damien-blue-blog · 7 years
Send “💀” for my muse’s reaction to learning yours has died.
(If you cannot see the emoji send “Skull”)
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damien-blue-blog · 7 years
“Old habits and beliefs do not fade so easily,” he murmured quietly, looking at the butterfly shape now in his hands. Though, she was right. At this point, he really shouldn’t be surprised.He thought he wouldn’t be very surprised. And yet, somehow, he still was. 
“I suppose you are correct,” he replied. Indeed, he wouldn’t have believed her unless she’d shown him. “I probably wouldn’t have entirely believed you unless you had shown me...” That said, he wouldn’t have completely disregarded the statement either. 
He paused suddenly and then whispered, “Phoenix’s can come back from the dead, can they not? You took Celine’s offer despite knowing this...” She’d said she’d done it because she couldn’t lose him, yet he’d thought that was only part of the reason - surely some part of her hadn’t wanted to die, right? - now he realized it wasn’t. 
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damien-blue-blog · 7 years
He watched her with curious eyes. What could she be doing? He started when there was suddenly a spark, then fire in his hands. It didn’t burn though, which was almost as confusing as the fact that Saria had been able to do that. 
“Y-you’re... wh-what..?” he muttered, unable to beleive it. After a long moment to regain his composure he murmured, “You’re a phoenix? But I thought... I thought those were only fictional creatures...” 
He’s confused, but not afraid. He didn’t even sound angry - only curious - when he softly asked, “Why did you never tell me?” 
There had been so much pain and confusion. Things had gone downhill so fast. She had just been trying to find out who killed Mark, had been forced into it mainly by the Detective. But she had taken the job on. It had saddened her when she had found that room filled with the clues that had been collected against the Colonel. But the strange thing was, there were newspaper clippings about the man from years ago. Though that had clearly set him off, leading to the shooting of the Detective and then her own death. She still heard the ringing in her ears from time to time, and the pain of the shot, even after she had used her abilities to create a new body, after Damien…. after he and Celine stole hers and morphed it into his image.
It had hurt her, yes. Being lied to by a dear friend who promised they could fix things together, only to be cast aside after she had agreed to give up her body. But she didn’t hold it against him. She couldn’t. All that pain and betrayal he felt….she had felt it before she had been cast out. It had only been for a second, but still, it was something she would remember.
She didn’t know how long she had been trapped in the void, wandering the endless inky blackness, never being able to shake off the events of what had happened. All she knew was that it had taken her a long time to gain enough strength to create a portal back to the living.
She would never underappreciate the world around her again. Not after that.
The first task shes was focused on was finding her friend. The man she held so dear to her heart. Then she had to free him of the dark being that had taken him from her.
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damien-blue-blog · 7 years
He was relieved as they left the manor. If almost felt as if an invisible weight had been lifted. That didn’t mean the weight of everything went away though. “Given what happened, there isn’t much I would deem ‘unbelievable’,” he muttered. 
Though, her words did bring another question to his mind. One he had wondered but hadn’t yet asked. Mostly because it didn’t matter how she got out, all that mattered to him was that she had gotten out. Still, he asked, “How did you get out?” 
There had been so much pain and confusion. Things had gone downhill so fast. She had just been trying to find out who killed Mark, had been forced into it mainly by the Detective. But she had taken the job on. It had saddened her when she had found that room filled with the clues that had been collected against the Colonel. But the strange thing was, there were newspaper clippings about the man from years ago. Though that had clearly set him off, leading to the shooting of the Detective and then her own death. She still heard the ringing in her ears from time to time, and the pain of the shot, even after she had used her abilities to create a new body, after Damien…. after he and Celine stole hers and morphed it into his image.
It had hurt her, yes. Being lied to by a dear friend who promised they could fix things together, only to be cast aside after she had agreed to give up her body. But she didn’t hold it against him. She couldn’t. All that pain and betrayal he felt….she had felt it before she had been cast out. It had only been for a second, but still, it was something she would remember.
She didn’t know how long she had been trapped in the void, wandering the endless inky blackness, never being able to shake off the events of what had happened. All she knew was that it had taken her a long time to gain enough strength to create a portal back to the living.
She would never underappreciate the world around her again. Not after that.
The first task shes was focused on was finding her friend. The man she held so dear to her heart. Then she had to free him of the dark being that had taken him from her.
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damien-blue-blog · 7 years
He nodded slowly, agreeing with her. Even if the demon was gone, this place was nothing but full of bad memories. And yet, he wasn’t sure where else to go. He frowned suddenly at her last statement, “You freed me? How?” 
He honestly didn’t know what had freed him and Celine. The entire ordeal was blurred and fuzzy to him. All he knew is by the end of it he and Celine were alone, trying to figure out what they were and what they were going to do. 
Celine went her own way, leaving Damien alone to find his way back to the manor. Where was Celine now? What did she intend to do? He’d find out, he supposed. Eventually. 
For now though, his focus was Saria. 
There had been so much pain and confusion. Things had gone downhill so fast. She had just been trying to find out who killed Mark, had been forced into it mainly by the Detective. But she had taken the job on. It had saddened her when she had found that room filled with the clues that had been collected against the Colonel. But the strange thing was, there were newspaper clippings about the man from years ago. Though that had clearly set him off, leading to the shooting of the Detective and then her own death. She still heard the ringing in her ears from time to time, and the pain of the shot, even after she had used her abilities to create a new body, after Damien…. after he and Celine stole hers and morphed it into his image.
It had hurt her, yes. Being lied to by a dear friend who promised they could fix things together, only to be cast aside after she had agreed to give up her body. But she didn’t hold it against him. She couldn’t. All that pain and betrayal he felt….she had felt it before she had been cast out. It had only been for a second, but still, it was something she would remember.
She didn’t know how long she had been trapped in the void, wandering the endless inky blackness, never being able to shake off the events of what had happened. All she knew was that it had taken her a long time to gain enough strength to create a portal back to the living.
She would never underappreciate the world around her again. Not after that.
The first task shes was focused on was finding her friend. The man she held so dear to her heart. Then she had to free him of the dark being that had taken him from her.
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damien-blue-blog · 7 years
He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly. It was almost as if he were afraid she’d disappear again. “If I had known... I... we... we would have found another way... a way to escape the demon... even if it could be only you and Celine that got out...” He would have given himself up in a heartbeat if it meant sparing her and Celine. He’d lost so much already that day, he hadn’t wanted to lose anyone else. 
Yes, he’d wanted out. He was angry at Mark, hurt by what had occurred... but he never would have wanted to use Saria like that. He would have rather died in the void than be the reason she met her own fate in that dark realm. 
When she went to pull away, he held her tighter for a moment, reluctant to let go, but he did release her. He must appear so childish at the moment, but with all that had happened to him and all the thoughts and emotions jumbled in his brain, he didn’t care how he appeared. 
“I know you say you do not blame me... but I cannot help but feel it is some how my fault... in my desperation to keep from losing anyone else, I allowed Celine to talk me into trying to find out what was going on using her... her dark magic... and...” 
And that was where it had all gone wrong. That was when they had been taken... and they had been forced to watch the horrors that unfolded as a result. 
There had been so much pain and confusion. Things had gone downhill so fast. She had just been trying to find out who killed Mark, had been forced into it mainly by the Detective. But she had taken the job on. It had saddened her when she had found that room filled with the clues that had been collected against the Colonel. But the strange thing was, there were newspaper clippings about the man from years ago. Though that had clearly set him off, leading to the shooting of the Detective and then her own death. She still heard the ringing in her ears from time to time, and the pain of the shot, even after she had used her abilities to create a new body, after Damien…. after he and Celine stole hers and morphed it into his image.
It had hurt her, yes. Being lied to by a dear friend who promised they could fix things together, only to be cast aside after she had agreed to give up her body. But she didn’t hold it against him. She couldn’t. All that pain and betrayal he felt….she had felt it before she had been cast out. It had only been for a second, but still, it was something she would remember.
She didn’t know how long she had been trapped in the void, wandering the endless inky blackness, never being able to shake off the events of what had happened. All she knew was that it had taken her a long time to gain enough strength to create a portal back to the living.
She would never underappreciate the world around her again. Not after that.
The first task shes was focused on was finding her friend. The man she held so dear to her heart. Then she had to free him of the dark being that had taken him from her.
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damien-blue-blog · 7 years
Damien gave Will’s hand a gentle squeeze as he smiled at him. “Do you want snacks as well? I could probably make something in the kitchen while you put the movie in.” 
Or they could just go straight to watching the movie. Either or was fine by Damien. 
"I'll go to bed in a few minutes, Will, I just need to finish this." - @damien-blue
William shook his head, pulling Damien away from his desk slightly, a hand wrapping around his shoulders. “Come on, you need to sleep. You’ve been working yourself to death. I don’t care if you still have more work to do. I care about your health and /this/,” he gestures wildly to the clock that was ticking well past 1 am, “is not healthy.”@damien-blue
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damien-blue-blog · 7 years
“W-weeks?” he rasped. That was far longer than he had hoped. He couldn’t hide the concern in his warm brown eyes as he looked up at William. No wonder the colonel appeared to be in such rough shape. Damien knew all too well what Will was prone to do when someone close to him go hurt. 
He squeezed William’s hand in reply, though his grip was not all that strong. Even now, exhaustion was creeping up on him, threatening to take him again. So he had to make the most of his time awake before he slept for who knew how long. And right now, he felt that time was best spent making sure William would take care of himself.
“H-have you e-eaten anything recently? G-gotten proper rest?” Despite his weak and raspy voice, the concern was unmistakable. Unfortunately, he knew what the answer was likely to be.
❤ Damien woke in the hospital. He had a vague memory of a gunshot, then a burning pain in his shoulder. Now here he was, in the hospital. He turned his head slowly, his gaze landing on William who was leaning over, his head resting on the edge of the bed. He seemed to be asleep. With a gentle, though slightly shaking hand, Damien ran his fingers through Will's hair. A silent reassurance that he'd be okay, that it'd all be okay. He wasn't sure if Will could feel it or not, but he did it anyway.
If only the Colonel hadn’t been drunk, maybe he could have saved Damien from the murder attempt. Maybe he could’ve pushed him out of the way. Maybe if he’d seen the attacker first, Damien wouldn’t be hurt. Hindsight was 20/20 but he still blamed himself, no matter how he looked at it.He’d finally fallen asleep while waiting for Damien to come to. Tear tracks stained his cheeks. William looked like a mess, his hair all tussled and his face tired. There were a few clumps of black hair on the floor from where William had accidentally began to rip his own hair out. It was a habit. Especially when he’d done something terrible.@damien-blue
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damien-blue-blog · 7 years
Sorry for disappearing for a few days. I’m back now and hoping to get to replies soon! 
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damien-blue-blog · 7 years
When he saw her reflection, he couldn’t be sure if it was an actual reflection or if she was still in the mirror. He flinched at the hand on his shoulder, the contact had been unexpected, and it had been so long since he’d felt any physical contact. He slowly turned his head to look at her, releasing a shaky breath when he saw that yes, she was there, his mind wasn’t playing tricks on him. “Saria...” he whispered. He reached out as if to hug her, before he stopped, letting his arms fall to his sides. He wasn’t sure how she’d react to it, given how their last encounter had been. 
Yet, she didn’t appear angry with him. Still, before he knew it he was rambling, “I’m sorry Saria, I’m so sorry... I didn’t know there was something else there with us... Celine said it’d be fine, she knew what she was doing and I believed her... W-we should have never asked that of you... we - I - should have known there was something else there... and then when he... I couldn’t stop him... we couldn’t stop him from taking control...” 
His hands clenched into fists as he once again wished he had his cane. It would be very useful right now. What had happened to her was not entirely his fault, yet he couldn’t help the heavy feeling of guilt in his chest. 
There had been so much pain and confusion. Things had gone downhill so fast. She had just been trying to find out who killed Mark, had been forced into it mainly by the Detective. But she had taken the job on. It had saddened her when she had found that room filled with the clues that had been collected against the Colonel. But the strange thing was, there were newspaper clippings about the man from years ago. Though that had clearly set him off, leading to the shooting of the Detective and then her own death. She still heard the ringing in her ears from time to time, and the pain of the shot, even after she had used her abilities to create a new body, after Damien…. after he and Celine stole hers and morphed it into his image.
It had hurt her, yes. Being lied to by a dear friend who promised they could fix things together, only to be cast aside after she had agreed to give up her body. But she didn’t hold it against him. She couldn’t. All that pain and betrayal he felt….she had felt it before she had been cast out. It had only been for a second, but still, it was something she would remember.
She didn’t know how long she had been trapped in the void, wandering the endless inky blackness, never being able to shake off the events of what had happened. All she knew was that it had taken her a long time to gain enough strength to create a portal back to the living.
She would never underappreciate the world around her again. Not after that.
The first task shes was focused on was finding her friend. The man she held so dear to her heart. Then she had to free him of the dark being that had taken him from her.
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damien-blue-blog · 7 years
The place seemed empty, deserted, still, he cautiously called out, “Is anyone there?” Granted, if someone did reply he didn’t know what he’d do. It wasn’t like he could explain this place may have well have been his childhood home, he knew it had been along time since everything had gone so wrong. 
He couldn’t help but shiver slightly, the manor making him uneasy. He pulled his jacket closer to himself, wishing he still had his cane. He could no longer remember what Dark had done with it - and he was not foolish enough to try and retrieve it. 
He caught sight of the mirror and he wandered over to it. With a gentle hand, he traced his fingers along the edge. “Oh Saria...” he whispered softly, “Are you even still there?” 
There had been so much pain and confusion. Things had gone downhill so fast. She had just been trying to find out who killed Mark, had been forced into it mainly by the Detective. But she had taken the job on. It had saddened her when she had found that room filled with the clues that had been collected against the Colonel. But the strange thing was, there were newspaper clippings about the man from years ago. Though that had clearly set him off, leading to the shooting of the Detective and then her own death. She still heard the ringing in her ears from time to time, and the pain of the shot, even after she had used her abilities to create a new body, after Damien…. after he and Celine stole hers and morphed it into his image.
It had hurt her, yes. Being lied to by a dear friend who promised they could fix things together, only to be cast aside after she had agreed to give up her body. But she didn’t hold it against him. She couldn’t. All that pain and betrayal he felt….she had felt it before she had been cast out. It had only been for a second, but still, it was something she would remember.
She didn’t know how long she had been trapped in the void, wandering the endless inky blackness, never being able to shake off the events of what had happened. All she knew was that it had taken her a long time to gain enough strength to create a portal back to the living.
She would never underappreciate the world around her again. Not after that.
The first task shes was focused on was finding her friend. The man she held so dear to her heart. Then she had to free him of the dark being that had taken him from her.
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damien-blue-blog · 7 years
He’d been part of the demon for so long, merged with the being and Celine, that it was a struggle to get used to being alone again, to being him again. He was scared, confused, hurt. He’d lost everything. His friends, his identity... everything. What was left for him now? 
All he had left was pain, a deep aching pain in his heart. Mark had betrayed them all, William was insane, Celine was gone - off to do her own thing now that she was free, and Saria... dear Saria. She’d been used by the demon, the same as him and Celine. Except, Saria had been left behind, trapped in the mirror. He’d never see her again. 
Yet, he still found himself coming back anyway. Returning to the place where everything had ended and begun. Where he’d lost it all. He didn’t know why. It was an empty, abandoned manor. There was nothing left for him here... yet he didn’t know where else to go. 
There had been so much pain and confusion. Things had gone downhill so fast. She had just been trying to find out who killed Mark, had been forced into it mainly by the Detective. But she had taken the job on. It had saddened her when she had found that room filled with the clues that had been collected against the Colonel. But the strange thing was, there were newspaper clippings about the man from years ago. Though that had clearly set him off, leading to the shooting of the Detective and then her own death. She still heard the ringing in her ears from time to time, and the pain of the shot, even after she had used her abilities to create a new body, after Damien…. after he and Celine stole hers and morphed it into his image.
It had hurt her, yes. Being lied to by a dear friend who promised they could fix things together, only to be cast aside after she had agreed to give up her body. But she didn’t hold it against him. She couldn’t. All that pain and betrayal he felt….she had felt it before she had been cast out. It had only been for a second, but still, it was something she would remember.
She didn’t know how long she had been trapped in the void, wandering the endless inky blackness, never being able to shake off the events of what had happened. All she knew was that it had taken her a long time to gain enough strength to create a portal back to the living.
She would never underappreciate the world around her again. Not after that.
The first task shes was focused on was finding her friend. The man she held so dear to her heart. Then she had to free him of the dark being that had taken him from her.
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damien-blue-blog · 7 years
Damien finished getting dressed, thinking for a moment after Will spoke. “Perhaps we could put in that movie we’ve been meaning to watch?” Of course, that was just a very obvious excuse for them to cuddle on the couch together. Not that they needed the excuse, Damien would be happy to cuddle with William just because they could. 
That, and the movie was a comedy, perhaps it’d be able to get a laugh out of them. Of course, Will might not be in the mood for it, which was fine by Damien. There was always just cuddling on the couch - or in bed - just for the sake of cuddling. Or there was whatever Will wanted to do. 
"I'll go to bed in a few minutes, Will, I just need to finish this." - @damien-blue
William shook his head, pulling Damien away from his desk slightly, a hand wrapping around his shoulders. “Come on, you need to sleep. You’ve been working yourself to death. I don’t care if you still have more work to do. I care about your health and /this/,” he gestures wildly to the clock that was ticking well past 1 am, “is not healthy.”@damien-blue
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damien-blue-blog · 7 years
He let William pull away, though he reached out to gently brush a lock of hair out of his eyes. Damien sighed, he knew there was nothing he could say to erase the guilt in Will’s eyes. After a moment he murmured, “Perhaps we should finish getting dressed? Then... we can do whatever you want, Will. I don’t care what I just... want to spend time with you.” 
Even after the last few minutes, Damien’s plans for the day hadn’t changed all. He’d planned to spend the day with William, and that was still what he wanted to do.
"I'll go to bed in a few minutes, Will, I just need to finish this." - @damien-blue
William shook his head, pulling Damien away from his desk slightly, a hand wrapping around his shoulders. “Come on, you need to sleep. You’ve been working yourself to death. I don’t care if you still have more work to do. I care about your health and /this/,” he gestures wildly to the clock that was ticking well past 1 am, “is not healthy.”@damien-blue
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damien-blue-blog · 7 years
The brief kiss was far too short to Damien, but he didn’t complain as he raised a shaking hand to gently cup William’s cheek, thumb brushing away a few tears. “’M sorry... didn’t mean to... to worry you...” Of course he hadn’t meant it. It wasn’t like the mayor had planned to get shot. Yet he still felt guilty for it. 
“How... how long w-wast I out?” he rasped after a moment. The longer he’d been out, the longer Will had been in this state. The thought made Damien’s heart ache, but there was nothing that could be done to change it. 
❤ Damien woke in the hospital. He had a vague memory of a gunshot, then a burning pain in his shoulder. Now here he was, in the hospital. He turned his head slowly, his gaze landing on William who was leaning over, his head resting on the edge of the bed. He seemed to be asleep. With a gentle, though slightly shaking hand, Damien ran his fingers through Will's hair. A silent reassurance that he'd be okay, that it'd all be okay. He wasn't sure if Will could feel it or not, but he did it anyway.
If only the Colonel hadn’t been drunk, maybe he could have saved Damien from the murder attempt. Maybe he could’ve pushed him out of the way. Maybe if he’d seen the attacker first, Damien wouldn’t be hurt. Hindsight was 20/20 but he still blamed himself, no matter how he looked at it.He’d finally fallen asleep while waiting for Damien to come to. Tear tracks stained his cheeks. William looked like a mess, his hair all tussled and his face tired. There were a few clumps of black hair on the floor from where William had accidentally began to rip his own hair out. It was a habit. Especially when he’d done something terrible.@damien-blue
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damien-blue-blog · 7 years
So I was skimming through WKM frame by frame for screenshots 
and I came upon what may be my absolute favorite picture of Damien
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look at him. 
who bamboozled my mayor boy
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damien-blue-blog · 7 years
Why I haven't answered back in a RP:
1. I am NOT ignoring you. 2. I am trying to think if a reply. 3. I’m not up to it at that moment. 4. Tumblr ate it.
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