daniellerob20 · 1 year
This is my audio to my interview have time to listen.
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daniellerob20 · 1 year
I recently interviewed my mom about her experiences during the Liberian Civil War. Throughout our conversation, I discovered that she had moved several times over the course of a few years, which was something I didn't know before. While I initially believed that she had only migrated to the Ivory Coast, I learned that she had moved to many different locations. The war began in 1989, but it truly escalated for my mom in 1990. One night, while she and her siblings were sleeping, they were awoken by the sound of gunshots and people screaming. They heard people being taken away from their children, and my mom and her siblings ended up running and hiding in the bushes. After a few days, they eventually traveled to the Ivory Coast. Although her family sent for her, the government sent troops to Liberia to investigate the conflict, and my mom return to Monrovia with the military.
When the news of the conflict was shared with the city, people laughed and didn't believe them. They thought that my mom and her family were lying about what was happening. Three months later, the city was attacked again, and my mom and her family fled to Sierra Leone with the help of her sister's boyfriend, who was in the military. Monrovia is closer to Sierra Leone's borders, which made it faster to cross. Despite being traumatized by the violence they had witnessed, they had to adapt to their new surroundings and start anew. The violence my mom and her family witnessed was extremely traumatic. They had never seen guns before, except in movies, and their friends were dying. Kids were separated from their parents and ended up with strangers. Rebels were cutting open pregnant women and taking their babies out of their stomachs. Rebels were also cutting off people's arms and legs, and many people had amputations after the war. She knew someone whose parents were killed right in front of them and they couldn’t cry or they would be killed. Women and girls were being raped, and little boys were being trained to be rebels. The rebels went after the Krahn people first because the president, Samuel K. Doe, was Krahn. (The tribe) My mom was Krahn, which is why they fled to Sierra Leone. However, shortly after they arrived, Charles Taylor brought the war into Sierra Leone, which forced them to flee again after just six weeks. They were trying to return to the Ivory Coast, but the journey was longer because Liberia was in the middle.
From Sierra Leone, they went to Guinea and stayed for a week before finally going to the Ivory Coast. The journey took about two months, and they had to register as refugees when they arrived. They received necessities they needed and stayed there until 1999. It was difficult for my mom and her family to adapt to life in the Ivory Coast. She had learned French while she was there and even got pregnant in 1996. However, when she left to go to America, her son was not in the program, so she had to leave him behind, which was very hard for her because she didn’t want to do that and wanted to stay but knew she had to make a better life for him. Living in the Ivory Coast, she and her siblings were bullied and called refugees. People wanted to fight them because they were not from there, so it was hard adapting for the second time. It was easier in Sierra Leone because the country also speaks English.
On February 10, 1999, they left the Ivory Coast and arrived in New York on my mom's birthday, February 11. They came to America on the resettlement program as refugees, and they were given an IOM bag that identified them as refugees. People were laughing at them at JFK, and my mom and her siblings felt ashamed and embarrassed, but there was nothing they could do. My mom had a lot of cultural shock and seen a lot of differences when she came to America. When she came to America, things were different for her. She couldn't work for a while and due to them being refugees they had some benefits and were given money and food stamps until they were on their feet for coats and other necessities because America was cold, she had never experienced cold or snow before. Seeing homeless people when they only showed the good parts and people standing on the bus while kids were sitting was also new to her. In her culture, it's disrespectful to have adults stand while kids sit, so she would always give up her seat. Another shock was seeing vets for animals when in her country, there were barely any hospitals for humans. Overall my mom had experienced different cultures, languages, and environments in each country she lived in with with their own challenges.
Despite all these challenges, she adapted to living in America and got her citizenship in 2005. She even went back home to see her family and eventually she sent for them to come to the USA. It was hard for a long time, but things paid off in the end.
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First couple of pictures are when she first came to the USA some of me and her and the bottom pics are recently
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daniellerob20 · 1 year
The question is can you live with 2 dollars? Honestly it depends do I already have food in water in my house or do I have completely nothing. So I’ll give 2 scenarios both being yes. If I had no food in my house I can hold out on eating and wait later in the day and then buy a snack that can hold me until the next day. I could honestly do this for a week but is 5is something I would want to do no I would not. But if I had most of the things I needed such as food and water at home I think I would survive as long as I could with 2 dollars a day would that be fun no I wouldn’t be able to go out and eat hang with friends or anything but definitely manageable. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/jul/04/the-return-of-marxism This article here is telling us that capitalism is in trouble all around and Marxism is going viral everywhere. Explain that even with a country like China people just get over worked. https://www.debatingeurope.eu/2018/04/26/karl-marx-thought-world-today/ This article discusses what he would think about the world we live in know seeing ares where he was right about and things he was also wrong about but even in this time being able to recognize the problem. His warning is still important even in our time. He would also be fascinated by capitalism achievements. This last article https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0896920518784793 discuss weather or not the theory is still relevant in todays time.
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daniellerob20 · 1 year
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daniellerob20 · 1 year
1. Why did you choose the questions?
We chose these questions because it really makes you think and we knew we’d get good responses
2. What patterns do you see from the responses?
we were all around the same age one male 2 females and all black.
3. Is there anything that surprised you ? Nothing surprised me their answers made sense
4.if you were doing this again, what would you do differently?
I wouldn’t change anything maybe introduce them.
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daniellerob20 · 1 year
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daniellerob20 · 1 year
Group questions
1. Do you have any affinal relationships ?
2. Could you see yourself in a polygyny or polyandry?
3.what is your opioid on endogamy?
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daniellerob20 · 1 year
My group questions
1. Do you have affinal relationships?
2. Could you see yourself in a polygyny n polyandry relationship
3. What is your opinion endogamy
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daniellerob20 · 2 years
Racism is shown everywhere and everyday we can see people being racist on our phones. Like I said in one of my other example racism riot due to unjust treatment toward black people. Healthcare can be racist with not helping or giving same or proper treatments they would to a white person then they would a black person. With studies showing that black women die more in child labor then white women so people in the world and our country are racist. But to the conversation we had in class can black people be racist and in my opinion no I feel as though there things that can be offensive but is it offensive because of there color no I believe it is in the way black people talk. For example if I am upset about my charger being broken by someone and I start saying this out of anger no matter the color you would still express how you feel and there are not words offensive to white people as there are toward black people.
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Race is a concept which helps us describe a group of people and categorize them into one group. There can be a group of black people white Asian and because I’m black I’d identify as a black person. How I think race is portrayed in the media is compared to back in the day I think more races are being shown for example models back in the day all you would see is white models but now there more representation with Asian model and black models or just models of color.
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In the media or outside of media miscegenation is a common thing. There’s people with different backgrounds together for example this is Zoe Saldana who is Dominican and Puerto Rico but her husband is Italian. So I think earlier on you would see white and black mainly but now it other people of color with white or other people of color with someone black.
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How racism is portrayed in the media is white people don’t like people of color especially black people especially in the heat of the movement 2020 showed the media how unjust things were. Innocent lives where taken by cops most of the time white. Killling black people which started riots and protests breaking things like for example there was a protest that turned to a riot downtown and buildings were being destroyed and people were stealing. But with the picture being shown they don’t want people coming in for the sole purpose they feel like their jobs will be took.
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Micro aggression happens anywhere and everywhere it happens at schools, work places , and even health care being stereotyped or having bias. To have bias or icks in the work place. It can be intentional and unintentional. Examples of Micro-aggression can be like seen in the picture she is a black girl but people consider her to be a white black girl because of the way they view her.
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