Fml y’all mistakes were made and I don’t know how to get rid of this
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do you know anything about any panels for Animeiowa2016?
no we know absolutely nothing about iowa or its conventions or panels for its conventions
good luck tho my friend!!!
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NDK Panel
Disappointing news. The Dangan Ronpa panel was NOT approved for NDK. This means that we will not be doing the panel to NDK and will be having a meetup/photoshoot instead on Friday or Sunday. 
If you were already assigned a part, we’ll keep you down to do that part in a future panel. 
If you were considering auditioning, please do not send in videos. If we have another panel opportunity, we’ll post about it on here. 
Sorry to everyone who was interested, and we’ll post meetup information on here closer to NDK!
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Audition Info
Hello and a reminder than the panel audition deadline is August 1st! 
We have panelists cast for sure as Hinata, Souda, Komaeda, Nanami, Gundam, Tsumiki, Kuzuryuu, Naegi, Chihiro, Hagakure, and Kirigiri. We also tentatively (you can still submit auditions for) have panelists for Junko and Togami. 
Our high priority characters, that we’d like auditions for and like to include in the panel, are Sonia, Fukawa/Syo, Asahina, and Saoinji. 
If you are interested in cosplaying any of those characters or know someone who is, please submit an audition before the 1st.
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Dangan Ronpa Meetup- July
Hello everyone, we’re hosting a Dangan Ronpa meetup in Denver on Friday, July 3rd to distract ourselves from the pain of not being in LA during Anime Expo to meet the creator of Dangan Ronpa. Cosplay is encouraged but not required. Message if you have any questions and the FB event page is here.
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Auditions Info
Submit your video audition or a link to it. Previous panelists are not required to submit a video audition.
We have some cosplays available if you want to be in the panel but don’t have a cosplay. Message if you’re interested.
Video Instructions
To get an idea of your understanding of the character and ability to portray them in the panel, we’re asking participants to film themselves answering a few questions in character. The video should be filmed with good enough quality to see your cosplay (your phone/webcam should be fine, include pictures of your cosplay if there’s any question about the quality of the video). Each question should be answered in under a minute or so, but feel free to elaborate on answers in a manner your character would be likely to do.
What’s your name and super high school level?
If you could take three things to a deserted island, what would they be?
If you could wipe one thing from the face of the planet, what would it be?
What’s your favourite meme?
List some things you like.
List some things you dislike.
Who is your SHSL crush?
Favorite childhood memory?:
Which of your classmates do you get along best with?
At the end of your time with your classmates, what’s one thing you wish you did differently?
Other/anything else to add?
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Looking Forward to NDK
We submitted a panel application to NDK and are looking forward to hopefully being able to put on an extended version of the Wasabi panel (90 minutes instead of 60). Here are the guidelines for those interested in portraying a character in this panel. 
NDK is on September 4th-6th and held in Denver, CO. 
It is not confirmed yet, this is only planning. 
We learned from the last panel that it’s a better idea if the panelists are above a certain age to allow other members of the cast to portray their characters in a more canon way. (cursing, discussion of more adult topics). Basically, we’re planning on less censoring and because of this we’re requesting that the panelists be 15 and over. If you are 14, please talk to us through the message box or text us at 720-934-3724. If you’re even younger, it’s probably not likely that this panel is for you, but if you really want to be in it then talk to us first. 
The last panel had a pretty impressive list of panelists, including a Junko, Chihiro, Kirigiri, Asahina, Hinata, Komaeda, Nanami, Kuzuryuu, Peko, Owari, Nidai, Ibuki, Souda, Sonia, Tsumiki, Mahiru, and Gundam. 
If you portrayed a character in the last panel, then you tentatively have dibs on doing them again! This is both because we already know you’ll do a good job as your character and in the panel. That said, if panelists want to switch to other characters, that is completely fine. 
We are picking panelists based on the best fit for that character, and have a good idea of the characters previous panelists can portray well. Because of this, we are requiring video auditions for new panelists. All of the information can be found under our auditions page but we’ll repost it for mobile. 
If you are a previous panelist- as soon as possible, decide on if you want to be in the panel and what character you’d like to be. You’ll likely then be added to the cast list, pending your cosplay is made/close to finished and we think the character is a good fit for you. 
If you were not a panelist at Wasabi, please follow the audition requirements under the audition page of the blog. Feel free to talk to us anytime with questions. 
Auditions/new panelists will not be accepted after August 1st and the finalized cast list will be posted after that. 
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DCC Dangan Ronpa Meetup/Photoshoot
Dangan Ronpa meetup at Denver Comic Con on Sunday, May 24th, at 11 AM by the photoshoot area up front (we may relocate for pictures)
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DCC Dangan Ronpa Meetup/Photoshoot
Dangan Ronpa meetup at Denver Comic Con on Sunday, May 24th, at 11 AM by the photoshoot area up front (we may relocate for pictures)
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Panel time
The panel has been officially scheduled for 4pm on Saturday. 
The Dangan Ronpa photoshoot will be at 3pm directly prior to the panel.
Hope to see you there!
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Cast List (updated 2/19)
(mod) transbluestar - Kazuichi Souda
(mod) dersiteduke Junko Enoshima
(mod) cephalopodwatcher - Hajime Hinata
actualkomaeda - Nagito Komaeda
illuminate-xx - Chiaki Nanami
actualjosephjoestar - Nidai Nekomaru
eightspade - Ibuki Mioda
kidangels - Chihiro Fujisaki
theamazingrainy  - Sonia Nevermind
jjlikespocky - Mahiru Koizumi
delicious-soap - Tsumiki Mikan
shinyahammertime - Kuzuryuu Fuyuhiko
mariowiki - Peko Pekoyama
Sydney (no url) - Naegi Makoto
Sarah (no url) - Asahina Aoi
Theresa (no url)- Celestia Ludenberg
If you are on the list, you should have received an invite to the Skype group. If you are not on the list/on the list as the wrong character, let us know. You can direct questions here or to any of the mods, and if you have not gotten your audition in but still would like to be in the panel, send us a message and we’ll talk. Thanks!
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If you're not going to be able to get your audition questions in by tonight, please send us a message as soon as you can. Those who were cast will be contacted tonight or tomorrow. If you miss the audition deadline but still want to be in the panel, send a message anytime but understand that you may not have a prominent part in the panel and that previously cast panelists will not be recast to accommodate you.
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Are you good at improvisation? Has your life been entirely consumed by the wonder that is Dangan Ronpa? Then have we got the panel for you! At Animeland Wasabi 2015, we’re setting up a Dangan Ronpa ask panel, and we need you!
Characters you can cosplay: basically anyone from DR, SDR2, DR0,…
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Deadline to submit applications (and pictures, if available) is the 20th.
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Are you good at improvisation? Has your life been entirely consumed by the wonder that is Dangan Ronpa? Then have we got the panel for you! At Animeland Wasabi 2015, we’re setting up a Dangan Ronpa ask panel, and we need you!
Characters you can cosplay: basically anyone from DR, SDR2, DR0,…
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15 days until the deadline!
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Are you good at improvisation? Has your life been entirely consumed by the wonder that is Dangan Ronpa? Then have we got the panel for you! At Animeland Wasabi 2015, we’re setting up a Dangan Ronpa ask panel, and we need you!
Characters you can cosplay: basically anyone from DR, SDR2, DR0,…
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Change in audition format! You are no longer required to submit a video audition for characters without multiple auditions. Please check the auditions page for more info.
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Are you good at improvisation? Has your life been entirely consumed by the wonder that is Dangan Ronpa? Then have we got the panel for you! At Animeland Wasabi 2015, we’re setting up a Dangan Ronpa ask panel, and we need you!
Characters you can cosplay: basically anyone from DR, SDR2, DR0,…
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Deadline Extension
Just a heads-up that the deadline to submit auditions has been extended to January 20th to allow everyone the full time of Winter break to record and submit auditions. We encourage everyone to get their auditions in as soon as possible, and submit the text portion whenever you can (under "submit" on our blog). 
To everyone who's already sent in an audition, you should have heard back from us saying we received it.
If you need to know whether or not you'll be cast as a certain character before making a cosplay of them, send us an ask and we'd be happy to negotiate your filming your audition without the finished cosplay. 
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