dailylivesofspamano · 11 years
Your admin confession put me to tears. It was very moving and inspirational, and the fact that you so admire those two people is heart warming and endearing. You're very brave to have admitted that. I wish you luck for the future. You're truly a lovely girl, so keep strong and keep striving!
[[ Wow- thank you so much, I didn't really think anyone would see it or care, it was just one of those meaningless requests and I figured I might as well be honest. You're a real sweetheart and thank you for your support, I will keep trying super hard to get my butt off the couch and into a pair of fitted pants....Oh, only by miracles!But seriously, thank you, thank you, thank you, Anon! This means a lot to me, and I will treasure your support forever.Wish me luck!-Victoria/Lovino F.S ]] 
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dailylivesofspamano · 11 years
Hey hey! I am going to recite lyrics to you.. and I want... like.... your SERIOUS reaction to it...!! Both Lovino and Antonio!--- It's not always right or wrong, As long as your spirit's strong. It's not always win or lose, It's the road you choose; The answer's within. It's not always black and white, But your heart always knows what's right. But let the journey begin—
Is that...Daughtry?Hahaha okay, joking.Uhm...sounds motivational. Stick it on a poster or something.-Lovino F.S 
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dailylivesofspamano · 11 years
Admin Confessions: Lovi F.S
[[ Admin Confession 1: An average teenager of my build and age should be about 115lbs. I am, ashamedly and quite literally, twice that size at 230lbs. My goal is to, someday soon, get down to half of my size. Then I will feel beautiful for the first time in my life, I just know it. Even if I still have a pig-like nose and crooked ears and lazy eyes, I will still feel...better. I'd give anything to be skinny. Then after that, I'll save up for plastic surgery for my nose, and some sort of corrective eye treatment to fix my vision. As for my ears...eh, what can you do? Then after I'm thin and beautiful and confident, I will go and start my own cosplay Askblog on Tumblr. I want to dress up as England, I think, because I've discovered I'm most like him. There's a million Englands, yes, an I probably won't be the prettiest, best or most popular...but it's a dream, and I'm aiming high for it. And then, I will cosplay with Kota and Chris, two of my cosplay role-models. They may be silly and stuff, sure, but I seriously admire them. I know they put a lot of hard work into what they do. It's pure quality, and they are adorable and creative. Right now, I feel so ugly and unworthy of them, or this fandom, or cosplay. But someday, Chris and Kota, I will be a beautiful little cosplayer, and I'll meet you at Anime Expo, and I'll feel like I'm worth something for once. You two are my inspiration. I know that's cheesy, and childish but- I look up to you two a lot. I will work hard to become something worthwhile, and then I can prove to the fandom I'm a lot more than just an annoying person who posts a bunch of shiba. Someday, I'll be pretty. -Victoria AKA Lovi F.S ]]
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dailylivesofspamano · 11 years
Lovinito does NOT like gummy bears...
Reporting in from the mobile!
I’m too busy snuggling Lovi to get up off the bed and get the laptop~ (He likes it really cold in the house for some reason!)
Today he and I went out for dinner! We like to do it on the weekdays ‘cause there’s less people to stare at us when we start fighting over the restaurant’s decor or wrestling on the tables or making fun of the waiters—
I hate it when girls make the goo goo eyes at him…
Anyways, today it was my turn to order the dessert so I got two big bowls of vanilla ice cream covered in gummy bears!
Let’s just say it took some serious wrestling to get Lovinito to even take a single bite-
How could anyone not LOVE those things? Gummies are the answer to all life’s questions!
He got all huffy at me and dumped the gummy bear sundae into my hair.
He’s a meanie.
But at least my hair tastes nice!
Now shhh, Lovi is all cute and sleepy and I don’t want him to know I was night blogging and I told you we were being cuddly snuggly!
He’s a closet snuggle bug. <3
Buenas noches!
~Antonio S.E
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dailylivesofspamano · 11 years
Another Day, Another Doofus
Antonio has to work today.
Meh. (kinda sucks).
But on the bright side,
Well, sort of bright side-
I’m dog-sitting for Alfred.
He has a really cute beagle that Creampuff gets along with well, so at least I won’t have to worry about any fights.
Plus I get paid so- Easy money.
On that note: Considering I’ve gone and quit the music biz for a while, Tonito is trying to talk me into modeling.
I dunno…
I’d feel too much like someone’s clowny puppet, in all that makeup and glitter.
But then again, he does get to keep a lot of amazing clothes.
Well, maybe I’ll give it ago. Maybe.
Good morning, everyone.
-Lovino F.S
[[ Update: New signature, moved accounts. Main Facebook account is now “Lovino FashionablyStraight Vargas” ]]
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dailylivesofspamano · 11 years
Lovinito wants to do my makeup like a K-Pop Star!
He's been staring at me all deviously all day, scrambling around the house and gathering together a bunch of torture instruments he calls makeup tools and powders and creams and scary things-- I've got to get him off Youtube! This "Michelle Phan" person he likes so much is quickly becoming the reasoning behind my suffering ;;;; ~Antonio S.E P.S: help!
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dailylivesofspamano · 11 years
Lovinito is afraid of little puffies!
So Lovinito was just lying on his tummy beside me, playing with his phone when suddenly he started wiggling around- then he screamed! I was all, “Oh my gosh Lovi, what is it?” So then he reached back and found a harmless little cotton puff resting on the back of his thighs, he was wearing shorts and he thought it was a bug tickling him! Isn’t that just the cutest thing ever!? <3 I just want to cover him in kisses! Unfortunately…I don’t think he’ll let me do that in front of all you guys. ~Toni S.E
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dailylivesofspamano · 11 years
Felt it in my nuggets.-Lovi M.M
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dailylivesofspamano · 11 years
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dailylivesofspamano · 11 years
Character Intro/Biography: Lovino "M.M" Vargas
I guess since I'm the smarter, sexier one, I'll go first. Full Human Name: Lovino Alessandro "Romano" Vargas Official Country Name: Repubblica Italiana Facebook Name: Lovino ManicMelodies Vargas (TechnoSavvy) Nicknames: Lovi, Lovinito, Romano, Roma and apparently "Rose"? Human Age: 21 Height: 5"9 Weight: 159lbs Hair Color: Dark Auburn Eye Color: Hazel-Green Country Career: Personification of Southern Italy Human Career: Singer/Songwriter...and secretly an underground DJ Pets: A white teacup Pomeranian named Creampuff, and two twin turtles named Bonbon and Kitkat. Backstory: The Dream of a Modern Life My brother was the first to do it. That's right, innocent little Feliciano Vargas, the first to do the unspeakable. It all started on a warm night in early September: my little brother and I were curled up on the couches of our TV room, watching a marathon of old movies together. It was simply a typical event for a typical night in our shared Venetian abode. Nothing was out of the ordinary...or so I thought. The first strange thing happened when the last movie finished, and Feli and I realized we had reached the 1AM mark. "It's Sunday night," I had commented as I shut off the television, though of course it was technically already Monday morning. "There's a meeting tomorrow, remember? It's going to be real important if even I have to go, so we should get to bed." And as he solemnly nodded and pulled himself up from the sofa, this odd look flashed across his face. He was unusually deep in thought, I figured, but I was much too tired to ask. I yawned, got up off the cushions myself and wished him a good night before I made my way up the stairs, waddling straight for my bedroom. "Wait," Feliciano suddenly called out to me as I reached to push open my bedroom door. "Big Brother, can I sleep in your bed tonight?" It wasn't a completely shocking request, of course, but he still hadn't asked to do such a thing in a long time. The few times Feliciano liked to do that anymore was when he was either frightened or extremely depressed. I had made sure the movies weren't even remotely scary this time, so again, I quietly wondered what exactly was causing this odd behavior of his. I remember standing there in the shadowy hallway with him for a moment, after watching him ascend the stairs after me, we stared at each other in a half-nervous, half-dazed silence. I searched his eyes for some sort of explanation, but all he would give me is a pleading "don't ask" look. Once again letting my own sleepiness make the decisions, I merely nodded and motioned for him to follow me into my room. I plopped down on the bed, and was barely awake long enough to feel him settle down beside me, and timidly whisper. "Good night, Brother, I love you." In our mother tongue. ...The next thing I know- It's barely 4AM and my peaceful sleep is disturbed by a loud rustling, and the stomping of rushing boots up and down the hallway. 'What is he doing?' I remember thinking, covering my head with a pillow and groaning in annoyance. I then heard the front door creak open, and slam shut. It startled me, and I sat up quickly. 'Where in the world could he be going so early?' The world meeting would not start until 7:30AM. Quickly I sprang from the bed and bounded down the stairs, swinging open the front door and meeting my frantic little brother just as he is about to pull out of the driveway in his little blue convertible. The sky is hardly edging from black into blue, and few birds have even began their morning song. Aggravated and confused, I wave him down, march over to the side of the car and tap the window, forcing him to roll it down. "Just where do you think you're going?" I asked groggily, rubbing my hazy eyes. "Do you even know what time it is, you freak!?" Feliciano just gave me the same nervous, unreadable look as before, only this time laced with something new- guilt. "I-I'm going in early," He stammered, his hands shaking as they held on to the wheel of the car. "To help Alfred set up, okay? He has...a big presentation for everyone today, and I promised to help him! I'll see you there, okay?" He was obviously in a rush, but I wasn't buying it. "Veneziano-" I began, before he cringed and cut me off. "I'm late, I have to go!" And with that, he rolled up the window and zoomed off. I shook my head as I watched the vehicle disappear into the distance. That damned Alfred F. Jones was a bad egg and I knew it. I hated him, I hated him for taking up so much of my brother's time lately, and making him help him with these stupid things. I know it was selfish, but whenever others came into Feliciano's picture, be it new friends or even lovers; I felt less and less important. The truth is, though Veneziano may seem to be the more dependent one, it's usually me who ends up not being able to live without him. Anyway, enough of all that mushy stuff. As the car sped away I kept thinking of the worried look on that little munchkin's face...maybe he was nervous, maybe it was normal, maybe that useless American really did have something extravagant planned, and Feliciano might have been desperate not to let him down. I would later find out that the American's plan was rather extravagant indeed. 7:46AM I'm late again, of course, but I could care less. It's when I walk in and everybody stares at me that I begin to grow uncomfortable. I shot them all back hostile looks, annoyed with their sheer nerve, after all, it was just another big stupid meeting. Who cares if I'm a little later than usual? I adjusted my casual button down shirt and waistcoat, grabbed myself a cup of coffee, and took up my usual seat right in the middle of Antonio and Emma. But even Antonio and Emma were staring at me with a peculiar look. "What, is there something on my face?" I hissed at Antonio, none too quietly. He didn't even crack a smile, but shook his head at me, still staring curious and wide-eyed. I turned to Emma, frowning at the Belgian girl before she politely averted her gaze to the shiny surface of the table. "I don't understand," I continued. "What's going on here?" It was then I finally realized that besides my own echoing voice, the room was silent. Silent. The meeting room was silent. The meeting room was silent. Quickly I stood up, slammed my hands down on the table, and scanned the rows of familiar faces seated around the large area. Natalia, Katyusha, Ivan, Yao, Matthew, Francis, Arthur... An empty seat. No Alfred...? Kiku, no one, Ludwig. Kiku, no one, and Ludwig. Alfred and my brother were gone. ... It was three painful, worrisome, agonizing months before I heard from my brother again. He sent me a short, straight and to the point email. I'm sorry, it had said, along with a few more strings of apologies and "I love yous". ...I'm sorry, but I've taken a bit of a hiatus from my country duties. I'm going out, into the world..to find myself. I'm in the USA now, safe and sound with Alfred. He's resigned as well. I'm safe, I'm happy, and I hope you are too. I love you, and I miss you, and please call me at my new number... I remember reading the email and nearly crying. Crying out of relief, crying out of anger, crying out of betrayal and yearning and confusion and absolute shock. And just how the hell was the government taking this? You can't just replace a representation...It's literally a role you are born for. The first thing I did was make the firm decision not to write back for a while. He deserved to feel whatever guilt conveyed in that letter. The second, was try to control myself before I cursed that stupid, manipulative, awful blonde American straight into the ground. How dare he take my brother from me, and so far away!? How dare he influence him to leave behind his home, his family, his responsibility to his country to be a country!? Yes, being a country was hard...and hectic...and tiring, oh was it absolutely exhausting! It was boring, awful, noisy...I froze right there at my computer desk. Feliciano and Alfred really did have a good excuse to pursue other, better dreams. And I was bitter, and I mourned a bit, and I thought and I thought for a long, long time. Before I finally said...what am I still doing here? What am I waiting for? By the next awkward, bothersome world meeting, I announced my own departure. If my brother could follow his dreams of travel, art and a modern American life... then why couldn't I follow mine? I loved music, dancing, romance, teaching, preaching, sleeping! If I was going to be immortal on this Earth, I figured, I might as well enjoy my long, long stay. That's when I moved from the big house in Venice, to a small 3-bedroom Villa in Rome. That's when I said goodbye to my country duties and country friends, and took up jobs as a teacher, a songwriter, even a fashion designer. That's when I discovered my passions in techno music and flashing lights. That's when I kissed the most beautiful girl in the world, and though she later left me for another, I don't regret a single moment I spent with her. These modern, normal human-life years, I declared, would be the best years of my life. My brother got word of my decision quickly. Before I knew it, he came down to see my new home and pressed me to host a housewarming party. I did so, many countries arrived, it was a beautiful night and best of all, my dear little brother and I were on speaking terms once again. Besides Creampuff, who was a housewarming gift herself; and the turtle twins, I was alone for the first time. And for the first time, I was content with being alone. I was living and leading my own life, not as a boring old country with boring old duties...but as a fun, joyful human being with goals, dreams and exciting adventures just waiting to be discovered. ...Fast forward to three years later: To my surprise, many countries followed suit to Feli and I. In fact, a great lot of them did. Antonio being one of them. The Spaniard and I hadn't talked for a long while, and I didn't even bother to wonder why...but the day he called me up and asked me to come see his brand new house in Barcelona, and wanted me to critique a few photos he took for a modeling tryout; I couldn't have been happier. For the first time in my life, I was normal, I was happy, and in the end, hey, I didn't end up alone after all. I'm not just South Italy anymore, a faceless country with a million burdens. I'm Lovino Alessandro Vargas, and damn it, I'm human too. -Lovi M.M
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dailylivesofspamano · 11 years
I second this -Lovi M.M
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Dr. Cox’s wise words on people
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dailylivesofspamano · 11 years
Rai... Raichu. *waveswaves* You know me on Facebook, but I am much too awesome for you to detect. Rairairairairai~.
Whaaaat~?Which one of us knows you, my friend?Ooh, ooh, are we gonna play a guessing game? Can I go first!? Ooh, ooh pick me!~Antonio S.E
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dailylivesofspamano · 11 years
-Lovi M.M
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dailylivesofspamano · 11 years
A Little More About Us...
Ignore Tonito Tonto's ridiculous posts, 'kay? They are taking up space we don't have, omf. Anyways, we're going to be doing separate segments so you can know a little more about our current lives, affairs, careers, etc. We are modern, you know, that's why we're using Tumblr. It was my idea, because I'm the smart one. And the sexy one. The smart and sexy one. Also, we're going to be doing some original artwork for the asks...if we can figure that out. Yeah. -Lovi M.M
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dailylivesofspamano · 11 years
Lovinito's a sleepy head!
He's hardly paying attention to me, lying there on his phone. >:I Someone make him give me a good morning kiss, yeah? If he's having one of those lazy days, we'll never get to go grocery shopping! And we're out of gummy worms! ;; ~Antonio S.E
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dailylivesofspamano · 11 years
So How Do You Use a "Tumblr"?
Loviiii, am I doing it right? Ooh, do I get to use those waffle signs!? ~Antonio S.E
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dailylivesofspamano · 11 years
They're both stupid.-Lovi M.M
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