dantewroclaw · 2 years
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Wystawa fotografii teatralnej @tobiasz.papuczys Wernisaż otworzy performans Kamili Klamut i Bartosza Radziszewskiego „Drobne zadrapania. Ćwiczenia z oddychania” Foto @mangiacarrube (at Instytut Grotowskiego) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqFrH_DOkoY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dantewroclaw · 2 years
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#geko (at Quinto Al Mare, Liguria, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpxUA4Vsg8U/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dantewroclaw · 2 years
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@alteritasinterazioni – Interazione tra i popoli e il progetto RISE #xFORMAL sono lieti di annunciare l’evento online Museum Day di lunedì 6 marzo. I musei si incontrano online per condividere esperienze e pratiche virtuose. Unisciti a noi! Per ottenere il link siete pregati di registrarVi sul sito: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI https://www.instagram.com/p/CpaK0bENiE7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dantewroclaw · 2 years
Giornata dei musei! 6 marzo 2023
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Alteritas - Interazione tra i popoli e il progetto RISE xFORMAL sono lieti di annunciare l'evento online Museum Day di lunedì 6 marzo. I musei si incontrano online per condividere esperienze e pratiche virtuose. Unisciti a noi! Per ottenere il link siete pregati di registrarVi sul sito: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI
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Alteritas - Interazione tra i popoli i projekt RISE xFORMAL z przyjemnością ogłaszają internetowe wydarzenie Dzień Muzeów w poniedziałek 6 marca. Muzea spotykają się w sieci, by dzielić się doświadczeniami i cnotliwymi praktykami. Dołącz do nas! Aby otrzymać link należy zarejestrować się na stronie: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI
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Alteritas - Interazione tra i popoli and the RISE xFORMAL project are glad to announce the online event Museum Day on Monday 6th March. Museums meet online to share experience and good practices. Join us: To get the link please register at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI Read the full article
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dantewroclaw · 2 years
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Il tema guida del convegno del 2023 verterà sulle testimonianze bibliche apocrife, ivi incluse le leggende, la tradizione agiografica e le testimonianze della devozione popolare, con particolare interesse verso la traduzione, l'interpretazione e la ricezione dei testi e il loro rapporto con le Sacre Scritture. Il convegno si terrà il 12-13 maggio 2023 presso il Centro di ricerca dell'Università di Wrocław nella ex-chiesa evangelica presso plac Tadeusz Kościuszki a Odolanów (12 maggio) e presso il Centro Scientifico dell'Università di Wrocław in ulica Raszkowska 21 a Ostrów Wielkopolski (13 maggio). Invitiamo tutti gli interessati a partecipare alla conferenza: teologi, filologi, storici e altri ricercatori, per i quali il tema è vicino e costituisce l'oggetto della loro ricerca scientifica, quindi legato al testo biblico, alla letteratura apocrifa e alla tradizione che si è sviluppata intorno ad essi. Gli abstract (fino a 200 parole) in una delle lingue congressuali o in polacco devono essere inviati entro il 20 aprile 2023 all’indirizzo [email protected] (at Odolanów) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cokm4VTokg1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dantewroclaw · 2 years
X Convegno internazionale di studi biblici - La Bibbia, gli apocrifi e le forme della devozione popolare nella traduzione, interpretazione e tradizione
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gli organizzatori invitano cordialmente al X Convegno internazionale di studi biblici "La Bibbia, gli apocrifi e le forme della devozione popolare nella traduzione, interpretazione e tradizione" Il tema guida del convegno del 2023 verterà sulle testimonianze bibliche apocrife, ivi incluse le leggende, la tradizione agiografica e le testimonianze della devozione popolare, con particolare interesse verso la traduzione, l'interpretazione e la ricezione dei testi e il loro rapporto con le Sacre Scritture. Il convegno si terrà il 12-13 maggio 2023 presso il Centro di ricerca dell'Università di Wrocław nella ex-chiesa evangelica presso plac Tadeusz Kościuszki a Odolanów (12 maggio) e presso il Centro Scientifico dell'Università di Wrocław in ulica Raszkowska 21 a Ostrów Wielkopolski (13 maggio). Invitiamo tutti gli interessati a partecipare alla conferenza: teologi, filologi, storici e altri ricercatori, per i quali il tema è vicino e costituisce l'oggetto della loro ricerca scientifica, quindi legato al testo biblico, alla letteratura apocrifa e alla tradizione che si è sviluppata intorno ad essi. Gli abstract (fino a 200 parole) in una delle lingue congressuali o in polacco devono essere inviati entro il 20 aprile 2023 all’indirizzo [email protected]. La lista dei relatori sarà annunciata il 25 aprile 2023, tutti i candidati saranno informati via e-mail.  La quota di partecipazione al convegno è di 60 euro o 290 zł.  Comitato Scientifico:  - Maria Chantry, Università di Wrocław - Krzysztof Bardski, Università Card. Stefan Wyszyński di Varsavia - Creighton Marlowe, Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven - Michał Kieling, Università Adam Mickiewicz di Poznań  - Gościwit Malinowski, Università di Wrocław - Krzysztof Morta, Università di Wrocław - Sonia Maura Barillari, Università di Genova - Arkadiusz Nocoń, Pontificia Università Gregoriana  - Magdalena Jóźwiak, Università Cattolica di Lublino “Giovanni Paolo II” Comitato organizzativo:  - Krzysztof Morta, Università di Wrocław (coordinatore scientifico del comitato) - Sławomir Torbus, Università di Wrocław (segretario per le proposte in lingua francese e inglese) - Łukasz Krzyszczuk, Università di Wrocław (per le proposte in lingua polacca e spagnola) - Gianluca Olcese, Università di Genova (per le proposte in altre lingue) Organizatorzy SERDECZNIE ZAPRASZAJĄ NA X MIĘDZYNARODOWĄ KONFERENCJĘ BIBLIJNĄ „Biblia i apokryfy biblijne w przekładzie, interpretacji i tradycji ”
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Miniatura przedstawiająca proroka Amosa pochodząca z Biblii łacińskiej z 1. poł. XIV w.  (Biblioteka Uniwersytecka we Wrocławiu, sygn. I F 3 k. 309v) Przewodnim tematem konferencji w roku 2023 będą egzegeza biblijna i apokryfy oraz ich recepcja. Konferencja odbędzie się w dniach 12-13 maja 2023 r. w Centrum Badań UWr w poewangelickim kościele przy pl. Tadeusza Kościuszki w Odolanowie (12 maja) i w Ośrodku Naukowym Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego przy ul. Raszkowskiej 21 w Ostrowie Wielkopolskim (13 maja). Do udziału w konferencji zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych: biblistów, patrologów, filologów, historyków i innych badaczy, którym bliska jest tematyka dotycząca Biblii, jej translatoryki, egzegezy i recepcji. Abstrakty (do 200 słów) w jednym z języków kongresowych lub w języku polskim prosimy przesyłać do dnia 20 kwietnia 2023 r. na adres: [email protected]. Lista prelegentów zostanie ogłoszona najpóźniej 25 kwietnia 2023 r., o czym wszyscy kandydaci zostaną poinformowani drogą elektroniczną. Opłata konferencyjna wynosi 290zł.  Komitet Naukowy Konferencji:  - dr hab. Maria Chantry, prof. UWr - ks. prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Bardski, UKSW - prof. Creighton Marlowe, Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven - ks. dr hab. Michał Kieling, UAM  - prof. dr hab. Gościwit Malinowski, UWr  - dr Krzysztof Morta, UWr  - Prof. Sonia Maura Barillari, Università di Genova - ks. dr Arkadiusz Nocoń, Pontificia Università Gregoriana  - dr Magdalena Jóźwiak, KUL Komitet Organizacyjny Konferencji:  - Krzysztof Morta, Uniwersytet Wrocławski (koordynator naukowy komitetu) - Sławomir Torbus, Uniwersytet Wrocławski (sekretarz ds. wniosków w języku francuskim i angielskim) - Łukasz Krzyszczuk, Uniwersytet Wrocławski (dla wniosków w języku polskim i hiszpańskim) - Gianluca Olcese, Uniwersytet w Genui (dla wniosków w innych językach) The University of Wroclaw is pleased to invite you to attend the upcoming X International Biblical Conference ‘The Bible, the Apocrypha and forms of popular devotion in translation, interpretation and tradition’
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Miniature of the Prophet Amos from the Latin Bible from the 1st half of the 14th century (Library of the University of Wrocław, coll. I F 3, fol. 309v) The guiding theme of the 2023 conference will focus on apocryphal biblical accounts, including legends, hagiographic tradition and accounts of popular devotion, with a special interest in the translation, interpretation and reception of the texts and their relationship to the Holy Scriptures. The conference will be held on 12-13 May 2023 at the University of Wrocław Research Centre in the former Evangelical Church at plac Tadeusz Kościuszki in Odolanów (12 May) and at the University of Wrocław Science Centre at ulica Raszkowska 21 in Ostrów Wielkopolski (13 May). We invite all those interested to attend the conference: theologians, philologists, historians and other researchers, for whom the topic is close to and constitutes the subject of their scientific research, thus related to the biblical text, apocryphal literature and the tradition that has developed around them. Abstracts (up to 200 words) in one of the conference languages or in Polish must be sent by 20 April 2023 to [email protected]. The list of speakers will be announced on 25 April 2023, all candidates will be informed by e-mail.  The conference fee is 60 euro or 290 zł.  Scientific Committee:  - Maria Chantry, University of Wrocław - Krzysztof Bardski, Card. Stefan Wyszyński University of Warsaw - Creighton Marlowe, Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven - Michał Kieling, Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań  - Gościwit Malinowski, University of Wrocław - Krzysztof Morta, University of Wrocław - Sonia Maura Barillari, University of Genoa - Arkadiusz Nocoń, Pontifical Gregorian University  - Magdalena Jóźwiak, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin Organising Committee:  - Krzysztof Morta, University of Wrocław (scientific coordinator of the committee) - Sławomir Torbus, University of Wrocław (secretary for French and English language proposals) - Łukasz Krzyszczuk, University of Wrocław (for proposals in Polish and Spanish) - Gianluca Olcese, University of Genoa (for proposals in other languages) Read the full article
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dantewroclaw · 2 years
V Convegno internazionale di culture neolatine - Bestiari
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Università di Wrocław, 22-24 giugno 2023 In occasione dei 100 anni dalla nascita di Italo Calvino 1923-2023 Non sempre gli animali che popolano la terra corrispondono a quelli che popolano l’immaginario degli uomini: alcuni esclusivamente fantastici, altri frutto di assemblaggio di specie diverse, altri ancora dotati di caratteristiche e abitudini prettamente umane. Nella raccolta delle Fiabe italiane Italo Calvino recupera e rielabora la tradizione folklorica italiana, dove gli animali così come riflessi dalle leggende, dalle favole, dai miti essi sono di volta in volta antenati totemici, tabù da non infrangere, compagni di strada, strumenti di cura dell’anima e del corpo: sono «buoni da pensare» – come direbbe Levi-Strauss – e in quanto tali sovente hanno rappresentato e rappresentano un autentico baricentro culturale di società e popolazioni. Su questo invitiamo a riflettere per il prossimo convegno, e presentare proposte che rientrino in queste linee di ricerca: - i bestiari medievali - favole, fiabe, leggende - gli animali mitici - gli animali totemici - simbolismo animale - gli animali e la cura Enti organizzatori: Società Dante Alighieri, Wrocław Università degli studi di Genova Dipartimento di Archeologia ed Etnologia, Accademia Polacca delle Scienze Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Cracovia Università di Wrocław: Dipartimento di Studi Classici, Mediterranei e Orientali  Centro di Studi del Vicino Oriente Antico e della Tradizione Biblica Organizzatori: Sonia Maura Barillari (Università di Genova), Gianluca Olcese (Università di Wrocław), Błażej Stanisławski (Accademia Polacca delle Scienze). Il convegno si terrà in presenza. La quota di iscrizione è di 30 euro. Le proposte di partecipazione dovranno pervenire in formato WORD entro il 10 maggio 2023 all’indirizzo [email protected] includendo i seguenti dati: nome e cognome:  università / centro studi di affiliazione: indirizzo postale: indirizzo email:  numero di telefono:  titolo proposta:  abstract (non più di 300 parole):
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dantewroclaw · 2 years
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Befana, da Gianni Priano, Gioghi di parole, guida cordiale per anime randagie tra Genova e Monferrato (con qualche divagazione). Savona: Pentagora, 2018 (at Genova, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnECdegNCo7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dantewroclaw · 2 years
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#ancheateefamiglia (at Chiesa del Gesù e dei Santi Ambrogio e Andrea) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmolgUhsAwL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dantewroclaw · 2 years
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Stasera! Aperitivo culturale VII settimana della cucina italiana nel mondo alla Libreria Spagnola di Wroclaw (at Księgarnia Hiszpańska Wrocław La Librería Española de Wrocław) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck-34hQtcaM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dantewroclaw · 2 years
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#settimanadellalinguaitaliananelmondo (at DCF - Dolnośląskie Centrum Filmowe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkKp5ikNTAt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dantewroclaw · 2 years
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Colori mimetici #barwaochronna #krzystofzanussi https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj5dfEEspgf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dantewroclaw · 2 years
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"Volontieri parlerei a quei due che ’nsieme vanno, e paion sì al vento esser leggeri" (at Casa di Dante) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjdPOotNxjm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dantewroclaw · 2 years
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Cumme a l'en belli! Nu adentan? - No, ma nu dan confidensa ascì (at Galleria degli Uffizi - Firenze) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjdNscwsT9X/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dantewroclaw · 2 years
Immaginari Mappature intangibili del reale - XXVII CONVEGNO INTERNAZIONALE
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Laboratorio Etno-Antropologico Filologia e longue durée Genova, 22-24 settembre 2022 Palazzo Balbi Cattaneo, via Balbi 2, Aula Magna XXVII CONVEGNO INTERNAZIONALE Immaginari Mappature intangibili del reale
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Giovedì 22 settembre Ore 14 - Indirizzi di saluto Sonia M. Barillari, Martina Di Febo Presentazione convegno Ore 14,30 - sessione pomeridiana Presiede Rita Caprini In teoria Marcello Zanatta Università della Calabria - Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei La teoria aristotelica dell’immagine Sonia Maura Barillari Università di Genova Il Liber de spiritu et anima e la teoria medievale della percezione Nicolò Pasero Università di Genova A margine dell’episodio di Paolo e Francesca nella Commedia: la lettura e i neuroni-specchio Martina Di Febo Università di Macerata Praestigium, portentum, phantasmata: annotazioni su una teoria del perturbante nel Medioevo Sławomir Torbus Uniwersytet Wrocławski La métaphore du ciel chez l’apôtre Paul dans la perspective de la théorie de la métapho- re conceptuelle Alessandro Norsa Università di Verona-Pontificia Università Regina Apostolorum (Roma) Utilizzo dell’ipnosi come tecnica per il condizionamento di massa Venerdì 23 settembre Ore 9,30 - sessione mattutina Presiede Martina Di Febo In pratica Ester Fuoco Accademia di Belle Arti Santa Giulia Deviazioni creative: dal phigital al metaverso Silvia D’Orazio Università di Milano L’esperienza dello spazio nel teatro di Leopold Jessner Aurora Caporali Università di Perugia I giganti sulla soglia. Reale e irreale: sul confine della rappresentabilità Izabela Mai Uniwersytet Gdański La percezione frammentata della realtà nel Giardino delle delizie di Lech Majewski Filippo Mollea Ceirano independent researcher Tecniche e linguaggi espressivi nell’arte contemporanea dal ready-made agli NFT Venerdì 23 settembre Ore 15 - sessione pomeridiana Presiede Nicolò Pasero Mappe reali, mappe simboliche Federico Guariglia Università di Genova «Per lo camin s’en va lo cunte Hue»: la geografia dell’epica franco-italiana. Alcune prospettive di ricerca Artur Pacewicz Uniwersytet Wrocławski La Tavola di Kebes come mappa dell’anima Mariusz Plago Uniwersytet Wrocławski La geografia metaforica di Durazzo nei vv. VI 1-79 della Guerra civile di Lucano Bernardino Pitocchelli Scuola Superiore Meridionale Immaginare la Terra Santa nel Medioevo: il caso delle mappe di Matthew Paris Sabato 24 settembre Ore 9,30 - sessione mattutina Presiede Sonia Maura Barillari Mappe reali, mappe simboliche Caterina Saracco Università di Torino San Sebastiano in area tedesca. Fonti e iconografia Błażej Stanisławski Uniwersytet Wrocławski Immagine(/i) di insediamento nei sobborghi traci di Costantinopoli - piani cartografici, testi scritti e risultati archeologici Marco Francesco Dolermo Liceo Guido Parodi (Acqui Terme) - Fondazione 1563, Compagnia di San Paolo (Torino) Immaginari a confronto. Scarti di rappresentazione tra ebrei e non ebrei nel basso Piemonte Sette-Ottocentesco Fuori dal mondo Elena Muzzolon Università di Padova Oltremondi del desiderio: approssimazioni asintotiche al reale nel Medioevo di Francia Simone Turco Università di Genova Dimensioni extracorporee e uscite dal mondo: Arthur Machen e la catalizzazione dell’irrazionale tra positivismo e post-decadenza Sabato 24 settembre Ore 15 - sessione pomeridiana Presiede Alessandro Norsa La lente (deformante) della letteratura Gianluca Olcese Uniwersytet Wrocławski Walenbücher, la fortunata serie di guide italiane alla Slesia Chiara Italiano Università di Genova I Rougon-Macquart: un formidabile baccanale? Ewa Tichoniuk-Wawrowicz Uniwersytet Zielonogórski «Gestire le idee e manipolare i sentimenti»: le opere tarde di Oriana Fallaci Luca Peloso independent researcher Lo stupro e l’immaginario erotico. Diario di lettura (maschile) di Dopo la violenza di Susan Brison Il convegno ha valore di Corso di Aggiornamento per insegnanti di ogni ordine e grado, essendo SIFR-Scuola agenzia formativa accreditata presso il MUR (identificativo SOFIA 76162). Per gli insegnanti è prevista l’autorizzazione alla partecipazione in orario di servizio. Ai partecipanti verrà rilasciato regolare attestato di partecipazione. Direzione del corso: Martina Di Febo [email protected] Organizzazione convegno: Sonia Maura Barillari, Martina Di Febo Per informazioni: Sonia Maura Barillari [email protected] Laboratorio Etno-Antropologico Filologia e longue durée Genova, 22-24 settembre 2022 Palazzo Balbi Cattaneo, via Balbi 2, Aula Magna
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dantewroclaw · 2 years
Italian_Design_Experience - Evento di chiusura
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Invito all’evento conclusivo del corso blended Italian_design_experience, sponsorizzato dal Fondo Visegrad, che si terrà il giorno sabato 24 settembre 2022 dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 13.00 presso la sede dell’Accademia di design Poliarte ad Ancona – Via Miano 41 a/b – e che potrà essere seguito anche online al seguente link:  https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86721945206?pwd=WW5vcVNtNzY5aXFuN2VLMHlGYkJsdz09 La giornata finale vedrà l’intervento del Presidente del Comitato Scientifico di Poliarte Prof. Giordano Pierlorenzi, e la lezione sulle tendenze attuali e future nel transportation design con il Prof. Masato Inoue  Design & Consulting and Former Nissan Advanced Studio Chief Designer. A conclusione la consegna degli attestati di frequenza ai 12 studenti provenienti da Cechia, Slovacchia, Polonia e Ungheria, che sarà svolta dall'Ing. Antonio Rotondo Presidente della Camera di Commercio Italia Repubblica Ceca, presente con una propria delegazione.  Abstract del progetto:
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Academy of design and fine arts Ancona – Italy www.poliarte.net Since 1972 the Poliarte Academy of Fine Art and Design in Ancona, Italy, has been a centre of excellence for design and applied arts, recognised at both Italian and international level. It’s one of the very first institutions to have specialised in education in the design sector, and has immediately become both a source of inspiration and a benchmark, thanks to its teaching methodology which combines research, practical skills and innovation. Since 1972 Poliarte has organised and run courses focusing on design. From 2016, 3-year courses have been granted formal academic status – 1st level Academic Diplomas, thanks to accreditation from the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research – MIUR. The courses are divided across 5 departments: Fashion Design, Visual Design, Industrial Design, Interior Design and Video-Film Design. Additionally, Poliarte offers short courses focusing on other design areas. It’s a syllabus requiring compulsory attendance, with the perfect balance between theory and practice. Theoretical, creative, design and workshop activities are undertaken with the aim of teaching students how to collaborate, how to communicate and build relationships, as well as inter-disciplinary studies across the different areas of design.
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Technická univerzita v Liberci
Technical University of Liberec Liberec – Czechia www.tul.cz The Technical University of Liberec – TUL – is a mid-sized progressive institution based in Liberec, which marries technical education with the wider university education system. Within six faculties and university institutes, it offers a large spectrum of qualifications in technical and scientific subjects, humanities, as well as artistic and interdisciplinary study areas. TUL has well-equipped laboratories and top-quality teams of research workers for humanities. TUL has actively participated in the creation of common European education areas and common European research areas. The Technical University of Liberec can boast excellent results in the field of science and research.
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Magyar Képzőművészeti Egyetem
Hungarian University of Fine Arts Budapest – Hungary www.mke.hu The Hungarian University of Fine Art – MKE – was the first and continues to be the most prestigious art academy in Hungary. Its traditions date back 150 years, and it represents and embodies a rich cultural heritage of which it is extremely proud, providing a home where future artists can nurture their talents and learn to navigate the art world of the 21st century. An essential element of MKE is their spirit of innovation in partnership with tradition, the diversity of which is captured in the programs ranging “from pigment to pixel”. The old and the new are not vying with each other for dominance. Rather, they form an organic collective of the experience and knowledge of successive generations who learn from and draw on one another. Education, artistic research and the sharing of knowledge are the triple pillars of MKE’s mission statement.
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Krakowskie Szkoły Artystyczne
Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design Krakow – Poland www.ksa.edu.pl Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design – KSA – was established 30 years ago in Krakow, the cultural capital of Poland. The School offers tuition in Polish in the following fields: Fashion Design, Interior Design, Photography, Visual Merchandising, Drama, Choreography and Pattern Making.  KSA also offers tuition in English in Fashion, Jewellery Design and Creative and Commercial Photography. Nearly 1000 students study at our school each year, with groups of 15-20 students on each course. KSA represents a point of reference for the whole of Poland – and abroad – for young people that want to study and train in design in the country. Thanks to the importance and reputation of KSA in Poland and its role as a catalyst for excellent design and fine art, Poliarte decide to incorporate the institution in their project.
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Technická univerzita v Košiciach, Fakulta umení
Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Arts  Košice-Sever – Slovakia www.tuke.sk The Technical University of Košice, Slovakia – TUKE – is a public college. It plays a key role not just in the East Slovak region as the only science, research, and education centre in Slovakia, but also in Central Europe. The Faculty of Art provides higher education in architecture, design (Industrial, Innovation, Space, 2d and Visual Communication), fine art and media art, and is an active institution in the implementation of art, research and exhibition projects in Slovakia and internationally. The Department of Design is one of the three departments that make up the Faculty of Art at TUKE, and has been in operation since its establishment in 1998. TUKE students continue a long tradition of winning major awards at Slovak and international competitions, as well as taking part in renowned exhibitions both at home and abroad
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Invitation to the final event of the blended course Italian_design_experience, sponsored by Visegrad Fund, which will be held on Saturday 24 September 2022 from 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. at the Poliarte Design Academy in Ancona - Via Miano 41 a/b - and which can also be followed online at the following link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86721945206?pwd=WW5vcVNtNzY5aXFuN2VLMHlGYkJsdz09 The final day will feature a talk by Poliarte Scientific Committee Chairman Prof. Giordano Pierlorenzi, and a lecture on current and future trends in transportation design by Prof. Masato Inoue  Design & Consulting and Former Nissan Advanced Studio Chief Designer. To conclude, the presentation of attendance certificates to the 12 students from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary will be held by Mr. Antonio Rotondo, President of the Italy-Czech Republic Chamber of Commerce, who will be present with his own delegation.  Project Abstract:
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The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.
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Academy of design and fine arts Ancona – Italy www.poliarte.net Since 1972 the Poliarte Academy of Fine Art and Design in Ancona, Italy, has been a centre of excellence for design and applied arts, recognised at both Italian and international level. It’s one of the very first institutions to have specialised in education in the design sector, and has immediately become both a source of inspiration and a benchmark, thanks to its teaching methodology which combines research, practical skills and innovation. Since 1972 Poliarte has organised and run courses focusing on design. From 2016, 3-year courses have been granted formal academic status – 1st level Academic Diplomas, thanks to accreditation from the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research – MIUR. The courses are divided across 5 departments: Fashion Design, Visual Design, Industrial Design, Interior Design and Video-Film Design. Additionally, Poliarte offers short courses focusing on other design areas. It’s a syllabus requiring compulsory attendance, with the perfect balance between theory and practice. Theoretical, creative, design and workshop activities are undertaken with the aim of teaching students how to collaborate, how to communicate and build relationships, as well as inter-disciplinary studies across the different areas of design.
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Technická univerzita v Liberci
Technical University of Liberec Liberec – Czechia www.tul.cz The Technical University of Liberec – TUL – is a mid-sized progressive institution based in Liberec, which marries technical education with the wider university education system. Within six faculties and university institutes, it offers a large spectrum of qualifications in technical and scientific subjects, humanities, as well as artistic and interdisciplinary study areas. TUL has well-equipped laboratories and top-quality teams of research workers for humanities. TUL has actively participated in the creation of common European education areas and common European research areas. The Technical University of Liberec can boast excellent results in the field of science and research.
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Magyar Képzőművészeti Egyetem
Hungarian University of Fine Arts Budapest – Hungary www.mke.hu The Hungarian University of Fine Art – MKE – was the first and continues to be the most prestigious art academy in Hungary. Its traditions date back 150 years, and it represents and embodies a rich cultural heritage of which it is extremely proud, providing a home where future artists can nurture their talents and learn to navigate the art world of the 21st century. An essential element of MKE is their spirit of innovation in partnership with tradition, the diversity of which is captured in the programs ranging “from pigment to pixel”. The old and the new are not vying with each other for dominance. Rather, they form an organic collective of the experience and knowledge of successive generations who learn from and draw on one another. Education, artistic research and the sharing of knowledge are the triple pillars of MKE’s mission statement.
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Krakowskie Szkoły Artystyczne
Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design Krakow – Poland www.ksa.edu.pl Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design – KSA – was established 30 years ago in Krakow, the cultural capital of Poland. The School offers tuition in Polish in the following fields: Fashion Design, Interior Design, Photography, Visual Merchandising, Drama, Choreography and Pattern Making.  KSA also offers tuition in English in Fashion, Jewellery Design and Creative and Commercial Photography. Nearly 1000 students study at our school each year, with groups of 15-20 students on each course. KSA represents a point of reference for the whole of Poland – and abroad – for young people that want to study and train in design in the country. Thanks to the importance and reputation of KSA in Poland and its role as a catalyst for excellent design and fine art, Poliarte decide to incorporate the institution in their project.
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dantewroclaw · 2 years
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Corsi di Italiano #kurswłoskiego [email protected] con i nuovi materiali del progetto europeo www.pastille.pixel-online.org European Arts and Traditions in Italian Language Learning (at Museo nazionale del Bargello) https://www.instagram.com/p/CijoLA6tNSS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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