A quick tour of how the website works. 
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Here was the initial version of my site. I decided that I didn’t like the grey border around the edge, so after a bit of fiddling around I managed to remove that. Below is the final version. I feel it looks a lot cleaner all white and I am very pleased with it.
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There’s just a few more bits to change such as padding in certain areas and the ‘Send Message’ button for mobile devices as it seems to change for some reason and doesn’t look that good.
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A few pages from my final book. Quite happy with some parts and not so happy with others. Initially I wanted to screen print, riso and lino print the illustrations in it, but due to time restrictions I had to print it off on my printer. The paper has quite a nice texture to it though, so it doesn’t look too bad printed out. 
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For my book/zine I’ve decided to go for the saddle stitched option. Originally I wanted to go for tape bound, but I think that works better when you have a larger number of pages. Saddle stitched seems like a relatively easy option and won't take too long to do. 
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An example of previous Fedrigoni campaigns. This looks very interesting and shows off their range of colours in a cleve and visually appealing way. I feel like this would have been good at the time they did it, but recently I’ve seen a ton of paper cut out stuff and its all very similar. For this Fedrigoni brief its all about their paper but also about print. So I feel like something cut out isn't really answering the brief properly. Sure it shows off different paper and lets you get a good feel of the texture and different types, but it doesn't show different print methods. 
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Love this style from @johnwilinski. Very bold and colourful. 
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Fox In A Suit
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Lost In Space?
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Starting to look for some ideas for the front cover of my zine/booklet and came across this. I really like the style of this, the hand drawn look and the use of black and white really makes it stand out. The binding of this book is the same as the option I'm wanting to go for, tape bound. I had never thought of adding illustrations to the actual binding bit itself. This is something I'll look into further as I really like it.
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Nice little article to help me choose the binding for my book/zine. I’m leaning more towards the tape bound or perfect bound options. As I’m making these myself I think they will be relatively easy to do and shouldn’t be too complicated or take me too long. 
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Fedrigoni has teamed up with The One Off to create their brilliant 2013 calendar. The brand has collaborated with 5 type foundries and 2 illustrators to create their calender which features 16 different stocks a varierty of print techniques and a neat slipcase with a locking devise.
This is visually very appealing and showcases a lot of great work. Fedrogoni usually seems like quite a smart and slick company, this calendar is still all that but it also has a nice handmade and hand drawn look to it, especially with the slipcase and locking device. This makes me feel a bit more confident with this brief, as I was thinking of a similar style but wasn't sure if it fitted Fedriogni’s look.
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Final Boards
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These are the posters for my campaign. I think these may be the final designs but I'm still not 100% sure on them. I’ve tried to keep it similar to the style of my listings flyer in the sense that they're both hand made (lino) and the same colours. I have also keep the sound wave kind of style that I used on the flyers. I may print these on the riso as well just so they have the same style throughout. When it’s printed on the riso its doesn't really come out perfect quality but I really like this look and I feel that will tie it all in together a bit more.
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This what part of the process for the flyer. As this was printed on the risograph I had to separate all the different colours into different layers then print them out. Once they’re printed out I had to scan them in on the risograph and then set up each layer as a master on the printer then print off each colour. It sounds like a complicated procedure but it is really quite simple once you get used to it. The look of the final pieces are very good as it gives it the originality of a screen print but takes a lot less time to produce. The risograph is also very low cost and effective, just as Sonic Manchester want, a low cost offline option. 
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Love the work of Gary Taxali. He usually sticks to screen prints and Giclée prints which have such a good style to them and just look very appealing. 
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Really like these designs. I wish I could’ve done something like this for my campaign posters but I feel like it may be a bit too late to change my idea now. At the moment I don’t feel like my posters are that great of a design. If I have time I could possibly try something new. 
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Listings flyers are almost done, just need to add a bit about student discount and a bit about Facebook. I’ve printed these on the riso and I’m really happy with the outcome. It adds a nice bit of texture that you get when screen printing but it is much easier. It also retains the character and detail of the lino print which is important. 
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