
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dahcyst · 7 years
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Character Posters || Jean Moreau & Jeremy Knox & Laila Dermott & Alvarez
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dahcyst · 7 years
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Haggar: “Prince, I have been in the possession of this power for over ten thousand years. You think a few months of training has prepared you to even survive this encounter?“
Alfive: “Try me, witch.“
(by the time I realized the magic should be pink I already had too many layers…so umm… it’s blue!)
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dahcyst · 7 years
This is so sweet aaaaahhhhh!?
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This was completely self indulgent, sorry ahhhh (๑→‿←๑) /
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