dance101 · 3 years
Dance Unit
December 4, 2020
With only a few weeks to go before the Cabaret performance we started polishing final pieces of our street dance together. Ryan was with us in the theatre every Friday to help us rehearse and learn new parts to our routine. The video below was the final section to our street dance. In this section we used many arm gestures and and leg gestures. We danced to “Water” by Beyoncé, Pharrell Williams and Salatiel. The song choice seemed perfect as it worked with the moves and the rhythm.
What Went Well:
In this section I felt that I had energy and I showed emotion. I showed understanding of the dance routine and the dance as a whole. I had good musicality and had good core strength throughout the dance so I maintained my balance. I held my gestures strongly. Throughout the dance I had energy and bounce as I felt and followed the music and the beats.
Even Better If:
More rehearsal and more emotion on facial expressions are needed. Especially a few weeks away from the show.
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dance101 · 3 years
Dance Unit
September 30, 2020
The song we danced to was a song called “Dance With My Father” by the artist named Luther Vandross. We rehearsed many techniques as a class. We had a variety of motifs and techniques. As a class, we understood the importance of holding out core strength and staying in sync. We used a lot of arm gestures and we had a leg raise towards the end.
What Went Well:
For me, I felt that I was in time with the music and there was expression in my performance. I followed the routine with understanding. I showed understanding and my balance was good as I was able to maintain my strength throughout my performance. My musicality was good and there was expression in my musicality. I was in sync with both the music and the class. I had good foot work while standing up. And I had good core strength on the floor as well especially when it came to the leg raise.
Even Better If:
I think a bit more rehearsal and more facial expressions are needed and I think that I need to have more confidence in looking at the camera and not constantly looking at the floor.
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dance101 · 4 years
Sadler’s Wells Dancing Nation
Hollow - Stina Guagebeur
During a task we were given in class we watched the first episode of the BBC dancing show “Dancing Nation”. The dance I was most drawn to was called “Hollow” choreographed by Stina Quagebeur from English National Ballet. The dance has a mixture of contemporary and ballet.
My understanding from the dance was that it was a story about a loved one trying their best to help their loved one who’s is struggling. They are desperate to help their loved one who is suffering but they are unsure of how to help. We can tell that the woman is the one who is struggling as she had a stern look on her face and she looked as though she was out of focus. The male dancer who might have been playing a partner or a family member, was the desperate one who wants to help her. We can see this by the worried look on his face and through his motifs as he repeatedly hugs her before she pulls away.
The lighting reflects the dark mood as the dark shade of purple shows the darkness she is stuck in and the white glow from the wings might represent the light from the male dancer as he tries to show her that he is there to support her. The music is in a minor key to also show the dark mood the dance creates. It sounded like a classical piece of music mixed with a contemporary/ ballet style choreography.
The reason it is a mixture of contemporary and ballet is because there was no point shoes or tutus worn by either dancer. However the female dancer was in a long flowing dress and the male dancer was in formal trousers and a button up shirt. Both dancers were bare foot as well which makes this piece more contemporary. Even though they weren’t wearing the typical ballet outfits, there was ballet motifs added in the dance routine such as lifts and bends and plies. Whereas the majority of the motifs were contemporary dance motifs such as spins, holding each other, etc.
I felt emotional whilst watching this performance as it was very moving and it told a strong story.
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dance101 · 4 years
January 28 2021
Street dance
We have been working on our street dance in sections since September and due to covid we couldn’t join the rest of our class. We had the opportunity to come into college and perform and record our dances. Ryan, our street dance teacher, taught us each section within a few months. Each week we practiced and added more motifs to the dances we learnt previously. A few weeks before the show we finished all dances and we had time for polishing. Today we were able to complete our exam and we used all the techniques such as the Bobby Brown, Bart Simpson, carnivore breaks and so on. We understood the meaning of if we mess up, carry on and don’t show through facial expressions or body language that we messed up the routine.
What went well:
This piece had a lot of energy as I was bouncing in between each song section. It was bouncy and fun to perform. I think the first dance was very good. I was in time with the music and I held my core muscles well. My transitions were good and in time with the next motif. The second dance “Girl Gang” was strong. The transitions were good as well. I used all the techniques that Ryan gave us and the drop to the floor was in time with the music and I wasn’t late for the next move. At the start of my solo I came back on stage bouncing from one foot to the other and then went straight into the routine. My musicality was good and each of my motifs were clear and on point. The last music number was “Water” by Beyoncé. Ryan took us step by step with each dance and sped it up as we went along. I followed watched step and motif. The transition from my solo to the group song at the end was fun and bouncy. We had our own individual freestyle dance moves in the transitions and we mixed it with the rehearsed dances. My musicality was good and I was in time with the music. Even though my shoe hit the floor and both rubbers stuck together for a second I kept going without showing that I messed up.
Even Better If:
I need to lift my legs up a little higher so I don’t stumble on my own shoe and mess up on one of the motifs. I need more facial expressions as if I was to be performing in front of a live audience and not look as though I’m thinking about the routine too much.
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dance101 · 4 years
January 28 2021
The second part of our Revelations dance we used yellow flowing skirts and wicker fans. Keeping characterisation throughout the performance we used back bends, spins, arm gestures, leg raises, etc. We had to use the fans as a way of expressing our characters through conversation and attitudes.
What went well:
I kept my characterisation and attitude throughout the performance and I kept my focus up the whole time. I held my core to keep me balanced when it came to the leg raises and standing on the stool so I wouldn’t wobble and fall off it. I used more facial expressions in this dance and there was energy as it was more faster than the first dance we did. I had good musicality as I kept in time with the music. I held the still positions when necessary and I used to fan to hold my focus when it was necessary.
Even Better If:
I could use more facial expressions and I could smile more. I could exaggerate the first back bends more.
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dance101 · 4 years
January 28 2021
Today I went into college to record my revelations dance by Alvin Aliey. Following the government covid guidelines we performed the exam safety using social distancing.
Since September our class have been preparing for our Alvin Aliey Revelations exam. We learned how to do plies and bends and how to extend our arms and legs and how to hold our cores to stay balanced. We learnt the importance of facial expressions especially whilst dancing.
What Went Well:
I held my focus throughout the performance and I showed my skills in the deep plies and making sure my knees came out over my feet. I held my core to make sure I didn’t feel that I was going to fall or wobble and lose my balance. I feel that I extended many of my motifs and I think I showed my gestures really well. I kept my knees over my feet whilst holding the wide second position. I held my arms in the curved position we were told to hold them in and I used my core and my strength to hold my positions. My solo part in the middle of the routine was okay. I used spins to transition from the diagonal to the centre to the kneeling position to use my arms to raise them up and lift my self in the process. I them spun back into position and held it there until we had to get back into the formation we were in all together. I used spins very well to transition from one place to the other. I performed the routine well and used some expressions to help tell the story.
Even Better If:
I need to work on using more facial expressions and to hold my parallel positions without moving my legs to maintain balance
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dance101 · 4 years
November 25,2020
Exam day
Today I did my Unit 13 Task 2 solo dance and it was recorded. I chose the song Hometown by Twenty One Pilots. I decided to choose the slower version as I felt I could express myself more with my movements and gestures. I also felt that I had a story behind my dance. The story being that I was battling my own thoughts and trying to break free which can explain the last move where I crouch down the floor and push my feet back into the floor to stand upright while I swing my arms over my head and hold my position holding my core.
What Went Well:
I held my core throughout the performance and I extended many of my motifs. I had upper body strength especially for the side plank I did on my right arm. I showed flexibility when I did a back bend backwards after I did the side plank. My performance was about mental struggle and I tried to show that through my dance showing how a person can struggle. Some people feel that they are falling which is why I laid down flat in slow motion to show that I was falling. I held my hand over my eyes and waved my hand around in front of me as if I was looking for something or someone as some people want to look for something to help them but they can not see what they are looking for because physically and mentally they are scared to look for that help. I think I may have shown that to an extent but I feel I could improve on that.
Even Better If:
I can work on facial expressions more and slow down gestures to exaggerate them more to tell the story more clearly. I need to work on extending my arm and legs further to show that exaggeration in my movements.
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dance101 · 4 years
November 19, 2020
Rehearsals for Unit 13 task 2 solo dance exam is not easy while self isolating at home. Trying to rehearse certain dance techniques like rolling over on the floor is difficult as there is not much room to move around.
Personally, I am struggling to focus and keep up with my routine. I sometimes forget my routine which makes me stress out about it.
What Went Well:
I have started my routine. I have selected the song of my choice and I have chosen the section of the song I want to dance to. I have found inspiration from different choreographers and dance videos from YouTube and other social platforms. I have also choreographed parts of the routine my self and have put my dance techniques and moves together i to a sequence to perform in my exam.
Even Better If:
I find it difficult to focus on my dance routine and I struggle to keep up with the music due to the lack of space that I have in my bedroom. I also have trouble remembering the routine as I worry too much about it. I am constantly rewatching the routine I have put together and try to do as much as I can with the amount of space I have in my room.
To Conclude:
Even though my exam is on Wednesday, I will put all my time, effort and energy into my dance routine right up until that moment. I am back to college on Monday and will rehearse as much as I can to get the distinction marks I am hoping to receive. Lockdown is not easy however I will continue to try and do the best I possibly can whist being in isolation.
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dance101 · 4 years
Contemporary Dance Assessment
Wednesday 14 October 2020. I performed and recorded my lyrical contemporary dance. I performed to Harry Styles’ “Falling”.
What went well:
My focus was good and my eye level was up to the horizon at points they needed to be. Most of my movements were exaggerated and extended. Some parts I was facing the diagonal however I spent the majority of the dance facing the front of the stage. I received feedback from my teacher and my class mates and I was told my musicality was great and many of my arm and leg movements were extended really well. I also froze at the end with indicated that my performance was over.
Even better if:
I feel as if some of my arm gestures and leg movements could have been extended further so they didn’t look floppy. I also feel as though more facial expressions could have been used to express my emotions through the song as well as my moves.
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dance101 · 4 years
Street dance lessons
Our second street dance lesson with Ryan. We used more advanced dance techniques and we explored various different movements as we learned a new choreography.
What went well:
I understood the steps and the counts to go along with the music. I followed each dance step to the best of my ability and I felt confident with the dance. My focus was good and my eye level was up to the horizon most of the time.
Even better if:
I feel that I need to improve on my musicality more and feel a bit more confidence with some of the moves. I think I should also use facial expressions during the dance.
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dance101 · 4 years
Contemporary dance assessment
My contemporary dance assessment was performed to faster music. The music I chose was The Chainsmokers “Hope”.
What went well:
I counted the 8 steps in my head throughout the dance. I extended the gestures a bit further than the slow contemporary dance. I felt the music and I feel that my musicality was good. I had the same moves as the last dance. I felt that my focus was better in the fast contemporary dance than the slow contemporary dance because the music was faster and I felt that I could just move to the rhythm and the counts of the song.
Even better if:
I feel that I could have added more dance styles into my piece to make it last longer. I also feel that I could have slowed down a little bit to fill gaps that were in the dance. Facial expressions seem to be needed as I have the same expressions throughout the dance and if I used more facial expressions it could show my emotions through the dance more than just the movements I made with my body.
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dance101 · 4 years
Contemporary dance lessons: Swings
This is the first swings lesson we did. Me and my class were taught the swings dance and we also learnt that our feet had to be parallel and our spins are to be long and straight.
What went well:
I think my feet were in parallel well and my first and second positions were good. I also felt that u was balanced really well and I didn’t feel the need to wobble. My arm movements were good. My focus was on point.
Even better if:
Even though my arm movements were okay, I feel that I could have extended them more. I also think my focus could be at the horizon and I could have used facial expressions as well.
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dance101 · 4 years
Street Dance lesson with Ryan
Our first street dance lesson was led my Ryan. He taught us a choreography that we learnt and rehearsed in an hour and a half. We learnt the steps Bart simpson, Bobby Brown etc.
What went well:
I learnt the steps quickly and managed to learn the choreography really well. I followed the counts and managed to stay in time with the music.
Even better if:
I think I should perform closer to the front rather than the back so I can be seen. I should keep my head up and have my eye level to the horizon. And I feel that my musicality could be a little bit better.
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dance101 · 4 years
These are the stretches we did. We started with 8 counts then 4 and we finished with 2 counts.
What went well:
I think my timing went well as well as my focus. My teacher taught me and my class the counts and told us the best way we could do the dance was to count all 8,4 and 2s in our head whilst moving. I followed all the steps and focused a lot on my posture. I also had to put my feet in a parallel position which I found difficult but after a few tries I managed to feel comfortable with the position.
Even better if:
I feel as though I lack self trust as I spent most of my time looking at ms Nash and not letting the back of my head drop like it is supposed to. I kept bending my knees and lifting my heels off the floor when I was supposed to keep them flat on the floor. I need to focus and practice on activating my core to have more of a balance instead of feeling that I’m about to fall.
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dance101 · 4 years
Contemporary dance lesson 1
We learnt a new dance and we had to use various different body parts such as our arms, legs, feet. We also learnt how to balance on one leg. We also learnt the plié where we bend our knees and have our knees bent over our feet.
What Went Well:
I received feedback from my teacher. The feedback was that my timing and focus was good and I learned the moves quite quickly. I feel that my left foot was in a pointed position and I had a straight posture. My spine was long and I used my core to keep balanced. I think my plié went well and my turns and spins were on point as well.
Even Better If:
I personally think I should raise my focus to the horizon and use more facial expressions and to believe in myself because I feel that I become stiff and I feel that I look uncomfortable while dancing. I feel that my slashes were sharp but I could make them even more sharper and glide my arm back slower to have that contrast in my arm movements.
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