dangerkittens · 7 days
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Bouncy Moo Deng!
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dangerkittens · 1 year
Lynn Hsu.
Lynn tells us about her methods for making her wonderful cartoons featured in The New Yorker and many other publications this week!
Bio: I worked as an architect for many years before changing paths to become a cartoonist and writer. While working as an architect, I dabbled in printmaking, painting, and humor writing, often collaborating with sketch comedy groups at ImprovBoston. When the theater shut down during the pandemic, I started cartooning, which I found therapeutic and fun, as it combined my love of drawing with humor writing. Online classes taught by Emily Flake, Amy Kurzweil, and other talented people, were incredibly helpful and inspiring. In 2022, I sold my first cartoon (below) to The New Yorker and soon after, my first Daily Shouts piece.
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Find this print here! 
My work has also appeared in publications such as Alta Journal, Air Mail, Weekly Humorist, Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, WSJ, and The American Bystander (cartoon below). 
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Find this print here!
While I mostly focus on humor, I occasionally write darker stories for horror and sci-fi magazines like Space & Time. Currently, I reside in Boston with my husband, twin boys, and dog, Mochi, who provides emotional support when my work is rejected
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Once I have a list of ideas and rough sketches, I draw the cartoon on my Samsung Galaxy Book 2-in-1 convertible laptop. It has a small built-in pen that comes with it. My preferred app is Clip Studio Paint, which is a less expensive alternative to Photoshop. I’m still experimenting with different brushes and washes in my work. For my posture, I use an adjustable stand by Lpoake. For my sanity, I often work on the porch so I can get some fresh air and vitamin D. Mochi keeps me company and nudges me periodically for attention.
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Tool I wish I could use better: Watercolor. I love painting with oil and acrylics, but I struggle with washes and hope to improve. 
Tool I wish I existed: A magic chair that heals back and shoulder pain (and also teleports you to any location in the world). 
Tricks: Not a fancy trick, but I’ve been using Google Keep to jot ideas down in an organized way when I don’t have my sketchbook with me. I can access this list via phone, tablet, or computer.
Misc: Getting feedback on your work is invaluable. Sometimes, I’ll draw a cartoon and think it’s hilarious, but then I show it to my husband, who doesn’t understand the caption or the sketch. I’m fortunate to have found a group of supportive cartoonists with whom I can share my work and exchange comments on a regular basis. Online classes and workshops are also great ways to learn a new craft and meet other amazing artists, writers, and humorists.
Here’s my website: lynnihsu.com 
I post cartoons on Instagram:@loopyline 
For New Yorker cartoon prints: Conde Nast Store 
If you enjoy this blog, and would like to contribute to labor and maintenance costs, there is a Patreon, and if you’d like to buy me a cup of coffee, there is a Ko-Fi  account as well! I do this blog for free because accessible arts education is important to me, and your support helps a lot! You can also find more posts about art supplies on Case’s Instagram and Twitter! Thank you!
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dangerkittens · 1 year
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Best part of writing an art book is getting to see the actual hi-res scans up close. Here’s some alien flora and fauna by Angus McKie that I got to see with new eyes.
The artwork first appeared as the 1976 cover to Casey Agonistes and Other Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories, by Richard McKenna, although viewers may know it better for its inclusion in Stewart Cowley’s Spacewreck art book in 1979.
You can preorder my art book here for a print-quality detailed look at a dozen more Angus McKie works. 
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dangerkittens · 1 year
Love this!
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Details from an Ian Miller exhibition
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dangerkittens · 3 years
This vase looks judgemental. <V>
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Vase, one of a pair, c. 1860, Minneapolis Institute of Art: Decorative Arts, Textiles and Sculpture
large ornate form; pair of winged animal handles; leaf-like mouth, raised in back; relief morning glories around foot; central painted floral spray featuring pink peonies and pink roses Size: 16 5/8 x 13 1/16 x 9 7/8 in. (42.23 x 33.18 x 25.08 cm) Medium: Glazed porcelain
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dangerkittens · 5 years
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Tumblr — Twitter — Facebook — Instagram — Buy my books — Support me on Patreon
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dangerkittens · 5 years
At the time, Maxwell felt he had helped strike a decisive blow against the rabid anti-Semitism that fuelled Adolf Hitler’s rise and led to the killings of millions of Jews, including his own relatives.
But today, as hate crimes against Jews surge dramatically in Canada and around the world, the longtime Toronto resident and decorated veteran isn’t so sure.
“I feel like I’m reliving the 1930s,” Maxwell, 95, said in an interview. “The rise of anti-Semitism is something unbelievable.”
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dangerkittens · 5 years
@summerspringsss replied to your video “I love how the title and thumbnail lure in the anti-vaxxers. I wish I…”
The hive mentality is so toxic. People don’t actually do their own research. Instead, they just go along with whatever garbage people shovel into their mouths. If people looked into it, they might realize that vaccines can contain a ton of ingredients that aren’t useful (read: harmful) like latex and polysorbate-80 ! I’ve never been vaccinated and I’m as healthy as a horse. Even got chicken pox and whooping cough as a kid, and gee whiz! I’m perfectly fine.
Yes, I never do my own research. You got me. I just go along with the hive mind garbage. 
But let me give that research thing a try… just for your sake. 
Here is some interesting research I found about latex.  
“One study “Vaccination of persons allergic to latex: a review of safety data in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS),” in the journal Vaccine “revealed only 28 cases of possible immediate-type hypersensitivity reactions in vaccine recipients with a history of allergy to latex.” And only two of those required hospitalization.”
–Vaxopedia (referencing the CDC)
And to be clear, the latex isn’t IN the vaccine. It is in the stopper for the vial the vaccine comes in. You can also take precautions if you have a known latex allergy and avoid any possible reaction. But 2 people being hospitalized out of millions who are vaccinated does not seem like a huge concern.  
Now, if you are worried about polysorbate 80, then you should probably avoid ice cream and get a vaccine instead. 
“The HPV vaccine contains polysorbate 80 as a stabilizer. Some stories on the internet have suggested that polysorbate 80 in this vaccine causes infertility. First, it is important to know that the HPV vaccine does not cause infertility. Second, polysorbate 80 has been used for many years as an emulsifier to make ice cream smooth and to slow melting. A typical serving of ice cream (½ cup) may contain about 170,000 micrograms of polysorbate 80. On the other hand, the amount of polysorbate 80 in each dose of the HPV vaccine — 50 micrograms — is very small. Therefore, polysorbate 80 isn’t contained in vaccines at quantities that could possibly do harm.”
–Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
You’d need to get vaccinated 3400 times before you equal a scoop of ice cream. 
I am happy to hear you have horse levels of health… but I’d also like to say that getting vaccinated ISN’T JUST ABOUT YOU. 
There are immunocompromised people that cannot get vaccines because they weren’t blessed with your horse health. You are putting them in danger. We need herd immunity to keep those folks safe. 
The hive mentality isn’t what is toxic… you are. 
Again, you have to consider the risk analysis. There is risk in everything we do. But if you look at the statistics, the possible side effects of vaccines pose a much lesser risk than the illnesses they prevent. 
You could never get into a car crash in your life. Wearing a seatbelt could not do a single thing to alter your destiny. But it’s still important that you wear one every time you get into a car. 
When you are doing your research on vaccines and rebelling against the hive mind, consider the following…
Is this source credible? 
What are their credentials?
Do they cite references to respected health institutions?
Has their research been duplicated with similar results? (Peer review.)
Is this a mommy blog in which someone just read a list of ingredients and did not understand the amount of something is integral to properly assess if it is dangerous?
I’d also ask you to consider table salt. 
When sodium comes into contact with water, it can have an energetic reaction. 
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Chlorine, by itself, can be toxic to humans. It can cause skin irritation if a pool is over-chlorinated. And it can cause your lungs to fill with fluid if inhaled. Not a fun time. 
But when you put sodium and chlorine together…
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Delicious NaCl!
You cannot judge ingredients individually. You must understand the entire chemical composition and how those ingredients interact together. 
And you absolutely MUST take into account the amount of an ingredient in the vaccine. 
Technically, water is poisonous if you are really enthusiastic about hydration. Ask your doctor if dihydrogen monoxide is right for you. 
Vaccines have been one of the most important medical breakthroughs in all of human history. They have been researched and tested over decades. The brightest minds in chemistry and medicine have declared them safe and effective. If you claim to have groundbreaking peer-reviewed research from a reputable source that proves otherwise, please give a citation or two. The CDC should be alerted immediately of your findings.  
Lastly… the smartest person I’ve ever known is my very good friend Kevin. 
I’ve known him since first grade. I was even a groomsman at his wedding. Here is a picture of Kevin from his old MySpace account. He is sitting on a rock contemplating his existence. (I may have photoshopped an angry bear behind him.)
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Kevin nearly achieved a perfect score on the ACT. Kevin was valedictorian. Kevin beat me in the 4th-grade spelling bee and I’m still a tad bitter about it. He went on to compete nationally. Kevin always won when we played Jeopardy on his dad’s old Commodore 64. I’m still bitter about that too. Kevin once got a 5.0 GPA. Which doesn’t seem mathematically possible… but I saw the report card. It happened. I’ve accepted it and am no longer bitter about that in particular.
Kevin is a pediatrician. 
Kevin graduated with distinction from medical school. Kevin made chief resident the first year he was eligible. Kevin works for one of the most prestigious children’s hospitals in the country. Kevin is on staff at one of the most prestigious medical schools in the world. (It has been listed among the top ten medical schools since rankings were first published in 1987.) 
Kevin has done research on vaccinations to an extent you or I will never come close to matching. 
Kevin says to get vaccinated. 
Kevin got all 3 of his children vaccinated. 
I’m gonna trust Kevin. 
Despite his spelling bee victory. 
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dangerkittens · 6 years
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The corgi look of betrayal is one of the most powerful in the animal kingdom. Their eyebeams penetrate directly into the human heart. 
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dangerkittens · 6 years
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dangerkittens · 6 years
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Daily News, New York, December 1, 1929
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dangerkittens · 6 years
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Martin Luther King and his wife Coretta, 1964
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dangerkittens · 6 years
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dangerkittens · 6 years
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Evelyn Cunningham in the Pittsburgh Courier, Pennsylvania, June 20, 1953
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dangerkittens · 6 years
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dangerkittens · 6 years
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Punch, England, August 1, 1934
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dangerkittens · 6 years
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