Early in the morning, feeling refreshed. Getting ready for work 😊
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Just started packing and loading my possessions into the car, moving away, new life 😁🚗
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Good afternoon
So today has been relatively relaxed, nothing much to complain about, although, I did have a cheese pie for breakfast and it was absolutely delicious, I have a feeling that it may become an addiction, but I promise to try and keep it under control.
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So I got to work today, the commute was a bit emotional, you know when your mind plays tricks on you, and you can't help thinking about saddening things.... Oh well, had my coffee and energy drink and got over myself.
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A little bit about myself:
For the purposes of privacy, my pseudonym will be Avril.
I am a full time transexual woman, currently on hormone replacement therapy, it's been about four years now. I have managed to legally change my name and gender as per the South African law.
I stay in a rather big town in a big city, as I said earlier, I'm full time, and I pass as a woman. Nobody can tell the difference except for the chasers, but then again, perhaps that's my own perception of things, maybe people can tell, but who cares right?
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Good morning, and welcome to my blog, #dailylifeofatranswoman
I will keep my identity a secret due to safety reasons and I will update everyone on a daily basis how my day has been.
All posts will be from my own personal opinion, please do not take anything as fact as I may have rather controversial views.
Sit back, relax and enjoy 😊
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