danicabaxa · 4 months
Final Blog Post!
What do you think? More specifically, what do you think we can do to make the world better? This is a simple call to action that can cover any issue that's close to you and/or interesting to you. You may interpret this prompt however you like.
What I believe we can do to make the world better is to simply treat everyone with kindness, regardless of our differences. Small acts of kindness and respect can significantly improve the lives of those around us, fostering a more inclusive and compassionate society. By practicing empathy and understanding, we can bridge divides and build stronger, more supportive communities. Additionally, promoting kindness can inspire others to do the same, creating a ripple effect that spreads positivity and goodwill. In essence, a commitment to kindness in our daily interactions can contribute to a more harmonious and just world.
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danicabaxa · 5 months
Blog Post 24 (Week 7)
Have fun! Express yourself however you need to! (Part 2)
Throwback Pics!
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Song Recs!
These Words by Natasha Bedingfield
Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield
Pursuit of Happiness by Kid Cudi
Misses by Dominic Fike
No Church In the Wild by Jay-Z, Kanye West, and Frank Ocean
Food/Drink Recs!
Comebuy Tea Boba in Cap Hill
Grainhouse in Cap Hill
Kong Tofu House in U-District
Boiling Point in International District
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danicabaxa · 5 months
Blog Post 23 (Week 7)
Have fun! Express yourself however you need to! (Part 1)
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Me, Kyla, and Delanee finished our final shift at the SVDP food-bank last week! We got boba from TP Tea (I highly recommend) and soaked up the nice sunny weather!!
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The UFC officers and general members had our last intramural volleyball game 😌 It was a very fun season with them and I can't wait to play again next school year!
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Here is a quote that I found with my friend after grabbing matcha with her last week (I highly recommend trying Atulea's matcha 😁). There are a bunch of quotes stamped to the ground around Cap Hill that are very meaningful!!
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Here is a group picture of my dance group (auana in Hawaiian), where we danced hula at this year's Hawaii club's luau!! It was bittersweet seeing the seniors dance their last luau and knowing that I'll be in their place next year.
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danicabaxa · 5 months
Blog Post 22 (Week 7)
From Wednesday: On Wednesday we packed in a few sources, including the short film by Larissa Sanssour and some materials on the Line, which is being built in Saudi Arabia. Those materials are linked in our agenda. Synthesize Nation State and the new urban structure, the Line. How do you think they relate to each other? Are they different experiences? You can be as creative as you like.
The concept of the nation-state and the new urban structure known as the Line represent contrasting yet interconnected experiences in modern society. The nation-state traditionally embodies the idea of a political entity defined by geographic boundaries, a shared culture, and a centralized government. It reflects a historical legacy of sovereignty and territoriality, often characterized by distinct national identities and institutions.
In contrast, the Line represents a futuristic urban development model that transcends traditional notions of space and governance. It envisions a linear cityscape where connectivity and sustainability are paramount, emphasizing mobility, efficiency, and environmental harmony. The Line challenges conventional urban planning by reimagining cities as interconnected hubs along a linear axis, promoting innovative solutions to urban sprawl, congestion, and resource management.
Despite their differences, the nation-state and the Line share fundamental principles of identity, community, and governance. Both concepts are rooted in the desire to organize human society, albeit in different scales and contexts. While the nation-state focuses on territorial integrity and cultural cohesion within defined borders, the Line emphasizes fluidity, adaptability, and interconnectedness across diverse urban landscapes. I envision the nation-state as a solid block of marble, representing stability, tradition, and permanence. Meanwhile, the Line might be depicted as a vibrant ribbon of light, symbolizing progress, innovation, and dynamic movement. Together, they form a tapestry of human experience, blending history and innovation, tradition and modernity, in the ongoing quest for sustainable and harmonious urban living.
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danicabaxa · 5 months
Blog Post 21 (Week 7)
From Monday: We watched the documentary al-Nakba: The Palestinian CatastropheLinks to an external site. After we watched I asked that you find a couple of sources that's relevant to your own experience. Post what you found.
Malloryk. “Liberation of the Philippines 1945: The National WWII Museum: New Orleans.” The National WWII Museum | New Orleans, The National World War II Museum, 31 Aug. 2020, www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/liberation-of-philippines-cecilia-gaerlan. Accessed 13 May 2024.
“Research Guides: Philippines: Hist 296 (‘WWII and Its Legacies in Asia/Pacific’).” HIST 296 (“WWII and Its Legacies in Asia/Pacific”) - Philippines - Research Guides at University of Hawaii at Manoa, guides.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/c.php?g=105238&p=687104#:~:text=The%20Japanese%20occupation%20of%20the,the%20United%20States%20in%201946. Accessed 13 May 2024.
“The Struggle for Hawaiian Sovereignty - Introduction.” Cultural Survival, www.culturalsurvival.org/publications/cultural-survival-quarterly/struggle-hawaiian-sovereignty-introduction. Accessed 13 May 2024.
What Is the History of the Israel-Palestinian Conflict? | Reuters, www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/whats-israel-palestinian-conflict-about-how-did-it-start-2024-01-14/. Accessed 13 May 2024.
The articles I've included are relevant to my own experience of living in a colonized state and coming from two cultures where one country colonized the other. One of the articles discusses the history of how the United States colonized Hawaii, which is the place I call home. Growing up, the colonization of Hawaii was integrated into my studies. This reminded me of the history of colonization between Palestine and Israel, which is why I included that article. Furthermore, I included two articles about Japan's colonization of the Philippines, as those are the two ethnicities that shape my identity. The Japanese occupation of the Philippines occurred between 1942 and 1945 during WWII; however, Filipinos staged guerrilla resistance against the Japanese until 1945. The colonization of the Philippines by Japan during World War II and the Israel-Palestine conflict share similarities in terms of foreign domination and resistance, but they are distinct historical events with unique contexts and dynamics. While both involved the imposition of foreign rule and resistance by the colonized populations, the motivations, objectives, and outcomes differ significantly between the two situations.
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danicabaxa · 5 months
Blog Post 20 (In-Class -- 5/6/24)
All of these sources give offers the reader a brief overview of the history behind Israel and Palestine's relationship amongst one another ever since the beginning in 1948, when Great Britain's mandate over Palestine ended, which led to the establishment of the State of Israel. This period marked a significant turning point in the relationship between Israel and Palestine, setting the stage for decades of conflict, territorial disputes, and ongoing tensions. These sources provide a comprehensive overview of the historical events and dynamics that have shaped the complex relationship between Israel and Palestine, emphasizing the enduring challenges and deep-seated issues that continue to affect the region. Understanding this history is crucial for comprehending the current state of the conflict and the efforts toward a peaceful resolution.
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Up above is what the mapping of the Gaza strip looks like today, which gives the reader an insight to how close in separation the two countries are to each other.
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danicabaxa · 5 months
Blog Post 19 (Week 6)
Whatever, have fun!
Life Updates ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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This was when the Mariner's baseball team won their game on April 29th!
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Here is a picture with my lovely friends at this year's Luau for the Hawaii Club!!
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This was when me and my boyfriend went to Top Golf to celebrate his birthday :)
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Been soaking up the nice warm and sunny weather!
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Went on one too many boba runs... but still so delicious!!!
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danicabaxa · 5 months
Blog Post 18 (Week 6)
In what way would you like to be seen? Think about any aspect of you, or an intersection that you occupy that is often invisible or unknown. Celebrate it and tell me about it! Or, if you don’t want to focus on yourself, write a little about an invisibility that you’re curious about in others.
The aspect of myself that I would like others to recognize, which is often overlooked or hidden, is my hard work in academics and my resilience in my personal life. Most people know me as someone who is happy and humble, always sporting a smile. However, what they may not see, but I hope they will, is the significant amount of effort and dedication I put into my studies. I've never been someone who could just breeze through school without trying; I've always had to put in the hours to achieve my academic goals. Despite this, I don't often share with others that I graduated high school as a valedictorian, an accomplishment that I'm incredibly proud of.
Another facet of myself that I don't often reveal is my resilience. This past school year has been particularly challenging, especially when I had to leave home after breaks. While I find happiness in Seattle, I often struggle with homesickness and the emotional strain of being away from my family. Being family-oriented, it's been a significant emotional and mental challenge to stay focused and positive while I'm away. Despite these difficulties, I push through by keeping in mind the day I'll reunite with my loved ones. ❤️
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danicabaxa · 5 months
Blog Post 17 (Week 6)
Express something profound, sublime, and beautiful. You can tap into your faith, an amazing work of art, or an aspect of nature or a beautiful place. A work of art, scripture, a mathematical equation, or a song all work here. You may interpret this prompt however you like.
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Something that is so beautiful to me is Hawai'i. I am so fortunate to call the island of O'ahu my home. Whenever I travel back home, I am always speechless by how beautiful the land is. I love going to the beach and going on hiking trails to see the beauty of the island. Up above are my two favorite photos that I captured that really emphasizes how blue the ocean and the sky are. The two photos above also represents the "Mauka" and the "Makai". In Hawaiian, "Makai" means on the ocean side of the road (pictured on the left), and "Mauka" means on the mountainside of the road (picture on the right). I am very grateful to call Hawai'i my home and a place where I can always find peace and contentment. 🩵
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danicabaxa · 5 months
Blog Post 16 (Week 6)
We’ve been talking about some very heavy things, but the world seems to be filled with this kind of nonsense right now. What do you think can and/or should be done? This could be an engagement on any issue at all. Technically what I’m looking for is any kind of call to action, a suggestion that will move things, even just a little bit, toward a better direction. Tap into your passion.
College students can make a meaningful difference in addressing the conflict between what is currently happening between Palestine and Israel by becoming more informed. We can start by educating ourselves about the history and complexities of the conflict, seeking out a range of perspectives to gain a more nuanced understanding. We can also support humanitarian efforts, raising funds for those impacted by the conflict, and encouraging your college to adopt ethical investment policies that do not contribute to violence or oppression.
Social media can also be a powerful tool for raising awareness and promoting dialogue. We can use platforms like Instagram to share information, create awareness campaigns, and connect with other students who are interested in the cause. By amplifying voices from both Palestinian and Israeli backgrounds, we can foster a more balanced and respectful conversation. We can encourage Seattle University to host events with diverse speakers and support student-led initiatives that promote coexistence, tolerance, and empathy. By leveraging social media and your campus networks, we can contribute to a broader movement for a more just and peaceful resolution to the conflict. 🤎
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danicabaxa · 5 months
Blog Post 15 (Week 4 & 5) - "Have Fun"
My favorites at the moment!
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My all time favorite food that I can eat at any time and any day would have to be kimchi tofu soup, also called soondubu! I've never tried this dish before until my friends and I went to this Korean restaurant in U-District called "The Alley" back in our freshman year of college! After trying soondubu for the first time there, it became my favorite comfort meal that I will never get tired of eating. I love eating spicy foods so eating this is the perfect dish for me :)
My favorite songs are "Anything" by SZA and "Star" by Bazzi! These are songs that I would never get tired of listening since I can play them anywhere like in the gym, on a walk, in my room, or in the car! These two songs specifically reminds me of last spring quarter, which has been the most memorable quarter out of my college experience. During that quarter, I was taking the most hardest class in my major, but at the same time I was making so many memories with the people who are still close with me to this day.
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danicabaxa · 5 months
Blog Post 14 (Week 4 & 5) - "Have Fun"
My favorites at the moment!
My favorite comfort YouTuber is Ava Jules! We are both from Oahu, Hawaii and I love watching her videos whenever I have free time in Seattle! I miss home a lot, but watching her go shopping, driving to different places on the island, and eating the delicious food makes me feel so comforted and content. Watching her videos always makes me so excited to travel back home, which going home has always been my main motivation to get me through the school year so that I can see my family, eat my favorite food, go the beach, and be happy in my hometown!
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My favorite drink at the moment that I have been loving so much is the blueberry matcha from Anchorhead! I have always been into matcha drinks, but the hint of blueberry just adds the perfect touch! This has definitely been my go-to before class or whenever I am near by the cafe :)
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danicabaxa · 5 months
Blog Post 13 (Week 4 & 5)
Brothers of the Gun Personal Response
Overall, chapter three of "Brothers of the Gun: A Memoir of the Syrian War," Marwan Hisham explores the early days of the Syrian revolution, illustrating how peaceful protests against the Assad regime gradually turned into a brutal conflict. Hisham describes the growing public dissatisfaction fueled by widespread corruption, systemic repression, and the lack of personal freedoms under the regime's rule. As the protests gained momentum, the government's response became increasingly violent, with protesters facing the risk of arrest, torture, and death. Through Hisham's experiences, we see the hope and courage that initially drove the movement, as well as the escalating dangers that would soon push the country into chaos.
Do you see any parallels with your own struggle with Marwan Hisham's, or the struggle of the Syrian people?
Chapter three connects to the struggles faced by the Syrian people during the early stages of the Syrian revolution. The chapter shows how peaceful protests against the oppressive Assad regime quickly escalated into violence. It explores the public's dissatisfaction with corruption, repression, and the lack of freedom. As the government responded with brutal force, the risks of protesting grew, creating an atmosphere of fear and instability. This chapter illustrates the personal cost of the conflict, as Syrians faced threats to their safety and saw their relationships strained by the harsh new realities of a country descending into civil war. Through these stories, we see the courage and resilience of the Syrian people as they navigated the growing chaos.
In what way do you relate to and identify with what you see in Brothers of the Gun? In what way is is this memoir personal to you and your own life?
I picked chapter three because I relate to Nael, who changed after going to college. When I went to Seattle University, I noticed I had changed, and so did my old high school friends. I became more confident, met new people, and stopped worrying about what others thought of me. In high school, I was shy and always tried to make everyone happy, even when I didn't need to. This change was good, but I also lost some close friends because of it. Going away to college was the right choice, but it meant I lost touch with my best friend from high school. Therefore this memoir personal to me and my own life because looking back at my friendships from high school, middle school, and elementary school, I saw that my best friend and I had some things in common, but we were mostly different. Our friendship was more surface-level than I realized. This reminds me of Nael and Hisham's friendship in chapter three, where they were once close but then grew apart. Like Nael's experience at college, my time at Seattle University helped me grow, but it also made me rethink some friendships I thought would last forever.
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danicabaxa · 5 months
Blog Post 12 (Week 4 & 5)
Academic Research: Brothers of the Gun
Academic Sources:
Ayalon, Ami. The Press in the Arab Middle East a History. 1st ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995. Print.
Kraidy, Marwan M. Reality Television and Arab Politics : Contention in Public Life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Print.
McCaffrey, Paul. The Arab Spring. Ipswich, Mass: H.W. Wilson, 2012. Print.
Mohamed, Eid, and Ayman Ahmed El-Desouk, eds. Cultural Production and Social Movements After the Arab Spring : Nationalism, Politics, and Transnational Identity. London [England: I.B. Tauris, 2021. Print.
How do your sources interact with the text?
My sources interacts with "Brothers of the Gun: A Memoir of the Syrian War" since they all explore the topic of how the Syrian conflict impacts daily life, society, and personal identity. The first source by Ami Ayalon's "The Press in the Arab Middle East: A History" provides context on the evolution of the Arab media, helping to explain how communication and information have changed during the Syrian war. The second source by Marwan M. Kraidy's "Reality Television and Arab Politics: Contention in Public Life" explores how different media, including social media, influence Arab politics and public discourse, which aligns with the memoir's discussion on the role of media in shaping the Syrian uprising. Then, the third source by Paul McCaffrey, "The Arab Spring", provides a broader perspective on the Arab Spring, contextualizing the wider political movement from which the Syrian conflict emerged. Finally, "Cultural Production and Social Movements After the Arab Spring," edited by Eid Mohamed and Ayman Ahmed El-Desouk, explores how cultural expression, such as art and literature, reflects and shapes social movements. This focus on culture complements the memoir's exploration of Syrian society during the war. These resources help place "Brothers of the Gun" within a larger narrative of Middle Eastern history, media evolution, and cultural shifts influenced by the Arab Spring and the Syrian war.
How does it complete and contextualize the narrative?
These resources expand the narrative of "Brothers of the Gun: A Memoir of the Syrian War," offering broader context and insights into the Syrian conflict. Ami Ayalon's "The Press in the Arab Middle East: A History" explores the evolution of media in the Arab world, helping to understand the role of social media in the Syrian conflict, as discussed in the memoir. Marwan M. Kraidy's "Reality Television and Arab Politics" examines how various media formats, including social media, influence Arab politics, complementing the memoir's focus on media's role in the Syrian uprising. Paul McCaffrey's "The Arab Spring" provides an overview of the Arab Spring, which frames the broader political context for the Syrian revolution. Lastly, "Cultural Production and Social Movements After the Arab Spring," edited by Eid Mohamed and Ayman Ahmed El-Desouk, discusses how cultural expressions like art and literature shape and reflect social movements, resonating with the cultural aspects explored in the memoir. These resources together provide a comprehensive backdrop for the events in "Brothers of the Gun" memoir.
What other thoughts do you have about the issues you're engaging?
The other thoughts that I have about the issues I am engaging, as discussed above, connects to current events, particularly the ongoing conflict between Palestine and Israel. The impact of this conflict on the lives of Palestinians is significant, as many face daily uncertainty and fear due to violence and instability. The ongoing hostilities have led to a tragic loss of life, with 30,035 deaths reported in Palestine. The International Rescue Committee (IRC), a global humanitarian aid organization, is actively working with partners to provide critical emergency assistance to families in Gaza and other conflict zones worldwide. This underscores the relevance of the issues at hand and the ongoing need for humanitarian efforts to support those affected by conflict.
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danicabaxa · 5 months
Blog Post 11 (Week 4 & 5)
Learn About A New Part of the World... Turkmenistan!
Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (2024, April 13). Turkmenistan. Encyclopædia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/place/Turkmenistan
Turkmen music. Central. (2023a, March 21). https://central-asia.guide/turkmenistan/turkmen-culture/turkmen-music/
Turkmen-clothing. Central. (2023, March 21). https://central-asia.guide/turkmenistan/turkmen-culture/turkmen-clothing/
Turkmen traditions. Advantour. (n.d.). https://www.advantour.com/turkmenistan/traditions.htm#:~:text=Turkmen%20are%20highly%20moral%20people,person%20can%20keep%20his%20word%22.
#1 food from Turkmenistan: Savor the best of Turkmen cuisine. RJ Travel LLC - Adventure Travel Agency & Tour Operator. (2024, February 19). https://www.rjtravelagency.com/food-from-turkmenistan/
Turkmenistan, a country in Central Asia, is special and unique for various of reasons. The first reason is that it is known for its large natural gas reserves and unique features. The capital city, Ashgabat, has many white marble buildings and holds world records for its architecture. The ancient sites of Merv and Konye-Urgench, which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites, show the country's rich history. Turkmenistan's culture is also special and unique, with traditions like Akhal-Teke horse breeding, beautiful carpet weaving, and traditional fashion. Turkmen clothing often features vibrant colors, intricate embroidery, and patterns that reflect tribal symbols and motifs. The telpek, a traditional sheepskin hat, and the chapan, a long, robe-like coat, are commonly worn during cultural celebrations and important events. Additionally, the government is very centralized and prefers to stay neutral in world politics. The "Door to Hell," a huge gas fire pit at the Darvaza gas crater, is another unique attraction. Turkmenistan has a diverse landscape, with the vast Karakum Desert and the Kopet Dag mountains in the south, giving it a distinct character.
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danicabaxa · 5 months
Blog Post 10 (Week 3)
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danicabaxa · 5 months
Blog Post 9 (Week 3)
Where do I get my news?
Personally, I get my news by scrolling through TikTok. It's a social media app where I see all sorts of videos, including news updates. Every day, I come across at least one news report on my "for you page." Even though TikTok is full of fun and interesting stuff that I enjoy watching in my free time, I'm happy that I also get to learn about important things going on in the U.S. and other countries.
Besides TikTok, my mom also keeps me in the loop about what's going on back home in Hawaii. She tells me about the news or sends me news articles. When she does, I usually go online to the Hawaii News Now website to learn more. It's a website where people in Hawaii get their news, so I trust the information there. So, between TikTok and my mom, I stay pretty well informed about what's happening in the world and back in Hawaii.
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