dahliar0s3 · 1 year
You were supposed to give me the world 
The sun 
And the moon 
You were supposed to give me your promises 
Take me everywhere we planned 
Get my birthday cake 
Or even just a birthday call 
You were supposed to give me your all 
Your time 
Your love 
Watch with me the stars above 
Kiss in the back of your car 
Go watch a race
You were supposed to be there 
You were supposed to be mi amor 
Moja miłość
Mi mundo 
I was supposed to be yours 
I wasn’t supposed to be left this way 
I was supposed to get a proper goodbye 
A final “I love you” 
An apology 
For everything 
For the end 
For everything you were supposed to do 
You were supposed to
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dahliar0s3 · 1 year
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dahliar0s3 · 1 year
I am an honest and kind person;
I know when to hold myself back from pettiness, knowing I will later regret it. But in everything I have ever done to forget you or move on from the blip in time that was “us”, you see me as petty and cruel. Have you ever wondered if it is really you who is petty and cruel? I know my intentions and you are revealing yours, with your accusations and the names you call me, and all the little things you do to get back at me. But what are you getting back at me for? I am simply doing as you asked, and I am moving on.
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dahliar0s3 · 2 years
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dahliar0s3 · 2 years
I'll make the water hotter for a minute
Never want this moment to fade 
Like standing in a hot shower 
Not wanting to get out yet
Knowing you have to move on
And live your day until the next hot shower
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dahliar0s3 · 2 years
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dahliar0s3 · 2 years
Ease my soul into existence
Fill my heart with molasses
Tear the clothes of my body
And the skin off my bones
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dahliar0s3 · 2 years
Please look at me
I am sitting in front of you
My eyes are calling for you
Can't you feel my stare?
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dahliar0s3 · 2 years
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dahliar0s3 · 2 years
I wish to be as beautiful as you describe me
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