danipix · 4 years
straight boys are weak and pathetic, queer girls walk into the ladies changing room and see ten women naked, do they stare? do they say something inappropriate? do they make them uncomfortable? no because they have the common fucking sense to recognise when a situation is sexual and that people deserve the most basic level of respect to not be harassed, yet here we are banning shorts and low cut tops in school because straight boys are weak and pathetic
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danipix · 4 years
Unmute !
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danipix · 4 years
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danipix · 4 years
with everything that’s going on with bon apetit, i thought i’d just share some of my favorite recipe-based youtube channels run by people of color
just one cookbook - a super wide variety of japanese recipes. easy step-by-steps and all the recipes i’ve tried have been delicious
souped up recipes -  chinese recipes - very informative videos and tasty food - i love her personality too
maangchi - who doesn’t love maangchi. delicious korean recipes and a fabulous personality
get curried - a huge variety of recipes from various regions of india 
simply mama cooks - my fav for tejano food. i believe she’s a mexicana married into a korean family, and draws a lot from that
immaculate bites - mostly quick ‘tasty’ style video recipes focusing on southern us, african, and carribean foods. easy and delicious stuff!
stove top kisses - fun and delicious recipes and the videos are super fun to watch - mostly american food
j kenji lopez alt - author of the book ‘the food lab’ - he’s maybe my favorite recipe developer out there. all kinds of food and hes super knowledgeable
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danipix · 4 years
being born in the late 90′s is a really weird time because our coming of age is/was so tied into the expansion of personal technology? like for so many of us the transition from getting your first flip phone to smartphones wasn’t just a technology shift, it was part of growing up. and it created this really weird timeline where new technologies were being created right as we entered the right age market to use them, so now we all know intuitively how to use snapchat or the social context of emoji use or whatever but we can also remember childhoods spent (almost) entirely outside and offline. like you get all the disillusionment of the older millennial generation except now with the stress of spending your adolescence measuring yourself against others on social media and it’s really fucking confusing
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danipix · 4 years
I wish there was a place I could go to. One where I’m not awake and one where I’m not sleeping. When I’m awake I think of you and when I sleep you’re there in my dreams. I wish you wouldn’t consume my thoughts. I wish you didn’t live on in my memories. I miss you so much and all I can do is live with it.
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danipix · 4 years
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danipix · 4 years
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danipix · 4 years
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R.H. Sin
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danipix · 4 years
I’ve only met a handful of people in my life that I can actually be myself around and not feel like I’m putting on a show. Like, I can be completely honest down to my core and not worry about them thinking differently about me or liking me less. And I can’t explain it but it takes a certain type of person for me to feel this way with and a connection like that is so rare that when you find it, it’s really easy to mistake it for love. And sometimes it is or it can be, but not always. Those people are special but it doesn’t always have to be love. And that’s why there are certain people that I always want in my life, in some capacity, I’m just not sure what capacity that is. I just know that I can’t give up that connection. And it might be a matter of having a lot in common or similar senses of humor or caring about the same things, but it’s deeper than that too. I think it’s that we think a similar way and our feelings are somehow connected and the way we express or react or make assumptions about things and the motivators that cause us to act are all aligned. I don’t know, but I know it’s something more than surface deep. There are certain people that are just on different levels with you than everyone else. And you hold on to those people.
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danipix · 4 years
Remember when we said we would lay under the stars together? How we would listen to our song, hold each other, and look at all the little tiny dots in the sky? Well I’m doing it now. Sadly, without you. I’m here now crying my eyes out. Something I was supposed to do with you but now I can’t anymore. I wish you were here with me. You decided to leave. I understand it was our choice to part ways but, it still hurts. I miss you.
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danipix · 5 years
There are times when I look at you and I’m smiling. Not in a creepy kind of way but in a more thank you for being in my life kind of way. Despite finding everything out about me you’ve merely accepted it, understood it’s something that I’m still healing from, and supported me since day one. You have loved and cared for me desipite evrrything. I wish you could know how much I love you, how much you mean to me, and how much I owe my life to you. You have brought back my light, my wonder, and my love for life back. I wish you could know that when I’m smiling, that this is what I feel.
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danipix · 5 years
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All I’ll ever be is a letdown...
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danipix · 5 years
If your ADHD is causing you to fuck up more, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the ADHD is getting worse.. you could just be doing more things which gives you more opportunity to fuck up.
This is one of the reasons, ADHD can get ‘worse’ as an adult. A child has very few responsibilities. An adult on the other hand, has all kinds of opportunities to fuck up on. 
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danipix · 5 years
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Sexuali-tees presents the Pride Flag Collection whatever you identify yourself as show off and be proud of who you are! Get your tee here! 10% off for all of Pride Month!
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danipix · 5 years
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Anti anxiety.
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danipix · 5 years
how do you know if you're in love???
I honestly asked my friend this same question just hours ago as I was clueless myself but thinking about it now I think it’s when for the first time after what seemed like a dreadful year (or life), you look forward to waking every morning knowing he (let’s use he as it’s me talking) will be there for you. I think it’s just plain seeing him and being happy that’s he’s around. It’s being happy just by hearing his voice. No matter how bad your day is, one message from him would make your entire day. It’s when he makes you want to write long letters and huge poems. It’s not all about “lust”- it’s more of the intimate relationship you have together. It’s when the simplest of things count. It’s when you start to mature and start to plan something with him for the future. It’s when he makes you want to start fixing your life. It’s when he’s always in your head 3 pm or 3 am. It’s when you can’t stop talking or thinking about him. It’s when you just really always miss him even if he’s right beside you. It’s the “I used to like green eyes but now blue eyes are my favorite”. It’s when all love and cheesy stuff just apply for him. It’s when you begin to see nothing but him and you value him like you value yourself. It’s not the “heart pounding, hands sweating” feeling but more of the “I feel home” feeling. It’s more of like talking to yourself- being yourself with someone without worries. It’s when you begin to really trust him with everything and that includes your happiness. It’s when he’s your happiness. It’s when subconsciously you change for the better. It’s when you once again start opening up after a long time. It’s when you are denying it at most cause you are afraid of how strong you feel and last I think while you’re reading this- there’s someone in your head right now and you’re just contemplating whether you’re in love with him or not but hey the fact that he or she is the person (out of billions of people) in your mind while you read this must say a lot.
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