dairyfarmher-blog · 6 years
Maggie’s not sure if this thing is safe for Magnus to be playing with...
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dairyfarmher-blog · 6 years
Magnus & Lotus Playing
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dairyfarmher-blog · 6 years
Lilac helping Lotus test the head-butt-ability of the jolly ball.
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dairyfarmher-blog · 6 years
Magnus has a new toy!
(Ignore my weird laughter...)
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dairyfarmher-blog · 6 years
Lotus playing with a straw bale. Who knew straw could be SO fun?! She is such a feisty calf.
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dairyfarmher-blog · 6 years
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The new mamas with their babies! I finally have names for my precious grandcalves... Lilac’s little girl is named Lotus and Magnolia’s baby bull is Magnus. 
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dairyfarmher-blog · 6 years
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That’s a wrap!!!
On January 28th, 2018, I found yet another surprise waiting for me when I came to feed the girls. Maggie gave birth to a bull calf over night on her own. Talk about proud, both of girl gave birth alone to healthy calves! 
I checked on him and gave him his first colostrum and a warm coat. What a relief to be done worrying about my girls and their babies! Everyone’s healthy and okay.
Now I’ve got another name to think of...
Maggie looking very pregnant on top, her bull calf looking a little annoyed that I’m taking pictures of him while he’s trying to rest on bottom.
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dairyfarmher-blog · 6 years
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On January 25th, 2018 I stopped by the farm to feed the girls as I always do and when I was dropping hay over a ledge where the girls are fed I saw a little black body! A CALF!
I cheered and went to go make sure the calf was doing well. Lilac had a healthy little heifer calf all on her own over night. I fed the new calf her first colostrum, dried her off, and gave her a coat.
Now to decide on a name...
Heifer calf on top, Lilac on bottom.
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dairyfarmher-blog · 6 years
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Update on Opal (Ruby’s calf):
At 9 months old we sold Opal to a nice family who will be keeping her as their family milk cow. They have 2 young girls who adore her. They brush her daily and are attempting to halter train her. She should be around 1.5 years old now and pregnant. After her calf is born she will produce milk for the family. I’m so happy she has such a loving home!
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dairyfarmher-blog · 6 years
I haven’t posted in AGES!
So I think I need to give you all an update on all the girls - Ruby & her calf Opal, Lilac, Maggie, and their calves. Keep an eye out for these upcoming pictures. 
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dairyfarmher-blog · 6 years
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dairyfarmher-blog · 7 years
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Faces like this make the long days worth it. ❤
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dairyfarmher-blog · 7 years
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Maggie, Ruby, Opal, and Lilac. Opal was 3 months old in this picture.
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dairyfarmher-blog · 7 years
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Look what I found at an antique shop! It's a swiss cow bell! Lilac will be wearing this. Brown Swiss cows traditionally wore these in the Swiss Alps.
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dairyfarmher-blog · 7 years
I literally stumbled upon your blog not 15 minutes ago. I've been off the ranch for a little over a year now (after almost my entire life both living & working on a farm) & miss my cows terribly, but seeing your girls so happy & healthy makes me smile. Thanks for this blog!
Thank you! I'm glad you like it! They are sending you kisses. 😁
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dairyfarmher-blog · 7 years
This is maybe a bit random but I got lost scrolling on your blog and I came across a (probably very old) ask for documentaries about cows. In case you or any of your followers didn't know, there is this GREAT tv show called This Farming Life shown in Britain that follows the lives of six different farmers in Scotland, ft lots of cows and sheep. It's EXCELLENT. There is a new series airing at the moment, but the first series can be found online. Would highly recommend!
Thank you! I will check that out.
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dairyfarmher-blog · 7 years
Great blog, yo. I co-own/operate cow-calf, graduated in Animal Science, and previously worked on a dairy with 4000 head. Us ag folk gotta stick together 👌
Thank you! Yes we do! There aren't many of us.
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