danrun44 · 3 years
what happen
The runners of the Atla YouTube channel are fucking stupid.
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danrun44 · 3 years
" sexuilizing mioners "Aah , katara getting tied up to a tree while being extor by zuko aah
don't understand the trend of saying people calling out shit like racism within atla and its fandom is 'having a superiority complex' or 'deciding someone's morals based on what they ship' no i'm just kindly requesting you don't draw kids my age fucking
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danrun44 · 3 years
I hate when zutara stans say aang is possive and agrssive yet they never talk about what zuko done in the beach he shown to be much more possive and agrssive in the beach.
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danrun44 · 3 years
thank you, you are really barve for saying thid kind of stuff as a person of color it really matter to me and alot of other pepole.(please don't tell pepole to attack you by the way).
I for know stop using the anti zutara tag (my main issuse is the shippers not the ship).
thank you i would like to have an convsertion with you in another time
Hey - i usually stay away from discourse, but I got a message for some of my fellow white ZKs. No, not the brave ones who are risking their own voice in the fandom to stand up for and uplift the voices of people of color, not the good listeners and the ones open to learning new things...the assholes in evryones inboxes. Yeah, those ones.
You do realize that responding to accusations of racism with more racism doesn’t just make you racist right? It makes you a hypocrite.But if you have to keep being a racist hypocrite and attack someone, go the fuck ahead and attack me. I can take it. I have far worse things to worry about in my life than strangers on the internet. Besides, I’d rather you do that than have you keep calling minors fucking racial slurs. But you won’t attack me, Will you? Funny how the almost year I’ve been here, I’ve never once gotten hate? It’s almost like you’re targeting someone... and I’m not the “type” you’re targeting...
Anyways, you’re not just ruining the fandom for the individuals you target. You’re ruining it for everyone. No one feels safe. No one feels welcome. People are leaving. You are destroying something you claim to love. This mighty pirate ship has sailed unpermitted for almost twenty years, and now you I fear, are sinking it. You aren’t just ruining the fandom. You are ruining Zutara.
Grow the fuck up and do better.
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danrun44 · 3 years
z*tara shippers are just homophobic zukka shippers 
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danrun44 · 3 years
majority of zutara shippers alwasy had the
but zuko take a LIGHTNING BOLT for her
bitch he put her in danger in the frist place
and he didn't even do it in purpose he just tries to redirect the lightning and fuck up
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danrun44 · 3 years
I like that majority of the zutara fandom use the " zuKo AnD kaTaRa are Sun aNd mOOn" ying yang bullshit but forget that
A) the moon is in duality whit the ocean.
B) that this work litarly to every fire bender& waterbender
C) that zuko and katara has the same fucking personality (over emontial, hot head, jealous,hopefull)
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