dansoy18-blog Ā· 6 years
I love my SELF. Am I SELFISH then?
Raydan Thought
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dansoy18-blog Ā· 6 years
The term forever is a mythical fact, or so saying, it is a distorted account of historical events. I mean, it's platonic. IT DOES NOT EXIST.
Raydan Thoughts
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dansoy18-blog Ā· 7 years
Iā€™m crazy when I needed to. Iā€™m crying when I feel I need to. I love you, so donā€™t ask me why and how.
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dansoy18-blog Ā· 7 years
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I'm proud to be part of a very unique group of people- Manobo! #ProudIP
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dansoy18-blog Ā· 7 years
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dansoy18-blog Ā· 7 years
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Good Morning. šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜
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dansoy18-blog Ā· 7 years
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A man with great OPTIMISM. #SummerFeels #IskolarNgBayan #MSUan
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dansoy18-blog Ā· 7 years
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Part II- B.) Book Cover
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dansoy18-blog Ā· 7 years
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Part II- B.) Book Cover
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dansoy18-blog Ā· 7 years
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Part II- B.) Book Cover
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dansoy18-blog Ā· 7 years
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Part II- B.) Character Wheel
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dansoy18-blog Ā· 7 years
READING LOG NO.4 Book Title: Noli Me Tangere Author: Dr. Jose P. Rizal Part I A.) Reflection: The novel is a classical piece, written by the Philippinesā€™ national hero, Jose P. Rizal. If I were to have some insights about reading the novel, I may look too hypocrite on reading this, with the fact that itā€™s boring when compared to the 21st century young peopleā€™s interest.Ā However, as Iā€™ve read its summary, I was into the state of realization that how far have we gone from the journey we have, having the exit from the Spanish colonization? Too young to think, but I was dissecting my brain upon reading, and something that Iā€™veĀ culled out was that, are we still, as part of the so-called ā€œpag-asa ng bayanā€ young peoples? I mean, what have I contributed in the making of our country maintain its independence and sovereignty from the invaders? To think about the dilemma of the Philippines, though considered to be one of the developing countries among Asian regions, I was still at doubting that are we really growing as a country? Do we really attain the genuine freedom from conquest? There are lots of foreign investors that is currently working and operating their multimillion businesses, however, if we look at the paranoia created by the ā€œonly-positively-depictedā€ programs of the government, what happened to our small-scale business fellow men? Another point, youth nowadays get to be with the norms of the world, conforming to the trends of technological breakthroughs, have patronize foreign form of entertainment and hooking up like idiots, as Albert Einstein have prophesied to social media,Ā how is the image that we have right now look like? Or so saying, what step in the ladder do we step in today?Ā K-Pop for example, a term that is affiliated with the music and entertainment of the Koreans, have deteriorated the nationalistic spirit of the millennials. I would say, Jose Rizal failed with this predictions that ā€œyouth are the hope of the fatherlandā€, which in reverse was the thing that happened - youth are the annihilatorĀ  of the rich cultural and historical heritage that the Philippines have to give to its future generations. Lastly, the spirit of nationalism in the presidentā€™s core principles in leadership is never inevitable. Duterte once said that he is a person who loves his country, yet for me was having a demerit after his pronouncement on dreaming of a federal government and war on drugs by killing the addicts, which for me is a treason towards the Filipino peopleā€™s lives. Indeed, colonial mentality still exist. It is as far as an illness becoming a stage four cancer that degrades the Filipino heroes have done, in order to give the future generation a secure way of living, getting rid of the foreign ideas. I am not an anti-change, but in the novel, it was depicted that our country have been through a lot of hardships. Look, there are lots of blood that shed on the motherland, protecting its people. Death was accepted by the three priest (GomBurZa); by Andress Bonifacio; by the write-ups of Mabini; and many more. Hey, young people of the Republic of the Philippines! Letā€™s wake up and pick up the pieces of a broken glass, and make it as beautiful again by making its part compact again with the use of gold and regain the porcelain. Stand up and raise awareness about our depreciating appreciation on the efforts and the lost lives of our heroes, and the hardships of our motherland. B.) Connect: As this novel was a classic one and describes the real happenings during the darkest age of the Philippines, I think it is never too hard to have it connected with us, as Filipinos. However, to comply with the guidelines, I might say that the term ā€œNoli Me Tangereā€ or ā€œTouch me notā€ in English translation is a meta-physical outcome to warn us, as a country not to be clumsy on having an international relations and treaties. We must not let other countries touch what we have thatā€™s precious, like the natural resources, the bullying on our race as Asian, about our indolence, about the islands that we have, and anything that happens which is caused by foreign entities to make Philippines busted. We have to fight, said Rizal. C.) Question: Why do the writer let Sisa died, where in fact, sheā€™s the character that represents the Philippines? Do the death of Sisa really have something to do with the present state we have? Why and how do that be permitted to happen in the story? How about Maria Clara? Sheā€™s also a representation of the Philippines, does she represent the other character of the Filipinos? D.) Prediction: In the novel, somewhere in the ā€œalmost-doneā€ chapters, Crisostomo was caught by the Gurdia Civil upon its escape plot. If he was died right there, I think, the episode would have a twist to that ofĀ Maria ClaraĀ dreaming only about the tragedy, then Crisostomo will be warned and could've done the plan according to how was it desired to be done. Part II- A.) Character Wheel. B.) My own book cover.
-To be followed.
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dansoy18-blog Ā· 7 years
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The Apostles - During the Lenten Season Performance, the Kabpapagariya Ensemble.
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dansoy18-blog Ā· 7 years
Reading Log 3 Book Title: Fifty Shades of Grey Author: Ericka Mitchell (EL James) Part I- A.) Reflection: Everything that happens to us was actually meant by circumstances for us to be transformed into the better version of us, or in either way make us satisfied to the idea of contentment. Miss Anastasia Steele is a simple college girl who's main goal is just actually graduate and venture for job. Here's also this Christian Grey, a renowned and rich man, which is the owner of a company with multi millionĀ investments and managed alone by himself, being called the control freak. Ana has many fathers, and that never gives the reason for her to actually be discouraged and stop schooling, yet it becomes the avenue for her to make fill some space not fulfilled by her real father, as husband number 3 of her mom did it, named Ray. Grey, an adaptive son of millionaires, molested by his aunt on the teenage, searched for his own contentment and power, has been the implication after shocking the experience he had before. Both characters actually sends the message of the uniqueness of the individuality, the independence of the ideas of the brain of people, the variation of inclinations and the leisure, and that experience will lead us into learning about life, and that we can decide as to whatever we want for ourselves to be, either fuck freely, but it should always be superseded by the appropriate thoughts and should be accompanied by profound decision-making. In some sort, it means we can decide for ourselves, and that the experiences were teachers and the advisers for us to determine what type of person are we in the future. Love must be genuine. It should never go with lust out of marriage to get rid of last - the separation of ways because you have no right to hold the person, if he/she is not yet sealed with a vow, the vow of eternal living as married people. B.) Connect: As the novel talks about an erotic romance, I could connect the situation to the modernity that is currently happening, which can be part of a categorical quest for new world. Why new world? As we can't deny the inevitability of the involvement of youth to this very big change, freedom has been the often used term that is shouted for further enjoyment by the youth, and unnecessary demeanor being the testimony. Decision-making being of great issue, as ousted by the dilemma on parenting, has been the problem as it embody my theory of clash of clans, parents vs. children and parenting vs. rights. This may sound too tricky and ambitious to be theorizedĀ or so doing an inference but it is a matter of fact. In the Philippine context, teenage pregnancy has been deemed immoral by the church, and that the parents should always be behind the task to nurture his/her children, but want out a failure of doing the responsibility. The novel talks about power and wealth and leisure, so it means that before one do things which will lead to a big responsibility, you should've had everything, or so saying that be equipped first with the arsenal to survive before indulging into "so-called" fun for the youth - for the Philippines is economically incapacitated, though termed to have been developing since 2012. C.) Prediction: The novel might be rated 18, or lustful if not dissected as a whole concerning its purpose, but I predict that this book is actually a blessing in disguise given by God to humanity. Why do I say so? I would like to justify and qualify my point of discourse. The novel is very ironic to be compared to that of "my idea" as a blessing in disguise, but I am really certain that God wants us to learn something from the book, if we are to discern what it tends to convey. a.) It shows that love is not just about having everything, it's about having someone that makes us feel contented. Ā  b.) Money won't buy everything, even love and happiness. c.) Striving hard and doing all things that is a prerequisite to survival will lead us to success. d.) There are people who were unfortunate to have parents, but if the blood is not there to care for you, there are this people who has the oil of caress and love for people even if they don't know (adoption of Grey). e.) We might see people that lets our heart to beat, but it doesn't mean love at first sight. Love requires a proper timing, and a right place, and a right space in heart for the two of you to fit into the holes of your heart - being lovers. D.)Question: Why do Christian Grey don't have any dates mentioned in the novel, except that of with Ana? Isn't he really gay, but have just played with Ana to fool people that he is a real man, but deep inside, he's really not? I couldn't blame my mind on asking. Part II- A.) If I were to change place with one of the characters, who would it be?Ā  Ā It is so clear that everyone wants to be empowered. So, I wanna be Christian Grey too. I wanna try the feeling as to how would a rich man thinks. I wanna be rich, not to be greedy, rather have that dream of helping those who were less privilege. I wanna get the woman that Iā€™ve been dreaming to live with, the ideal woman that would take good care of me and our future children. I also want to experience howā€™s the feeling of travelling any place you intend to. I wanna be a man with great power, not for myself, but for others also. Ā B.) Make a story map about the novel and explain your map: Ā  (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=428972690795963&set=pcb.428972937462605&type=3&theater) This is the story map photo I made. I will just submit the hard copy of the output.
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dansoy18-blog Ā· 7 years
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You'll gonna miss that smile when it's gone. šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜ #GoodEvening
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dansoy18-blog Ā· 7 years
The Fault In Our Stars inspired song composition.
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dansoy18-blog Ā· 7 years
Reading Blog
Name: Raydan M. Tangwayan Book Title: The Fault in our Stars Author: John Green Name of Output: Reading Logs Part I- A.) Reflection: Life is always unpredictable. We don't really understand how things tend to happen us. In some points, what we don't expect will occur. Or reversibly, What we expect will never happen. Based on the novel, Hazel Grace didn't really assumed to meet someone that will make her fall in love. There is this Augustus Waters who is also a cancer patient in the Support Group. At first glance to each other, something to be called as magic happened. They become friends and flirt like they've already knew each other. With this scenario, it conveys the fact that at some instances, we meet strangers that makes us feel comfortable to be with. We don't really know who they are, what they do, what they think about the world but it is a fact that we sometimes don't really care if they mean something already for us. At the end, Augustus still died. What do this make me reflect to? In our life, we meet lots of people to learn out from them. They may implicate or influence us and utters that we can't live without them, but the fact is that it doesn't really mean for the two of you to stay forever. You meet to learn, not to be with each other. We meet them to understand that we need to be strong and to continue our journey in this inconstant world. B.) Connect: I can connect this novel to a certain episode of a Filipino TV show, "Maalaala Mo Kaya" (MMK) of the ABS-CBN, as starred by Joshua Garcia and Julia Baretto. The story revolved to the plight, where the two characters beloved each other, 'til slowly broken by the scenario when Julia, had cancer and Joshua begun to be uneasy, watching Julia in the hospital and do stuffs to assist her. Meanwhile, as part of the unpredictable event in life, the character of Joshua died, and Julia was left agonizing with cancer plus feeling the excruciating pain of having her loved person left her due to sudden death. This true-to-life story as conveyed is another testimony that life is really full of surprises. It may not be just good surprises where we jump with gladness and bliss, but also sadness and grief. So, let's just be ready for everything, and everyday should really be our best performance because we don't really know what tomorrow could bring. C.) Question: I really wonder why they have sex with each other, considering their ages, which is still minor. Aside from that, their situation is very uncertain, which is having cancer. So, why sex? I really question the concept of affection in this juncture on the novel. For me, isn't it stupidity and lust, rather than love? Well, Filipino and American do differ in culture and norms, in anyways, so, no hard feeling. D.) Predict: I was really wondering, why is it that the end of the book, which Hazel Grace and Augustus like (in the novel) was hanging and was never told. The author of that certain may have internal conflict, as her daughter died, yet I was really at my pursuit to say that the person behind the novel the two characters love too, will have an end that he will still fight, regardless of what happened to him. Also with the story of Hazel, she might be so down upon losing her love, but in the end, I know she'll be better and will combat with the punches of life in the ring, and maybe she will not win in the end, yet the the thing that matters most is how you play with life's game. Time heals, and moving on doesn't really mean forgetting, rather inviting positivity and realize that everything happens for a reason. Part II- A.) Letter to the Author: Sir John, I really appreciate your skill and intellect in writing such wonderful novel. I know what you've invested for the success of your novel. Time, effort, money, sleep, brain and emotion. I was really moved as to how the story circulated, which conveys the message that life is really an amazing gift from God that we need to cherish. Uncertainty is always inevitable, yet you have showed in your novel that we should always be positive in every way. It's just natural that we lose something valuable for us, but you articulated that it can be replaced by something more valuable. We lose and fail, but we learn something out from those things. In all of our days, we should be thinking that everyday is a new day, and a new chance to make our life better by inviting the spirit of optimism. God bless Sir, and thank you for letting me culled out something from what you've written. Sincerely Yours, Raydan M. Tangwayan B.) Song Composition (book two to be followed)
Reading Log 2 Name: Raydan M. Tangwayan Book Title: A Walk to Remember Author: Nicholas Sparks Part I- A.) Reflection: The novel made me think of how a teenage guy typically have experienced as part of growing. Having an affair like crushies, ball, having little conflict with parents and blushing because of feeling like we already love someone. However, the novel inevitably have a different plot being told. This story actually tells us about how "true" love really means. If we really love a person, we really have to accept everything about them. Whatever she is, as long as we have decided that we are destined for each other, nothing would stop us, even death. The title, "A Walk to Remember", have meant a lot to me. Almost all of us have our distinct walks, depending upon what are situations. So, in every walk, make the most of it because we don't know, it may be the last walk we'll make. B.) Connect: I can connect to the story to a featured report of ABS-CBN news (TV Patrol), about couples marrying each other even if its not really that ideal to do so. The girl was the one with good state, while the man was dying with illness. Though they already know that uncertainty will happen, they still continued the wedding, to utter their vows that they'll be one in sickness, in abundance and unplenty, and even death. Together, they'll live with there promises, as a vouch for their genuine love. True love indeed wins. C.) Question: I was wondering, why is it that almost all of the parents, just Luke that of Lando's father really urged their children to follow them? They may think that, it is for their legacy, but, isn't it very unintelligent and they've resorted out from their responsibility as a parent? Why do politician father naturally act like this? D.) Predict: Jamie and Landon suppose to have a romantic intimate relationship. However, it turned out to grief and sadness because of death of Jaimie. Since Jaimie died, I feel that at the end, after Jaimie died, Landon felt loving other person again as she may have met someone that resembles Jaimie, yet he suppose not to love again because of the trauma of being left again. It may sound too less likely to happen, yet it is not a fallacy that we tend to really have the feeling of fear to be left again. First impression last, as they said. So, it is really possible that as Landon's first encounter to love, it is already pinned into his heart that love is like a gamble, it hurts when we lose. Part II- A.) My feeling about the character: I would like to express my feeling about Landon's genuine love for Jaimie. Landon, I salute you for the loyalty you have for your only one, Jaimie. In this millenial, having and choosing a partner will never be based as to how you intimately feel, rather what you think will the two of you benefit if you will be together. For example, having girlfriend for the sake of having someone to date with, talk with, hang out with and sex with. That's how the youth of today feels for love, I mean lust. The novel was set on 1954, so, I see the big difference. On the other hand, for you Landon, I was really hoping that more people should have to be like you. Love is merely not just about what you feel, and think what's best. It should always be from the heart, and willing to accept all and take the risk, and you did it bro. Thank you so much. B.) Letter to the Author: Sir Sparks, I was not really into books, bit finds interest reading, depending upon the entertainment value I can get from reading. I would like you to know, that through this letter of mine, I can be able to express my admiration to your masterpiece. There are lots of highly intellectual people, like your co-writers, but I consider your book, same as to the Fault on our Stars, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, and many other books as an excellent form of art ever given to humanity. Sir, I was moved to tears with your plot. Typically, men do really get rid out of the situation when knowing that whom he had affection towards was dying, should directly be left. In your write ups, you disproved the mentality of plastic lobe and lust. You've indirectly sent the message that love is very significant as a human being. Sir, I hope you'll be able to create more stories and invite us to motivate ourselves to explore learning through reading. Sincerely Yours, Raydan M. Tangwayan Reading Log 3 Name: Raydan M. Tangwayan Book: Fifty Shades of Grey Author: Erika Mitchell (EL James) Part I A.) Reflection: The novel is an erotic trilogy, which depicts the darker sides of human, and that pertains to sex.
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