dansdans00 · 7 years
Travel the world as a remote worker with WiFi Tribe
Travel the world as a remote worker with WiFi Tribe
Have laptop, will travel
I think it is fair to say that I’ve done quite a bit of travel in my life. In the eight years I worked for my last employer Procera Networks, I visited twenty seven countries over eight years, and for a while I was doing an average of 1-2 flights every week. In amongst those years I lived (or stayed for months at a time) in Malaysia, Sweden, Canada, Singapore, and…
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dansdans00 · 7 years
On bravery
Bravery;   “the quality or state of having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty” (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bravery)
I had an interview today, part of an application process for a new undertaking that I’ll talk about more at some other point. The interview was really interesting, as the interviewer asked me some questions that I haven’t thought…
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dansdans00 · 7 years
My Weight Loss Journey
My Weight Loss Journey
This is a “sum-up” of my experiences over the past 10 months when it comes to weight loss and fitness. I’ve learnt a lot in the process of losing ~28 kg over the last year, and I want to share the experiences and realisations I’ve had. I also want to encourage others to work towards a healthier state. Unless you are one of a very very small number of people with serious metabolic disease, losing…
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dansdans00 · 7 years
A new beginning
Starting blogging again
My personal blog has now had a facelift and I’m intending to put renewed focus on writing online. I’ve been posting a few long posts on Facebook lately, and so this will probably serve as a replacement for that medium. I prefer to mostly keep Facebook as a private medium, and put stuff I actively want the public to read on a site like this one instead.
In addition, I’m…
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