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#DAD YOU ARE SO COOL (follow up to this)
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Squad goals
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10 facts about Pixar’s Brave in celebration of the film’s 4th anniversary. (June 22, 2012)
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In the chip aisle at Walmart, doing a late-night grocery run
Me: *minding my own business, looking for tortilla chips*
Me: *finds tortilla chips*
Dude 1 *to Dude 2*: See, she knows what she's here for. She knows what she's doing. Be more like her. MAKE A DECISION, MARK.
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the sudden decrease in animation quality between the first hunchback and the sequel is both hilarious and sad 
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being in a public restroom and hearing someone shitting really loud
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I just wanted everyone to see how scary having an eating disorder is, especially coming from someone who struggled with it for several years.
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Infinite List of Movies: [1/?] Remember The Titans (2000) ↳ “People say that it can’t work, black and white. Here, we make it work every day. We still have our disagreements, of course, but before we reach for hate, always, always, we remember the Titans.”
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Infinite List of Movies: [7/?] Mulan (1998) ↳ “I’ve heard a great deal about you, Fa Mulan. You stole your father’s armor, ran away from home, impersonated a soldier, deceived your commanding officer, dishonored the Chinese Army, destroyed my palace, and… you have saved us all.”
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Infinite List of Movies: [8/?] The Incredibles (2004) ↳ “No matter how many times you save the world, it always manages to get back in jeopardy again. Sometimes I just want it to stay saved! You know, for a little bit? I feel like the maid; I just cleaned up this mess! Can we keep it clean for… for ten minutes! ”
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Infinite List of Movies: [9/?] Zootopia (2016) ↳ “I thought this city would be a perfect place where everyone got along and anyone could be anything. Turns out, life’s a little bit more complicated than a slogan on a bumper sticker. Real life is messy. We all have limitations. We all make mistakes. Which means, hey, glass half full, we all have a lot in common. And the more we try to understand one another, the more exceptional each of us will be. But we have to try. So no matter what kind of person you are, I implore you: Try. Try to make the world a better place. Look inside yourself and recognize that change starts with you.”
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Infinite List of Movies: [10/?] The Princess Diaries (2001) ↳ “You try living for 15 years thinking that you’re one person, and then in five minutes, you find out you’re a princess. Just in case I wasn’t enough of a freak already, let’s add a tiara!”
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Infinite List of Movies: [13/?] The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) ↳ “It’s easy to feel hopeful on a beautiful day like today, but there will be dark days ahead of us too. There will be days where you feel all alone, and that’s when hope is needed most. No matter how buried it gets, or how lost you feel, you must promise me that you will hold on to hope. Keep it alive. We have to be greater than what we suffer. My wish for you is to become hope; people need that. And even if we fail, what better way is there to live? As we look around here today, at all of the people who helped make us who we are, I know it feels like we’re saying goodbye, but we will carry a piece of each other into everything that we do next, to remind us of who we are, and of who we’re meant to be.”
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Infinite List of Movies: [15/?] Tangled (2010) ↳ “This is the story of how I died. Don’t worry, this is actually a very fun story and the truth is, it isn’t even mine. This is the story of a girl named Rapunzel.”
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