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Captain Pike’s Starfleet coat in Strange New Worlds 2x02 “Ad Astra Per Aspera”
“For Pike’s travelling look, we went with a trench style leather coat with no insignia so he could blend in with the Illyrians. Lightly broken down for a "lived in” look.“ - Bernadette Croft, Strange New Worlds costume designer
Illustration by Strange New Worlds concept artist Christian Cordella.
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You are a Starfleet captain. You believe in service, sacrifice, compassion and love.
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New Pike trailer - Part 2
Because Tumblr only allows so many pics per posts, here are a couple more stills just for your enjoyment. 😊
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OK grant me this one comment. I almost missed it but... "now streaming"?
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This review leaves me all conflicted
Warning, the following review by FilmLore is great, but contains SPOILERS. As such, my post also contains SPOILERS.
Okay, so... Pike has a wife???
Hmmm I am not sure how that sits with me. I suppose after the Cage he thought he'd never see Vina again and went on with his life. The Talos IV incident happened when, 3 years before SNW? And actually, why not? There is no law that Star Fleet Captains may not have a family. Janeway and Sisko both did as well. The whole pondering about Pike's fate gets even more depth, he not only has to think about what this does to himself but also to his wife. He probably told her and they both decided to sit it out.
But then again, Pike's feelings towards Vina were so strong in Discovery. On hindsight it's good that they didn't kiss in that episode because ugh... I don't want him to be unfaithful.
Now that also puts a whole other light on that episode with the beautiful garden and the catacombs beneath. Is that woman we keep seeing actually his wife? Are they on shore leave? Are they invited to an official ceremony?
It would also explain why he's the only Enterprise crew on the planet and why at some point he fights the guards so fiercely, probably thinking his wife is in danger.
Why do I get the feeling his heart will be shattered into pieces in this episode? 😟
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The release of SNW is going to be the hardest thing my Fictosexual ass has had to deal with. I'm already twitching a little at some of the posts I see around and it isn't even out yet 🤣🤣
Give me the strength to remember that the world exists in a series of multiverse and everything I may see is nothing to do with my Chris because he doesn't exist anywhere but in my universe *Massages temples* I have this *Determined pose*
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Bahahaha I'm glad it isn't just me, it might take me a little while to get used to this 🤣
His hair?? WHACK!
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As much as I really want to see the trailer for SNW, I mainly want to know if those who did see the trailer thought it looked good! Come on people, give us something here. We're starving!!!
(I'll admit, I also don't get why Paramount are being all insane about people seeing it, we know it exists, give it to us already!!!)
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A wild Captain Pike appears 💫
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Christopher Pike + Captain’s Chair, Discovery S2
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New Eden Pike from Star Trek Timelines, 2019.
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Hmph, I want to post but mobile Tumblr is being an ass and lost my post. I really should dig the computer out from under all the dust, but I'm too lazy.
See below for little drabble, largely gender neutral reader, but I did accidentally use the female pronoun at the end. God's, this man is amazing. How dare he inhabit an alternate dimension!!!
(Excuse the spaces, I did try and delete them in a previous post and Tumblr then deleted it. I'm not making that mistake again *Glares at Mobile Tumblr*)
Word count: 742
He was perfect.
It felt wrong to say it; perhaps I was just bias, but it was the only word that would consistently come to mind.
If you'd have asked anyone on board, I expect they'd have said something very similar. He was certainly well viewed by both his peers and subordinates alike. He'd once been hailed as the embodiment of the Federation's principles and beliefs, but that wasn't what made him perfect to me.
The word itself: he embodied that.
"You're doing it again," his voice broke me from my thoughts and I turned to him, a blush on my cheeks.
"What am I doing?" I asked, though I already knew what he meant. He'd caught he staring at him numerous times and knew what I was thinking.
"Idealising me," he teased, reaching out to place a hand on my leg. Instantly, I was distracted and I shuffled closer to him, the blush deepening.
"It's hard not to," I admitted, reaching down to trace the contours of his face and the light stubble that was on his cheeks, but would be gone before he reported to the bridge. He held himself to a high standard too, it was one of the things I loved about him.
"It's easy," Chris grinned, taking hold of my hand and kissing it softly, "just think about something else."
"Oh right, I should just turn away while you lay there naked and think about, what, exactly?" I was closer to him now, laying on the bed, eyeing his lips with obvious hunger. They were perfect too, there was no part of him that wasn't.
"Well, it isn't long before your shift starts, perhaps you should have been thinking about breakfast?"
Blushing even more deeply, I turned away, laying on the bed and covering my face with my hands. "Trust me, if I'd have been thinking about that, you wouldn't have woken up naturally."
"Is that a promise?" Chris whispered, his voice closer to me now and I lowered my hands, watching as he positioned his body over mine. We were both hungry, it was obvious and I was quick to wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer, into a deep kiss.
He even tasted perfect.
All of him tasted perfect.
I forced the thought from my mind. Our alarms hadn't gone off yet, we had time. I wondered if he would allow it, or if he would make me wait. I sometimes hated him for that, but it didn't make him any less perfect, it only made me hungrier and more dangerous.
Lowering my hands, I ran them down his sides, feeling his muscles beneath my skin, marvelling at him, wondering how much was for me and how much was simply who he was. He had been perfect long before we got together, he was no less perfect now.
"I want you," I heard myself admitting, my hands on his butt cheeks, pulling his hips against mine. I wanted the most perfect part of all; I wanted him, all of him.
"Computer, how long before our shift starts?" Chris asked, a light sweat on his forehead showing that his calm was a facade. He wanted me, I could tell, he just wasn't giving in. The man was stubborn, but that didn't change my view.
"Captain Pike's shift begins in 30 minutes," the computer replied, causing me to start. We either forgot to set the alarm or he'd turned it off while I'd been sleeping.
"Shame," Chris replied, turning to me, showing me his need, though I could already feel it against me. "We should get ready."
Growling, I allowed my hands to fall away, freeing him to stand. I couldn't help but admire the way the light fell against his skin, though my eyes refused to be torn away from his excitement. It was wrong to have a favourite part of him, but I did and I wanted it so much it hurt.
"Come, I can't have my partner late to her shift," Chris held his hand out to me and I allowed him to encourage me from the bed.
Circling around him, I made my way to the sonic shower, turning it on and climbing inside.
"Still, there is a lot we can do in half an hour," I heard shortly afterwards and I couldn't help but grin.
He really was perfect; and on most days I couldn't believe he was mine.
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A Welcome Addition - Drabble
Word count: 846
In an alternative reality I'm giving birth to Chris' twins tomorrow and so in this reality I wanted to take a moment to write something in honour of that. I can't be bothered to turn on the computer so this was phone written, out in the sun. Expect terrible editing 🤣
Female reader, female child (but not twins, I made it general), I haven't given birth before and just watched it on TV, so that's all guesswork. Damn though, Chris would be an amazing dad, like that man is amazing and he totally deserves that!!
A Welcome Addition
He'd never given a lot of thought to a moment like this. It had crossed his mind once or twice, as others around him had taken the steps towards settling down, but it had never appealed to him; not in the way it had to them.
The whole situation had been a surprise, but this part perhaps most of all. The acts themselves, the creation of the tiny lifeform he was soon to meet, hadn't been surprising; or perhaps it had, but only in that he found himself enjoying it more than he might have expected. There was something about his partner, something delightful that he found hard to get enough of, but still; he hadn't expected to be here, waiting for the birth of his own child.
His flesh and blood. Half him and half her, all their love combined into a creation they'd nurtured together: nights spent talking to their child, encouraging it, loving it and through it, one another. There were no words for that bond; for what it meant to him and what it drew out of him.
At one stage, he'd believe that the Enterprise and Starfleet was all the wanted in life. But when she'd appeared he'd amended that dream to include her waiting for him, loving him at a distance. Starfleet had remained at the fore. Now though, as the midwife encouraged the birthing of the child from it's mother's body, he wondered if he could maintain that.
Would he really want to devote himself purely to others, when he now had something for himself? It went against his core beliefs, but then, he had never considered this moment. He had never really thought about becoming a father and carrying on his family name. He'd never imagined anyone, not of the crew, depending on him and looking up to him, not in the way this child would.
Flinching at a sudden pain, he turned away from the face of the midwife, looking at the fact of his wife, smiling even as she was pained and mildly delirious from it all. She was still beautiful to him, perhaps now more than she had been before, for she was giving him a great gift. "Just a few more," he encouraged, stroking her forehead, pressing a kiss against her cheek. Unable to do more than squeeze his hand, he understood the value of his words. They were devoted to one another, their simple presence was enough to soothe them now.
"One final push," the midwife instructed, looking up just long enough to meet his wife's eyes before she looked down once more, observing the child and guiding it out.
Beside him, his wife closed her eyes, screaming with the pain that was no doubt coursing through her as she sought to push this child from it's warm home into a difficult world. Only, it wouldn't be difficult for this child, he would make sure of that. He would give it whatever it needed and make it a rounded person, just as he was.
The crying, when it exploded from the child, was incredible and he leaned down, holding his wife close as she burst into unexpected tears, most likely of relief, given the trauma that she'd just undergone.
"It's a girl," the midwife informed them, as the child was passed to a nurse and cleaned, ready to be presented to them.
A girl. Chris closed his eyes, willing back his own tears. His wife had given up, she was simply repeating the news as she clung to him. A girl, his daughter, the first of his children. He had never expected this, he'd thought the chance had long since passed, but he was now a father; a father to a perfect little girl.
"Captain?" The widwife was stood beside him now and he straightened, gesturing towards his wife. It was her effort that had created his daughter; she deserved to hold her first.
Nervously, his wife reached out and the midwife placed the child against her breast. Staring at the vision before him Chris couldn't help but smile. They'd created this, the two of them together. This life existed only because of them, he wouldn't be able to ignore it.
He wondered if he'd always known that, and if that was why he'd been so focused on the ship and on Starfleet. He gave them the best of what he'd been before, so he could give his family the best of what he was now.
"She truly is perfect, just like you," he whispered, stroking first his child's cheek and then his wife's, beaming at them both.
"You're…crying," his wife observed, and Chris realised with a start that he was.
"They are happy tears," he assured her, smiling because it was impossible not to.
"They won't be for long," his wife predicted, as her eyes closed, the exhaustion catching up to her.
"They'll always be happy tears," Chris countered, before he gently reached down and took the child into his arms, gazing down at her. "How could they be anything but?"
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My adoration and devotion for Chris is a bottomless pit from which I cannot escape.
And nor do I want to.
I love that man as much or more now that I ever have 😍
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CHRISTOPHER PIKE Saints of Imperfection
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Star Trek: Discovery → Captain Christopher Pike + messy hair
Requested by anonymous who said: “Sorry if these have been done before, but do you have gifsets for Chris with messy hair and then any from episode 5 with Tyler, or anything from episode 6?”
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