daniicls-blog · 7 years
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Your front is the best, your back is the best (ft. tongue + abs )  8-10 / ∞ edits of Park Jimin ©
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daniicls-blog · 7 years
“New, ugly, and lonely is always a good place to start.” Kris had always had a knack for spotting the weakest link in a system, to use wide eyes and innocence as an excuse to get what tey wanted, and it was a skill tey was more than happy to pass on. Tey bit tir lip as tey tried to put names to the faces tey had seen around the island. It was hard enough to remember the people tey was supposed to be interacting with, let alone those on the peripheries.
“I don’t know his–or her, or their–name, but he’s lanky, pale, not too tall. Good looking, but doesn’t know it. He has a…” tey motioned to tir head, trying to mime what his haircut looked like before finding the words to describe it, “asymmetrical buzz cut. Kind of falls over one eye. If you make him think it’s his idea, I’m pretty sure he’ll go for it.”
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     “Well ugly is a matter of opinion. Still, not a half bad plan.” Mild amuse felt over the retort he commented no further on it, or how labelling people as ugly was beyond rude but it wasn’t like he had never used the word or anything relating to it when commenting on a person’s aesthetic.
     He hadn’t even been sure if they had been referring to a specific guard or thrown the term as a general quip, but as the other started describing in oddly vivid detail of one they knew and-- was he being played right now? “I’m.. You sure they even exist? Can’t say I have ran into this guard.” There was a moment’s pause as suspicion was smoothed out and he actually processed information in regards to matter, mouth curving into a wry smile, “Either way think I’ll pass.” 
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daniicls-blog · 7 years
     He hadn’t been sitting at the seat lined with the counter for long, seemed to be a growing habit, not one he could be blamed on however as it had become apparent the best place to look for guests and maybe, hopefully get something out of them beside the expected was the bar. And perhaps he liked the more intimate set up more anyway as compared to the other common areas. Also there was booze. Which unfairly was out of his reach right now so actually he was making less off a progress and only managing to fuel flames to turn mood around.
     Which promptly swerved right back upon hearing uttered offer, spoken to his right. Mild surprise was evident for a second, then a pleased if not mildly curious smile made appearance as eyes landed on the one who’d spoken. “Please, you can get me more than that.” Not wasting time nor the opportunity presented Daniel glanced to the bartender with an entirely too sweet smile, “Be a dear and spin me a smoky margarita.” Pushing the half full class of water to the side he inclined body partially towards the man, leaning against the counter and gaze studying him for a quiet moment. “Do I get a name to thank for the gracious offer or should I just continue to call you ‘the old fashion guy’ in my head.”
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“I’ll have an old fashion.” Hayden told the waiter as he took his seat at the bar. “Could I get you a drink also?” As asked the person he had only just spotted, whom happened to be sitting two seats away, and had a glass of what appeared like water in their hand. 
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daniicls-blog · 7 years
     He’d been on his way out of the dorm and hadn’t so much as heard anyone else in the suite, coming in or otherwise, so surprise was initial response as he’d slowly began to walk towards the door, only to pause to take note of the couch of the shared space holding someone. An asset? Half of the other roommates?      He was going to take a guess here, from the way she was draped over the furniture, and annoyed words directed presumably at him. “Damn, and here I was hoping to get some one-on-one roomie action.” Sarcasm was heavy in tone but Daniel still felt need to correct her assumption, “No actually I was surprised to see anyone around, haven’t caught other than my roommate in here so, would I be right to assume you’re living in this.. suite?” Which was a nice way to put it.
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                   brooke had been on the island for about three months at this point, and if she was being honest, they had been the most boring three months of her life. even when her father was being prosecuted, there was more excitement in her life than being here was. sure she’d signed up for this place, but she’d forgotten that the world saw lesbians as nothing more than tools to jack off to. there was a sigh as she dropped onto the couch, folding her legs up under her, resting her head on the arm of the chair. noticing eyes on her, she spoke without looking at the newcomer, “if you want someone to suck a dick find someone else.”
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daniicls-blog · 7 years
@thcquixotic | x
     “Oh wow.” He hadn’t been full on sure about his own hand, but the whole trying to stare him down into backing out of the fight had him push for it anyway because she still had more to lose than him, or, less in this case. He may or may not posses a competitive streak. Daniel almost felt bad, just almost with him sitting there with his pants still on and all else discarded to the side, half surprised over the win himself, but the victorious smile was soon to frame features.
     “Awh don’t be like that, it was one game! I’ll let you win next time?” He offered a placating grin, all the while not really intending to keep that promise. It had been hard to keep his eyes off before, for the sake of common courtesy, never let it be said Daniel wasn’t a gentleman, but now with the shirt off he wasn’t even gonna try to pretend he wasn’t staring. It was all in appreciation though. “Far as I’m concerned, you’re the winner here.” Teeth graced bottom lip as he willed eyes to trail up to her face, voice a curious murmur, “I could make it up to you?” Innocent suggestion. Totally.
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daniicls-blog · 7 years
“That would be very sad,” Casey said in an utterly deadpan tone though his eyes twinkled with mirth.  “Boys as cute as you should just not be assholes.  Sweet and sexy with an ass worth fucking and a cock worth riding yes, but asshole…no.”
“Yeah, as I said, I suspect that about you,” Casey said as he shifted to one of the weight machines.  He took a moment to set the weight, going for a good workout rather than trying to impress with extra weight.  “Probably a lot of fun with all that pretty mixed, I think, with a bit of impishness.” he added with a laugh.  “Mmm…” he licked his lips as he got started.  “And looking like a flexible distraction too.  Pleasure to meet  you, Daniel,” he said, letting his eyes move over the man’s body as he began to work out.
     “Would it now? Guess I can’t allow you the disappointment then and must try to refrain from acting like a total asshole.” He sounded almost sincere in promise too, but not that it mattered really as a soft chuckle betrayed what serious flair he’d tried to spin in the tone of voice relaying words, and as for the rest of it.. “You’re full of it.“ Accusation fell flat -- on purpose -- wolfish smile flashed signalling his stance on the matter. At least that it was appreciated.      He didn’t even try to hide gaze following Casey moving, watching him as the male himself changed position and leaned back all the while attentively listening what the man had to say. Honestly, this was precious. Daniel wasn’t kidding when he’d declared he was to keep the male but it was settled now, he was weak to praise fucking sue him. “Do you have habit of listing assumed qualities to people’s face you’ve just met? I wonder, has anyone ever said you’re a bit weird.“ Genuine inquiry, no ill meant behind it as the glimmer of humour in eyes would tell, “And I mean that as a compliment, it works for you.“ Following grin was brief but amicable, “I’m plenty flexible, kinda comes with the territory.“ He’s deliberately leaving the meaning of that open, though Daniel was pointing towards his chosen profession prior to arrival to the island, something he in fact would like to stay quiet about. Never knew who would talk, to whom, and what they may find if curious enough to go digging. “Oh believe me the pleasure is all mine.“ He admitted freely, enjoying this entire exchange more than he probably should, moving along with his stretching.
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daniicls-blog · 7 years
“Well, I guess I can’t complain about being kept by such a pretty face,” Casey said with a chuckle.  He didn’t miss the way the other man’s eyes moved over his body.  He couldn’t blame the man; he looked good and he’d taken an eyeful as well.  The playful yet somehow sedate flirtiness was oddly appealing and he grinned at the man.  “I’m Casey and you can help me with anything you’d like.  I suspect you’d be a fun distraction.”
    “Don’t sound so eager, what if I was the worst kinda asshole to walk this place.” The brief grin gracing features gave little away but his tone wasn’t really in support of truth carrying words, rather humour colouring the edges as he glanced at the man with contained glee and an echo of passed compliment, “Good thing I’m pretty.”
     That sounded like an invitation if he’s ever heard one. But Daniel wasn’t the type to either jump into action before doing some ground work, nor did he see merit in getting it on with this guy, asset as he clearly was. Didn’t mean he couldn’t play along, finding enjoyment in a game of cat and mouse for time being while deciding what use the other could be of. If nothing maybe he could for once just make a friend, what a novel concept. “Anything he says. Well, Casey, with the risk of sounding conceited I most definitely can be.” He managed to sound almost matter of fact, secretive smile on lips and leaving innuendos for another time Daniel found a seat on the matt for himself to start on some light stretching, not directly opposite of the other asset no but in his line of sight nevertheless. As if remembering in the middle of practically folding himself in half with legs laid out straight and fingertips touching the floor just past his feet, gaze flicked up suddenly to regard the man with a pleasant smile, “Oh you can call me Daniel.” The ‘when you jack of next time with me in your mind’ was left unsaid, but may have been caught in the low, warm cadence of voice, or mildly appraising stare.
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daniicls-blog · 7 years
1, 4, 6, 27
[ meme: x ]
1. Swallow cum or take it in the ass/pussy?
     He didn’t really have to spend time thinking about it but pretended to anyway. “..Swallow. Would be a waste otherwise.“ Tongue swept out to wet lips, and he was this close to adding more to what was already plentiful of information on the matter, but decided it was not earned. 
4. Top or bottom?
     “Me? an experience.“ Come find for yourself.
6. Favorite name to call your partner in bed? 
     “As with most stuff it depends on the partner but, babe is a good general one. I’m prone to chanting god too if you’re good.“ Mischievous glint in gaze a smile was slow but sure to form on lips upon declaration. A challenge? oh yes.
27. Favorite position? 
     “That’s gonna be tough..“ He hummed, head tilting to the side as eyes fixed on a nondescript spot ahead while he worked the question over. Objectively speaking he could think to name a few but again, those were specific to situational moments and partners, so the male settled for something that was equal amount truth but left room for filling in the blanks how they wanted, “On my knees?“
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daniicls-blog · 7 years
—rewind (naeil+daehyun)
     Had he been holding anything in his hand currently it would have dropped to the floor much like his jaw had due a sharp gasp, caught so off guard by the vision before him Daniel was frozen to the spot, instant thought breaking through being that he was on drugs because that couldn’t possibly be anything other than a fucking hallucination. He’s lost it. That’s it.      Then uncomfortably familiar eyes caught his, chill crawling up spine which elicited a simultaneous reaction of him shaking and tensing up, head jerking to the side violently before he stopped entirely to just, stare. What the fuck? Whatthefuckwhatthefuck. Unless he’s dreaming -- remember to pinch yourself when you can move your hand thanks -- that was definitely the living, breathing Naeil he knew. In flesh. Right there in front of him. In the island. Who may or may not have been saying something but all sound seemed to have fled his ears, now filled with static.
     This made no sense, there was virtually nothing about this scenario that made the tiniest amount of sense. Daniel hated when things made no sense and logic escaped him, rendered him close to useless and now he’s standing there like a proper idiot desperately grasping at straws, for an inkling of an explanation. The fact there might be one yet somehow made even less of a sense, because why the fuck so he took a step back, confusion written clear as day on features and something scarily close to panic clogging his throat, time to escape.
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daniicls-blog · 7 years
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daniicls-blog · 7 years
5, 13, 17, 25
[ meme: x ]
5. Favorite pet name to be called in bed?
     “I’m really not too picky as long as it’s not something downright creepy or weird, or ‘princess’.“ Soft snort followed the supposed term of endearment he’s heard passed on occasion, not his flavour. “It’s all a personal preference but to be honest it’s more satisfying seeing my partner get a kick out of calling me what they want than me playing favourites so, try me.“ Partial lie, but no one would be calling him out on it yet. 
13. Best song to fuck to? 
     “One song? That’s just impossible to pick.. essentially any song by Miguel, that’s as close to pinning it down I’m willing to do.“ 
17. Does pain turn you on? 
     Teeth gently gnawed on bottom lip as he contemplated how truthful he wanted to be, an abrupt smile held back. “Thing is.. ” He’s taken by flashes of memories once upon a summer, of bruises carried for days and-- Daniel actually laughs at it all now, a bitter taste in his mouth. “A special kind of pain, yes.” Damned if he’ll give more than that.
25. Describe the perfect scenario for sex. 
     “Nothing’s ever perfect the way you imagine it, and sex especially is a play for two so for me an ideal picture paints a scenario where both-- or all parties involved are on the same page and enjoying themselves. I mean.. multiple orgasms would be a plus?“ Shameless smirk was in contrast to the shrug of shoulders, but honestly if he was to start describing a perfect bed date.. it would be in vain, it was if not entirely then for the most part dependant on who he was with. “If you want a more detailed fantasy you’re gonna have to reveal your face, sorry.“
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daniicls-blog · 7 years
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daniicls-blog · 7 years
Easy Answer Smut
Send a sentence and my muse will respond with a short answer.
1. Swallow cum or take it in the ass/pussy? 2. Favorite place to cum/be cummed on? 3. Give or receive oral? 4. Top or bottom? 5. Favorite pet name to be called in bed? 6. Favorite name to call your partner in bed? 7. Ass or titties? 8. On the floor or against the wall? 9. Describe the sexiest lingerie you can think of. 10. Body shots? 11. Best place to have sex? 12. Do you use toys? What kind? 13. Best song to fuck to? 14. Daddy kink? 15. Funniest thing to happen during sex? 16. Would you participate in a threesome? 17. Does pain turn you on? 18. Weirdest place you’ve had sex? 19. Would you sext or send nudes? 20. Would you eat ass? 22. Would you wear a collar? 23. Do you watch porn? What kind? 24. Kinkiest thing you’ve done? 25. Describe the perfect scenario for sex. 26. Pubes or clean shaven? 27. Favorite position? 28. How loud are you during sex?
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daniicls-blog · 7 years
Casey looked up from where he was stretching out in advance of his workout.  He gave the other man a quick once over and grinned, liking what he saw.  “Hmm…I’m going to have to I think.”  He chuckled softly as he added, “I haven’t been here long enough to say yes, but I do like to workout, so it’s a fair bet that I’ll be here a lot.  Especially with the added bonus of eye candy while keeping myself in shape.”
     Brow quirked at the reply he only partially took as one to be referring to him specifically, which made sense, Daniel has looked in the mirror recently, but also was so rare in his life before -- save from the one whose name we do not utter in this house -- that it wasn’t until it was followed with the rest he adorned a bright grin in response. “Oh I like you already. I’m keeping you.” Playful quip was left at that, for the other to take as he so wished, own eyes unabashed in drinking in the form laid out before him as he slowly made his way around the other. “Need any help with that Mr. Charming? Or would I be just, distracting.” If words came out with a suggestive lilt he made no other outward sign to affirm that had been intention, smile dimmed to a more studious one.
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daniicls-blog · 7 years
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“Someone with more power than me, for a start.” Tey didn’t know what boba was, and didn’t want to embarrass temself by asking. It was probably some hippie food… or yet another euphemism for marijuana. There were many, many more of them than seemed necessary.
“A master might be able to get it to you faster, but a guard would probably be easier to convince.” Kris talked like tey knew something–a skill tey was getting better and better at. “Or maybe the kitchen staff?” If it was hippie food, that was a good answer. 
His smile was nice, tey decided: half teasing, half hopeful.
     “Believe it or not, I have actually figured that out.” He chuckled in response, as if that was an obvious notion because well, it was. If someone could just maybe give him a name now that would be more helpful. It’s the thought that counts, at least this one’s being nice.
     At the mention of guards he gave pause, interest piqued. “Think any of the guards would be susceptible to persuasion?“ Smile shone something sweet despite what he was insinuating, although Daniel wasn’t jumping to conclusions just yet, perhaps there were guards around who didn’t take part in this farce the rest of them have dived into and would indeed ask nothing in return for a tiny favour. “Yea no, tried that already and I was left empty handed still.“ Forlorn sigh escaped past lips, but attention was quick to divert into the person before him, an affable grin offered, “Thanks anyway.“
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daniicls-blog · 7 years
Austin could do nothing more than laugh at the question put forth by the asset.  When had he ever actually felt charitable?  If he were to do something he’d expect something in return.  It was human nature though, if you were going to put your time and effort into something you’d surely want something back in return right?  
“If it’s a taste on your tongue you want I could think of a million and one different things that’d work,” that damn quirk of the others mouth not going unnoticed as Austin caught it, mirroring the image against his own lips but unable to hold the larger one that was forming back.  "Something tells me you’re fishing for more than just a drink,“ and perhaps it wasn’t even sex the other was after, although it was all that Austin knew, perhaps it was power in general.  He honestly had no idea, "what do you say, what effort are you willing to put in for a return investment towards my good nature?”
     He couldn’t exactly determine was the laugh meant to be agreeing and he merely thought Daniel’s blight a hilarious affair, or more the usual kind of ‘dream on’ fuckery. As thus expectant was the general look the male settled for, head cocked to the side a fraction.      “See that’s just begging me to call you a huge liar, but do humour me please, what were you thinking of?” Voice borderline coaxing in tone he didn’t bother keeping the light smirk off features this time, if only for briefly. He made no direct comment on the next assumption falling from the master’s lips -- note to self: have a taste of those -- beside a non committal hum as Daniel leaned back in show of straightening up, eye contact held still. He did actually want a drink, but there were many other things the male was also after. Matter was he couldn’t be sure how the other would deliver in, well, any of those.      So now we’re talking business. Sink or swim, Daniel, sink or fucking swim.
     “Effort? Isn’t my dashing personality enough for you?” Brazen, almost wondering undertone present he leaned forward to peer at the selection of liquor, taking his sweet time before head inclined back towards the master, whose name he still didn’t know, but didn’t actually care for either. “I could say sucking on something with more of a substance than a straw would be fulfilling, no?” Fulfilling to whom, would be left to see. Then, he remembered the master’s earlier words, a faintly wicked smile taking form, “Is that direct enough for you?” 
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daniicls-blog · 7 years
“mhm, cannot disagree with you on that aspect. i suppose that is how the guests feel most of the time. this island is all designed for them and their every whim. in a way, i cannot help but feel the party was a mental tactic, somehow going to be used against us in a way to make us either behave better since we, in a sense ‘owe the island’ or in the sense that we want another one, so we’d be on our best behavior until then.” livia could only guess; perhaps she thought about it too much or looked too far into it, but if this island was good at one thing, it was power controlling mind games. the blonde gave a light laugh. “maybe, not over night… but perhaps i’ll get restless over the next couple of months. who knows, it’s only been around two for me.” she honestly couldn’t see as a full out rebel, but maybe throwing something cheeky in every once in a while or causing some mild inconvenience. she had played the good girl for too long, and it had started to get on her nerves. livia shrugged. “we all got our reasons for coming here. i suppose the sexual part was just an afterthought for me… although being here’s kind of changed that a bit.”
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     “Well, that was insinuated yea. But don’t tell them that.” Voice lowered to a hush for the last part, even if it was comically so he wasn’t about to test what saying it directly to any of the guests face would yield. “Whoa that steered off the road-- you think that was the purpose of it? Honestly I haven’t been here enough to argue the point but.. dunno. You’d think we get something nice every once in awhile too, right?” Food for thought, whole lot of contemplating but no real answers, easiest way to lose sleep so he wasn’t even going to touch that topic further before having anything concrete to base thoughts on.
     His laugh came out freely this time, waving the entire matter to the side for now since she clearly wasn’t on board as of yet, and it had been a joke at any rate. “Either way you can count on me to cheer for your daring adventures. Two months though? that sounds, rough.” Curiosity laced words most prominently regardless use of word leaning towards negative, Daniel couldn’t really even begin to imagine what position he would be in two months in. Would he get that far? Did he want to? Rather, did he have a choice at all?
     “That we do. Each to their own but I assumed it’d be more of a main selling point.. beside the money.“ Brief grin made appearance as he thought it over, and yeah so maybe his own reasons were skewed seven ways to hell but that wasn’t important now. “Yea? Am I to take it as the sex has been mind-blowingly good or you’ve grown bored enough to acquire a taste for shared orgasms?“ Brows lifted in as much performative askance as playful gesture, and he was full on grinning now.
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