dai-tsukki-desu · 5 months
When I felt like I was an old cardigan - Kenma x Reader
thanks @missalienqueen for the character choice
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Your head’s pounding, the sliver of sunlight peaking through the blinds too bright for your eyes. You press them closed again, sink further into the bed. 
What happened last night? What day is today? Where are you anyway?
You’ve always been a deep sleeper. The kind that forgets everything the minute your eyes close. 
So you’re not that surprised to find yourselves out of your depth at first.
But you quickly realize that this isn’t your bed. Your bedding is not that expensive and your mattress is not that soft.
Did you spend the night at a hotel? 
You curl further into the pillows, your memories still a little foggy but at least past you has shown some taste in finding a place to sleep.
“Good morning.” The voice is soft and gentle and you need a second to realize that it’s not in your head.
You turn your head. There’s a door not far from you, a man leaning against the frame.
You swallow thickly. Hotel rooms normally don’t come with handsome strangers.
Wait, you were on a tinder date last night. Could it be-?
“I usually don’t sleep with someone on the first date.” You blurt out before you can stop yourself. 
“I know.” He says, dark hair falling into his eyes. Even from this distance you can tell that they are big and bright, cat-like and captivating. “You told me that last night, over and over.”
“And we still did-?” You can’t bring yourself to say it.
His eyes widen at your question. “No, no, nothing like that. Don’t you remember? You didn’t seem that drunk.”
You groan and rub your temples. “I have early morning dementia. I’ll need a cup of coffee to get my memories back.”
He chuckles softly, the sound rich and warm. It sends shivers down your spine.
“Follow me then.”
You follow him, the floor cool beneath your bare feet. You’re wearing an oversized shirt that’s definitely not yours over what appears to be your underwear. You wonder where the rest of your clothes ended up and whose shirt it might be. It can’t be his, he’s not that much taller or broader than you but the shirt hangs off you like a dress, generously covering your bare legs.
“What’s your name again?” You ask when he leads you into the kitchen. You’re normally pretty good with names and faces, but he’s not in any of your college classes, as far as you’re aware. And he’s got recognizable features, pretty eyes, and an interesting hair color, his long dark hair bleached at the ends, held up in the back in a messy bun that looks effortlessly pretty. You never get your hair to look like that.
“Kenma. Kenma Kozume. I know you from College.”
You blink. Could you have really missed him? With looks like that?
“I’m not in any of your classes.” He points out, his voice now quieter, his eyes moving across the kitchen as if looking for something to hold on to. “I just noticed you on campus, that’s all.”
“Oh.” You blink again. “That’s…” Your voice drowns in the noise of the coffee maker. Kenma seems uncomfortable with it too, flinching when the whirring gets a little too loud. 
Soon the distinct aroma of fresh coffee fills the room, waking your brain up a little more. Kenma puts the first cup in front of you, smiles apologetically, and restarts the machine.
You take tiny sips and close your eyes as your brain boots up like an outdated computer. 
You remember getting ready for your date, phone set up to film you as you twirl in your new red dress. 
“What do you think?” You ask and your best friend gives you a double thumbs up.
“You look so cute! He’s going to be head over heels for you!”
“I hope so. It’s my first time dating over an app, I have no idea how this works!”
“I hate that I can’t be there to stalk you. I’d sit behind a plant and spy on you and make sure he treats you well.”
“I know, I hate it too. But I can’t wait for you to come back from Paris to start dating. Are you still on with that Tendou Guy for tomorrow night?”
“He hasn’t ghosted me yet, so I’m hopeful. He sent a few memes over and he’s either had help or he’s the best kind of funny.”
“Aww, I hope it’s the last. Well, I have to go in a few minutes, so I’ll log off. I’ll send you updates through the night, okay?”
“Okay, have fun!”
“Have you decided yet?” The waitress is not much older than you. You wonder if you’d feel better or worse if she were older. She’s giving you a sympathetic smile and you know what she’s thinking. After all, you’ve been sitting at this table for two for over thirty minutes, clearly waiting on a date that’s not going to come.
“I… I’ll have a glass of wine.” You start, your voice a little shaky. “What entree would you suggest?”
There’s a business meeting on a table to your right and an older couple having dinner to your left. You’ve never felt so alone like you’re doing right now and even though you know it’s not your fault and that alcohol isn’t a solution for a problem like this, you can’t deny that the first glass makes you feel a little better.
The second glass makes you feel a little warmer too, something you welcome after wearing a dress that looks incredible on you but is nowhere near warm enough for a rainy night in early spring.
By the time the waitress hands you the dessert card you’re ready to order your third glass of wine. But just as you open your mouth, the chair that had been vacant ever since you came in, is pulled back.
“I’m sorry I’m late.” The man is pretty, tailored suit and bright, cat-like eyes, dark hair pulled back into a bun. “My meeting ran late.”
“I-what?” You eye him warily. He’s gorgeous, there’s no denying it, a 10 out of 10 whereas your date had been a solid six or maybe seven, at least that’s what you could tell from his pictures alone.
“You can leave the menu with me.” He turns to the waitress with a smile, taking the menu from her before taking a seat.
“I’m sorry.” He leans forward, whispering over the little candle burning in the middle of the table. “I noticed that you were eating alone and you seemed a little lost. I hope I’m not intruding, this isn’t… I normally don’t do stuff like this, but I’ve seen you around College before, so I thought… I’m Kenma, by the way. Kenma Kozume.”
“Oh…” Your voice comes out a little too loud and he blushes, lowers his head in a way that tells you more about him than his previous words had.
“What were you doing here? At the restaurant, I mean, when you saw me?”
“I was part of that business meeting. It went on for way too long but I couldn’t just get up and leave, I’m sorry.”
“Ah, sure. I mean, your boss would probably fire you, if you did. But he picked a nice restaurant for a meeting. The food here is good.”
“It is.” He smiles, just a slight quirk of his lips, but your heart responds as if he’d just confesse his love for you. He really is unfairly pretty.”
The coffee machine falls quiet again and you blink, refocus on the moment again.
“That was really nice of you.” You say, “To keep me company like that.”
“It was reckless, more likely. You were nice enough not to chase me away.”
“No, I had a good feeling about you.” You smile up at him, still standing next to the coffee machine. He seems so much easier to fluster now, at daybreak, than he was last night. Or maybe you’re just noticing it now that you have a steady gaze and a clear mind. 
“Who knows how much more wine I would have had without you.”
“You don’t handle your liquor well.” He points out, blushing as if realizing belatedly that that was rude.
Shame burns through you as you remember stumbling out of the restaurant as if your body had only registered all the alcohol the moment you’d stood up - late and all at once.
You must have looked a mess, and truthfully, you’d been one. 
You hadn’t even been able to remember your address, hanging off Kenma like a dead weight on the way to his car.
“I still owe you,” you remember, guilt coiling in your stomach. He’d paid for everything.
“You don’t owe me anything.”
“I can pay for my food. I mean, you let me sleep here too and the clothes-” You pick at the collar, a sudden realization flashing through you. “Your boyfriend will be horrified I slept in his clothes.”
“My boyfr-” Kenma stares at you, wide eyed, face paler than before. “What are you talking about?”
It’s a miracle he understands what you’re trying to say from the way you’re rambling now. You’ve lost sight of the point you were trying to make a while ago.
“I…” He’s glaring at the coffee machine now as if it had murdered his family or caused some other tragedy. “I’m not gay. I don’t have a boyfriend. Truth is I’ve noticed you. At College, like I said. I’m not that good at making friends but you seemed kind and interesting and… well, I didn't know how to approach you until I saw you at the restaurant. I couldn’t leave you there looking all pathetic.”
You snort. His eyes fly over, the sight of them - on you - making you breathless again. He really is unfairly pretty. 
“I don’t mind you making an ass of yourself. I’m as socially awkward as they come. I just…”
“Do you wanna get coffee together?” You ask. You know you’re getting ahead of yourself, but he’s cute and if you’re hangover brain isn’t reading everything wrong, he’s not against being friends with you.
Kenma blinks, holds up the coffee he made himself. It’s a question and an answer in itself.
You laugh.
“I mean a planned thing. Where I can dress up before and make sure I look presentable instead of looking like I’m trying to cosplay a Scarecrow.”
“You mean a date?” He asks, a faint blush on his cheeks.
Warmth bubbles in your chest. You lean your head to the side. “If you want it to be a date, it can be a date.”
He smiles, the motion lighting up his face. 
Your stomach flips a little at the sight and you wonder, really, just how you managed to turn a night around like that.
“Would it be terribly forward of me to ask you out right now?” Kenma asks. “I kinda like the Scarecrow Cosplay. Just don’t tell my best friend, I stole that shirt from him.”
Somewhere in Tokyo Kuroo sneezes loudly.
“Better take some Zinc,” he mutters to himself. “Don’t want to get sick.”
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dai-tsukki-desu · 5 months
“pretty, c’mon. give me one more kiss”, he practically begged as he leaned all of his weight on top of you. you failed to push him aside as he leaned down further to hide his face in the crook of your neck. “i jus’ want one small kiss,” he inhaled, “thats all im asking for.”
after 5 minutes of him begging (more like demanding) for kisses, you finally gave in. which was a mistake because it soon turned in a full make out session.
i guess you will never learn not to spoil him too much.
| ATSUMU, BOKUTO, kuroo, MATSUKAWA, hanamaki, suna, oikawa |
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dai-tsukki-desu · 5 months
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☆ —indirect kisses
he was sending glances towards your food as it enters your mouth, slightly wishing he brought his own to school. “you could’ve just asked for a bite, you know,” you sighed, grabbing another spoonful and placing it in front of his mouth. he hesitated before taking a bite— looking at you suspiciously. you smiled at him and continued to eat your food. unbeknownst to you, he felt warmth pooling in the depth of his stomach and his cheeks grew warm at the thought of him sharing an indirect kiss with you.
it’s not like that was the first time you two shared one.
| hinata, SUNA, osamu, kenma, BOKUTO, OIKAWA, kageyama |
☆ —sitting on his lap
you sat on his lap as he rubbed his warm hand over your hip, his lips slightly curving upwards to form into a small smile. “you okay there, pretty?,” he chuckled— seeing your eyes scanning all over your homework again for the nth time. damn him and him only, always taking away your focus whenever his warm body was close to yours. “yeah, just- can you stop for a moment,” you breathed out. he cocked an eyebrow, the boyish grin clearly visible on his pretty face. “stop what? i don’t know what you’re talking about,” he mumbled into your cheek, bringing your body closer to his.
and after that, you make a mental note to never do homework in his presence ever again.
| ATSUMU, MATSUKAWA, aran, tendou, hanamaki, suna, KUROO, iwaizumi, daichi |
☆ —alone time
you and him entered the library, finally having some peace after leaving the dusty- smelling class. you took a seat and placed the project you both were working on— on the table. too busy preparing everything, you didn’t take notice of how close he was. you swear you could feel his warm breath on your neck, and the faint smell of his parfum was entering your nose at each breath you took. the urge to inhale his scent is concerning, you thought. “this is so much better, don’t you think?,” he asked, voice low. “just us, even if it’s for a moment,” he added. you turned towards him, eyes widening only a little bit at the fact that he was way closer than you thought he was.
“yeah…yeah it is,” you smiled, and you swear you saw the tip of his ears turn into a deep red color.
| AKAASHI, sakusa, kita, SUGAWARA, ushijima, osamu |
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—@𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐀. any form of theft is not acceptable !
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dai-tsukki-desu · 5 months
Hii i rlly like ur writing so could u write this?
Hanma and kazutora (seperate) with a gf that's also a valhalla member, but she's more to collecting info and pickpocketing certain things (a policemans walkie talkie to know if there are police near or something)
And she also attends meetings but keeps to herself most of the time. Also the other members are too scared to talk to her bc she always has a resting btch face, and most likely bc shes also the gf of their captains. But in reality if anyone were to talk to her she'd be the funniest and unhinged
A Soft touch in Valhalla
Charecters: Hanma Shuji / Kazutora hanemiya
Female reader
Genre: SFW, fluff, romance,
Warnings: slight possessive behaviour, mentions of trauma on kazutora’s side, slight explicit behaviour
Note : thank you so much dear! I hope this came out okey!
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Hanma Shuji
Being in a dangerous gang for an average girl is very interesting indeed. Most would call you crazy for being involved in gang related activities but who knew you would find yourself dating the leader of one of the biggest and violent gangs in Tokyo Japan.
It was your boyfriend’s idea really, with his constant nagging for you to join him and be by his side, helping him with “collecting” some information or using your “gym stealth” to good use.
But really it was mostly an excuse to have you sit on his lap every meeting with a hand on your thigh to keep you from getting up no matter how much you complain to him about it. This man loves to tease and squeeze the flesh of your plump thighs.
ESPECIALLY if it’s in front of the members of his gang, it’s more of a sign of possession, warning them if they try anything funny, there will be consequences…..
It also may be another reason to show you off to kisaki, a mocking way of telling him how he “can’t get any bitches” but anyways he managed to convince kisaki to let you join. Much to his dismay Kisaki was pretty impressed by your performances.
You have a strong sense of humour, but you tend to show it in subtle ways. Hanma appreciates that you can understand him without words and has found it really easy to communicate with you. You two share a special connection, but also a quiet intensity that few others understand.
When it comes to your relationship with the other gang members, you keep most of them at arm's length. But that doesn't mean you aren't aware of their comings and goings. They definitely know they should be careful around you.
Seeing what happened to the last guy that disrespected you…..definitely taught them a lesson not to mess with anything that belongs to their leader. Yet again you still gave him some home made cookies and muffins after he apologised.
The members have a lot of respect for you. They may find your stoic exterior intimidating, but your strong and confident nature commanded respect. They know you're not someone to be crossed, but they also know that you're a valuable member of Valhalla. It sometimes upsets you how they see you as someone to fear (hanna might have something to do with it) but you try your best to use your baking as a way to make them less tense.
Hanma even reassured you of that.
"The rest of the gang members always know to watch their backs doll. You're skillful and the information you gather helps the gang stay a step ahead of their rivals ;your ability to steal important items has saved us many times. No need to worry doll face"
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Kazutora Hanemiyu
It’s was quite a surprise to see Kazutora in a relationship due to his…past actions. Let alone have a girl be interested in him but some people would say they were glad. Since you would be able to control or calm him down whenever he’s on edge.
Despite the heavy demeanour you carry, you’re always open to have a nice conversation with the others, though it sometimes tends to be a challenge. (Your boyfriend’s piercing glares and menacing smiles whenever someone thinks to even come close to you doesn’t help either)
As Kazutora's girlfriend, you have developed a unique role within Valhalla. You are his trusted confidant and adviser; He shares private details about his plans and strategies with you.
He values your input. Your performances has made you a key member of the gang, and he relies on you for your advice and insights. While your responsibilities sometimes require you to keep a distance from him, you know that he will always be there when you need him.
You have developed a strong bond with both Kazutora. While you may often be overlooked, your place within Valhalla is irreplaceable.
Though life as a gang member may often be unpredictable and chaotic, one thing remains constant: your relationship with Kazutora. You have stood by each other's side through good times and bad, and have supported one another.
You have a deep and lasting bond with him knowing how his past often haunts him and gives him certain unpleasant episodes. So you always let him pull you closer whenever your around him.
Let him nuzzle your hair and neck, no matter how embarrassing it seems your sent and perfume relaxes his nerves. Also he always places small kisses on the flesh of your neck before meetings, (or rather if he’s feeling territorial he’ll bite down hard enough to leave a mark)
Kazutora's role and status within Valhalla have always made you an object of caution among the gang members. Whenever you attend meetings and gatherings, they tend to keep their distance from you. Some may even avoid eye contact with you completely, out of fear that you might lash out or react violently, given how your face is always stone cold.
Despite this cold and stoic look, you have always been friendly and welcoming whenever they approach you, and over time have built up a reputation for yourself as a welcoming and approachable figure within the gang.
However, while most of the members may be intimidated by your relationship with Kazutora, some might not. There might be those who try to form alliances with you and use your connection to Kazutora to their advantage.
Some members may not even notice you and think you're not there. Others might want to talk to you but are afraid to approach you. Overall, your relationship is a mixed bag of reactions within the gang. But regardless of the reactions, everyone knows not to mess with you, as you're someone who belongs to Kazutora.
Some cakes and snacks might change their perspective though so easing their minds with some heartwarming bakes and food would do the trick!
Look out for a jealous little kitty though…he might not like the attention you give to other men.
ESPECIALLY if it’s Hanma…
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dai-tsukki-desu · 5 months
nie darling!!! congrats on ur milestone!! could i get 14 with rindou? tysm!!! 🩵🩵
note: bonten!au, was not expecting this to be long but it was and i'm lwk happy w how this turned out (this is kinda unconventional but i immediately thought of it when i saw the request so.. enjoy :DD also fair warning, reader is a bit unserious)
#14 fuck, can we do that again?
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you were being ambushed. or you think you were? you didn’t know what to think of men wearing suits that were currently pointing guns at you, but you think it was an ambush. 
“are we being ambushed?” you asked rindou who placed you behind him, protecting you from the five men that pointed their weapons at you. 
“what do you think?” rindou whispers back as he stares down the man in the middle. 
“i think we’re being ambushed.” you confirm to yourself, you couldn’t see it, but rindou was rolling his eyes at the front. 
rindou knew that you were nonchalant but not this nonchalant. fuck, even he was shaking a bit in the inside at the thought of prioritizing your safety and his. but most importantly yours. 
rindou felt his suit jacket being lifted up, he pays no mind to it, only gritting his teeth once he feels you pull his back-up gun from his suit pocket. 
“what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” rindou hisses as you stood by his side, pointing the gun at one of the ambushers. “don’t play with that. you might hurt yourself.”
“relax, sanzu took me to a shooting range when you were in another country with ran for a deal.” you assure him. “sanzu took you to a what—?!” 
“all we want is simple.” the man in the middle says as he lowers his gun, expecting rindou to do the same. he didn’t.
“give us the money that your boss owes us and we’ll leave you alone.” the ambusher says. he gives you a full body look before he licks his lower lip. 
“we’ll take your date as collateral.” he says, winking at you and you can feel yourself physically coil from the absolute audacity of the man. 
“gross.” you didn’t bother concealing the disgust in your voice, the man didn’t seem to like that as he raises his hand up, as if it were a signal for his men to start shooting. you saw ran from the window of the venue you were in, he motioned to the gun, as if he was telling you to shoot. 
so you did. you watched as if it was in slow motion as the rest of the ambushers dropped their guns at the gunshot. fucking pretenders. and rindou took your hand, shooting the rest of the ambushers on their shoulders as he took off and ran with you in tow. 
rindou could see sanzu and ran in the car, the back seat was opened and he all but threw you inside before he got himself in, yelling at sanzu to “fucking floor it.”
when the vehicle began moving, rindou immediately turns to you, looking for any sign of shakenness or trauma. 
“you okay?” rindou asks carefully, not wanting to startle you. 
“fuck.” you whispered before you turned to rindou with a smile on your face. “can we do that again?” rindou hears sanzu laugh as he was seated at the driver’s seat. 
“rinrin your bitch’s got more balls than you.” “shut the fuck up, cokehead.” rindou hisses in response. 
“are you okay?” rindou asks once more, you give him a nod, holding onto his hand and squeezing it tightly for assurance. 
“just a regular thursday, right?” rindou sighs before nodding. “yeah. just a regular thursday.”
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dai-tsukki-desu · 5 months
first of all,
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and as for my request: #27 w haruchiyo sanzu 🥹🙏🏻
note: thank u so much ate rara!! (also huhu chifuyu u r the cutest tysm for the doodle) 
#27 just leave me alone
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“the fuck’s up with you?” sanzu asks as he polishes the katana he has in his hand. you paid him no mind as you refreshed your messaging app. 
numerous messages on your end were left unread, the guy you were talking to suddenly stopped replying, as if the two of you weren’t flirting on and off for the past two months. 
“hey.” sanzu snaps his finger in front of your face. irked, you looked up at him with a glare on your face. “what?”
“i asked you a question.” sanzu says, brow raised at the uncharacteristically agitated behavior you were showing. 
“i didn’t hear it, what was that?” you shook your head for a bit, glancing at your phone once more before huffing and turning it off when the screen stayed the same. 
“i asked you what’s up with you. your face is all frowny and wrinkly like this.” sanzu says, impersonating a very exaggerated grumbled look on his face. 
“none of your business.” you say, clipped. turning your phone back on and hissing out a sigh when nothing changed on your device. 
you didn’t see sanzu’s hand coming to snatch your phone up. “sanzu, give that bac–” “this is what’s got you in a mood?” he scrolls through your messages, unimpressed.
“sanzu, fuck off–” “so, you got ghosted, huh?” sanzu smirks, a little out of teasing and a little because he confirms that you were still single. 
“sanzu, give me my phone back–” “what’s so good about this guy anyway?” sanzu mutters as he scrolls even further.
you snatched your phone back, glaring at the pinkette. “sanzu, i’m not in the mood.” 
“why? just because some boy ghosts yo–” “sanzu, just leave me alone.” you say, hating the way your voice cracked at your frustration. 
you hated the feeling of being ghosted. even a simple “this isn’t working out” text would’ve sufficed, but the guy played with your feelings for two months and hasn't been replying for the past two weeks. before, you chalked it up to him being busy, but now. you got the hint, the guy you talked to wasn’t seeing you eye to eye and didn’t know how to tell you so he just up and left, ghosted you with no prior warning. 
sighing at your own pity party, you didn’t even bother to call sanzu out for not heeding your words and leaving you alone. 
“get up.” sanzu says as he lets you sulk for another ten minutes. “sanzu, i said i’m not in the mood.” you say, a frown still on your face. 
“i know, that’s why, get up.” sanzu reiterates as he pulls you up from your chair. 
“where are we even going?” you asked as he holds you by the wrist, pulling you to his car. 
“‘m gonna show you how you deserve to be treated.” “what–” 
“don’t worry your pretty little head about it.” sanzu says as he starts the car. “sanzu–”
“just.” sanzu breathes in as he looks at you, a serious glint in his eyes. something that you weren’t used to seeing. “forget about that bastard and focus on me, okay?” you tilt your head to the side, confused. 
“sanzu, what?” sanzu sighs. “god, you’re dense.” he mutters under his breath and before you could complain or refute his statement, his blue eyes were even closer to yours as he cups your face in his hand. 
“forget about him, and focus on me. can you do that?” encapsulated by his gaze, you unconsciously nod. sanzu smirks, his twin scars stretching as he fights the urge to kiss you. 
“good girl.”
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dai-tsukki-desu · 5 months
:((( <33
Tags: gn!reader x boyfriend!character, romantic/queerplatonic (your choice), reader has a past of self-harm (cutting), fluff and comfort!
[Blue Lock: Reo Mikage, Hyoma Chigiri, Yoichi Isagi, Shoei Barou], [Ao Ashi: Keiji Togashi, Soichiro Tachibana, Enshin Akiyama]
To him, your scars are the most beautiful part about you. Sometimes just looks at them and can't help but kiss as many of them as he can.
Your scars show how much you went through, and all of them being healed shows how you've gotten through that part of your life - and that you now know how to deal with your problems without inflicting physical injures on yourself.
He's so proud of you. He knows it wasn't easy and how sometimes, life still gets hard for you.
But now you have him, which makes painful times even more bearable.
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dai-tsukki-desu · 6 months
Ahhh~ Thank you so much! I’m glad you like and enjoy writing and that requests don’t bother you! 
I’ve read the part too and I like it very much! Thank you for making my day better again and again! ^*^
Can I ask you please for part 3 (maybe 4 too?) for any U-20 and Neo egoists league characters like Oliver, Sae, Kaiser, Ness etc and coaches like Ego (I really want to read about his relationships with manager-chan. I feel that he warms up for her too x)), Chris, Snuffy, Noa etc. 
Thank you for your answer, I was happy to get it!~ Have a great day and I wish you a lot of inspiration!~
With love, 
Author:Thank u for the request! Oohhh I have so many ideas when it comes to the coaches! So I will be doing them individually! For the other players I have smth in mind and will be doing it later on! For now I wrote abt Ego, so I hope u like it🩷 also if u are looking for some cute platonic HC with the coaches @/maochira has great ones! They always leave me so happy ^^
Warnings ⚠️: none in particular. Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Interview day…
“This place is really huge… they didn’t lie when they wrote it’s a huge, nationwide project.” (Y/n) thought as she stood in front of the Blue Lock headquarters. A week ago she received an invitation for an internship at Blue Lock, and as she was excited joining it, she was terrified. Will she be good enough for it? Will the players like her as their manager? Will the people interviewing see her as fit for the position?
Taking a deep breath, (Y/n) walked inside already seeing a woman with reddish-brown hair waving at her.
“You must be (L/n) (Y/n). I am Teieri Anri, I will be interviewing you along with the head of this project.” The woman smile as she approached (Y/n) and the girl bowed.
“Thank you for inviting me, it’s an honor.” The girl said with a red face.
‘Teieri-san is so beautiful! I saw her on TV a few times, having her as a possible mentor would be so cool!’ (Y/n) thought as the woman lead her down the hallway, explaining that it’s just some formalities they will go over.
“By the way, don’t let yourself get scared off by Ego-san… he seems scary at first glance, but he means well.” Anri warned the girl, who simply nodded her head.
Black eyes bore into (Y/n) as the girl kept fidgeting in her spot. Ego Jinpachi, as she came to know him, was scarier than (Y/n) had expected, but she shouldn’t be surprised.
'You would expect him to be like that if he has to deal with a bunch of high schoolers.’ The girl thought as Ego sighed, finally speaking up again.
“Alright, this one might do. Cancel the other interviews we had planned.” Ego told Anri.
'Did… did I get the spot?!’ (Y/n) thought alarmed as Anri nodded her head.
“And you think you will be able to stand the pressure?”
“I… well I have some experience from working with my school’s football team, as I stated in the beginning. I also have some basic knowledge in the sport.”
“Alright, Anri-chan will give you a little tour. You are expected to move here in 2 days. Now go.”
'Harsh and straight to the point.’ (Y/n) thought as she followed the woman out of the room.
“It went better than I expected! Some of the candidates folded 10 minutes after speaking to him, I think you will fit in here just right.”
“R-really?! He was worse than this?!” (Y/n) asked, shivering at the idea.
“Not really, he is the same to everyone. You just argued with him on some points and maybe you didn’t notice.”
“I-I did… Sorry, I get lost when u talk sometimes.” (Y/n) said, ashamed a little, but Anri kept reassuring her that it was fine.
“Don’t you think this is brutal? To eliminate them just because they lost a tag game? And Kira is one of the best high school players too.” Anri argued after the entrance exam was finished and both her and (Y/n) witnessed Ego argue with the white haired boy.
“It’s final, if he can’t think fast, he is not made for a striker.” Ego said simply as he ate his yakisoba.
“Well, I am trusting you with them.” Anri gave up.
“What is the next step? Will you start the matches soon?” (Y/n) questioned as the man shook his head.
“First we have a stamina training, then the real challenges will start. This is a game of elimination and survival of the fittest. Only the strongest egoist will survive this.” (Y/n) nodded her head, looking at the monitors that showed the various teams.
'Ego-san sure is brutal, but in order to build up football from nothing we need the strongest… and so far it’s these guys.’ (Y/n) thought as she wrote down the names of all the players who are going further.
'Hmmm.’ Ego raised an eyebrow, deciding to say nothing for now.
“Did you-”
“The goal was put just in the height you requested and every training area is equipped with water.”
“And the-”
“The alarms are set just as you requested with that blaring sound.”
“Ordered the Yakisoba.”
Anri held back a giggled as Ego kept on being interrupted by the girl as she answered everything. It had been 2 weeks by then and (Y/n) finally got into a routine. It was funny for Anri to watch Ego pout in defeat as he told her to go assist Team V.
“I see you found someone who can’t be easily intimated or angered.” The woman teased as Ego shrugged his shoulders.
“Or you are growing soft.”
“Shut up. You talk too much.”
The next few days went somewhat peaceful and it was the night before the final match. Ego decided to do some more research on the players and prepare for the next step, when he heard noises from his office.
“I didn’t leave anything on…” He muttered and opened the door, only to find (Y/n) inside, looking intensely at the game Team Z and Team Y had.
“What are you doing up so late? Watching a game at that?”
“Ego-san? I am taking notes of some of the players, you said you wanted to do some analysis but didn’t have time.”
The man was surprised as her words, but didn’t show it as he took the notebook from her. He read it through, surprised how well detailed she was on the players.
“Why are you doing this? And how are you sure this is right?”
“I just like analyzing, I did the same in school too. And I am not a 100% sure, but 9 times out of 10 I was right, so I am pretty confident in this.” (Y/n) answered calmly as Ego handed her the notebook and sat down next to her.
“Continue, u want to read these later.”
Nodding, (Y/n) did as she was told while Ego just kept watching the screen.
“What did I say about feeding her garbage?!” Anri yelled as she saw (Y/n) and Ego eat the Yakisoba from the fridge.
“It’s good food. In order to be a good at analyzing, she needs to eat.” Ego argued as Anri handed (Y/n) some vegetables and fish.
“Here, eat this instead. We don’t want you to get sick.” Anri said, sending a side glare at Ego.
“What arebyou two even doing now?” The woman asked, looking down at the papers on Ego’s table.
“I am teaching (Y/n) the essentials of reading the enemy. Now, as I said…”
Anri sighed as she watched Ego talking and (Y/n) nodding her head from time to time, with questions coming from her.
'This looks oddly cute… to see Ego-san have a soft spot for anyone is a once in a lifetime thing.’
Anri smiled softly and went on with the paperwork she had left for the day.
“Code red.” Anri whispered to Ego who turned to look in the direction (Y/n) was.
“Not him now…” Ego sighed as he got up to pull the girl away from Oliver and Sae, but Bachira and Rin beat him to it. The boys pulled the girl away, saying some nonsense.
“Or maybe not.” Anri laughed.
“Now I know for sure you have a soft spot.”
“I don’t. I just don’t want more issues than I already have.” Ego protested, keeping an eye on the U-20 team.
“Sure, sure~” Anri mucked.
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dai-tsukki-desu · 7 months
Some words of encouragement
🌱🩷: Wrote this while taking a break from studying earlier today. Hope u like it :3
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. No other warnings need tbh. Plays out in the Manager!Yn AU. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura ⚽️
The day everyone at Blue Lock has been waiting for had finally arrived. The famous Blue Lock vs Japan U-20 was finally about to happen. It was quite a big event. Not only in Japan did it get attention, but internationally, too. (Y/n) sweatdropped as Anri and Ego forced her to sit next to the president of the JFA, who looked pretty much out of place when answering different questions.
'Does this man even know what a striker is?' (Y/n) thought, quietly looking around. Hoping this pre-game press conference will end soon.
'Did I bring enough water bottles? Does everyone have extra towels? Wait, did Gagamaru bring his uniform even?!'  She felt anxiety rise in her stomach as she thought of everything that could go wrong. They only had this one chance. If they lose now, their dreams will be over.
"And I am confident in team Japan's abilities to defeat the Blue Lock team today. With all the respect I have for Teieri and Ego, their team isn't up on our level." The words caused (Y/n) to look back at the old man, her anxiety slowly fading as she fought back a scowl. Next to her, Anri had a similar expression as Ego kept his face neutral.
"What makes you say that, Buratsuta-san?"
"Well, out boys are pro-players for a reason. Blue Lock is just a child's dream of what football is."
'A child's dream?! Blue Lock?! That place is hell on earth. Half of those players would not survive a day there!' (Y/n) clenched her fists as her eye twitched, but it went unnoticed by the adults. She looked back at the cameras filming them. (Y/n) got reminded that the whole World was watching them, including the boys who were in the locker room.
"Today dreams will definitely be crushed." Teh older man ended his boasting and (Y/n) felt her cheeks flare up in anger. She wasn't going to let this slide.
'Nobody will put them down. Not on my watch.'
As Anri was about to take the microphone away from Buratsuta to talk to the interviewers, (Y/n) quickly took it, getting up from her seat.
"(Y/n)?" Anri raised an eyebrow, the girl's glare melting as she looked at her and Ego.
"I am sorry, Teieri-san, but can I say something? I won't take too much of your time." She said, looking between the two and the reporters. The said people quite surprised by the girl's action. Ego and Anri looked at each other for a moment, then slowly nodded their heads.
"I give you 5 minutes."
Smiling softly, (Y/n) nodded her head and turned to look at the reporters. Her heart beating crazy, her mind telling her she was stupid for this, but she couldn't keep her mouth shut. The least she could do for the guys is protect their efforts.
"Japan... Japan was never known as being this big football country like Argentina, Brazil, France, or Germany. Before entering this project, I didn't believe we had one, let alone a whole team of players who had the talent, the endurance, and the sheer will to play and play until they are the number 1 player. But I am glad I was proven wrong." (Y/n) smiled at one of the cameras, grabbing tightly onto the microphone.
"Blue Lock is a team that is a force to be reckoned with. They won't go down without q fight and they are not scared of anyone. The match with Japan's team will be finished quite quickly with a clear winner. The Blue Lock team. The players in that team are the ones who will bring Japan the highly anticipated World Cup." (Y/n) finally finished, feeling 10 times lighter after.
"And what makes you think that Blue Lock will be the ones to win this match? And the World Cup?" A man asked.
"Easy. Because they are the best players our country has to offer. And they will be the best ones in the World."
(Y/n) answered without hesitation, handingvthe microphone to Anri as she sat down.
'I believe in you guys.' She thought, looking directly at the camera from before.
'Crap... this is being aired internationally, too..' (Y/n)'s cheeks turned red in embarrassment now.
'Oh, whatever. I hope the guys aren't embarrassed by what I said.'
And the boys definitely did hear everything, but they definitely weren't embarrassed.
"Hah! Did you hear that?! She thinks I am the best!" Karasu exclaimed proudly while pointing at the TV. Kurona kept quiet as he blushed more, (Y/n)'s words repeating over and over in his head.
'She trust us so much.' His heartbeat quickened a little.
"It's not just you, gel head. She said this about everyone." Rin rolled his eyes, but it was obvious that he was as affected by her words as the rest.
"It's clear that she had mostly me in mind when she said that." Karasu said with a smug look, earning him disapproving looks from Yukimiya and Barou.
"(Y/n) clearly meant all of us, idiot... but mostly me."
"And why you, Barou?" Yukimiya challenged.
"Because I am the king here, and she knows me longer than you guys."
"If that's the criteria, then I count in that, too. Besides, she always told me she admired how fast my reflexes are." Gagamaru announced as Chigiri and Bachira chimed in.
"Don't forget us! She was always impressed with my speed. I am sure she mostly dedicated this speech to me."
"Not so fast, princess. (Y/n) always said that my dribbling skills are out of this world. And she most probably meant me on the talented part of the speech." Bachira gave the two former Team Z members a cheeky smile.
"She knows me just as long as the rest of you guys." Niko cleared his throat, causing the rest to look at him.
"And she would say stuff similar to this to me. So that speech was definitely dedicated to me."
"Hold it! Out of everyone in Building 5 I was the best one. The one who stood out the most. It's only logical that she meant me." Nagi added in, now more awake than ever.
"I am sure she meant me. After all, I was the best one in my building. And (Y/n) always liked my game play skills." Hiori smiled menacingly at the rest.
"Maybe she really did mean the whole team... it's very sweet of her. She is a great manager. Her words made me less anxious too." Tokimitsu smiled softly at the TV as Ego talked about something. Aryu and Otoya sighed in delight, nodding along with Tokimitsu.
"Such a fabulous manager. We are so lucky to have (Y/n)." Aryu smiled, just happy about the compliments she was giving them.
"Ha~ an angel! I will make sure to do a better job on the field than usually." Otoya giggled.
"Wait, guys. Calm down." Reo suddenly spoke up, causing the arguing group to look at him and Isagi, who had serious expressions on their faces.
"What?" Barou raised an eyebrow.
"Regardless of who (Y/n) was talking about, we need to stay focused. (Y/n) basically declared to the whole world that we would win." Isagi continued, causing the rest to look at each other.
"And?" Rin raised an eyebrow.
"We can't let her down. (Y/n) has a lot of trust in us to say all that. We need to stay focused on winning." Reo continued.
"And, when we win, we will get even more praises from her." Isagi finished. The last part pretty much sealed the deal for the team.
"Alright then!"
"We are so winning this!"
"You used your lukewarm brains for once."
"Let's win this thing as soon as possible!"
"It seems like they are as motivated as always." Anri giggled as she, (Y/n), and Ego stood outside of the locker room, listening to the team.
"Nothing less to be expected from them" (Y/n) smiled softly as Ego nodded in agreement.
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dai-tsukki-desu · 7 months
# iwaizumi hajime - won't let go
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a/n = i'm not the best at writing hurt/comfort type of stuff, but i hope this piece is alright ^^ also we love iwaizumi on this acc sm he's the man fr.
summary = after an argument, iwaizumi needs to apologize.
warnings = one swear word, argument, idk what else.
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the sound of rain hitting the ground came from behind your window, being the only thing disrupting the silence inside. the storm was getting heavier with each passing hour, taking you and many others by surprise, since the last few weeks have all been sunny and warm. luckily you didn't go outside today; or the day before, or two days before, or ever since the argument.
the last thing you expected, in this type of weather especially, was to hear a knock on the door. you didn't order anything, and your parents were supposed to come back from their trip on sunday. so who could it possibly be?
you slowly opened the door only to be met with the tall, dark-haired boy, his clothes soaking wet from the rain, hair sticking to his forehead.
"what are you doing her-"
your words were quickly cut off by the boy, his eyes locked on the ground in front of him before his head went up, his focus now on your face.
"i'm sorry."
you were used to the fact that iwaizumi didn't show much emotion on his face, but you also knew one other thing. his eyes would always tell the truth. and right now, as you stared into them, you were positive about how genuine his words were.
"iwa, we can't go on like this if you don't trust me."
he knew you were right. after all, that was the most crucial part of a relationship; trusting one another wholeheartedly. and iwaizumi trusted you, there was no doubt of that. but something was different that day.
maybe it was the fact that he was mad after losing the match. maybe it was how jealous he was at the smile you gave to the karasuno members, how you celebrated with them after they won. but all of those things just rubbed him the wrong way.
he knew that you were their manager, but you were also his girlfriend. and something made him feel betrayed that day.
"maybe we shouldn't continue this, then."
his words felt like a knife going right through your heart. you could feel your eyes getting watery the very moment they left iwaizumi's mouth. as you looked down, trying to hold back the tears as well as thinking of what you should say back to him, you heard kiyoko, one of your fellow managers, calling you from the other side of the hall, since there was a team meeting before the next game.
you turned around and left, without a word, wiping away the single tear that managed to slip and roll down your cheek, assuring your friends that yes, everything is okay.
oh, what a lie that was.
you didn't see him since last week. in the meantime, karasuno managed to win the final and secure their place in nationals, and as happy as you were for your team, you couldn't help but shake the sadness away after what happened between you and iwaizumi.
"come inside. you're gonna catch a cold." a deep sigh left your lips as you gestured for him to enter the house, closing the door behind him. you quickly turned around heading towards the bathroom. "you're soaking wet. i'll grab you a towel."
"please, listen to me first." iwaizumi's voice sounded desperate as it echoed from behind you, his hand reaching out to gently grab you by the arm.
"not until i'm sure you won't get sick." you looked at him for a spare second, and he decided not to stop you. he waited patiently in the hallway, reaching out to take the towel you handed him the moment you stepped out of the bathroom, along with a hoodie and pants for him to change into.
his hoodie and his pants. ones that he left in your house on purpose, ones you always used as pajamas when the nights got cold.
as you stood there in silence, watching iwaizumi dry his hair, you couldn't help but realize how awkward it all felt. it was never this way between you two; you could spend hours without speaking, just spending quality time with each other and it just felt right. but now, after the argument it was different. and you didn't enjoy that at all.
"i'm sorry. about what i said after the game." he took a deep breath, looking up at you, his words disrupting the silence. "i was just, jealous. and mad. i was mad after losing that match, and it made me even more furious to see that you were so, happy."
you didn't bother to interrupt him, letting him explain everything.
"i know you're their manager, and you felt happy your team won. i completely understand that. it would be weird if you weren't cheering them on. i just couldn't help but feel bad." his eyes were glued to the floor, the overwhelming feeling of shame taking over him. "i know that i fucked up, really badly, and there's nothing to excuse what i said that day." iwaizumi could feel the tears starting to form, but he did his best not to let them spill, a shaky breath escaping his lips. "i just need you to know that- that i don't feel that way. i don't think we shouldn't continue this thing that we have. because i love you. i love you too much to lose you like this, to lose you because of my stupid actions."
your eyes widened at his words. there it was.
the first time he ever said those words.
you took a step towards him, your hand reaching out to gently lay down on his cheek, a small yet warm and gentle smile gracing your face.
"it's okay, hajime." your words sounded so soothing to him, you're voice calming and soft, even though millions of emotions were going through you that moment. "i accept your apology. i just couldn't help but feel hurt by your words that day, you know. i think it's quite understandable."
he looked up at you, nodding in response, as his hand instinctively went up to yours, thumb trailing little circles on the outer part of it.
"and, one more thing." he had a questioning look on his face, his head tilted to the side as he heard your words, your body moving just a little bit closer to him. "i love you too."
a shy smile appeared on his face, his fingers interlocked with yours as you stared at each other, both happy inside that this situation was over with.
"it's still raining. you can stay here until it stops, if you want."
iwaizumi squeezed your hand, his smile noticeably growing as he heard it.
"i would love to."
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taglist: @ox1-lovesick @moonswolfie @wyrcan
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dai-tsukki-desu · 7 months
hiiii ! what about a fic where manager is a bit mean ? like she had a bad day so she’s vv blunt with her remarks but even if she’s rough with them the bois just end up simping harder ? in a “step on me pls” kinda way !
thanks drink water and eat good and stay healthy !!!!!
Author: I have a much harder time writing mean reader aus, so I hope u like it🩷 thanks for the request🩷
Warnings ⚠️: little bit of swearing and reader uses she/her. Mentions of periods. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
'Just two more hours and then I can go to my bedroom for a nap.' (Y/n) thought as her eye kept on twitching from time to time. Yesterday her period started, and thanks to her cramps she barely got any sleep. Ego and Anri made her wake up a little earlier to get some papers done for the JFU and to prepare the practice field for the Blue Lock team.
While she usually didn't mind that work, the cramps and lack of sleep made it hard for her to not lose it just a little bit. (Y/n) was hoping to have a calmer day than it usually was, but of course she was asking for too much. It started off really normal, Chigiri and Aryu asked (Y/n) to braid and comb their hair, which she gladly did, but then it turned into Baro screaming at them to leave her alone.
While she was used to Baro scolding them, today anyone's yelling pisses her off. With a deep breath, (Y/n) shook her head and calmly told Baro that it was fine and that she didn't mind it. Next one to piss her off was Rin, who kept on ignoring her warnings about his hand injury. The night before he had an accident and fell om his hand while practicing. His constant saying that everything was fine and not to worry about him was genuinely getting on her nerves.
'Can't he see I am scared he might injure it more?!' (Y/n) thought as she counted to 3 and nodded her head. Rin was left flabbergasted with how easily she gave up and moved on.
'I... where are my back pats?! She always gives me them before leaving!' Rin sobbed internally as the girl was talking to Kurona and Bachira over their defense.
The third and final straw which made her break loose was an incident that happened 5 minutes before practice for that day ended. (Y/n) smiled tiredly at the pile of towels she had folded and was planning on bringing to the washroom. It all went well until she heard Isagi's yelling to move away. She did that just in time for the football to fly past her and into the towels. (Y/n) felt her breath hitch up as her face turned red in anger, all the while the pile of towels kept mocking her.
"Sorry about that, (Y/n)..." Isagi said quietly, but quickly jumped away as (Y/n) sent him a deathly glare.
"Sorry? You are sorry?" (Y/n) asked as Isagi gulped. Kujigami, Chigiri and Nagi watched the scene nervously and tried to get the rest to calm down.
The boys felt shivers run down their spines as they heard (Y/n)'s yell and quickly turned to look at the scene.
"The whole morning I have to deal with your shenanigans and all I ask is for you to keep those footballs on the field, Isagi! Look what you did here!" She said while pointing at the towels.
"Not a word!" (Y/n) put her hand up as the team looked stunned.
"You move your egotistical ass over there, pick those towels up and bring them to the laundry room! I am not doing this today or putting up with anymore bullshit today!" Just as (Y/n) finished that sentence the bell rang, indicating the end of another training day.
"Did I make myself clear?!"
"To-totally clear." Isagi stuttered out and watched as (Y/n) walked off. Once she was gone and out of earshot the team let out a collective sigh of relief and looked at each other.
There was a silence among all of them as Isagi started picking up the towels, face red and heart racing.
'That was... that was so...so hot!' He gulped.
"I like this side of her." Karasu,as usual, spoke up before thinking his words through. The boy expected weirded out looks, but surprisingly only got nods of agreement.
"Y-yeah... it was kinda hot." Hiori agreed as he tried to cool himself down. Chigiri and Kunigami nodded in agreement, both faces red.
"You think she might yell at me if I take of my brace during training?" The redhead wondered.
"We should try, I can pretend that I took it somewhere and forgot where." The orange-haired boy added as his friend nodded his head in agreement. Yukimiya and Otoya were busy stopping their nose from bleeding to even say anything.
'She was so cute with that glare!'
'So hot! I hope she punches me next!'
"Haa~ it was kinda cute seeing her with an irritated look~ the blush was just a bonus." Niko added in as Kurona shyly nodded his head.
"I hope she insults me next."
"You all are so weird." Baro sweatdropped as Aryu shook his head at him.
"Let's not pretend like you didn't enjoy seeing our manager mad. I saw the blush you had while she was yelling."
"You were weirder! You started drooling, Aryu!"
"True, but I am not denying it."
"Isagi is so lucky to get yelled at by her. All I got was being yelled at by Ego-san." Gagamaru grumbled, hoping he might slip up next and get the Isagi treatment.
"Reo? Did you faint?" Nagi asked as he watched the boy sit up.
"Of course I did! Didn't you see the look she had on her face! That was so hot!" The purple-haired boy yelled as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"True... but a slap from her would feel a lot nicer. Can you pay her to slap me?" The albino wondered.
"Nagi, you are a genius! But instead of you, she will slap me!"
"I came up with it, Reo! I call dibs!"
"I am the richer one tho~"
"Damn you, insect. That should have been me. What does she see in you to yell like that?" Rin glared down at Isagi's form as the boy kept shaking in excitement.
"That's not fair! Isagi, we are best friends, I deserved the yelling too!" Bachira pouted
The next day everyone was pretty much waiting for (Y/n) to arrive so that they can provoke her into snapping again.
'Hopefully it's me this time.' They all thought.
"ISAGI!" The boy looked at the door with wide eyes as (Y/n) ran through it, holding a small strawberry cake in her hands.
"(Y-Y/n)?" He mumbled and ignored all the death stares he was receiving. The girl smiled in relief as she saw him and ran to his table.
"D-did I do something wrong again?" He asked, hoping she might yell a 'yes' or something like that, but to his disappointment she shook his head.
"No, not at all. I am here to apologize for yesterday. I shouldn't have let my anger out on you like that." (Y/n) said as she blushed in embarrassment.
"It's alright, I didn't mind."
Yukimiya, Hiori and Kurona facepalmed at his straightforward answer as Rin chuckled.
'Maybe she will think he is weird and not talk to him again.'
"Please don't say that, you have all the right to be mad at me. You are too kind, Isagi." (Y/n) smiled at the boy, causing him to cough nervously.
"Here! I made you this, it's not much but I hope it makes up for the trouble I did! Ego-san is fine with you eating this today." (Y/n) said as she handed the boy the small cake. This caused the tension in the room to rise as they looked at Isagi. He? Receiving a cake? Made by their lovely, kind manager?!
'That should have been me!' Reo thought as Niko pouted.
'I want a cake from (Y/n), too.'
'Why him?! I am the genius here!' Nagi was getting pretty much heated up by this point as Baro scoffed.
'That donkey really getting more attention than me? This won't fly by!'
Kunigami, Bachira and Chigiri tried to stay as calm as possible as they were right in front of her, but all three were pretty much ready to kick Isagi.
"Y-you really shouldn't have! I wasn't upset yesterday." Isagi said with a red face as (Y/n) squealed on the inside.
'He is so adorable and understanding! We as a society don't deserve him!' Internally (Y/n) shed a tear and kissed the boy on the cheek.
"Ah?!" He yelled in shock.
"We really don't deserve you, Isagi! Anyways, I will leave you to your breakfast." (Y/n) smiled at the boy one last time and ran out the dining room. The room was eerily quiet as they all looked at Isagi in shock and anger.
"Isagi, what the fuck?!" Hiori yelled.
"Yeah man, not cool! That was supposed to be my kiss!" Aryu yelled.
"Damn you, blue-eyed freak! What's so great about you?!" Rin yelled, watching in anger as Isagi happily ate his cake.
"That was upposed to be me, damn it..." Reo cried as Nagi laid his head on the table, trying to forget that awful scene.
"My day is ruined."
"So is my appetite." Niko and Gagamaru grumbled
"I wonder what's it like getting a cake from (Y/n)." Kurona raised an eyebrow.
"Forget that! Imagine a kiss! A KISS!" Karasu and Otoya yelled, both evidently jealous of all the attention Isagi was getting.
"I am the king here... why is a peasant getting all that attention."
"It's not fair..."
Meanwhile Isagi was happily munching on the cake as his three friends watched him with forced smiles.
'Why him?'
'I have much more kissable cheeks.'
"You know... (Y/n)'s lips are very soft." Isagi blurted out and touched the spot where (Y/n) had kissed him.
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dai-tsukki-desu · 7 months
Can you do Noritoshi relationship headcanons?? With gender neutral reader please? Thanks!! Take care of yourself <3
Noritoshi Kamo × Gender Neutral Reader
“Only yours.”
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Noritoshi at first was like an actual ice block, he didn't like getting close to other people even with his own classmates. He didn't exactly despise them but he'll only interact if it's necessary.
Then you came along, for some reason you've caught his interest and ever since then you've managed to melt that ice heart of his. He even has a habit of sharing his snacks with you, it made him flustered all the time because he's never done that.
Noritoshi is like a parent scolding you, although it's not aggressively said or straight up yelling at you he'd say it in a quite more calm but harsh way. He's not doing it to hurt you of course! He just wants to protect his beloved, not distance them away from him. If you ever felt upset about that then it's best you talk to him.
Noritoshi doesn't like to show his affection in public especially at school, he knew how strict Utahime was and it would be quite embarrassing if Todo even knew. He doesn't want to risk getting stressed again and if that moron ever decided to tell him he had boring taste in people then expect an arrow shot in Todo's chest already.
Noritoshi is the definition of silent but deadly, he wouldn't be like that to you though. He's needy for attention even the tiniest affection you've expressed to him could be slightly taken in a different way.
Noritoshi would like it if you always praised him, he's so convinced that you love him a lot and he liked the thought of that! He had you all to himself, constantly raining with praises just for him and who else was better than using a Bow anyway? Him. Nobody else but him. He may get narcissistic but you can't blame him, you're taking an effect on him already and he doesn't really find that irritating.
I think that Noritoshi really values you a lot, just seeing you beside him and very close that not even a single thought about you abandoning him goes through his mind. Because he knows that you won't be able to do that, Noritoshi is slightly obsessive. Hell, might as well be overprotective at some point.
Noritoshi can kill for you, without any hesitation he doesn't care who the person is if you want them gone or worse. If they take you away from him then that person is really gone within a day.
Noritoshi genuinely loves to cling to you, it's somewhat shown in a way that it's not exactly obvious that he's clinging to you. He's got a habit of staring at you with intense eyes all the time, it could burn holes in your body but you don't get that awkward since you know that this is Noritoshi. You're one and only.
In conclusion, Noritoshi is a good lover! He just loves you so dearly, you're the one who makes him feel this nice. And let me reassure you, he won't be letting you go if he had to keep you to himself. You'd never be able to escape him no matter what you do!
A/N; I need Yandere Noritoshi to live, and i somehow kind of made him to a yandere this time? I'm sorry Anon! And i will take care of myself, thank you for your care and i apologize to you again for posting this request late.
If some people are wondering why i thought of Noritoshi as this kind of man, check @just-j4y 's analysis as most of the ideas came from them! Trust, they're good at explaining and i'm in love with Yandere Noritoshi. Art is on Top level too. I'm sorry for the mention!
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dai-tsukki-desu · 7 months
he’s so cute <33
Boy really said : 😄
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dai-tsukki-desu · 7 months
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dai-tsukki-desu · 7 months
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why is it THE F@!#%ING RABBIT
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dai-tsukki-desu · 7 months
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Someone taped a photo of Markiplier to the FNAF poster at our theater
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dai-tsukki-desu · 7 months
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