dailysweety · 11 months
'Sunan Ampel Grave'
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On 3rd November 2023, i visited one of my favorite places which i often visit when i return to my home in Sidoarjo. The name of the place is 'Sunan Ampel Grave, Surabaya'. Even though the place is in Surabaya, it is quite close to my home. It's only 1 hour journey by motorbike.
When i visited Sunan Ampel Grave, my heart felt very peaceful. Especially when my heart feeling unwell, Sunan Ampel is the best escape to calm my heart and my mind. Beside that, you don't need to spend much money to visit there, just pay 5 thousand rupiah's for parking you can enter to the Sunan Ampel religious tourism.
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dailysweety · 11 months
(Resume of group 8 poster)
"Tips For Learning From Home"
When studying at home, many people are usually lazy and get bored quickly, but there are best ways to study from home to avoid laziness.
There are some tips for learning from home:
1.Make a plan
2. Be proud of your own achievements
3. Take notes
4. Doing things at once
5. Take a short break while studying
6. Maintain the routine
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dailysweety · 11 months
(Resume of group 7 poster)
"Correct Hand Washing Steps"
Hand washing is a process that mechanically removes dirty and debris from the skin of the hands using ordinary soap and water. Debris from the skin of the hands using ordinary soap and water. It can be summarized that.
Benefits of hand washing:
1. kills germs and diseases on hands
2. prevents the transmission of diseases such as diarrhea, dysentery, and worms
3. prevents the transmission of skin diseases such as ispa and bird flu
4. hands become cleaner
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dailysweety · 11 months
(Resume of group 6 poster)
"How To Learn Effectively"
Effective learning is important for a student, because it affects our learning outcomes. Learning effectively allows you to understand and remember information faster.
And here are some tips that you can use to learn effectively:
1. Make a regular study schedule so you can allocate enough time to learn new material.
2. Don't study continuously without taking a break. Give youself regular breaks to prevent mental exhaustion.
3. Creat a condicive learning environtment and choose a piece, Quiet study, free from interference.
4. Choose a learning resource that suits you. Like reading textbooks, watching videos, listening to podcast, etc.
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dailysweety · 11 months
(Resume of group 5 poster)
"English Camp Collaborate With Local Wisdom"
This poster is about an event called "English Camp" from July 10th to 15th. It's all about learning English by doing outdoor activities like camping. The event will take place at Jalan Sitekusuma 112 Bungkarno. If you want to check out the place beforehand, you can go to this address. You can get more details by scanning the barcode or contacting the person in charge.
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dailysweety · 11 months
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Review of film "Space Sweeper"
The film 'Space Sweepers', which was released on February 5 2021, has a science fiction genre, with a duration of 2 hours 16 minutes. This film, directed by Jo Sung Hee and starring Song Joong Ki, Kim Tae Ri, Jin Sun Kyu, and Yoo Hae Jin, presents computer graphic effects that are said to be worthy of being compared to Hollywood blockbuster films. Film Synopsis space sweepers Source: Strait Times Space Sweepers tells the story of a group of space cleaning troops, namely Kim Tae Ho (Song Joong Ki), Jang Hyun Suk or Captain Jang (Kim Tae Ri), Tiger Park (Jin Sun Kyu), and the robot Bubs (Yoo Hae Jin). Using a plane called Victory, they work to collect damaged planes and satellites that have become rubbish in space in order to survive. Set in 2092, the earth is no longer habitable so humans are trying to build a new civilization in outer space, specifically the planet Mars. However, the UTS Space Guards who are developing the new world are apparently looking for a robot in the form of a human child named Dorothy. This robot is called a dangerous time bomb and threatens the safety of human civilization. Captain Jang's team, which initially found Dorothy to be sold at a high price, turned out to know the fact that she was not a time bomb as UTS said. So, was Captain Jang's team successful in saving Dorothy?
And this is a little review from me for the film 'Space Sweepers'. Since Song Joong Ki and Kim Tae Ri confirmed they would star in this film, I couldn't wait for it, considering that both of them are my favorite actors. Song Joong Ki and Kim Tae Ri are known to be quite selective in choosing drama and film projects, so it is natural that their acting is highly anticipated. Even when I saw the trailer, I was stunned, it turns out that Korea can make Hollywood-class films!
My wait was worth it when I saw Space Sweepers which depicts the beauty of outer space so realistically. The battle scene between the Victory ship and the UTS Space Guards is so beautiful.
Regarding the acting of Song Joong Ki, Kim Tae Ri, Jin Sun Kyu, and Yoo Hae Jin, of course there is no need to doubt it because they are a number of top actors who are experienced. Plus the presence of child actor Park Ye Rin as Dorothy. In fact, thanks to the acting of this little actor, I myself felt sad seeing a small child as cute as Dorothy being targeted by the UTS Space Guards to be killed.
I think that's also what differentiates Korean and Hollywood films. Korean films always present a humanist side in the form of stories that seem simple, but are able to leave deep wounds on the audience. A little spoiler, this film ends with a happy ending. However, I actually felt less satisfied with an ending like this.
Honestly, I actually expected a more dramatic ending, like when Bruce Willis sacrificed himself to save the earth from an asteroid in the film Armageddon. Even so, I think Space Sweepers is a spectacle that must be watched, especially for those of you who like the science fiction genre. The duration of more than two hours will certainly not be felt when watching it.
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dailysweety · 1 year
Review short story "You are my sunshine"
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TITTLE: You are My Sunshine
AUTHOR: Octavia Cade
DATE CREATED: 21 Sep 2023
Octavia Cade’s You Are My Sunshine collects eighteen stories that cast a speculative eye on the future, seen through an ecological lens.
Ecological themes carry throughout the book, which also integrates elements of horror. In “We Feed the Bears of Fire and Ice,” which is informed by headlines from science publications, koalas and polar bears contend with climate change; the descriptions of Australia are frightening and dystopian: “Darwin is now called The City of Fire … we who still live and work in Darwin do so underground.” In “Our Flesh Was Bred for This” and “Tranquility,” dead and not-quite-dead bodies are recycled to benefit nature on Earth and on other planets; and in “You Are My Sunshine,” a scientist studying wasting disease in starfish receives a human arm in his mailbox. As more arms arrive, the relationship between them and the starfish’s predicament becomes clearer.
Despite the morbidity of some of the subject matter, the book projects a sense of optimism, rebirth, and improvement throughout. In “The History of a Coral Future,” coral reefs are a metaphor for humanity’s relationship with its own microbiome. The story looks back at a successful realignment of people’s environmental priorities: “They showed us how to change, and so we did.” Elegant, incisive, memorable writing is abundant too: “We had to learn to atone. A mountain has no use for words.”
The characters in these and other stories are unforgettable; the narrator of “Metamorphosis,” for example, explains that she is Gregor Samsa’s sister from Franz Kafka’s story. A contemporary schoolteacher who is preserved from aging, she guides an extended exploration of beetles and cockroaches inspired by her revulsion toward her brother’s transformation years before.
The imaginative stories of You Are My Sunshine combine ecological themes with scientific knowledge to create compelling tales of future possibilities.
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dailysweety · 1 year
(Resume of group 4 poster)
The effect of global warming
Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in Earth's average surface temperature over the past century primarily due to the greenhouse gases released as people burn fossil fuels. Global warming can result in many serious alterations to the environment, eventually impacting human health. It can also cause a rise in sea level, leading to the loss of coastal land, a change in precipitation patterns, increased risks of droughts and floods, and threats to biodiversity.
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dailysweety · 1 year
(Resume of group 3 poster)
Growth mindset
A growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through hard work. Key points include: embracing challenges, being persistent, learning from failures, putting in effort for mastery, valuing feedback, finding inspiration in others' success, understanding intelligence can be developed, using the word "yet" to acknowledge progress, embracing lifelong learning, and believing in personal potential.
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dailysweety · 1 year
(Resume group 2 poster)
Education 4.0: Human collaboration with AI
In the world of education and the world of technology are closely related and even inseparable from the industrial revolution 4.0. The world of education inevitably has to adapt to technological changes in all aspects of life. The main characteristics of Education 4.0 are advanced technology, lifelong learning and developing critical thinking skills. There are several negative impacts of AI:
1. Impact on unemployment
2. Security and privacy risks
3. Not always accurate
4. Makes humans lazy and uncreative
5. Cannot imitate humans competitive
6. Abuse
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dailysweety · 1 year
(Resume of group 1 poster)
5 ways to dispose of waste properly
1. Sort your waste into different bins. Check your city's guidelines for waste separation.
2. Bring recycable materials like paper, plastic, and glass to your local recycling center.
3. Try to reuse items that are still in good condition or donate them to a thrift store.
4. Use compost for your own garden or donate it to a public garden.
5. Avoid using single use plastics or disposable items. Switch to reusable items instead.
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dailysweety · 1 year
Content writing is the process of planning, writing, and editing web content, typically for digital marketing purposes with the aim of solving a problem for a specific audience.
Types of content writing:
Sales copy
Product or service information
Creativity is an essential aspect of content writing. For instance, when writing a blog post, it's crucial to start with an engaging introduction that captures the reader's attention. Additionally, the content should be unique and fresh to stand out from other similar posts. When writing brochures, it's essential to be object-oriented rather than language-oriented. The writer should understand the context of the language and check the tonality to ensure it's formal or informal as required. There are different types of content writing, including yourself articles, blogs, sales copy, and information on products/services. While writing, it's essential to put the conclusion at the beginning using an inverted pyramid structure. This structure involves getting to the point in the first paragraph and then expanding on it in subsequent paragraphs. The sentences should be clear and precise to ensure readers understand what they're reading. Before publishing your content, proofreading your work is crucial. You can also read your content aloud to ensure it flows well and makes sense.
In conclusion, content writing is an art that requires great skill. Effective content writing involves following specific principles such as editorial structure, tone/style, and creativity. While writing, it's essential to use clear and precise sentences that convey factual information. Proofreading your work before publishing is also crucial to ensure your content is error-free.
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dailysweety · 1 year
Hello!! This myself ;)
Welcome to my blog which contains both real and fictional life.
Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Barik Laila Nisfi, i really like writing, imagining the future, and motivating other people.
I started making blogs because i had assignments to submit, and of course i would get a grade, and i hope i can use this blog well. Because actually i am an introvert, as someone who has the zodiac sign scorpio, i am indifferent but very caring. Many people consider me a mysterious person. But actually i am a person who can be said to be very pleasant.
This blog not only contains about my daily life, but maybe you will find several assignments such as reviewing books, novel, and etc. I would be very happy if you provide criticism and suggestion, or maybe you would like to contribute ideas too. Thank you for reading a little about my personality. See you in the next conten. You can follow my instagram so that you know me better.
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