danefitzp-blog · 6 years
TAGGING ➝ Dane Fitzpatrick, Emily Harper.
LOCATION ➝ The Harper household.
TIME FRAME ➝ 6/17, evening.
NOTES ➝ Dane, Emily and the kids spend Father’s Day dinner time with Emily’s parents.
There was a wide, cheesy grin on her lips as Emily rushed around to the backseat of Dane’s car, where Gabe was sitting in his carseat and holding out his hands as soon as he’d caught a glimpse of her through the window. Ariana was, of course, more interested in her dad. “There’s my monsters,” she grinned as she opened up the door, Ariana finally paying attention to her long enough to yell a loud ‘hi mama!’, then she was back to being the biggest daddy’s girl all over again. Unbuckling Gabriel’s seatbelt, Emily lifted him out and into her arms, where he clung as tightly as ever. “Were you both good for daddy today? Nobody pulled anybody’s hair?” She glanced over at Dane for a response.
“I hope you’re ready for her to be even worse than usual,” she said as she closed the door and made her way over to Dane with Gabe in her arms, referring to her mother. Renata was constantly trying to push the two of them together at the best of times, but on occasions like this she was worse than others. The front door began to open, her mother appearing with a bright smile on her lips. “Oh, look, starting now,” Emily teased through gritted teeth. She hadn’t been in the house yet, she’d only just pulled up herself when she’d seen Dane’s car coming into view, so she figured she’d wait and help with the babies. Renata greeted her with a kiss to the cheek for both her and Gabriel, but it was obvious she was more set on wooing Dane, so Emily just walked into the house and smirked at him over her shoulder.
Dane was beyond grateful for the fact that him and Emily got along so well, she could have easily told him it wasn’t his day and left him without the twins on Father’s Day, but they coparented well, which mean even though it wasn’t his day, he was still in the car with his babies. After having breakfast with his parents, he’d taken them to the beach for a little while, before bringing them back to his house to shower off the sand and to get dressed for the Harper’s house. Now, he was pulling up into their driveway when he spotted Emily waiting, a wide grin spread on his face as he waved a hello her. He couldn’t help but laugh as Gabe spotted her, too, his whole body perking up as he tried to climb out of his carseat. 
He laughed at Emily’s question as he got out of the driver’s seat, opening the door behind him to unbuckle Ari, one of his shoulder’s shrugging, “They were pretty excited to play with Mimi and Bobo, so there was very minimal hair pulling.” He winked, as he picked Ari up, blowing raspberries on her stomach as he did, pulling a giggle out of her. He nodded his head at Emily’s warning, still taking a quick second to press a kiss to her forehead as she met him at his side of the car with Gabe, followed by about dozen kisses to Gabe’s cheek, pulling away just in time to see the front door opening. 
Dane rolled his eyes fondly as Emily walked away, leaving him to greet Renata, who of course rushed to him, giving him just as many kisses on his own cheeks as he’d just given Gabe. Ari still clung to his side as she greeted her Abuela, though Renata was had someone managed to plant herself at Dane’s side, her hands resting on the muscle of his upper arm. “Oh Dane! We’re so happy you could come to dinner! Emily looks just beautiful today, doesn’t she?” She asked, grinning up at him. He had to stop himself from automatically agreeing, and instead just nodded, “Yes, she looks very happy to be with family.” He offered, as a halfway point as they walked into the house. Placing Ari down, he gave her a kiss on the top her head, and holding her hand so she could walk, reminding her to tell Poppop happy father’s day. His eyes widening with delight as he rounded a corner into the house and spotted Emily. “Oh, there she is!” He said excitedly, hoping to shift Renata’s attention off of him, and to hopefully shake her off his arm. 
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danefitzp-blog · 6 years
Replied To
Mercedes Jones
Levi Evans
Aaliyah Jones
Juniper Weston
Emily Harper
Biff McIntosh
Marianne Rose-Hudson
Zayn Smythe
Alfred Hudson
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danefitzp-blog · 6 years
lol see Dane, you get me. We try but at the end of the day, we love working hard its how we survive. 
Yeah, I mean my kids did make me slow down a bit, it’s hard to be a present father and work 80+ hours a week, but on the days they’re not here, I find myself still trying to work 12+ hour days. But it’s cool, I’ll retire at 50, and then I can take it easy. 
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danefitzp-blog · 6 years
You’ve got much experience in that department?
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Dude, you have no idea how psyched I am about this now. I’ll bring beers. 
In knowing what girls like? Yeah, I’d have to say that I do. 
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Good! I’ll make some nachos!
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danefitzp-blog · 6 years
You speak words of wisdom. I may just mind my business because I don’t need the drama and I really don’t want to be the one to break their “happy” home. But I also don’t want to hear about his cheating ways anymore. And yea, the whole don’t shoot the messenger comes in to play.
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Did you decide what to do yet? You could tell the girl not to talk to you about it anymore. Though, if she’s feeling braggy, I don’t know how well that will work. 
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danefitzp-blog · 6 years
JUNI: No. I actually kind of like it. You are going to see it because now I need it to happen.
JUNI: You shouldn't. I would've gladly bragged about that date until the end of time. Not that I still won't, but you planning the whole thing would've given the story that extra boost. Dane Sparks sounds like the name of a pornstar.
JUNI: I think going out this time would be fun, and even though dinner and movie seems like the logical choice, I think we should switch it up this time around.
JUNI: It could definitely help diminish the temptation of trying to get the other in bed before the date is over with. [unsent]
DANE: Okay good. I can't wait!
DANE: I mean, I was mostly just afraid that you'd think it was some ploy to get you into my place and out of your clothes, but those were just added perks. It does, I'm okay with that.
DANE: Okay, well how about I plan something and come and get you tomorrow afternoon?
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danefitzp-blog · 6 years
EMILY: Dang. Renata will be devastated.
EMILY: You did make my day a little better, though. Thank you.
EMILY: That's what I was thinking, but also Ariana did that pouty thing she does when she cries and then I wanted to cry with her. Bedtime is the best time.
EMILY: I can totally see why you'd have reservations, but he's been working on shaping up and I really do trust him. You know I wouldn't have anyone I couldn't trust 100% anywhere near them. I was thinking of maybe just going to the playground or something with them to begin with, something nice and simple. I would say a picnic but that means there's food for Ariana to throw and that takes away from my nice and simple plan.
DANE: Renata will forever be let down.
DANE: Good!
DANE: Yeah, I know what you mean, she just did the same thing to me when I told her that puffs don't count as dinner and she needed to eat something else. I almost gave in and just let her go wild with the puffs. But honestly, I tried one of the banana ones and I wasn't impressed, so I don't know why she loves them so much.
DANE: I get it, I just worry that working on shaping up, and having your shit together are two totally different things. But if you trust him, then I'll trust you. Yeah, I would say the play ground is good, you can strap them into the swings and then she can't do much damage from there.
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danefitzp-blog · 6 years
BIFF: You have my unending gratitude. I look forward to our meet-up!
BIFF: There are a certain handful of circumstances that occurred after I was a "kid." I mean I mentioned before, we haven't spoken in literal years... I believe the last time was at her wedding?
BIFF: So I don't know... I wouldn't really know where to start...
DANE: Me too.
DANE: Oh wow, that's a long time. I don't know your family, so I can't really speak to it, but I think that at least trying now might be enough to make up for some of the past. Or at least may offer a fresh start.
DANE: You could offer to help her out. She just moved here too, right? So maybe you can offer her some kind of advice on places to go, things to do, take her out somewhere for lunch and maybe talk?
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danefitzp-blog · 6 years
I have some beans, melons, peppers, cucumbers, and beets! The vet said he was about six weeks old, so not super tiny. He is using a litter box, and eating cat food, so I think he’s doing okay there.
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Oh that’s awesome! No tomatoes? Oh that’s good. Where is he now? Do you still have him?
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danefitzp-blog · 6 years
I can see that. I can see you being the type of person that’d shrug off someone being an asshole and then probably go on with whatever it is you were doing before. but yeah, I was more intrigued and maybe a little jealous that I wasn’t on whatever it was I thought you were on. It’s actually entertaining when someone tries to offend me, it’s kinda like playing with fire. At least for me because I’ll poke the bear if I’m being poked and it doesn’t effect me all that much. Done, you bring the weed and I’ll pay for the alcohol. 
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Yeah, I���ve just never really been one to be bothered by what other people have to say to or about me. Most days I’m not on anything so you don’t have anything to be jealous of. Oh, so you just add fuel and escalate things for fun? I have a friend who’s like that, it’s always kind of funny to watch, someone else gets so angry and he’s left just sitting there laughing at the end of it. Sounds like a plan. 
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danefitzp-blog · 6 years
That sums it up pretty good. I honestly do not know, but I also honestly very much want to know. I kind of keep excepting him to create a supermarket riot or something. I promised someone I’d check if he has any information on the Phoenix Lights and it kind of got me curious, but I haven’t had the courage to do so. I’ve been rocking that milk shirt a lot, without that red cross, and he’s definitely seen it. 
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I feel way out of the loop. What are the Phoenix Lights?
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danefitzp-blog · 6 years
Okay, so I’m a friendly person to an extent. You want to tell me secrets, I’m all for that. But when you tell me how you are screwing my next door neighbor’s husband and how he had you twisted it and in positions you never knew existed, I have to draw the line. Now I’m in a very awkward situation. Like should I tell my neighbor what her husband has been up to, or just mind my business?
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Yikes. That sounds super uncomfortable. I don’t really know what you should do. Honestly, I’d say stay out of it. The truth usually comes out eventually, right? And getting in the middle of it is just going to bring you a lot of drama that you probably don’t need. Plus, his wife will probably hate you forever, because even though it’s not your fault and you were just trying to help, you’ll be the one that changed her whole world. 
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danefitzp-blog · 6 years
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@alfredhudson (x2)
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danefitzp-blog · 6 years
Today I decided to do a bit of fight training, mainly because I’m tired of people saying I don’t look like a fighter, and I mean I’m not but that doesn’t mean I should be called out on it. However, I assumed I’d just say fuck it after one or two sessions, but like I actually enjoy it and not just because I get thrown to the ground by hot sweaty dudes.
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Do you want to look like a fighter? Because most fighters have pretty messed up faces from all the punches they’ve taken. It’s cool that you like it, what do you like about it?
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danefitzp-blog · 6 years
My kitten just brought me in a bird he caught. I think I’m gonna cry. 
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What’s with all these birds, I’m getting out of Tybee if I hear one more bird horror story. 
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danefitzp-blog · 6 years
Don’t you love when you’re rushing to go somewhere and you spill coffee all over your notes? Like what is it with me and coffee? 
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You’re not a writer if you don’t have coffee stains on something.
Maybe the coffee is a sign. Like, oh hey I spilt coffee everywhere I’m going in the right direction! I don’t know. Just trying to find the silver lining. 
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danefitzp-blog · 6 years
You know that awful movie trope where people meet when one person is hurrying out of a coffee shop and bumps into someone, spilling whatever drink they got all over the other (innocent) person? Well that happened to me today. Unfortunately, I was the one being bumped into. Anyone know a good stain remover?
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I think that’s called a meet-cute. Just some useless knowledge for you. And I’m not sure, but you should ask Biff, he had a pretty similar situation happen and I think he found a good dry cleaner to help him out. You didn’t get burnt or anything, right?
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