daphne-macleod ¡ 4 years
"I make my promise to my liege that I will not harm any of the Avengers or their family, but know they brought this on themselves. Do not think I scare easily from you or Zeus. Be careful or I may curse you."
Before he could mutter another word she disappeared.
“I need a private room no cameras  The good doctor , his pet and of course you Daphne “   Loki was looking at the three adults 
“Can you do that doctor , I must warn you  you may feel the same cold I am going to put Ravyn under , you will be his life link “ 
@colewithoutadoubt @its-ravyn @daphne-mcleod
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daphne-macleod ¡ 4 years
Daphne mumbled her enchantment under her breath to remove the medallion, making it hurt a little more than necessary due to her anger and the pleasure of hearing him in pain. She soon had her necklace back in her possession as finished the incantation.
“I need a private room no cameras  The good doctor , his pet and of course you Daphne “   Loki was looking at the three adults 
“Can you do that doctor , I must warn you  you may feel the same cold I am going to put Ravyn under , you will be his life link “ 
@colewithoutadoubt @its-ravyn @daphne-mcleod
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daphne-macleod ¡ 4 years
Daphne notices when Ravyn moves slightly that he a familiar mark upon his wing. "There it is" she whispers lod enough Loki can hear. "He has it there hidden" she points to his wing
“I need a private room no cameras  The good doctor , his pet and of course you Daphne “   Loki was looking at the three adults 
“Can you do that doctor , I must warn you  you may feel the same cold I am going to put Ravyn under , you will be his life link “ 
@colewithoutadoubt @its-ravyn @daphne-mcleod
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daphne-macleod ¡ 4 years
Daphne listens to Loki she knows his magic is more powerful than hers. "I will not hurt you as long as you tell me the truth." She responds calmly "Do yiu recall the necklace I seek?"
“I need a private room no cameras  The good doctor , his pet and of course you Daphne “   Loki was looking at the three adults 
“Can you do that doctor , I must warn you  you may feel the same cold I am going to put Ravyn under , you will be his life link “ 
@colewithoutadoubt @its-ravyn @daphne-mcleod
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daphne-macleod ¡ 4 years
Daphne sat in the shadows as she was instructed by Loki until her presence was needed. She watched Ravyn and could feel the anger boil. If it wasn't for Loki's magic she would have made herself known to the fae and demanded her necklace be returned.
“I need a private room no cameras  The good doctor , his pet and of course you Daphne “   Loki was looking at the three adults 
“Can you do that doctor , I must warn you  you may feel the same cold I am going to put Ravyn under , you will be his life link “ 
@colewithoutadoubt @its-ravyn @daphne-mcleod
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daphne-macleod ¡ 4 years
"I assure you my king she was not. I only seek to find the thieves and I know just who it was"
"It would seem my spell had taken on a life of its own and more than the intended was affected."
Now Loki was alone he could allow his magic to find the little witch causing all this mess She was sloppy bringing down the other avengers
“Madam it is time we meet “He chose to send a message of his own to the Witch 
“I summon you  to my presence” He cast the spell waiting for Daphne to appear before him 
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daphne-macleod ¡ 4 years
she knew she would probably be forced into some kind of servitude for him allowing her to keep her life.
"I meant no other than the one that stole my belonging to be inflicted. I am bound to your service."
Now Loki was alone he could allow his magic to find the little witch causing all this mess She was sloppy bringing down the other avengers
“Madam it is time we meet “He chose to send a message of his own to the Witch 
“I summon you  to my presence” He cast the spell waiting for Daphne to appear before him 
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daphne-macleod ¡ 4 years
Daphne mocks a curtsy. "Thank you my liege for showing me kindness. The medallion is a family crest. All that I have left it is of great value to me and I require it back. I only meant harm so they would return it."
Now Loki was alone he could allow his magic to find the little witch causing all this mess She was sloppy bringing down the other avengers
“Madam it is time we meet “He chose to send a message of his own to the Witch 
“I summon you  to my presence” He cast the spell waiting for Daphne to appear before him 
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daphne-macleod ¡ 4 years
She looked at him with malice she hated to the feeling of defeat, but he was keeping her alive... for now. "He stole something of mine, I cursed him until he brings it to me."
She let outba heavy breath. "A necklace, mine that had been given to me by my mother and that troublesome child stole it from me and I demand it's return."
Now Loki was alone he could allow his magic to find the little witch causing all this mess She was sloppy bringing down the other avengers
“Madam it is time we meet “He chose to send a message of his own to the Witch 
“I summon you  to my presence” He cast the spell waiting for Daphne to appear before him 
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daphne-macleod ¡ 4 years
"Yes! Now let me out of here!" Her strength had dwindled and she had little let to fight Loki. "I'll tell you how to remove the curse."
Now Loki was alone he could allow his magic to find the little witch causing all this mess She was sloppy bringing down the other avengers
“Madam it is time we meet “He chose to send a message of his own to the Witch 
“I summon you  to my presence” He cast the spell waiting for Daphne to appear before him 
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daphne-macleod ¡ 4 years
She began to get cold and she couldn't think straight. "Let me out of here now!....fine I'll tell you what you wish to hear just let me out!" Hee voice was shrill and shakey
Now Loki was alone he could allow his magic to find the little witch causing all this mess She was sloppy bringing down the other avengers
“Madam it is time we meet “He chose to send a message of his own to the Witch 
“I summon you  to my presence” He cast the spell waiting for Daphne to appear before him 
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daphne-macleod ¡ 4 years
Daphne was angry at being caught in this bubble and tried to free herself but her magic was no match.
"Do you really think that I am afraid of a mere magician such as yourself? You do not scare me." Sje was trying to stall so she could find a way to free herself but his powers were beginning to drain her
"You kill me and you'll never be able to bring yiur friends back."
Now Loki was alone he could allow his magic to find the little witch causing all this mess She was sloppy bringing down the other avengers
“Madam it is time we meet “He chose to send a message of his own to the Witch 
“I summon you  to my presence” He cast the spell waiting for Daphne to appear before him 
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daphne-macleod ¡ 4 years
Daphne was in the middle of preparing another spell when she heard his voice on her head,. She tried to fight him but his magic was too powerful even for her and before she knew it she was standing before him seething with anger.
"How dare you summon me." She tried to send a blast of magic to ward off his hold but it was no use.
Now Loki was alone he could allow his magic to find the little witch causing all this mess She was sloppy bringing down the other avengers
“Madam it is time we meet “He chose to send a message of his own to the Witch 
“I summon you  to my presence” He cast the spell waiting for Daphne to appear before him 
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daphne-macleod ¡ 4 years
Daphne waited and found another victim for her curse. The more victims she could drain the longer she could keep that meddling fool young until she got what she came for.
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daphne-macleod ¡ 4 years
Daphne watched through her mirror as her cursed worked its way through the boy and to his friends. Causing chaos everywhere among the others. It was funny to see those helpless try and find them and figure out how to reverse the spell. Until she gets what rightfully belongs to her no one will be changed back. And only she has the ability to reverse the spell.
( @hawkeyewithoutadoubt )
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daphne-macleod ¡ 4 years
She knew it was only a matter of time before they found them. Casualties for a worthy cause. They happily gave their life for Daphne's mission. It wouldn't be long now.
(@hawkeyewithoutadoubt @michaelssword-wad @moose-wad)
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daphne-macleod ¡ 4 years
Daphne smiled to herself she could sense that her hex was beginning to take affect and now all she had to do was sit back and watch. She wished she could be there when the plan came together and took affect, but she couldn’t risk being caught. She needed her precious necklace. 
Daphne had been looking for those boys for as long as she could remember. She knew it was them that stole her medalian. Who else would have taken it. It was no coincidence that it came up missing the same time those two delinquents went missing from the circus.
She knew they could not be trusted and yet he took them in.
And now here they were she had found them after all these years. It didn't matter that he had grown older she would know him anywhere. Daphne followed him that night he was out. Had watched as he moved around the bar. She waited and watched for several days keeping an watchful eye on him while concocted just the right spell to cast onto him.
Tonight she would make her move. While he was preoccupied with his friends she gathered the last ingredient for her spell and went hurried home where she put them all together and recited the incantation and within minutes it was done. Now all that was left was to sit back and watch her plan unfold. Not to kill them, she needed them in order to retrieve her precious medalion....oh no this would be much worse. Her revenge would be the chaos her spell would ensue.
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