daisythinkshere · 6 years
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daisythinkshere · 6 years
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daisythinkshere · 6 years
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By: Minsk | katyaslayr
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daisythinkshere · 6 years
“[James] Baldwin’s bitterness was fired by working in a defence plant in New Jersey during the war, and learning that ‘bars, bowling alleys, diners, places to live’ were closed to him. There was something about him that made him insist on going into these places, suffering rejection, forcing them to refuse to serve him. He described his last night there when, having been refused in a diner, he went into ‘an enormous, glittering and fashionable restaurant in which I knew not even the intercession of the Virgin would cause me to be served’. He sat at a table until a waitress came and said: ‘We don’t serve Negroes here.’ He noted the fear and the apology in her voice. ‘I wanted her to come close enough for me to get her neck between my hands.’ Instead, he threw a half-full mug of water at her, missed and ran. Later, he realised that he ‘had been ready to commit murder. I saw nothing very clearly, but I did see this: that my life, my real life, was in danger, and not from anything other people might do but from the hatred I carried in my own heart.’Baldwin’s tone in these early essays was not simply political; he was not demanding legislation or urgent government action. He did not present himself as innocent and the others as guilty. He sought to do something more truthful and difficult. He sought to show that the damage had entered his soul and could not be easily dislodged, and he sought also to show that the soul of America itself was a great stained soul. He shook his head at the possibility that anything other than mass conversion could change things. He had not been a child preacher for nothing.”
— Colm Tóibin on James Baldwin (2001)
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daisythinkshere · 6 years
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daisythinkshere · 6 years
It hurts every day, the absence of someone who was once there.
Marie Lu, Champio (via goodreadss)
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daisythinkshere · 6 years
“The power of imagination, as a faculty of intuition without the presence of the object, is either productive, that is, a faculty of the original presentation of the object, which thus precedes experience; or reproductive, a faculty of the derivative presentation of the object, which brings back to mind an empirical intuition that it had previously.”
— Immanuel Kant (tr. R. Louden), Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View (1798)
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daisythinkshere · 6 years
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sunsets in the northwest
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daisythinkshere · 6 years
The modern prince, the myth-prince, cannot be a real person, a concrete individual. It can only be an organism, a complex element of society in which a collcetive will, which has already been recognized and has to some extent asserted itself in action, begins to take concrete form. History has already provided this organism, and it is the political party- the first cell in which there come together germs of a collective will tending to become universal and total. In the modern world, only those historico-political actions which are immediate and imminent, characterized by the necessity for lightning speed, can be incarnated mythically by a concrete individual. Such speed can only be made necessary by a great and imminent danger, a great danger which precisely fans passion and fanaticism suddenly to a white heat, and annihilates the critical sense and the corrosive irony which are able to destroy the “charismatic” character of the condottiere (as happened in the Boulanger adventure). But an improvised action of such a kind, by its very nature, cannot have a long-term and organic character. It will in almost all cases be appropriate to restoration and reorganization, but not to the founding of new States or new national and social structures (as was at issue in Machiavelli’s Prince , in which the theme of restoration was merely a rhetorical element, linked to the literary concept of Italy descended from Rome and destined to restore the order and the power of Rome). It will be defensive rather than capable of original creation. Its underlying assumption will be that a collective will, already in existence, has become nerveless and dispersed, has suffered a collapse which is dangerous and threatening but not definitive and catastrophic, and that it is necessary to reconcentrate and reinforce it- rather than that a new collective will must be created from scratch, to be directed toward goals which are concrete and rational, but whose concreteness and rationality have not yet been put to the critical test by a real and universally known historical experience.
Antonio Gramsci, “The Modern Prince.” Included in Selections From the Prison Notebooks. (via theorynotebook)
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daisythinkshere · 6 years
Welcome to my TED Talk. Today I will be explaining a new bandaid we should apply to this hemorrhaging chest wound called capitalism.
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daisythinkshere · 6 years
Every single empire in its official discourse has said that it is not like all the others, that its circumstances are special, that it has a mission to enlighten, civilize, bring order and democracy, and that it uses force only as a last resort. And, sadder still, there always is a chorus of willing intellectuals to say calming words about benign or altruistic empires, as if one shouldn’t trust the evidence of one’s eyes watching the destruction and the misery and death brought by the latest mission civilizatrice.
Edward Said, Orientalism (via proletarianfeminism)
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daisythinkshere · 6 years
And I want to become a woman I can love. I want to meet women who love themselves, who are alive, who are not debased, overshadowed, wiped out.
Hélène Cixous,  “Sorties”  (via kuanios)
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daisythinkshere · 6 years
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daisythinkshere · 6 years
Occasionally, however, a woman writer is told gravely, “You write like a man.” Since this is the highest accolade, presented as a judgment from above and closed to any further discussion, it would be impolite to ask, “Which man? Any man? You?”
Joyce Carol Oates, Why Is Your Writing So Violent?  (via warmhealer)
YES! I had some awful male professors who thought this was a compliment. One even requested that I be more terse and “direct” in my essays.
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daisythinkshere · 6 years
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Atlantis Books
Oía, Santorini
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daisythinkshere · 6 years
Thinking involves not only the movement of thoughts but also their zero-hour [Stillstellung]. Where thinking suddenly halts in a constellation overflowing with tensions, there it yields a shock to the same, through which it crystallizes as a monad.
walter benjamin, on the concept of history (via ourladyofperpetualnaptime)
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daisythinkshere · 6 years
Even if you’re not an ML, read State and Revolution.
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