daminii · 4 years
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All other tags are left as an exercise to the reader.
Thanks ani and @sadcypher for helping me with this!
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daminii · 4 years
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09.03.2020; lazy mornings reading and drinking coffee. but i've already been caring enough towards myself, this afternoon i'm going to the library to make use of every single minute that i have.
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daminii · 4 years
‘eat the frog' method
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Hi all, it’s werelivingarts. I just stumbled across this method called ‘eat the frog’, which means you get the most difficult or important task out of your way first. I actually have been using this method for a long time, hope this post gives you a new way of managing your time and productivity! 😜
“If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.” – Mark Twain 
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daminii · 4 years
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🐶 콜드 - your dog loves you 🐶
this is another song that calms me a lot and makes me love my dog even more. i think all pet owners can agree with me when i say that all our pets deserve the world, because they really do.
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daminii · 4 years
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18.10.18 // an old september spread. life in belfast is moving faster than i expected it would.
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daminii · 4 years
One of my favorite things about Jane Austen is that she knew the real fear wasn’t running into some terrifying Frenchman or finding your lover’s wife in the attic…it was having to spend time with someone who is slighter cooler than you are, or playing piano in front of a critical audience, or thinking a picnic will be the perfect time for your jokes but then it isn’t
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daminii · 4 years
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Day 39/100
The weather was perfect so I decided to get some reading done outside today.
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daminii · 4 years
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I decided to create a masterpost that would help you with what you are struggling with. Hopefully any of the links below will help you! Reminder; You’re going to be okay. What you are going through will pass, just remember to breathe. 
Here are some distractions to help keep your mind occupied so you aren’t too focused on your thoughts. 
-Draw something
-This website translates the time into colours.
-Create your own galaxy.
-Play flowing.
-Make a 3D line travel where ever you like. 
-Listen to music.
-Ocean mood, do nothing for two minutes.
Sleep issues; 
- 8 hour sleep music.
-Rainy mood. 
-Coping with nightmares.
-How to cope with nightmares, 11 steps.
-Foods that can affect your sleeping, both positive and negatively. 
 Uncomfortable with silence; 
-Rainy mood.
-10 hours of rain and thunder.
-3 hours of rain and thunder.
-Human heartbeat.
-Sound of rain on a tin roof.
-Autumn wind.
-Rain on a tent
-Traffic in the rain.
-Soft traffic. 
-Simply noise.
-My noise.
-Rainy cafe.
-How to stop worrying. 
-Tips to manage anxiety and stress.
-The 10 best ever anxiety management techniques. 
-Self-help strategies for anxiety. 
-Helping a friend with anxiety. 
-All about worrying.
-8 myths about anxiety. 
Sad, angry and depressed/depression; 
-“I’m always sad”
-Feeling sad.
-Going through trauma.
-“I’m always angry”.
-Anger management. 
-All about anger.
-National helplines and websites.
-Self-help strategies for depression.
-Dealing with depression at work.
-Dealing with depression at school.
Isolation and loneliness; 
-Pets and mental health.
-All about loneliness. 
-“I feel so alone”
-10 more ideas to help with loneliness. 
-How to deal with loneliness.
-Alternatives to self-harm and distraction techniques.
-146 things to do besides self-harm.
-More alternatives to self-harm.
-Self-harm alternatives.
-How to take care of self-harm wounds/injuries.
-Getting rid of scars.  
-How to help a friend with a drug addiction.
-What is addiction?
-All about alcohol and addiction.
-The facts about drug addiction.
 Eating disorders; 
-Helping a friend with an eating disorder.
-Eating disorder treatments. 
-Support services for eating disorders. 
-Self-help tips with eating disorders.
-Eating disorder recovery. 
-Recovering from an eating disorder. 
-100+ reasons to recover. 
-Understanding and managing eating disorders. 
 Dealing with self-hatred;  
-3 ways to ease self-loathing. 
-How to turn self-hatred into self-compassion.
-Self-hatred resources.
-10 step plan to deal with self-hate. 
-International suicide hotlines (1)  (2)
-Preventing suicide. 
-Reasons to stay alive.
-Dealing with suicidal thoughts and feelings.
-Coping with suicidal ideation.  
-All about schizophrenia.  
-Helping a person with schizophrenia.  
-Understanding and dealing with schizophrenia.  
-Delusions and hallucinations.  
-Managing your OCD at home. 
-Overcoming OCD.
-How to cope with OCD. 
-Strategies for dealing with the anxious moments. 
Borderline personality disorder; 
-Helping someone with BPD. 
-All about personality disorders.
-Treatment for BPD.
-Healthy relationships VS abusive relationships. 
-Emotional abuse
-Overcoming sexual abuse. 
-Hotlines services. 
-5 ways to escape an abusive relationship. 
-Domestic violence support. 
-Signs of an abusive relationship. 
-What do to if you’re in an abusive relationship. 
-Surviving abuse. 
-What you can do if you’re sexual harassed. 
-Sexual assault support.
-What to do if you’ve been sexually assaulted or abused. 
-How to stand up against bullying.
-How to protect yourself when it comes to cyber bullying.
-How to help stop people bullying you. 
 Loss and grief; 
-How to cope with a suicide of a loved one.
-Grieving for a stranger. 
-Common reactions to death. 
-Working through grief.
(Other loss and grief)
-Moving away from friends and family. 
-Coping with a breakup.
 Getting help; 
-Seeking help early. 
-All about psychological treatments. 
-Types of help.
-All about age and confidentiality. 
Things you need to remember; 
- Don’t stress about being fixed because you’re not broken.
-Remember to remind yourself of your accomplishments. Tell yourself that you’re proud of yourself, even if you’re not. 
- This is temporary. You won’t always feel like this. 
-You are not alone. 
-You are enough. 
-You are important. 
-You are worth it. 
-You are strong. 
-You are not a failure, 
-Good people exist. 
-Reaching out shows strength. 
-Don’t listen to the thoughts that are not helping you. 
-Give yourself credit. 
-Don’t be ashamed of your emotions, for the good or bad ones. 
-Treat yourself the same way as you would treat a good friend. 
-Focus on the things you can change. 
-Let go of toxic people. 
-You don’t need to hide, you’re allowed to feel the way you do. 
-Try not to beat yourself up. 
-Something is always happening, you don’t want to miss out on what’s going to happen next. 
-You are not a bother.
-Your existence is more than your appearance. 
-You are smart. 
-You are loved. 
-You are wanted. 
-You are needed. 
-Better days are coming. 
-Just because your past is dark, doesn’t mean your future isn’t bright. 
-You have more potential than you think. 
- Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.
Please remember to look after yourself and know that you are more than worth it and you deserve to be happy. Keep smiling butterflies x
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daminii · 4 years
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day 56 of 100 days of productivity
back to basics! i’m reading this whole chemistry text book because i really feel i’m lacking some fundamental knowledge. i’ve been told it’s sacrilegious to write in textbooks but i got this for free from uni and it’s got like three years worth of content in it
did 45 mins of duo norwegian
worked out
read chapter 2 of my chem textbook
played some piano
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daminii · 4 years
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Day 36/100
I think it says something about me that my proudest achievement during quarantine has been learning to make the perfect cup of coffee for myself.
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daminii · 4 years
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04.07.2020 // 16:11pm
sorry for not posting any original content for a while! i needed a bit of time to ‘recover’ from my finals, because they required a LOT of energy from me. i was so nervous for my last exam that i couldn’t fall asleep and maybe slept 1 hour that night, aha 😅  so now i’ve spent my days reading, sleeping and basically enjoying life without having to think about watching classes or worrying about deadlines
also thanks for all the birthday wishes, means a lot ! 🥳 
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daminii · 4 years
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Drinking black coffee and studying John Milton’s Paradise Lost for my Explorations exam in May. This Satan character seems pretty cool.
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daminii · 4 years
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2015 vs 2017 : Maybe I have changed in more ways than one. ( 1 8 / 0 6 / 2 0 1 7 )
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daminii · 4 years
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In truth, I think he was afraid. Rudy Steiner was scared of the book thief's kiss. He must have longed for it so much. He must have loved her so incredibly hard.
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daminii · 4 years
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Day 20/100
I’ve moved on from complicated bullet journal spreads over the years even though I loved going through them at the end of the year. The slight dread I felt at the end of every month because it would take hours to set up the monthly spread and the following guilt when it didn’t look perfect was too much. Now I just write down what I need to look at and add some colour if I feel like it. Also, look at that pretty iced coffee!
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daminii · 4 years
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16.03.2018 // warm colours, journalling in the afternoon sunlight
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daminii · 4 years
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“I feel as if I had opened a book and found roses of yesterday sweet and fragrant, between its leaves.” ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of the Island
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