danifuwamon · 1 month
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Tarot card design for the webinar i joined
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danifuwamon · 1 month
It amazes me how one person can destroy your whole will to live and they won’t even remember you. Won’t cares if you suddenly died. And i will be scarred for the rest of my life
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danifuwamon · 1 month
Gonna go to therapy again because i really want to die again. And i really don’t understand why i live anymore
The thing is. If i will end up dead, you won’t even know anyway ✊🥹
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danifuwamon · 1 month
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Me and my art block fought.
It won.
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danifuwamon · 3 months
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New hairstyle? Eh, i don’t know. The word that comes to mind is voluptuous…
He looks very fluffy though.
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danifuwamon · 5 months
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What are you? A butterfly?
Anyway, he’s SO CUTE. I am so happy with the design and colors!!! I should have dropped the red ears long time ago… Also the star collar is just perfect 😍
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danifuwamon · 5 months
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Bruh i literally can’t draw what i want to draw. I probably need to do some studies or something?? I just never cared to do anything because i just used my imagination to draw and now it doesn’t work that way¿¿ i kinda hate everything i do atm but i aslo don’t draw anyways and whateeveeer but here’s Ladan i chopped off their antlers (apparently there is big difference between antlers and horns, so these weren’t horns) and he’s BOLD now, deal with it!!! And second one is either a new character or a complete redesign of Santal because her current design doesn’t make any sense with her "speciality" but actuaaally… i already kinda hate it, well, anyway
Upd: added ears and antlers back because i feel uncomfortable looking at them without anything… yeah I’m dumb
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danifuwamon · 5 months
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I’m dead guys
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danifuwamon · 5 months
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Pony Aaron
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danifuwamon · 6 months
Go join me in my telegram channel (18+ only!!!) 😧😧
I will be posting my NASTY art there instead. Going to make this account family friendly because it’s kinda 💀
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danifuwamon · 7 months
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danifuwamon · 7 months
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danifuwamon · 8 months
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Hi, I’ve been into 3d stuff lately, and that’s my first result. Kinda ass, but that’s a start for sure
But also it was VERY hard to do this one because my ipad is kinda old, so i need to think ahead before doing anything or else I won’t be able ti fix my mistakes. Like this time, i was going to paint it, but it lagged so badly after i was done with the lighting and render so I couldn’t really do anything. Oh well
I plan on making Ladan and Aaron someday (i hope)
Oi also, i used Dave Reed’s tutorial for this model check him out
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danifuwamon · 9 months
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🎶🎶“Happy New Year
Happy New Year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbor is a friend
Happy New Year
Happy New Year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we don't we might as well lay down and die
You and I”🎶🎶
Yaay happy new year guys, may all your wishes come true 🥳🎉
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danifuwamon · 10 months
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danifuwamon · 10 months
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Day “I forgot” of posting old stuff
Bruh, I can’t even remember what her name was.
She had sucker in her mouth before the bubble gum. I drew it the wrong way so that the candy was outside of the mouth. And I didn’t notice this until my friend pouted this out to me (and i don’t even remember who exactly)
Eh, i guess Belle will do for now
She actually has a pet worm which bit off Harvey’s arm. Poor him
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danifuwamon · 10 months
please tell me about your Sky OCs!
Sorry, I was busy and could not answer the question immediately! First of all thank you for your question. Second of all, please if someone wants to ask something else about my art feel free to do so 🩷
With a little (well, okay, not little) delay i want to introduce you to my characters and story.
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Ladan (he/they)
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Was sent to the Sky Kingdom to become the new “King”. The previous King was overthrown by his people during the civil war. The people of the Kingdom of Sky did not agree with the policies of the King aimed at usage of light creatures to gain power. When the exploitation and murder of the creatures of the Light were revealed the dissatisfied residents rebelled against the King and the Warriors of light were forced to suppress the outbreaks of uprisings. The number of the Sky Kingdom people has decreased greatly. When the balance of the Light and the Darkness was completely disrupted, there was no longer enough military power to fight off the Darkness, and then Darkness engulfed the Kingdom of Sky. The remnants of the inhabitants of the Sky Kingdom fled to the Underskies and performed a ritual so that a child would be sent from the Sky to become the new King.
The said child was placed in a orphanage by the church and was raised amongst the other children. Once a new was brought to the orphanage. His parents, who were Warriors of Light were killed during an attempt to discourage the attack of the Darkness. The child had a very cold expression and did not talk, always kept in the distance from everyone. Ladan was the first of the children who tried to talk to him. Their big eyes looked with undisguised curiosity. The boy did not answer, but the people who witnessed the scene thought that the atmosphere around became less tense. From that moment they could often be seen together.
Ladan can be called an altruist, an adventurer and purposeful person. Most of all in people, he appreciates kindness and the ability to put others above yourself. They can also be characterized as a naive and unstable person. Sometimes he does not notice obvious things or cannot understand what a person feels, but is always ready to apologize. People like to be around him. He easily finds a common language and makes friends.
Dammar (him/him)
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His parents were Warriors of Light. He admired them and wanted to follow in their footsteps. He was taught kindness, responsibility, and obedience. His parents were not strict with him, but they always instilled humanity, respect and the value of life, the importance of striving for your goals. His parents always put the lives of the inhabitants of the Kingdom above their own. Their demise went completely unnoticed by the public. Another names on the list of victims of the failed ruler. Dammar believed that the king was to blame for everything, for drowning his people in greed. He believed that the Sky Kingdom was doomed to perish. Once in the orphanage, he was in a state of complete despair. All the ideals he believed in were smashed to smithereens, he was completely alone. Then a star shone next to him, the warm steady light of which calmed and gave a faint hope that everything would be fine. But to reach out to this star would mean accepting the fact that he had begun to forget about his parents. Which he couldn't put up with for a long time. But the ice gradually thawed and he found a new family. A new goal and a future that he wanted to protect at all costs. To protect what he held dear, he had to say goodbye to the most precious thing he had. After leaving the orphanage, he joined the ranks of the Knights. Ladan was sympathetic to his friend's intentions, but in his heart he could not help but be saddened by this outcome. And so they were separated.
Most of all, he values loyalty and the ability to take responsibility for his actions in people. Dammar prefers actions to words. To outsiders, he may seem like a cold and unfriendly person, but in fact he is very kind. He is not good at expressing emotions, it is difficult for him to create new connections, but he is always ready to stand up for people whom he considers friends.
Anis (him/him)
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He also comes from the orphanage. He believes that Ladan behaves defiantly and often crosses personal boundaries. He finds him annoying. Ladan, in response, considers him rude and aggressive. He has repeatedly tried to attract Dammar's attention to himself, but he has not achieved much success in this. Terribly jealous. He likes to spend time in noisy company. Has a pet crab named Fig.
Santal (she/her)
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Is a sculptor. She makes sculptures out of the corpses of the children of Light. Some find her creations frightening, others consider it a way to honor the memory of the deceased. There is a rumor that she uses not only corpses for her sculptures.
Styrax (they/them)
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Is the General of the Warriors of Light. They don’t talk much, but people consider them a friendly person. They direct operations to clear the Darkness and keep it beyond the boundaries of safe areas.
Myrrh (she/he)
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Suddenly appears when some kind of disaster is coming and also suddenly disappears. People consider her a local legend. Helps people who are in danger or lost.
Sage (he/him)
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Is the owner of the orphanage. He loves children with all his heart. Is very careful with his words. Always wears a mask when in public.
Patchouli (he/him)
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He is a child from the orphanage. Active and inquisitive. He likes to cause problems for others.
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