dameciaaa-blog · 4 years
 My name is Damecia (Duh-Me-See-Uh).  D is for delight,  .A is for achievements, M is for melody, E is for eternal, C is for caress, I is for immaculate, A is for action. My name was originally supposed to be Jamecia, but my dad wanted my first name to start with a D like his Demetrius. They also say it was the closest thing to Demetrius. My parents think my name is cute and unique, and yes I think the same too. My nickname is Meci (Me-See). I feel as if one day I just woke up and my parents started calling me that. They say it's because it's Literally in my name.
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dameciaaa-blog · 4 years
Define a hero: closing
A hero is someone who puts someone else’s life, or emotions before themselves. A hero is also a person who achieved many things and successfully accomplish them. My hero is my mom. This is because she always put me and my siblings before anybody else even herself.   For example She already went to school to become a dentists but now she is in school to become an science teacher and she does this while managing work, Me, My sister, and my little brother ( sometimes my dad). 
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dameciaaa-blog · 4 years
If I were granted three wishes My first wish would be for my mom to have a payed off house and car that she would pick for herself . I would wish for this because my mom deserves the world and I’m so thankful for her. My second wish for 10 mil. With 10 mil I could do or buy anything I want. And lastly I would wish for a cure for every and any disease . This is because I just want everybody to be healthy and happy.
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dameciaaa-blog · 4 years
This is my first post to online writing journal. My name is Damecia Crawford. Three expectations I have for myself are: I would love to expand my knowledge in literature, be able to write good essays, and Make good grades n all assignments. Hopefully by the end of the semester we could be face to face. But until then I want to have a great and fundamental semester.✅ I have no expections for my teacher other than be very interactive with me because I am a hands on learner but we can’t do that unless we are in school.
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