damien--stark-blog · 11 years
Surprise often catches people off guard. I enjoy that fact about the manner in which I speak..
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Anyone have pliers?
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damien--stark-blog · 11 years
I am the same as I am always, Jade -- labeled as creepy by the masses. As for preparation, I am referring to the panic that will soon occur as the storm gets worse.
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It's Funny
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damien--stark-blog · 11 years
It's Funny
How the lights decide to go out on a secluded island with a storm that is supposed to be the worse to hit London in years. It sounds like the ideal set up for a horror movie. I wonder if I shall start preparing. -For what he does not say, but he wouldn't mind wheeling out a few useless bodies from inside the corridors-
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damien--stark-blog · 11 years
Do I look the type to partake in cliches, Doctor? But no, the desire to punch people in the face is not uncommon especially when they utter something that is long since played out.
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Anyone have pliers?
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damien--stark-blog · 11 years
Just because my interests may seem to be lacking doesn't mean I don't know what exists, or has existed in mainstream media or pop culture. You're assuming, Doctor. -He pauses, a small trace of a smirk harboring the corners of his lips- However, I can say with certainty that I was not one of the ghouls trapped in those packs. It would be an insult to me personally if I was.
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Anyone have pliers?
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damien--stark-blog · 11 years
I'd sing the theme song, but that would be entirely out of character for me to do so. Not to mention it's awfully chipper.
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Anyone have pliers?
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damien--stark-blog · 11 years
Sounds like you're referring to the culinary channel versus exorcising a ghost or demon.
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Anyone have pliers?
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damien--stark-blog · 11 years
I'm sure it's not, but there's nothing we can do. Until progress has been made and they're able, or at least we assume they are, to handle the real world, they remain here.
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Oh, well that’s good news. I suppose there comes a point in every patient’s progress where it’s easier for them to continue recovery in the real world so they can be more appropriately reintegrated with society. Makes you wonder about the poor patients trapped here— it can’t be easy being here 24/7.
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damien--stark-blog · 11 years
The majority of them left with time. The others became quieter, easier for the patient to manage that he could be admitted back into the real world.
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Only soothing them? Not removing them entirely?
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damien--stark-blog · 11 years
The voices in their head. It was just a matter of soothing them in order to bring out the fragile soul underneath.
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And this patient that you helped in just a matter of months, what was his or her trigger?
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damien--stark-blog · 11 years
It varies by the patient. Some are unable to help themselves without a trigger.
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Quite, quite. I wasn’t meaning to question your methods. You’re of the guidance school of thought, then? And by that I mean you believe a patient’s recovery is led by the therapist and their methods, rather than the patient themselves?
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damien--stark-blog · 11 years
To be quite frank with you, I've got a patient released from this institution in under a few months. My therapy is effective, challenging perhaps, but it helps who I take under my care.
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I can’t tell if you’re a pessimist or a realist, but either way I can’t help but think your patients must find therapy more challenging with you than with any other therapist here. 
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damien--stark-blog · 11 years
I think it's more of a stereotype that has shaped our modern world. Everything is about money, power, or sex. The patients we have here are not unwise in which they disregard it, but instead attribute it to us for they believe they do not need our help or the latter, that we are only here to serve them because of our paycheck at the end of the week.
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I never really understood the whole ‘you only care because they pay you to care’ mentality that a lot of patients assume. The money is only incidental really— I can’t imagine many wanting to go through so many years of schooling just for money, when there’s much easier degrees that can earn much more money. I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t genuinely care— well, I suppose there’s a part of me that did it to please my parents, but I do genuinely enjoy it regardless.
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damien--stark-blog · 11 years
Many of the patients tend to think that we're picking and probing their mind for answers. In a sense, I guess I can't disagree for we are trained and paid to explore the mind. Just how it's done varies with the case given.
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Yes, I’ve only really met a few patients but they certainly do seem challenging, don’t they? Mostly because they appear to actually just resent therapists, not because they have insurmountable problems.
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damien--stark-blog · 11 years
As appealing as the idea is, sucking up is unnecessary. You'll learn the ropes sooner than you expect. The work is exactly what I enjoy: a challenge. -And a dosage of manipulation, he finishes in his head-
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Well, I suppose I ought to be sucking up to you in order to learn the ropes a bit better. How do you find the work here?
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damien--stark-blog · 11 years
Assuming you muster up some plan to kill the paranormal, how would you do it?
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Anyone have pliers?
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damien--stark-blog · 11 years
Considering I'm able to respond to your conversation, I'm going to go with the answer of yes.
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Anyone have pliers?
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