dannycaing832 · 3 years
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dannycaing832 · 3 years
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by Danny Caing   Date Written: August 18, 2021
Time: Present Day @ 8:32 PM
Location: Lincoln Highway, Lander County, Nevada
“My name is Martin Hayshock, a Tractor-Trailer driver of Silver State Transport. I drove my shipment along Route 50 in the Nevada desert area. One night, there was a dust storm. The road was in zero visibility. So, I decided to park the truck on the side of the highway until the dust settled down. Eight hours had passed, the dusty wind becomes unstable. I could hear both sidewalls of the truck vibrating. Then I saw a faint light appeared on the right side window. I went down from the truck wearing my mask, face shield, and jacket with a hood and walked towards the glowing light using a flashlight. The road seems so thick with dust. I could barely see the highway was dark. It was a long walk as I reached the stony hill, the large bunker door opened, and I saw human figures with white outfits running towards me, their eyes flashing with light. That was the last time I could remember.” 
Martin was sitting naked in the middle of a large cubicle glass. A rectangular tabloid was floating in front of him with all his belongings on the screen. He was suspicious they want to know why he runs towards their secret military bunker. He can tell that his brother is in the U.S. Marine Corps. He also served in the U.S. Army for four years in Afghanistan.
“We find it very unusual about your things. The fabric of your items of clothing does not conform to our data. We have no record of that kind of shoes. What is that metallic wrist?”
“Don't you have watches? What are you?” 
“We believe that you are not from our world. Can you tell us about your planet?”
“I am an American from the United States of America. I live on a planet called Earth with one moon. Our solar system has nine planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. We have 365 and 1/4 days per year or 12 months per year. Our civilization started 10,000 years ago. The date today is August 18, 2021.”
After waiting for one hour, Martin had thought that he was talking to aliens who speak the English language.
“We have no record of your place and your time. We belong to the same planet, and we have two moons. We have 11 months per year and 30 days per month. Our solar system has Mercury, Earth, Atlantis, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Planet-X (passes by the sun every 10,000 years). Now we understand that there is a catastrophic event going to happen to our solar system soon. According to what you have just stated that Atlantis was gone, and two planets were born. We also know a massive solar storm is coming, and the sunspot of the gigantic Coronal Mass Ejection plasma. Its trajectory will directly hit Atlantis sixty years from now. We have already started evacuating to other neighboring stars hoping to find a new Earth. According to our calculations, you are 195 million years from the future.”
"Really? Are you telling me that dinosaurs are roaming around this planet now? They are fossil fuels on our machines? Are there humans on this planet 195 million years ago? Who are you?”
Later they revealed that they were human beings. The outfit was soft layers of texture with thousands of lights with different colors moving around their body. They said it was their energy projected within. When they brought Martin out from the cubicle glass, he was inside a floating glass bubble with a companion. Martin was stunned to see the Earth 195 million years ago, a thick foggy rainforest with many coconut and banana trees. There were pyramids everywhere as high as 500 meters, with light rays coming out from the top. They said it was for the atmosphere of the Earth and electricity and communication. There were dinosaurs, pterosaur, synapsid, and sauropod. They told him that humans were accidentally created from biochemical mutations of bacterias for millions of years. They eat plants and seeds. Their source of energy came from the leaves of the trees and the sea waves. When Martin saw the other moon, it was like a twin Earth. They brought Martin to their spacecraft, and he was amazed to see a floating planet-like orb. It has its atmosphere and gravity. They said that the atmosphere protects them from deadly rays and micro meteors in space travel.
Based on the records from their period, the Earth had experience CME hit for every 65 million:
1. Permian–Triassic extinction event (65 million years ago, 98% species lost)
2. Mid Permian–Triassic extinction event (130 million years ago, 32% species lost)
3. Late Devonian extinction event (195 million years ago, 85% species lost)
4. Ordovician–Silurian extinction event (260 million years ago, 97% species lost)
The coming Big One will change the Solar System forever, erasing the planet Atlantis. Venus and Mars will be born. They showed Martin a 3-D Forensic Analysis of how it will happen according to what he informed them regarding what the Solar System looks like in his period.
As the gigantic CME plasma ejected into space towards Atlantis, the planet burst into pieces creating the asteroid belt. A big chunk (the core of Atlantis) hit one of the moons of the Earth, now becomes Mars, and that is why it has a long stretch mark on the surface. The core chunk orbited around the sun as Venus. The Earth moves further away from the sun, and the original 11 months orbit changed to 12 months.
Martin asked them why they were only a few of them compared to the population on Earth is 10 billion. They said that they live up to 5,000 years, and every one of them has its duty to survive and protect the planet. They have no government, no monetary system, no religion, and no family. They all belong to one mother (all-knowing) who trains and educate them and decides what field of expertise they fit to serve. They said there were robots those days and wage war against them. From that time on, they never created a robot. Their space exploration has reached as far as Ross 104 and found no intelligent life form than most are on the primordial stage. 
After the long trip, they landed on a crystal dome. They gave Martin a small limestone disc where they embedded all the information of their history and technology. After vegetarian meals, they touched his forehead before taking him back to the cubicle. Martin felt so tired and laid down on the floor and went to sleep.
Suddenly, someone was knocking at the door on the wheel side of the truck. When Martin woke up, it was the Highway Patrol Officer peeping at the window.
“Hello! Is anyone here? Please, step out of the truck with your License and Registration.”
Martin went down from the truck and handed the Highway Patrol Officer his License and Registration Document.
“I’m sorry, Sir. I overslept.”
“You are parking on the wrong side of the road.”
“There was a dust storm last night, and it was dark everywhere, Sir.”
“What dust storm are you saying? There was no dust storm last night.”
When Martin looked around, the highway was clear, and there was no dust. He thought it was just a dream last night.
“All right, listen carefully. Have your inner tire fix on a gas station 20 miles ahead. Next time, make sure you park safely. Have a nice trip.”
“Thank you, sir!”
When Martin climbed back to his truck and started the engine, he noticed a hill was glittering far away. He thought, maybe it was the heat of the sun. While driving along the highway, all he can remember last night was the dust storm. But at the back compartment seat, there was a small black limestone sparkling.
All Rights Reserved                                               Copyrighted @ 2021                                                 Wonderful Stories Limited
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dannycaing832 · 3 years
THE LONG WALK Words & Music by Danny Caing & Xzajyk
(1) you might not be able to endure the long walk blur images laid on top of each other
you might not be able to survive the long walk desert-banded continent half of it lay in darkness
(2) the shades and nuances of shadow in the sand and the dust swirls of an equatorial storm
the string of ruin cities just coming out into view along the dayside curve of the horizon
(Repeat 1 & 2)
(3) the long walk the long walk the long walk the long walk
you are going to sit around and watch yourself sefl-destruct
Earth Eyes Child Album All Rights Reserved Copyrighted @ 2020 Wonderful Music Limited
Produced by Philipe James Penny Louise Recording Studio Date Recorded: June 23, 2020
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dannycaing832 · 3 years
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dannycaing832 · 3 years
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dannycaing832 · 3 years
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by Danny Caing   Date Written: March 8, 2020
Imagine the Earth had turned into a water world, and the only island was the summit of Mt. Everest. Phenomena occurred 832 years earlier that the ocean, lakes, and rivers floated above the zero ground level at 8,320 meters high. No one can explain why this happened. Was this all about gravity? The pole did not shift, and the moon has not changed its orbit. First, it was impossible to understand that the whole body of water on Earth floated in the sky, and the depth was 832 meters throughout the planet.
Years later, deadly gas from the fumes of the erupting volcanos and ashes intoxicated the atmosphere, and the water above the sky was covering the sunlight. There were 320 thousand survivors on the cataclysmic event who lived on the underground bunkers. The other 10 billion human beings died of suffocation, diseases, cannibalism, famine, and mass suicide. 
The underground survivors gathered their top scientists, engineers, and technicians in building gigantic domes with greenhouses, tunnels for transportation, and generators. They created a mechanical ball of light that passes through the thick layer of water, and upon reaching the sky, it burst and scatter into fragments of rings that will float above the ocean. These floating rings gradually expand the circumference to 832 meters in diameter and thick fabric sheet along the perimeter starts descending like a shield wall creating a hole on the ring as exhaust ventilation from the ground. There were over 83,200 holes in the ocean. However, it was impossible to live on the ocean floor with tremendous thunderbolt lightning, gigantic tornados, massive tidal waves, and unusual electromagnetic storms.
The survivors live in Antarctica where water is in abundance with an unlimited supply of fish. The source of power and energy came from the sea, using it for electricity, extracting oxygen from seawater, and generate desalination plants for public water consumption. When the ashes and toxic gas started to settle, they created flying machines for search missions. Over the years, they have mapped the surface of the new Earth, which they were ocean before. They were amazed to see an alien world terrain far beyond what they perceived. The discovery of undetermined colossal solid structures, a hundred miles long tubular tunnels connecting to the underground spherical shelters 2 and 3 kilometers in diameter, had made the search more skeptical. Layers beyond layers on the crust found artifacts carbon-dated at 8 million years old. Unspecified elements were disclosed, revealing that human intelligence did exist 8 million years ago on Earth.
CLIVE: We are 100% certain that the 8 million-year-old bone is part of the human skeleton.
LOREN: What about the DNA structure?
CLIVE: We have thoroughly examined it, and it's one of our lineages.
LOREN: That's ridiculous! How can that be? Our record of civilization is 200,000 years old. We have mapped the Solar System and other constellation stars. We have 2,000 years of technology.
CLIVE: That's not the point we are trying to understand. We are looking here at the 8 million-year-old human bone that was preserved that long.
LOREN: Are you convincing me to believe you that there were human beings 8 million years ago on this planet.
CLIVE: Why is the bone structure more advance than ours? Who created them? Where are they now?
Down on the deepest canyon, a group of researchers found something inside the sphere shelters with 2,380,000 gold blocks and hundreds of intact human skeletons. There were also Artifacts boxes made of high-grade alloy full of perfectly cut diamonds. Whoever built these tunnels and spherical safe shelter, their technology was far more advance. Fortunately, they can utilize these underground structures as additional facilities.
CLIVE: Were gold and diamonds are the sources of energy? Why all these underground tunnels and spherical shelters. Do we have the same situation with them 8 million years ago? 
LOREN: Do you mean that the Earth's surface was unlivable? Were they extra-terrestrial beings?
CLIVE: I don't think so. Here are the engraved symbols inside the walls of the spherical shelters. What do you think it is? You're a mathematician and a linguist.
As they looked at the monitor on the glass walls, they watched the crew moving around while filming the area inside the spherical vault.
LOREN: I have no idea. It looks like the figures are related to one another. Very meticulous and unprecedented.
CLIVE: Maybe it's something more than a code or a formula.
Loren was excited to recognize the marks below the main large engravings. She immediately declared in confidence what she had just found.
LOREN: The ten circles in one row represent the sun and the nine planets in our Solar system.
CLIVE: Very impressive. I thought they were sub-atomic particles.
However, as the search continues looking for more clues, nothing came out from the database to interpret the engraved figures. No one can understand the meaning of an 8-million years old symbol.
If we go back eight million years from now, here is the translation of the engraved symbols on the walls.
All Rights Reserved                                               Copyrighted @ 2019                                                 Wonderful Stories Limited
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dannycaing832 · 3 years
SAFE UNDERGROUND SHELTER Words & Music by Danny Caing & Xzajyk
the end is near to a sign quote the quote you don't want to hear the truth half of the earth burned to ashes as the nations of the world clashes
no one will survive on the ground no one will survive on the ground
no one will survive on the ground no one will survive on the ground
safe underground shelters survive when the deadly CME arrives capital cities will vanish seven billion soul died and perished
no one is alive on the ground no one is alive on the ground
no one is alive on the ground no one is alive on the ground
ten years before the solar storm a sun spot was identified and known a CME will hit the earth for every 400 million years
no one will survive on the ground no one will survive on the ground
no one is alive on the ground no one is alive on the ground
no one will survive on the ground no one is alive on the ground
no one will survive on the ground no one is alive on the ground
Beware 2083
Earth Eyes Child Album All Rights Reserved Copyrighted @ 2020 Wonderful Music Limited
Produced by Philipe James Penny Louise Recording Studio Date Recorded: June 24, 2020
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dannycaing832 · 3 years
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dannycaing832 · 3 years
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dannycaing832 · 3 years
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by Danny Caing   Date Written: March 11, 2020
DAY 1 - Time: 6:00 PM
Redway Elementary School
344 Humboldt Ave., Redway, California, USA
 Zeeka Magda & Kahley Rosnan, both 14 years old, were biking around the baseball field. It has been a long day in school, and they were both excited to try out their new bicycle around the campus ground. While taking a break along with the shady trees, the topic of their discussion was about extra-terrestrial.
ZEEKA: Do you believe what Mr. DaNoche has told us about aliens that they had visited our planets before the era of pyramids?
KAHLEY: I've heard some stories that aliens have abducted humans for experiments, and turn you into humanoid, like robots.
ZEEKA: What if we are the alien on this planet, and we are the source of destruction. Come to think of it, if there were no humans on this planet, Earth would be peaceful, and mother nature would be happy.
KAHLEY: Maybe we are just one microdot civilization among the billions of billions of stars in the universe, and it would be pointless if we existed alone.
ZEEKA: Why do scientists do not believe in the existence of God?
KAHLEY: Because they are gods.
ZEEKA: Hey, Kahley, I have to go, it's getting late. See you tomorrow at Debs Hamburger. It's my brother Jugbey's birthday.
KAHLEY: Okay, bye. See you later.
DAY 1 - Time: 6:30 PM
It was getting dark, and Zeeka has to turn on the light and reflector of her bicycle. From the school baseball field, she took the route along Manzanita Road and then turn right to Redway Drive. While she was biking alone along the road, she saw on her side mirror the light of a motorcycle. But when she turns left at Fern Street, the faint light was still following her. Her heart starts beating fast, and she was scared of the dark road. As she turns right at Orchard Lane, the light was getting closer to the side mirror. She can feel her legs trembling. Then she saw a California Highway Patrol car, heading in her direction, she decided to stop and wave her hands in panic. She turns her back on the noisy truck horn sound while its headlights kept blinking on and off, and she saw the couples inside the pickup pointing direction on her left side, unknowingly with disbelief there was a floating pulsating glowing ball right beside her. Suddenly, there was a big flash of the immensity of light. In a blink of an eye, the ball of light vanished. She was wondering where have the California Highway Patrol car and the pickup truck gone missing on the road? Instead, she hurriedly pedaled home for safety.
Arriving in her place, she was amazed to find the pickup truck and the California Highway Patrol car parked with the other vehicles in the front yard. She became more curious when she peaked at the window she saw many guests in the house. They might have decided to celebrate her brother's birthday tonight? When she opened the main door, the room fell silent, and everyone was shocked to see her as if they have seen a ghost. Her mother collapsed in front of her. She saw Kahley running towards her carrying a baby. She suddenly feels weak and uncomfortable. Everyone was touching her hair, her arms, her face, there was no stopping, there were murmurs and cries, she felt like an angel that night who came down from heaven.
ZEEKA: What's going on here? Is that your baby?
KAHLEY: Yes, and his father is Jugbey, your brother. You were missing for eight years. What happened to you? Where have you been?
Khaley finds Zeeka stunningly cute since she last saw her eight years ago, she was her best friend and classmate, and she was still wearing the same clothes.
Upon hearing the news about the disappearance of a girl by the flash of light at Redway, California, a three-member UFO Chaser's team headed by an Astrophysicist and scientist Alfred Douglas, a NASA consultant Debra Burnett, and a UFO documentarian James McGee investigated a possible alien abduction. When the flash of light occurred at exactly 6:48 P.M., the electricity blackout, cars stop moving, and even watches, too, within the 45-kilometer radius from the center of the anomaly followed by a 3.28 earthquake scale magnitude and intensity. Three principal witnesses directly saw the disappearance of the girl from the flash of light, the California Highway Patrol officer, Lieutenant Gary Holden, and the two couples in the pickup truck, Henry & Matilda Newford.
 DAY 2 - Time: 2:38 PM
Orchard Lane, Redway, California, USA
Here are the documented accounts during the interviews on the First Encounter of the Third Kind witnesses.
JAMES MCGEE: Lieutenant Holden, can you tell us what exactly you saw that night at the Orchard Lane?
LT. GARY HOLDEN: Yes, Sir. I was driving along Briceland Road, I just came from Redway Feed, Garden & Pet Supply to buy some Dog Food, and suddenly I saw this floating helix or spiral spring in colorful lights at ten o'clock on my front shield window, I thought it was on the South Fork Eel River. I drove through the Orchard Lane, and then upon turning left, I finally saw the object hovering above the road. A girl was standing with her bike waving at me. There was a pickup truck beeping wildly, and its headlights going crazy. I saw this ball of light, the size of a balloon, floating on her side. Then there was a big flash of light from the balloon. I covered my ears from a piercing sound. When the bright light was gone, the girl disappears. My car engine stopped, and the pickup truck. There was a blackout all over Redway, and I found out later that my watch stopped clicking at 6:48:39 PM.
DEBRA BURNETT: Lt. Holden. What did you feel when you saw this unexpected event?
LT. GARY HOLDEN: First, I thought I was out of focus and felt my body was numb. It's like, you don't remember why you are here standing out of nowhere. Then, gradually you came to all your senses, feeling shocked and nervous. The first thing that came into my mind was my dog, Bernie.
ALFRED DOUGLAS: You just mentioned to us that you covered your ears from a piercing sound. How does it sound?
LT. GARY HOLDEN: It sounds like microphone feedback in high frequency.
JAMES MCGEE: Did you report what happened that night at Orchard Lane?
LT. GARY HOLDEN: I have no idea, we all lost contacts, the radios, cellphones, and backup systems were out of order. Thirty minutes later, military helicopters with Special Forces landed in the vicinity of Redway Elementary School fields and secured a 100-meters perimeter area where I was standing. I remember that night when we walked from Orchard Lane to my office, on West Coast Road along Redwood Drive, everyone on the street was asking us what happened and why they cannot contact anyone. Based on the military information, electricity blackout has reached as far as Bridgeville on the north, and Rockport on the south.
LT. GARY HOLDEN: The Special Forces.
DEBRA BURNETT: Well, we wish to thank you for your time, Lt. Gary Holden. We will keep you posted, we may still need your assistance at your convenient time, and please don't hesitate to contact us if you can remember anything which might be helpful on this ongoing investigation, and research on this matter.
Right after the interview, Alfred, James, and Debra shook hands with Gary as he was leaving the monitor room in the truck van.
 DAY 2 - Time: 3:28 PM
Orchard Lane, Redway, California, USA
Henry & Matilda Newford were seated in front of the table with Alfred, James, and Debra inside the monitor room. They were the couples who have seen Zeeka vanished by the flash of light along Orchard Lane.
DEBRA BURNETT: How long have you been married? Do you have any children?
MATILDA NEWFORD: We've been living together for 38 years now, and we have two children, all boys, U.S. Army stationed in Afghanistan and Syria. My husband, Henry, is a Vietnam War veteran.
JAMES MCGEE: Mr. Henry Newford, can you describe to us how did you first sense the encounter?
HENRY NEWFORD: I'm not sure, I was driving the truck, and my eyes, were focused on the road. It was my wife, Debra, who first saw this bright floating object in front of us along Orchard Lane.
ALFRED DOUGLAS: Can you remember the shape of the object?
HENRY NEWFORD: It was like five rings on top of each other, and they were illuminating different colors like a rainbow.
DEBRA BURNETT: I think they were all connected.
JAMES MCGEE: Like a spiral spring?
MATILDA NEWFORD: Yes, that's it. Like a spiral spring.
HENRY NEWFORD: In the distance, I saw this girl standing on the roadside, with her bike, and there's was an unusual thing about the ball of light on her side, she was waving to the approaching Highway Patrol car. Suddenly the pickup truck went to stop, the headlights were blinking on and off, and the horns kept beeping. When she noticed the truck, I tried to warn her, pointing to the ball of light on her side. I saw the spiral ring, on top of her, then there was a big flash of light. When the light subsided, everything went still and quiet, the girl in front of me vanished from my sight.
DEBRA BURNETT: What did you do next?
MATILDA NEWFORD: We went out of the truck. Henry tried much time to start the engine. Lt. Gary Holden came to us if we are all right and told us to stay on foot for a while. Later, there were people all over the road. It was dark and dreary. Even our flashlight didn't work.
ALFRED DOUGLAS: When you saw this object above the girl, how high do you think it was from the ground?
HENRY NEWFORD: I think it was about a-100 meters or so.
DEBRA BURNETT: Mr. & Mrs. Henry & Matilda Newford we sincerely thank you for your support and cooperation. It's been a great pleasure.
With all the smiles and exchanging handshakes, it was worth success in gathering crucial information on this case. But still, the conclusion remained unexplained and unsolved.
DAY 2,308 - Time: 8:32 PM
Orchard Lane, Redway, California, USA
News spread that night that Zeeka has returned. Every family in Redway came to see her. Zeeka was sitting beside her mother on her bed while Khaley & her baby was standing beside her. When Zeeka touched her mother's forehead, there was a glow in her hands, and she suddenly woke up.
BERNADETTE (Mother of Zeeka): Oh my baby darling, you are back. I missed you so much.
ZEEKA: I miss you, too, mom. Where is dad?
BERNADETTE: Your dad passed away, two years ago, I am sorry.
Zeeka embraced her mother and cried. When Jugbey came inside the room, he was surprised to see her sister. He works as head of the Maintenance Division at Shelter Cove Airport. Jugbey embraced them both. Someone was knocking at the door, and Khaley opened it, and it was Lt. Gary Holden of the California Highway Patrol.
LT. GARY HOLDEN: Mrs. Magda, Dr. Gilbert Jenner, would like to speak with you in private? 
Mrs. Bernadette Magda works as one of the staff at Healy Senior Center in Redway, and Dr. Gilbert Jenner was her supervisor. Bernadette went outside the room and greeted Dr. Gilber Jenner in the hallway, crowded with people coming from their neighbors. There were flashes of lights from the cellphones on the crowds while Lt. Holden kept holding them back to give them more space. While inside the room, Zeeka, Jugbey & Khaley with the baby were embracing each other.
JUGBEY: What happened to you? Where have you been for these years?
ZEEKA: How did dad die, Jugbey?
JUGBEY: Road accident. He was in a coma for two months before he slips away. I saw him sleeping in your room, reading your diaries, looking at your school pictures, and even arranged your stuff on your table.
ZEEKA: God, I miss him so much. I love him so much.
Bernadette came inside the room and told Zeeka that the whole community of Redway wants to see her. Some local enforcers will keep her safe, and the crowd promised to behave. When Zeeka came out of her room, people along the hallway were touching her, and some were crying. While shaking hands most take a selfie with her. Upon reaching the veranda, there were cheers, clapping of hands, screaming her name, and cars were honking. From the moment the flashes of light from the cellphone hit her eyes, she started remembering everything that happened. A young Pastor handed the microphone to her and asked her to tell them the truth about why she came back to Earth. When she was about to speak, everyone felt the silence, so quiet that you can hear the birds chirping. All you can see was raising their video cellphones focusing on her.
ZEEKA: I'm so glad to see you welcome me back home. I did not know that I was missing for eight years. I was there in another world, but it was only for a few days. They were beautiful people, just like us, only they were more intelligent and organized. Everyone was wearing a skinsuit of colorful design, medium built, and bald. I thought I was in China, because of their eyes, they looked human to me. They were speaking our language, and ours was ancient.
PASTOR LONGCOP: How can you be sure that you were not in China?
ZEEKA: There were three moons in the sky. Two has rings, and the other one was a blue moon or water moon. When I was conscious, I thought I was in heaven. Below me were clouds, later I found out I was in the floating glass city. They put me inside a glass tube filled with lime to sealed my body. I wore a jumpsuit, the only one wearing on the whole planet. Then they took me to a garden. The plants and flowers were alive, they feel my touch.
I saw thousands of their kind floating in a yoga sitting position, inside the gigantic doom, meditating for thousands of years, so they say. Our body is ancient because we eat food that deteriorates our inner energy. We crave more on the outside consciousness rather than the source of power within us. The only way we can be part of the universe is to become ourselves a universe within. We have this glow inside us, enhancing it will give harmony among ourselves. The body must not control us. We should control the body. They say that the universe is within us. Their civilization is so much advance from us. We must respect all life on our planet, but we eat them, and that's why we get old and die. We created technology by killing one another. We are paranoid primitive in their eyes, and greed of outside consciousness power. They said that travelers visited Earth and become us, taught us about the universe within us, but we are still struggling to dominate with each other on the outside consciousness.
PASTOR LONGCOP: Who are these travelers?
ZEEKA: God is the energy of light, traveling around the universe. The Kingdom of God is the universe. The Kingdom of God is within us. It's very logical to understand that the universe is within us. 
PASTOR LONGCOP: It doesn't make sense at all. Are you referring to our Lord JESUS CHRIST?
ZEEKA: You pray to talk to GOD, but when you read JESUS WORDS, GOD speaks to you. JESUS is the LIVING WORD of GOD. 
 When the crowd heard these words, they all kneel and bowed their heads. Zeeka raised her two hands as she looks up to the sky.
ZEEKA: Luke 17:21 nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”
Matthew 6:9-13
Pray then like this, Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
John 8:51 I tell you the truth, if anyone KEEPS MY WORD, he will never see death.
John 15:7 If you remain in me and my WORDS remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.
 DAY 2,308 - Time: 9:00 PM
 Beverly Hills Terrace, North Beverly Hills, California, USA
Alfred Douglas was in his study room when his cellphone rang on the table. It was James McGee on the line.
JAMES MCGEE: Are you watching CNN right now?
ALFRED DOUGLAS: No. What is it?
JAMES MCGEE: It's about the girl, Zeeka Magda, with her bike in Redway, who vanished with the flash of light on the Orchard Lane eight years ago, she's all over social media.
ALFRED DOUGLAS: How fast, can we get to Redway?
JAMES MCGEE: Debra and I are on our way with a helicopter to pick you up. See you in fifteen minutes.
When Alfred Douglas switch on the monitor screen on his living room
"Good evening, this is Gloria Borger of CNN Breaking News. Eight years ago, a 14-year-old girl, Zeeka Magna, disappeared from the flash of light in Orchard lane. Tonight, the girl appeared at her house, as you can see on the Facebook videos, the crowds were rejoicing because they were all healed by their sickness, including cancer, right after hearing her testimony. Zeeka testified to them that the Kingdom of God is within us. The universe is the Kingdom of God. Within us is the universe. God is the universe. God is within us."
When they arrived at Zeeka's house, there were so many people everywhere, including the military from Special Forces. When Alfred Douglas saw Lt. Gary Holden with the FBI, he waved his hand with a gesture.
ALFRED DOUGLAS: Good evening Lt. Holden, could we see the girl?
LT. GARY HOLDEN: Good evening, Sir. I'm sorry, the FBI is in the room right now, no one is allowed inside the room at this moment. They are conducting an investigation.
ALFRED DOUGLAS: Can you tell us what happened inside the room and why the FBI is in there?
LT.GARY HOLDEN: It's too crowded in here, come this way, I'll show you something.
When they were at the corner of the living room. Lt. Gary Holden pulled out his cellphone and told them that he was able to record something inside the room, but this must stay strictly confidential. They all agreed on what he told them.
On the cellphone screen, they saw Zeeka at the center with her mom, brother Jugbey, sister-in-law Kahley & her baby, Mr. & Mrs. Matilda & Henry Newford, Dr. Gilbert Jenner, Pastor Longcop, and Lt. Gary Holden. They were the only people inside the locked room.
ZEEKA: I will be going back to them now. They only gave me a few hours window to return to Earth. I love you so much, mom. Kahley & Jugbey, I love you too, and your baby. Remember when I told you about the doom? They are now meditating and projecting my body here on Earth. If I am with my body here, I will die. I can live a thousand more years with them. I want to see more of the universe within me. I tell you the truth, Beware! in the year 2083, a Coronal Mass Ejection from the sun will hit the Earth. Do not be afraid to embrace the light, Jesus is within you, the Universe is within you. We all become part of the Universe.
Suddenly, her body was gradually transforming into tiny bright particles, as she was speaking to her last words. Everyone kneels and watches her slowly disappearing like a cloud of dust blown by the wind.
ZEEKA: You pray to talk to GOD, but when you read JESUS WORDS, GOD is within you. JESUS is the LIVING WORD of GOD.
All Rights Reserved                                               Copyrighted @ 2019                                                 Wonderful Stories Limited
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dannycaing832 · 3 years
TRANSCEND OR CONSUMED Words & Music by Danny Caing & Xzajyk
(1) when you speak, you talked about the real thing one clue creates many doubts it's indulging either you are in or out so confusing and for one thing, it's nothing
(Refrain-1) someone needs to survive the underground is alive is this human extinction or an evolution
(2) the night came in from the west so hot the air a strange light in the forest looks like a flare lost your GP on your chest focus and beware and for one thing, it's nothing
(Refrain-2) witness the world in flame the day the solar storm came the earth was hit by CME the year twenty eighty three cities were burned to ashes the earth trembled and crashes
(Repeat 1) (3) the human race is doomed you transcend or consumed
Earth Eyes Child Album All Rights Reserved Copyrighted @2020 Wonderful Music Limited
Produced by Philipe James Penny Louise Recording Studio Date Recorded: June 17, 2020
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dannycaing832 · 3 years
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dannycaing832 · 3 years
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dannycaing832 · 3 years
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by Danny Caing   Date Written: November 25, 2019
I woke up in a strange world. I was floating inside the glass-walled room, the air was pure and cold. I thought I was dreaming or hallucinating, but I was not, it was all real. Under my feet was a clear deep dark blue ocean floor. There were different kinds of colorful bright lights circling me. Whenever I look at them closely it stopped spinning around and changes its colors. Five balls of light became one and then exploded into seven light balls. As I touched one of these balls, they were not hot but soft as cotton, and its light sparks brighter. I felt a strange connection to it, a kind of real happiness and joy that I had never felt before.
What is going on? Where am I? I know I’m not dead because I can still feel my flesh and bones. Why am I here? Why is my mind so clear and my thoughts so calm. What happened to the ringing in my ears, they were gone? I feel so good and fantastic. Who am I?
I saw my reflection on the glass wall with amusement and awesomeness. I look so young, masculine, and my hair was shining gold. I have glowing antennae on my eyebrows. Crazy! It’s all happening!
A beautiful Caucasian-Chinese girl walks towards me wearing a pink silk dress while caressing a dove in her hand. Then she stretched her arms, releasing the dove, and embraced me. She looked so innocent, but she told me later that she was 40,000 years old. She was the mother of the Central Sphere that controls all Genizyn missions. She was the creator of Hugen-8 at Planet D1n0, Ross 248 Binary System.
“Welcome home N0m0L0s-3kud, I am your mother, Car0L1n3. This is year 52,083 A.D. and we are in Ross 104 star system, 21.72 Light Years from Earth. You are a Hugen-8.“
What? My name is N0m0L0s-3kuD, a Hugen-8? I am in the future and I am far away from my home planet Earth. I am inside the spaceship-orb called Genizyn.
"The light stretch-frequencies anomaly on binary-triple-zero points in a fractal vortex of Stymath has substantially visualized us various conclusive tracking sectors to a certain degree from 4th to 12th dimension in space. That is why we were able to track you down for 8,320 years through this method you formulated and designed. We captured your brain waves from the 8th dimension window, and here you are with us now in the future, the father of Stykmath.”
That would be the Stykmath I created when I was 12 years old? I thought they were just theoretical point-numbers on the 4th to 12th dimensions. That was the time I stopped believing in the Big Bang Theory (the Bible of Quantum Physics). The universe in Stykmath is a space within space within space, and each of these spaces has 4 dimensions. On the 4th space are multi-universe and multi-dimensions. I knew it was you floating above me when I was in a coma, and you whispered to me to move my feet, suddenly I was awakened. You saved my life that day. That was the time when I was working on the new kind of math, the Stykmath in 12 dimensions in 3 spaces.
I was fascinated by the elegant view of planet P3nny and its three moons Yhtomit (that looks like Earth), Naynay & Onuj from Kyjazx, one of the rocky moons of Yhtomit. There were five planets in the Ross 104 system.
I asked mother Car0L1n3 if I am still a human being from the 20th century. Everyone in the spaceship looked like me with shining golden hair & eyebrow antennas. We have no heart, lungs, kidney, liver, intestines, sex organs, ass hole, teeth, tongues, and ears. We don’t sleep for 8 years but only for 32 days. We communicate through our minds. Our hands and feet have no nails. Our feet are shorter than our arms, we don’t walk but float above the liquid oxygen floor.
“A gigantic Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) from the solar storm hit the Earth 50,000 years ago. This event occurs every 65 million years. Most living species on the surface of the Earth were burned to ashes by the extreme heat of the CME. Survivors on this Extinction Level Event had established the New World Order, and The Earth Corporation ruled the planet Earth. During this era, Human Genesis 1 or Hugen-1 was born with a lifespan of 500 years, a more advanced DNA structure than a human being.”
So there were survivors after the Extinction Level Event of the Coronal Mass Ejection (CME). Later, we created Human Genesis who created you and transformed us into a kid with antennas on the eyebrows after 50,000 years. What happened to human beings? Do they still exist on Earth? Who are you, mother? You look very human to me?
“On the 10th millennium A.D., Hugen-6 created me in a human image, and sent me to explore, navigate, and colonized planets within the neighboring stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. I have never altered my body for 40,000 years, just modifying it, including the Human Genesis. There are 832 Hugen-8 on this orb-spaceship, and you are counted in. In the mid 4th millennium A.D., there was a conflict between humans and hugens to control the Solar System. By the end of the 5th millennium A.D., Hugen-6 controlled the Solar system. Humans of different races were preserved in the museum in "io”, one of the moons of Jupiter.“
The human race is in the museum of the moon "io” of Jupiter? And now you transformed humans like a mannequin kid without ears, at least the nose is still intact. What do these two antennas do in my eyebrows?
“It controls your whole being, communication, transportation, access to all information, body structuring within and without, and the power to control things but not your kind. Human civilization has dominated the Earth for 100,000 years, and all they do to advance their technology was to exterminate their kind for fear of death. Religion was to give hope for human survival but instead formulated politics and economic dominance on every human race. There were very few intellectual beings in your time who have foreseen the cycle of self-destruction. They discovered through archaeological facts that there were more advanced species before your existence, who were obliterated and exhumed on the technology they created. They thought they were an extra-terrestrial visitation on the planet Earth. The humans created Hugens who created me to eradicate the existence of fear in human minds, and to overcome death by stretching the Hugen’s lifespan from 1,000 to 5,000 years.
Fear and death in human minds. Do you believe in God, Car0L1n3?
"Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride brought destruction to the human race. The only way you can erase these seven deadly viruses in every human mind is by reading JESUS CHRIST words. John 15:3 - You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.”
I can’t believe what I’ve just heard. Car0L1n3 is mentioning the name of our Lord JESUS CHRIST! Hallelujah!
“In spite, God visited planet Earth in the form of JESUS CHRIST WORDS, many of you human beings don’t believe HE existed. John 1:14 - The Word became flesh and made HIS dwelling among us.”
I knelt and bow my head in front of Car0l1n3, and as she touched my forehead I cried with joy, praising the name of our Lord JESUS CHRIST.
“Before all human beings were born on Earth, GOD has always been with you and through eternal life by the WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST. Luke 17:21 - Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. John 8:51 - Very truly I tell you, whoever obeys my word will never see death.”
Car0L1n3 pointed her fingers to the neon sign on the wall as we read them together, Matthew 24:35 & Luke 21:33 - Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
I was awakened when the phone was ringing under my pillow at 4 AM. My daughter in Sweden called me as we chatted for more than thirty minutes. Then I took a shower and brushed my teeth. After dressing up, I usually sat down for a while to meditate and pray the Lord’s prayer before I go out in my room to do my routine work. I believe that when you read JESUS CHRIST WORDS, GOD is speaking to you.
I love you JESUS CHRIST with all my heart and soul. 
All Rights Reserved                                               Copyrighted @ 2019                                                 Wonderful Stories Limited
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dannycaing832 · 3 years
SPHERE OF INFLUENCE Words & Music by Danny Caing & Xzajyk & Philipe James
(1) can you be loved when senses are gone can you give time to those things undone can you be true to all what you say can you be one personality it sees things on the other side it feels the hate and pain inside
(2) can you blow clouds away from the mind can you bring back what is left behind can you be one angel in the sky can you just fly like a butterfly it knows what you are just doing it speaks what you have forgotten
(3) can you be loved when senses are gone can you give time to those things undone can you be true to all what you say can you be one personality can you blow clouds away from the mind can you bring back what is left behind can you be one angel in the sky can you just fly like a butterfly
(Repeat 3)
wahkokok wahkokok wahkokok yeah yeah yeah yeah
Earth Child Eyes Album All Rights Reserved Copyrighted @ 2020 Wonderful Music Limited
Genizyn Band: Danny Caing - Vocals/ Acoustic Guitar SpamGuru - Lead Guitar Roman John - Drum Christopher Abel - Bass Philipe James - Electric Guitar/ Sound Engineer
Produced by Philipe James Penny Louise Recording Studio Date Recorded: June 21, 2020
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dannycaing832 · 3 years
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dannycaing832 · 3 years
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