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Name: Dapper Dandy Smitt
Age: Unknown 
Biological Age:25
Appearance: Appears often in long black coat and long black 8 inch boots with steal toes. Has long soft leather work pants. Has black leather gloves and a black top hat. Has short black hair and black cat ears. Has a black button up underneath and a long black cat tail. Has bright big golden cat eyes which glow at night. 
Physical abilities: Is very nimble and flexible. Can jump and leap from tall heights and land perfectly. Is fairly Athletic and is a skilled fighter. Knows Judo and Mutai. Is a smooth talker and can easily talk way out of trouble and good at pursading people. Is very diplomatic to approach to things and very flamboyant in dress. 
Is able to enchant people with hypnotic cat eyes. Has the ability to appear and reappear and make things appear and disappear at will. Knows a number of chants and spells though the spells cast only last a few hours. Can place curses on people and was once a familiar to a very powerful witch. He became freed when she passed on but he was taught a number of things before her passing and took her spell book when she died. 
Known for roaming the streets and often the Forrest late at night. Likes to stalk monsters, humans and anything he considers prey. 
Consists of Tilapia, trout, Doritos, Raspberry juice, Roy Rogers, Candy, Steak, crafts mac and cheese, Chicken, blue birds, and the occasional rat. 
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