dakoshi-san · 8 years
Blog: *gains 1 follower*
Blog: *10 mins later loses follower*
Me: Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. This is alchemy's first Law of Equivalent Exchange.
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dakoshi-san · 8 years
please god stop reblogging this
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dakoshi-san · 8 years
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dakoshi-san · 8 years
me: why are you destroying earth!!!
aliens: because theres people who think that english is the only language they need to speak
me: thats fair i understand
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dakoshi-san · 8 years
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Ryan Gosling wont eat his cereal
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dakoshi-san · 8 years
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dakoshi-san · 9 years
I knew this was too good to be just a simple video 
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dakoshi-san · 9 years
Today, I fucked up... by being Santa
I dropped a kid on the floor.
Check out more TIFUs: Internet`s best fuck ups are here.
Keep reading
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dakoshi-san · 9 years
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Ted Zeppelin / via
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dakoshi-san · 9 years
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How meme creators felt after Leo won the oscars last night.
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dakoshi-san · 9 years
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dakoshi-san · 9 years
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Oh my lord
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dakoshi-san · 9 years
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Mondays be like..
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dakoshi-san · 9 years
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the coyote, raven, fox…
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dakoshi-san · 9 years
Jason’s Downfall
Chapter 1 "I was born in a place where everyone sought out to do good, but had different kinds of 'good'. The first time I killed someone I was 17, enlisted into the army. It was nerve wrecking, seeing his face in my nightmares, thinking back to the las expression he give - his last breath. When I killed that man, I lost what I believed in and that same night I cried in my mother's lap, confessing that I had killed a man.
My father had no words to regard my emotions to this, he was never the comforting type. I look back to that day, playing the memory over and over again wondering, what other ways I could have taken. How many people would still be alive if it hadn't been for me.
Now, leading a militia of my own, these men look up to the things I've done, the people I've killed, and the pain I've inflicted on many people. Making a list as to how many people I've killed, hurt, or that wants me dead seems to be the task that would never end. I spend each day, carving through and trying to fix what I've done the previous day just for the sake of not only my life, but the lives of the men that look up to me.
I know that my days are limited as I write this, meaning that the foundation I've built wont last without a successor, someone that can handle the obstacles that comes with leading not soldiers, but people without homes willing to die side by side for each other.
Journal entry 1 - Jason Lake"
Jason sat down the notebook, laying his pen over the cover of it as he inhaled the smoke from his ignited cigarette. He brushed his hair back swiftly as he inspected the camp closely as most of his men remained sleeping either in tents or around the camp fire that shinned brightly through the night.  
"Someones gonna be dying for sleep come morning." A voice said, approaching behind Jason as he stood next to Jason. "I'm assuming that you went out for a piss and saw me and thought 'now would be a good time to spark a conversation' " Jason responded as he released the smoke inhaled from the cigarette. "I was doing one last patrol for the area. I don't like this surrounding one bit, If a enemy scout wanted to, they could ambush us at any point." The voice responded as took his firearm from its holster, laying it off to the side.
"I don't like it either but this is our best route back to base. In the middle of a wooded area to avoid detection from the skies and it gives us the advantage of hiding points. I've studied this area for hours and know all points in having an advantage and having a disadvantage."
"What if the enemies are in the trees? That gives them the higher elevation and enough sights to pick us off one by one."
"They could do that, but by the time they've set up their position we'd already know. Each tree here is about 30 feet hight, we have traps spreaded around in areas to prevent such from happening and if it did one of us would be able to notice them due to very little hiding them in."
The man couldn't think of any other valid statement to use in the argument as he only sat there, rubbing his chin. "I win." Jason chuckled as he inhaled another gasp of smoke from the cigarette before shortly releasing it. "What's your name soldier?" He asked as he flicked the cigarette to the ground before stepping on it. "I have no name sir, I am ghost without a past. My code name is Cipher. Captain of the third platoon." The man stated himself as he saluted to him.
"At--ease soldier" Jason responded as he gave off a smirk. "So, you're a captain, eh?" Jason asked as he stood straight, looking down to the soldier that met him at his slightly above shoulder length. "Yes si--" Cipher's sentence was instantly cut from the reaction of blocking the knee that attempted to hit his stomach. "Well, you're instincts seem pretty good" Jason said with more of a surprised tone as he sat his foot back down to the ground only to through 3 different jabs towards Cipher, one aiming towards his ribs and the other two towards his face.
Cipher pushed away the punch aimed towards his ribs and moved away distancing himself from the face shots swiftly. "I've studied your tactics in fighting sir, learned every move that you've shown in the battlefield for hand to hand combat" Cipher said as assumed his fighting stance, very similar to Jason's.
"I see..." Jason said before giving a smirk. One of the men resting had awakened to the sounds of scuffles to see his commander and a captain fighting hand to hand. Normally the soldiers would assume anyone who went hand to hand with Jason only wanted to be embarrassed or had some sort of death wish, but Cipher was different. The soldier had woken other soldiers, pointing out to the fight that occurred as both Jason and Cipher threw punches at each other but neither of them connecting. Soon a circle gathered around the two fighting as they all cheered for the commander some shouting out insults to the commander as jokes as others just watched.
Jason launched himself back, avoiding a few punches of Cipher's he stood up, exiting from his fighting stance as he chuckled. "I'll admit, you know hand to hand combat and you've been throwing good punches, But... It's time to step up the game" Jason smiled before sending off a wink to Cipher, before completely vanishing.
Cipher stood swiftly to his feet and took in deep breathes, taking in complete control and awareness of his surrounds he moved slow and at ease. Being aware of your surroundings was something that never could be forgotten, otherwise it usually meant death or injury inflicted by the opponent. Cipher moved his eyes, left and right, looking at each object long enough to analyze each portion of it wasn't till then he heard a twig snap behind him, looking over his shoulder he saw Jason lunging directly to him with a blade in his hand.
Cipher had very little time to react, but instead of countering the attack, he too vanished, but not like Jason. Cipher instead turned into smoke ashes as if something had burned within the area.
Jason landed swiftly to his feet as he holstered his blade, clapping in approval he saw the smoke ashes form back into a human figure. "Glad to see you're not afraid to show some colors" Jason said as he chuckled. "Only when it's necessary" Cipher responded back as the crowds around them began to disperse. "You certainly earned that Captain rank, I'll you that. Stay on your feet kid, next time your opponent not be so nice as to letting you escape" Jason said as he ignited another cigarette, this time walking away and leaving Cipher in the middle of the crowd going in mixed directions. Only a smile was left on Cipher's face as this showed he had some sort of potential and that the commander had finally noticed.
To be Continued...
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dakoshi-san · 9 years
what rock group has four men that don’t sing
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dakoshi-san · 9 years
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