daifukumunchies22 · 4 years
This clip hit me like a ton of bricks. It's like I saw a flashback of my life five years ago when I was contemplating taking it off too. I'm crying because I understand how Amira feels. I have a better and more resolute understanding of my beliefs and my own reason for choosing to keep the hijab. Society can be toxic sometimes, but its mostly peoples lack of understanding. Some people are willing to listen while others dont care and just want to judge and hate. Love this season because it almost depicts my life five years ago to a T. Hajar Brown is one talented actress I swear.
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daifukumunchies22 · 4 years
People need to chill, the clip just dropped and people assuming Dounia is homophobic. We didn't get all the info just what Kassim 'supposedly' told Lucas. I still believe she's not like that and will support Kassim. However, both Amira and Kassim need to talk to each other and appologise. Lucas, pls stay out of this. Dounia and Amira should talk as well, pls everybody should talk! Cris should apologise to Amira for not being a good friend, eskam don't forget this pls! Just because you're best friends does not give the person the right to treat you the way Cris treated Amira. I was in Amira's position a few months ago and I had enough of people treating me like crap! I stood up for myself, mainly becoz my mom made me realise what a push over I am, but anyway, this all better be resolved by Friday, coz Saturday we will be celebrating Eid! Ramadhaan was already horibble for Amira, let her have a break.
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daifukumunchies22 · 4 years
I love how people are jumping to conclusions here. We don't know what's going to happen. I will reserve judgement until the season is complete. All I can say is so far, the way they portrayed Amira and Dani's relationship was too perfect. I felt like Dani was going to stay this way until the end, which is totally unrealistic. I was waiting for the shoe to drop, and it finally did. Dani stared liking Amira after she wore the hijab and started practicing her religion right? He has a lot to learn other than the basics. Islam is a way of life, and muslim consider it in everything they do. I personally like the episode honestly, I feel like it's realistic and also, they are about to tackle the issue of what's 'normal'. Society and media portray young adult relationships as being more 90% physical and 10% everything else.
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