dang-a-rang · 6 years
The celebration of the birth of commercialism... Oh yea, and Jesus.
I'm gonna set up traps to kill Santa.
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dang-a-rang · 7 years
what one says when one is afraid to say shit
Oh crap!
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dang-a-rang · 7 years
To be perpetually pissed off.
He's so bitter all the damn time.
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dang-a-rang · 7 years
No chance I'm gonna give a definition.. What if someone's watching? :o /me dons ninja mask
I must be paranoid, I keep looking over my back for th.. AAAAHHHH!!!!!!
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dang-a-rang · 7 years
when knocked out standing up via a superman punch, spinning back fist, or large hook in UFC undisputed creating a standing wobble for the knocked out opponent before he face plants into the mat.
kongo just smashed ur face in now ur doin the wobbley bro, boom!
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dang-a-rang · 7 years
60 above zero: Floridians turn on the heat. People in Minnesota plant gardens. 50 above zero: Californians shiver uncontrollably. People in Duluth sunbathe. 40 above zero: Italian & English cars won't start. People in Minnesota drive with the windows down. 32 above zero: Distilled water freezes. The water in Bemidji gets thicker. 20 above zero: Floridians don coats, thermal underwear, gloves, wool hats. People in Minnesota throw on a flannel shirt. 15 above zero: New York landlords finally turn up the heat. People in Minnesota have the last cookout before it gets cold. Zero: People in Miami all die. Minnesotans close the windows. 10 below zero: Californians fly away to Mexico . People in Minnesota get out their winter coats. 25 below zero: Hollywood disintegrates. The Girl Scouts in Minnesota are selling cookies door to door. 40 below zero: Washington DC runs out of hot air. People in Minnesota let the dogs sleep indoors. 100 below zero: Santa Claus abandons the North Pole. Minnesotans get upset because they can't start the Mini-Van. 460 below zero: ALL atomic motion stops (absolute zero on the Kelvin scale.) People in Minnesota start saying..."Cold 'nuff fer ya?" 500 below zero: Hell freezes over. Minnesota public schools will open 2 hours late.
Minnesotans may be called hicks, they may be in the middle of nowhere, but they are tougher than hell! (see: 500 below zero)
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dang-a-rang · 7 years
There is no 'urban' definition for morning because the type of people who speak 'urban' do not know what morning is.
"Now that I've got a job I've got to get up in THE MORNING." "Morning? What the hell's that?"
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dang-a-rang · 7 years
george w. bush
Proof that voting in America can be rigged. Instigated the 9/11 attacks with his illogical foreign policies, and made the world hate America even more by starting an illegal oil war in Iraq. He has also succeeded in turning America from a once prosperous nation into a debt-ridden chaos.
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dang-a-rang · 7 years
spongebob squarepants
A naive little yellow sponge who lives in a pineapple, loves to work and whose best friend is a braincell-deprived starfish named Patrick.
Cartoons are my religion and Spongebob is my priest.
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dang-a-rang · 7 years
1. Chatting: Short for "Girl Friend" 2. Gaming: Jedi-Outcast: "Good Fight." usually said after a Lightsaber duel.
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dang-a-rang · 7 years
your mom
what u say in response to any question
your mom : so what did u do today? you : your mom jen: so what r we doin 2day in french? me: your mom!
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dang-a-rang · 7 years
A guy who talked to some Jewish guys, some Christian guys, and some Islam guys, and accidentaly caused more people to die than anyone else in human history.
And people wonder why he doesn't talk much to us anymore.
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dang-a-rang · 7 years
conspiracy theory
Urbandictionary.com is being used for governmental purposes. The government is finding out ways to control us, and is trying to figure out our language via urbandictionary. Please, listen to me, im from the future where every---
OH CRAP, THE CIA IS AT MY HOUSE. RUN FOR THE HILLS, SAVE YOURSEL---- Dear Urbandictionary users, it is the best intention to ensure the safety of its people. Area 61 is not real, nor has never been. The government is not using urbandictionary as a resource for population control. With regards, The Central Intelligence Agency.
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dang-a-rang · 7 years
gal pals
Secret Lesbian Lovers
Taylor and Karlie are Gal Pals who like to attend social events together.
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dang-a-rang · 7 years
1. someone who is destined for Hell. 2. the subtitle for the 2nd Hellrasier movie. 3. someone who searches for Hell. 4. someone that is going into a very dangerous situation. 1. You’re Hellbound man, sorry about that. 2. "Hellrasier-Hellbound" 3. I am Hellbound, wish me luck! 4. The soldiers were Hellbound.
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dang-a-rang · 7 years
pedestrian face-off
An awkward situation in which two pedestrians, who are on a collision course with each other, are repeatedly unsuccessful in averting one another. As one person moves to their right, the other person moves to their left and vice versa. Each time they attempt a new maneuver, the frustrated pedestrians find themselves confronted by their counterpart. To the casual observer, these two people may appear to be dancing, but in reality, they both just want to get on with their lives. These encounters are far less common in Europe – especially in Germany, where the government enforces pedestrian decorum through a stringent "bear right" policy. Pedestrian face-offs have been known to last upwards of ten seconds.
Randy: I just had a pedestrian face-off that lasted a good 15 seconds. In the end, we came to the mutual agreement that both of us should step to our right. Dina: Wow, 15 seconds?! That's gotta be a world record or something.
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dang-a-rang · 7 years
God's gift to the world. Brings peace when used wisely.
Pass the blunt, dude.
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