daniel-fabray-berry · 11 years
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daniel-fabray-berry · 11 years
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daniel-fabray-berry · 12 years
Thank you Demi!
ooc: Is your tumblr acting cray today cause mine is!
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daniel-fabray-berry · 12 years
The case is in a few days and I want you to be there. Along with our friends.
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daniel-fabray-berry · 12 years
folks, we finally got a headline: newsies crushed as bulls attack…
Santa Fe, 09/10/12
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daniel-fabray-berry · 12 years
Happy Hobbit Month
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daniel-fabray-berry · 12 years
Omg i just realized today is December
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It was summer a few weeks ago
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daniel-fabray-berry · 12 years
First Date || Dani & Sami
Tagged: Daniel Fabray Berry, Samuel 'Sam' Chang, Nate Chang and Barbra Fabray-Berry mentioned
Setting: Local Movie Therate & Breadstix, around a Friday Night 
General notes: Sam and Dani go on their first date. Both boys are very nervous about it. Movie and Dinner date. Well not so much the movie. 
ooc: Notes what is their ship name? I don't think that they have one yet lol
Daniel: Dani had been pacing the floors trying to find his pair of purple hightops, which were his favorite. He was starting to get on everyone of the Fabray Berry women's wrong side. Barbie had to be the voice of reason for Daniel. She always was. "Dani calm yourself down please? Sami likes you its just one date and he's already your boyfriend." Barbie spun Dani onto the couch so that he would stay calm while waiting for Sami. He had gotten a text. He smiled at the next. He replied back saying a simple okay wit a smile face.
Sam felt the butterflies (he suspected they were actually bats; could butterflies be this vicious?) in his stomach attack, as they pulled up in front of Dani's house. "Oh, God," he said as he brother parked. "I can't do this. I'm going to die." Nate rolled his eyes again. "You'll be fine. All you have to do is go ring the doorbell and the rest of the date is easy. You watch the movie first. Then you go to dinner, so you have something to talk about. Now go ring the damn doorbell." Sam got out of the car and walked up to the door. "You can do this, Sami," he told himself. "You can do this. Just ring the damn doorbell." With one last breath, he rang the doorbell.
Daniel: Dani runs into the kitchen. He's so nervous this is his first real date and his first boyfriend. "Hey no don't make me open the door myself. I'm not sure that I can do this" Barbie pulls him right back to the door. "Open it Dani it's just Sami" She smiles at her baby brother.
Sam stood nervously outside the door. He heard what Barbie said to Dani and smiled. At least Dani was nervous, too. That somehow made him feel much better.
Daniel: shyly opens the door and sees that it is Sami sitting there. He smiles. "Hey babe I'm ready when you are. So can you please tell me where we are going?"
Sam smiled at him. "We're going to the movies first, then we're going to dinner. Nate's dropping us off at the movies and after the movie, we can walk to the restaraunt. Any movie you really want to see?" He grabbed Dani's hand and led the boy to the car.
Daniel: Dani said by to his family before living. He held Sami's hand. Hoping that he could get out of or shake the nervousness off. "Umm anything but I'd like a horror film is that a bad movie choice on a first date?" Dani blushed. He had just said the word First Date.
Sam chuckled. "No, a horror movie's fine, babe. At least... I think it is." He blushed, looking down. "I'm pretty sure any movie's fine. This is my first date, too, remember?"
Daniel: "Oh yes I keep forgetting that." He blushes. "Good cause then I'll have a good excuse to hold your hand during the scary parts of the movie."
Sam blushed even more at Dani's words. He opened the car down for Dani and got in, himself. Nathan smiled at Dani, before he started humming a song, ignoring the boys in the back, giving them as much privacy as he could. In about ten minutes, they reached the theatre. "Alright, guys," Nate said, letting them get out. "Call me if you need me?" Sam nodded and waved as his brother drove off. Sam grabbed Dani's hand and walked up to the theatre. He looked over the movie choices. "Hm... see any movie you like? If not... We could always watch Paranormal Activity," he suggested.
Daniel: Dani seacrhed the titles as they got to the movie theatere. "I like that choice babe."
Sam "Paranormal Activity? Alright." He smiled, leading his boyfirned to the ticket booth. "Two for Paranormal Activity?" He paid and grabbed the tickets, before heading for the concession stand. "You want anything, babe?"
Daniel: Dani doesn't want to spoil his apatite before dinner. But he hadn't eaten anything all day. "No Thank you...well if they have organic popcorn then yes. Would you split it with me?" Dani feels stupid for asking if they had organic popcorn.
Sam laughed. "Of course I would, Dani. But I don't know if they have organic popcorn." He asked the girl behind the counter. At first she gave him a weird look (because no one ever asks for organic popcorn) but a guy behind the counter with her nodded, saying that he'd make some. Sam blinked. "I didn't know anyone had organic popcorn but your mom."
Daniel: Dani held onto Sami's arm as they walked up to the stand. "That is the only kind that I can have. I'm allergic to something in the other popcorn. Must of the time Mama Rachel let's me sneak in a bag. But shh tell no one." Dani laughed but this was truth
Sam laughed. "I promise I won't tell anyone. But I didn't know you were allergic. I thought you just ate organic popcorn because Ms. Rachel liked healthy stuff."
Daniel: "No I like it and I think it taste better. I did feel weird eating that type of popcorn (un-organic)."
Sam shrugged. "They both taste good to me. But I guess that's cause I eat a lot. Almost all food tastes good to me," he grinned.
Daniel: "Guess that they might." He smiled.
Sam tugged on his boyfriend's hand, as they neared the theatre that was playing Paranormal Activity. "C'mon. I think the movie's starting."
Daniel: Dani nods and takes Sami's hand again. As they reach some seats. Dani lays his head on Sami's shoulder.
Sam smiles when Dani lays his head on his shoulder. He was still ridiculously nervous, but he felt better. The movie started. Sam felt himself getting anxious, even though nothing had happened yet. He hated scary movies. Maybe it made him less of a man, but they scared the hell out of him.
Daniel: Dani looked up at Sami and smiled. "if you get scared I'm here okay? Well not that you scare easliy but I'm here if you do."
Sam laughed quietly. "I do scare easily. I'm glad I'm here with you. I feel better with you," he admitted, a blush covering his face.
Daniel: "Aww baby that is okay cause you have me here to protect you." He loved making Sami blush.
Sam blushed even harder. He put a hand on his face, in an attempt to hide his blush. "I'm happy to be with you." There really was no one he'd rather be with. Something had been scratching at the back of his mind. He felt the question about to come out, but he bit his lip, stopping it. "I'm really happy, Dani."
Daniel: "i'm happy with you too." Dani put a hand on Sami's cheek. "Please stop hiding your face." He smiles as he blushes at the amount of cuteness coming from Sami's blush. He leans in and kisses Sami.
Sam put his hand down. "I look ridiculous when I blush," he mumbled. He was surprised when Dani kissed him, but he was happy. He kissed him back, smiling into it, before he realized he was giving the everyone behind them a show. He blushed again, pulling back. He was acutely aware of the girls a few rows behind them, staring very hard at the two boys. "People are watching us," he told Dani, though the blonde probably knew already.
Daniel: Dani laughed "You are the cuteness." Dani notices some of the staring eyes of on lookers. "Umm let them look they don't matter baby. Its just you and me?" Dani smiles trying to reassure Sami.
Sam smiled, still blushing. "I'm not that cute," he disagreed. He nodded. "I know, Dani." He grabs Dani's hand again, need the comfort and reassurance. He was never good with people watching him. It was why he was reluctant to join glee club, and rarely performed. He couldn't handle people watching him. "Just you and me."
Daniel: Dani nods. "Right." Dani held tight to Sami's hand as he knew that he needed some reassurance. Sami had always been a little shy with big crowds and this was no different. "I'm here." Dani whispered to Sami. "Trust me you are cute and hot ." Dani smiles.
Sam smiled at him. "Thanks, babe. You are, too." He leaned in to kiss him again but was interrupted. Something happened in the movie (Sam really wasn't paying attention) and everyone in the theatre screamed. Sam jumped, paling considerably. "Oh, God, I'm going to die."
Daniel: "They don't matter Sami."
Sam looked at his boyfriend. "I'm sorry babe. I just get scared easily." He took his mind off of it, and kissed Dani.
Daniel: Dani finds himself kissing Sami again. "I love kissing you and other people are going to have to get used to it now baby. That's why I'm here baby."
Sam chuckled. "I like kissing you, Dani," he says, kissing him again. "I just get nervous when people watch me. But I don't care." He kissed Dani again, ignoring the screams of everyone around him.
Daniel: Dani kisses him back. "Really you do?" He kisses him again hold one of his hands on Sami's arm and the other one the side of his cheek.
Sam "Yes, I do. I..." He pauses for a second. "At first, I wasn't sure about this. I wasn't sure I could do a relationship, let alone one with another guy. But I'm sure now. I really like you, Dani."
Daniel: Dani smiles. "I'm glad that you feel like that now Sami. I know relationships are nerve wrecking. You are my first boyfriend too. And we may not know all of the 'rules' in having a relationship....but I'm ready to learn with you."
Sam smiled at his boyfriend. Dani was really sweet. For once, Sam didn't have to be the strong one, having to comfort everyone. For once, he could show a bit of vulnerability. Because this was Dani and he trusted Dani. "Thanks, Dani."
Daniel: "You are welcome baby." He kissed Sami again. He wanted Sami to always feel safe around him.
Sam laced their fingers together and actually started to pay attention to the movie. He frowned. The movie was so creepy. Scary. And creepy. He thought about leaving, but remembered that he was with Dani. He was on a date with his boyfriend and he wasn't alone. He tried to relax, though he was still scared.
Daniel: Dani wrapped his arm around Sami. He had sensed that Sami was a little by the way he had held onto his han. "You okay babe? I know its a little scary."
Sam hesitated, but nodded. "Y-yea. I'm okay."
Daniel: He nods "Okay If you get scared I'm here." He really wanted to know if Sami was getting scared of the movie
Sam kissed him. "I know, babe. Thanks." He turned his attention back to the movie, doing his best not to show his fear.
Daniel: rubs Sami's back lovingly assuring him that it was okay. Dani decides that maybe kissing Sami would help stop his fear of the movie. I really only pick it so he could gaze at Sam most of the time through the movie. He only put half of his attention onto the screen.
Sam rubs his hand over his face. "I'm fine, babe. I'm sorry, I'm just... I freak out with things like this, you know?"
Dani: "Yes I know baby its fine."
Sam kissed his boyfriend. "I'm sorry I'm ruining this. I won't be scared anymore."
Dani: "I really didn't care about the movie baby, just being with you. Oh did I say that before?"
Sam grinned and put a hand on Dani's cheek, kissing him again. "You did. But I don't mind hearing it again."
Dani: Dani begins to lean in closer and kisses Sami. "Good i like telling you that." Dani smiles.
Sam pecked his boyfriend's lips again, feeling almost addicted to the contact. "Thank you. I don't know why you like me... but thank you."
Dani: "I like you because you are nice...cute..and I'm me when I'm around you." By the time both boys realize it the movie was over.
Sam blinked. "Wow. We kissed through the entire movie." He grinned, standing up. He held out a hand to Dani. "Ready for dinner, mi amor?"
Dani: "I guess that we did." Dani laughed. Dani let's himself be pulled up as he takes Sam's hand in his. "Let's, i'm straving."
Sam leads his boyfriend out of the movie theatre. "I'm happy we didn't watch the movie. It's too scary. I much prefer doing what we were," he said, winking at the blonde.
Dani: "Same here baby." Dani winked back at Sami.
Sam brought him into the restaurant. Breadstix. "Do you remember that one time when we came here, a few years ago? We ate so many breadsticks. I was sick for days," he recalled, laughing at the memory.
Dani: "Yes and I had told you to slow down. haha I stayed over and helped you through the sick." Dani smiled as they walked into Breadstix.
Sam smiled. "God, that was terrible. And Kylie and Nate just laughed at me. I guess I deserved it, though." A waiter came by and seated them. He opened his menu. "This time, I won't eat as much."
Dani: "I hope so, I can't deal with a sick Sami again." He laughs. "well it was funny babe."
Sam blushed. "It was embarrassing. But I'm glad you enjoyed it." He laughed, looking at the menu. "Hmmm... what are you thinking about getting?"
Dani: "I have no clue ."
Sam laughed. "I think... I want spaghetti and an iced tea," he told the waitress, smiling at her.
Dani: "Oh could I have a glass of water and Vegan Fried eggplant and regular noodles with nut cheese please thank you."
Dani: Dani has actually taken the whole Vegan food only rule to heart.
Sam chuckled at Dani's order. The boy was dedicated to his vegan-only rule. "Have you actually seen Paranormal Activity? Before today, I mean... and we didn't even watch it," he said, smiling.
Dani: "Yes I watched it with Barbie a few days ago. Hey are you trying to laugh at my order?" He sticks his tongue out.
Sam shook his head. "No, babe, I'm not. It's just... nevermind," he said, still grinning. "You're cute, that's all."
Dani: blushes hard and tries to cover his face.
Sam grabs Dani's hand. "Don't. You're cute and it's not a bad thing."
Dani: He nods. "I know I just get really get embarrassed when someone tells me that."
Sam smiled. "Well, that makes two of us. We'll just have to get used to it, huh?"
Dani: "You are so right." Dani holds Sam's hand on the table.
Sam grinned when the food arrived. "Yay, food."
Dani: "Wow you and your food always come first." Dani laughed.
Sam laughed. "I love food. It's going to come back to bite me one day, I know it, but I love food." He frowned, thinking of Kylie's comment. "I'm going to get fat." He shrugged. "Oh, well."
Dani: "Food won't make you fat Sami. I promise."
Sam smiled at him. "You think so? I hope not." He ate some of his spaghetti.
Dani: "Yes." He says before taking a bite of his food. "Yum, you should try this baby."
Sam cocked an eyebrow. "What is it?"
Dani: Dani held a fork of one piece of fried eggplant strip that was cut thin. "Eggplant. Please try just one."
Sam shrugged and leaned forward, taking the food into his mouth. He chewed for a bit before grinning. "It's so good!"
Dani: "See I told you." He smiled. "Now you are on the way to becoming a vegan well not really but a healthy eater." Dani laughed.
Sam shook his head, laughing. "I couldn't be a vegan. I like meat and eggs, too much!"
Dani: Dani smiled. "That you do."
Sam grinned. "I could try going vegan. But I bet I'd suck at it."
Dani: "It is something that not everyone can do. I still carve fish sometimes." Dani admits as he blushes.
Sam "There's nothing wrong with that. You're good at it, Dani. You're perfect," he told him, blushing.
Dani: "I'm not sure that I'm anywhere near perfect babe, but thanks you know who is though? You!"
Sam dipped his head, chuckling. "Dani, you're beyond perfect." He finished his spaghetti and waited for Dani. "I couldn't be perfect if I tried."
Dani: Dani finished his meal and wiped his mouth. "Umm don't fight me on this but you kind of are the perfect boyfriend to me."
Sam smiled. "I won't argue. I don't agree, but I won't argue." He leaned across the table and kissed Dani. "I think the same about you. You ready to pay and go?"
Dani: Dani kisses him back and nods as it is time to go. He grabs for Sami's hand.
Sam grabbed Dani's hand, and paid for the food, before he lead his boyfriend outside. He texted Nate, telling him that they were ready to go home, before he put his phone away. "Well. This was fun." He smiled.
Dani: "I really enjoyed it too." He smiles. Dani leans up and kisses Sam again.
Sam smiled and wrapped an arm around his waist. Soon enough, Nate pulled up and Sam got into the car.
Dani: Dani pulled his hand up to Sam’s cheek. And smiled into another kiss before Nate came by with his car. Dani smied again and got into the car with Sam. It was one of the best dates he’d ever had well that being said it really was his first. He hoped that the other boy felt the same.
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daniel-fabray-berry · 12 years
Me and Lily as kids
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daniel-fabray-berry · 12 years
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daniel-fabray-berry · 12 years
umm I never told you then?
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yo yo yo, Trinity in the house!
Court? Why court? Court’s no good.
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daniel-fabray-berry · 12 years
I'm good well going to court tomorrow planning what I am going to have to say.
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yo yo yo, Trinity in the house!
I’m amazing! What about you blondie?
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daniel-fabray-berry · 12 years
Ello so how are you girl?
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yo yo yo, Trinity in the house!
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daniel-fabray-berry · 12 years
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yo yo yo, Trinity in the house!
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daniel-fabray-berry · 12 years
My court case is tomorrow.
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daniel-fabray-berry · 12 years
So you are a puppy now?
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daniel-fabray-berry · 12 years
a-day-with-adais replied to your post: Guess got sick again?
I need cough syrup!
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