dancesword · 6 months
its probably been pretty obvious at this point but ive been really struggling with rp lately. ive just felt stuck, like i dont know how to do this anymore. i really struggle to keep the handful of threads i can get and i posted an inbox call two weeks ago and i havent sent out a single ask for it. i dont mean this post to come across as much of a vent post or anything, it's mostly just me acknowledging this. i really want to write with and even befriend you guys but i feel like i've forgotten how for some reason. so i guess thanks for sticking around even though ive failed to actually write smth for a while, it means a lot <3 i do want get back on my feet bc i love this hobby dearly and honestly? i miss it. which feels silly considering how often im actually on this blog but i do really miss it and im doing my best to figure this out
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dancesword · 7 months
ive been thinking a lot about tav!sliver recently in anticipation of my playthru for him ( havent started it yet tho, still figuring out modding it on linux lmao ) and i think. he's someone who would really come to resent being pushed into the position of leader.
the position itself probably cements itself in the grove, because i can see him taking lead there out of empathy for the tieflings ( he's never really gotten the opportunity to extensively talk to other tieflings before and was treated like shit for being one growing up ) but it's not really a conscious decision on his part.
but at some point in act 3, likely after being criticized by a party member for doing something they disapprove of for the nth time, he blows up at them all because they're all being forced to make choices no one should have to make and the majority of those choices are then being forced onto him. his entire life he was seen as less than the dirt on the average passersby's shoes and now is when he's suddenly an authority figure? when is it his turn to leave the hard choices to someone else and get away with bitching about it when he disagrees with them? when is it his turn to have a breakdown and have the others worried about him? ( it's now lol ) it also certainly doesn't help that he's stressed out of his mind the entire time they're in baldur's gate for not only the obvious reasons but also because his old friends he abandoned are likely somewhere in the city and he does not under any circumstance want to run into them.
in any case, he very stupidly would storm off and spend the night alone in some alley and only due to sheer fucking luck or one of the party members finding his dumb ass would he not get offed by one of bhaal's assassins or smth
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dancesword · 7 months
ill format them better & add images later but i finished the basics of neith and sliver's bios!
neith. / sliver.
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dancesword · 7 months
the new patch has been downloading for like 2 and half hours it better fix the lighting glitch ive been fighting 🙏🙏 i want zora's muse back and to be able to start a sliver playthru so bad
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dancesword · 7 months
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NEITH APHRODESIA & SLIVER. water genasi draconic sorcerer & tiefling phantom rogue.
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dancesword · 7 months
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btw if anyones wondered by my muse for zora waned. ive been fighting for weeks to fix this
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dancesword · 7 months
hi um. its been a hot minute huh ✌️ what if i not only picked zora back up but turned this into a small multi and added a couple more dnd pcs
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dancesword · 8 months
@ everyone i still owe a starter, ty for ur patience :') ive had so damn much irl stuff going on and also i rebooted my multi so ive been giving it attention whenever ive had the spoons to write but zora.............make no mistake i am thinking about her so much
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dancesword · 8 months
the way that tumblr randomly forces new blogs onto the fyp is going to make me INSANE leave me alone!!!!
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dancesword · 8 months
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when u get up at night to pee and ur cats are staring at u thru the dark
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dancesword · 8 months
" you never cease to amaze me, lae'zel. " warm, flickering firelight illuminates the earnest smile that spreads on zora's lips as she approaches her companion's tent. darkness creeps at the edges of camp ( though they don't yet know quite how much darkness can creep. the shadowed lands surrounding moonrise towers still lay beyond them in their journey ), lit by only the occasional candle and bioluminescent plant or fungus.
this is the sort of darkness zora was once accustomed to, the sort she hoped she'd never return to. and yet, there's a horrible, undeniable part of her that missed it. missed the underdark as a whole.
but she hates that. and so, if she occupies her thoughts with other things, then it simply won't matter.
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" even the horrid darkness down here doesn't deter you from being as fierce a warrior as ever. however, you know i must ask — you weren't harmed in fighting earlier, were you ? "
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dancesword · 8 months
i love that people from the underdark can fail the check to recall where sussur bark can be found. zora girl not only are u from there but ur a magic user with herbalist knowledge from there
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dancesword · 8 months
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zora with her hair down btw <3
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dancesword · 8 months
from @dekkarios. ❝ they say madness and genius are separated by but a hair’s breadth. perhaps the same is true of madness and stupidity. ❞ ( bg3 starters. )
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   " i'd say that depends on one's definition of madness — and are those three things not in many ways the same ? " a knowing smile spreads across her lips. " where an acolyte may call me a genius in the ways i show my devotion to my goddess, the faithless may call me stupid for the very same — though both may call me mad and i can't say i could refute either of them.
   " and you, my friend. you are a genius for your ambition to some and stupid beyond belief to others, though those of both opinions likely believe you mad. all walk the same line, and which words you choose to use are solely perspective. madness is simply what we call what we don't understand, what we can't fathom ourselves thinking. if you like it then it's genius. if you don't, then it's stupidity.
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   " so in that way — " light laughter breaks up her verbal train of thought, " — you're right, aren't you ? they aren't more than a hair apart. "
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dancesword · 8 months
zora hums softly as she works, the tune interspersed with melodic whispers. her spellcasting is always songlike, especially for one who doesn't wield the magic of music itself like some do, just as her swordplay is as much a dance as it is an attack. in battle, the two work together to create a deadly performance — the gestures for her spells incorporated into her movements, swinging her sword in time to a beat only she can hear.
now, though, there is no need for such theatrics. she closes her eyes, concentrating on the quiet lullaby of her healing, and runs a gentle hand ( bare, for ease of movement. her gloves sit in the dirt at her side ) along a nasty wound marring the flesh of wish's bicep.
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after a moment of her prayer, she sits back on her heels and relaxes, pulling a spare rag from her pack to wipe at the blood smeared on his arm.
   " how does that feel ? "
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dancesword · 8 months
do u ever get a migraine for 2 days bc blauurggahghggegrehgghdfsg
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dancesword · 8 months
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the first couple times shadowheart refers to shar as dark lady and zora is like ?
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