damnbusyurls · 8 years
I've used all my farewells.
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damnbusyurls · 8 years
“But the blackness in your heart Won't last forever. I know it's tearing you apart But it's a storm you can weather”
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damnbusyurls · 9 years
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“Tell me, Craig, why do you love puppeteering?” “Well, Maxine, I'm not sure exactly. Perhaps it's the idea of becoming someone else for a little while. Being inside another skin. Moving differently, thinking differently, feeling differently.”
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damnbusyurls · 9 years
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damnbusyurls · 9 years
looool poor G
Friend partying too hard
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damnbusyurls · 9 years
Universi paralleli(?)
Quante sono le probabilità che Universi paralleli si incrocino, incontrino e uniscano? «Puttanate», penserai, «è impossibile.»
Ma forse quello che non avevi considerato è che ogni Universo è sempre parallelo a se stesso.
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damnbusyurls · 9 years
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Blankets, Craig Thompson
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damnbusyurls · 9 years
Oh, hi Pluto :)
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New Horizons’ approach to Pluto, in color, from June 25 to July 14.
Image Credit: Damian Peach
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damnbusyurls · 9 years
È come se lo fossimo da sempre
Ciao, sono un ANONIMO, cosa ne pensi di Parks and Recreation?
Penso che se non fosse per la trama, il cast, la sceneggiatura, la regia, la scenografia, il trucco, il parrucco, le battute e le infinite emozioni che ti trasmette ogni singola puntata, non sarebbe nulla di chè.LA AMO e mi manca :’(
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damnbusyurls · 9 years
Cute cute thought :)
Sometimes I always get weaker knees when I see and talk to my high school best friend than when I see my first love.
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damnbusyurls · 9 years
poor mr. meow meow
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damnbusyurls · 9 years
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Moon and Space Station in one shot. Very cool photo, Dylan! http://deography.com/international-space-station-over-australia/
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damnbusyurls · 9 years
Me, everytime I study for an exam.
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damnbusyurls · 9 years
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damnbusyurls · 9 years
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“The Earth is the only world known, so far, to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment, the Earth is where we make our stand. It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we’ve ever known.”
~ Carl Sagan
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damnbusyurls · 9 years
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damnbusyurls · 9 years
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