darcy-doll · 1 year
favorite childhood game.
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Darcy’s favorite childhood game growing up was tic tac toe. She would play with her sisters and the stakes got higher as they got older. Because her family was running a business, family game nights were not a thing in the Merritt household. Therefore, she occupied her time with other means of play. Enter the game of x’s and o’s.
During elementary school, Darcy would play the game normally. Growing up in a motel business didn’t exactly provide Darcy with many friends, so she would play with her sisters when they were bored. At this age, winning was purely for bragging rights. Occasionally, they would bet little things, such as sparkly pencils, scented stickers, or butterfly clips.
In middle school, the bets got a little heavier. The girls would bet their chores. The loser ended up doing triple chores for that day, sometimes even that week. Sometimes, they would compete in a tic tac toe competition and the winner got to pick the movie for movie night. Objects were still betted on, though this time around it was CDs, snacks, and the occasional concert ticket.
High school, the game took an interesting turn. It became Dare Tac Toe at that point. The loser of the round had to perform a dare, and as the Merritt sisters got older and more mature, the dares became increasingly humiliating as well. Dares included knocking on a motel guest’s door in their underwear, flash a guest through their window, or steal the family car and go on a joyride. The Merritt sisters were undoubtedly punished if they were caught by their parents, which only made the game more fun.
These days, Darcy doesn’t play the game much. She has no reason to. However, she does often think about the fun she had with her sisters playing tic tac toe, before the family crumbled. It’s one of the few feel good memories she has left with her, Ramona, and Maeve together.
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darcy-doll · 1 year
body language.
bold which applies to your muse.
defensiveness. arms crossed on chest, crossing legs, fist-like gestures, pointing index finger, karate chops, stiffening of shoulders, tense posture, curling of lip, baring of teeth.
reflective. hand-to-face gestures, head tilted, stroking chin, peering over glasses, taking glasses off-cleaning, putting earpiece of glasses in mouth, pipe smoker gestures, putting hand to bridge of nose, pursed lips, knitted brows.
suspicion. arms crossed, sideways glance, touching or rubbing nose, rubbing eyes, hands resting on weapon, brows raising, lips pressing into a thin line, strict and unwavering eye contact, wrinkling of nose.
confidence. hands behind back, hands on lapels of coat, steepled hands, baring teeth in a grin, rolling shoulders, tipping head back but maintaining eye contact, chest puffed up, shoulders back, arms folded just above navel, wide eyes, standing akimbo.
insecurity and anxiety. chewing pen or pencil, rubbing thumb over opposite thumb, biting fingernails, hands in pockets, elbow bent, closed gestures, clearing throat, “ whew ” sound, picking or pinching flesh, fidgeting in chair, hand covering mouth whilst speaking, poor eye contact, tugging at pants whilst seated, jingling money in pockets, tugging at ear, perspiring hands, playing with hair, swaying, playing with pointer, marker or cane, smacking lips, sighing, rocking on balls of feet, flexing or cracking fingers sporadically.
frustration. short breaths, “ tsk ” sounds, tightly-clenched hands, fist-like gestures, pointing index finger, rubbing hand through hair, rubbing back of neck, snarling, revealing teeth, grimacing, sharp-eyed glowers with notable tension in brow, shoulders back, head up - defensive posturing, clenching of jaw, grinding teeth, nostrils flaring, heavy exhales.
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darcy-doll · 1 year
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a character study.
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darcy-doll · 1 year
character superlatives.
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If your character won three superlatives, what would they be and why?
Most Likely to Travel the World This one seems like the most obvious superlative for someone like Darcy. It’s obvious that she doesn’t stay in one place for very long. Since going on the run, Darcy visited such unique little towns, mostly hidden gems and off the beaten path. She struggled with the idea of hiding in bigger cities, and therefore, stuck to the towns that genuinely aren’t found on a map because of how small they were. Never staying in one place for more than two weeks, maybe three at most, Darcy became a bit of a seasoned traveler. This superlative genuinely fits with the kind of lifestyle Darcy has.
Most Likely to Survive Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory Due to her runaway lifestyle, Darcy has a hard time making friends. She has trust and abandonment issues, stemming from when her father gave up her older sister Maeve to a loan shark in exchange for the family debt to be wiped clean. Since then, Darcy can’t bring herself to trust people, or even open up to people. Therefore, when it comes to suspicious people, places, and things, she tends to not get involved. She doesn’t stick her nose where it doesn’t belong, preferring to just keep to herself.
Most Likely to Marry a Fictional Book Character It’s no secret that Darcy has a soft spot for books. The bookstore is her favorite place in the entire world. She spent so much time inside, that she was offered a job. She reads every chance she gets, no matter what genre. Her favorite book is Pride & Prejudice, a book her mom would read to her as she was growing up. This book is also the reason behind Darcy’s name. She would be offered this superlative based on her intense love of reading alone. It’s one of her favorite hobbies, and a huge part of what makes her who she is.
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darcy-doll · 1 year
found. [a drabble]
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She was in her favorite place in the whole world – the bookstore. It was one of the best jobs in the world. She was surrounded by things she loved, and for eight hours a day, it was pure bliss. Naturally, she had to deal with a rude customer or two but her demeanor and ability to de-escalate a situation changed the atmosphere. She took pride and care in her job. It was the first job she had since working at her family’s motel for most of her life.
There was something comforting about books. Darcy attributed that to her mother. Genevieve would read stories to her daughters all the time. When they were young, it was all about fairytales, magic, and true love. As they got older, the stories were about far away places, daring adventures, and impossible romance. Ramona, the oldest, grew out of those stories real fast. She preferred documentaries and real life. Maeve, the middle child, loved reading until she got to high school and was forced to read stories that didn’t fit her interests. She focused more on magazines and celebrity gossip after that.
But Darcy… the youngest Merritt sister clung to stories and books like she needed them to breathe. Genevieve introduced Darcy to the magic of Pride and Prejudice, the story where Darcy got her name. It became her favorite book, much like her mother’s, and it brought them closer together. When Genevieve walked out on the family, Darcy continued carrying her copy of Pride and Prejudice wherever she went. It made her feel close to her mom, wherever she was.
All of these memories came flooding back when Darcy picked up a copy of Pride and Prejudice that fell off one of the display tables. She set it back up nicely, giving it a tiny adjustment, and went back to work. She was so lost in thought, she almost didn’t hear the ding from the bell when someone walked in.
She turned to face them, ready to greet them. Her smile faltered instantly. She recognized the person before her, although she couldn’t place their name. She knew, however, they did not give her a good feeling. Her gut was screaming at her to get out of there.
“Can I help you?” Darcy asked. She tried to muster up the best customer service voice that she could, but even then her voice wavered.
The man rounded the corner of the display table. Darcy walked backwards, determined to keep her eye on him. He was tall, almost menacing-looking. There was some kind of sadistic gleam in his eye. As she kept her eyes on him, that left her unaware of her surroundings. Her back hit the counter by the cash register, and the man saw this. In two long strides, he closed the gap and had Darcy pinned in an uncompromising position against her will. Her senses of fight or flight were abandoning her.
“I’m here to deliver a message,” the man said. He slipped a finger under Darcy’s chin, pulling her gaze toward him before gripping her jaw with a firm grasp. “From your sister.”
Darcy’s eyes widened in both shock and fear. The person she spent all this time trying to run away from had finally found her. She couldn’t breathe, but she refused to back down. “Which one?” She tried to be sassy. She tried to show no fear. With a life on the run, this was bound to happen.
“You know which one, sweetheart. The one that isn’t dead.” The man sneered like Darcy entered a trap, and the blonde tried to shake her head out of his grip. He held on tight.
There were rumors, speculation really, that Maeve died when she was forced into trafficking. There was no proof and her body was never recovered. Darcy refused to believe Maeve was dead. Missing, yes. But gone from this world? There’s no way.
“How did she find me?” Darcy asked. She racked her brain with any possible answers. Normally, she would stay in small towns for a week or two. This was the first time she stayed in a larger city. That had to be why. She got too comfortable. She stayed longer than she should have. She left a trail that could easily be followed. The blonde was a fool thinking she could finally settle down and be happy.
“A pretty girl like you isn’t that hard to spot,” he said and he roughly let go of her chin.
Darcy tried to move, at least inch herself to the door, but it was no use. He was pressed against her tightly, his hands on either side of the counter as he firmly kept her in place. She knew there was no escape and decided to resign to her fate. “What does Ramona want?”
In her desperation to gather courage, she didn’t notice his hand ball into a fist. She didn’t notice when he pulled it back. The fist came in contact with the side of her head, jerking her head to the side as her body flailed over. She tried to grab the counter but failed and crumbled to the floor. Pain exploded behind her eye and her head was pounding.
“Stop ignoring Ramona’s calls. You’re wanted back at the motel, Ms. Merritt. If you don’t go willingly, you will go forcefully. Consider this your final warning.”
The man gave Darcy a swift kick in the leg, and the blonde let out a sharp scream in pain. He disappeared out the door, leaving her on the floor. She slowly struggled to get up, using the counter as a crutch to help her to her feet. Tears pooled around her eyes as she took a moment to fight through the physical pain, while the emotional pain settled in every crevice of her body.
One of her biggest fears was realized – Ramona had found her. She knew she shouldn’t have stayed in town longer than necessary. She got comfortable. She felt relaxed. She was making friends, settling into her favorite job, and was trying to make something of herself. Darcy shakily wiped a tear away.
She knew, now more than ever, that she had to get out of here. She had to go somewhere else. She wasn’t sure where that would be right now, but she couldn’t stay.
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darcy-doll · 1 year
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bold what applies to your muse || author edition.
JOHN KEATS. the lavender in sunsets, flowers in the rain, sunlight slipping through clouds, lazy summer afternoons, the heavy scent of musk, flickering candlelight reflecting off the gold titles of books, fireflies on a cool summer night, being wrapped in fresh bed sheets, the ache of wanting what you can never have, dripping sunlight like gold, loving someone so exquisite, soft lips and soft whispers, fingers through hair, names of lovers carved in trees, broken glass, the insistence of being perpetually dreamy.
F. SCOTT FITZGERALD. crisp winter skies with cold bright stars, mahogany wood, the solitude of an early autumn morning wrapped in fog, empty bottles on stacks and stacks of books haphazardly placed in a messy room, bruised arms reaching out into the darkness, cigarette smoke just barely hiding the scent of alcohol, a wall of books all poetry and old and weathered, a bad thunderstorm occurring at the end of a beautiful day, the way tragedy strikes in your heart but ends up stopping your breathing for a moment, your favorite sweater, parties spilling into four a.m. with the stars above spinning and dancing, the contrast of blood against snow, a purple split lip oozing blood, black eyes fading to blue to pale skin, the butterflies of falling in love for the first time, the statues falling apart over time in cemeteries, the romanticization of self-destruction.
FRANZ KAFKA. the weight of dread that sits heavily in your stomach when thinking about the future, decrepit houses cloaked in mystery from children telling stories of people who died there, the way not even light can escape a black hole, the rich smell of old books, delicate veins in the wrist, ghosts filling lungs, shattered bones, raindrops on the tongue, rusting metal, nostalgia that aches, the way hope feels like a plastic bag over your head.
H.P. LOVECRAFT. the anxiety felt when staring into an unknown cave, pouring rain and mud, a child’s fear of the dark, thinking so many questions about your existence as you stare at the vast expanse of never-ending ocean, the silence of three a.m., danse macabre by camille saint-saens playing on a record in an empty house, the possibility of aliens and the weird feeling it gives you that you can’t explain, unexplainable phenomena, strange lights in the sky in the dead of night, ouija boards and urban legends.
JACK KEROUAC. the brisk pine air of being on a mountain, travels without a destination, those nights where you’re missing three hours of memory, screaming to a lifeless desert about how you’re so alive, coffee shops late at night, chocobo rides at night spent speeding and laughing in the dark, naps spent in the sun, novels highlighted and underlined with notes and epiphanies in the margins, the way uncertainty sits on the shoulders, ignoring flaws and loving life, wind through hair, depression as fog in the brain, impossible ideals, a quiet sunrise, walks alone, when you think about trying to discover all the secrets to the universe, dazzling people, open lands stretching out into infinity, falling in love with being alive.
EDGAR ALLAN POE. the ocean’s horizon inseparable from fog, hollow bones, a preserved heart held in hands, twinkling stars above an old graveyard, the way everything turns to dust, silent black birds with eyes full of wisdom, self-inflicted flames, perfection depicted as a rotting corpse, death as bricks in the heart, lips barely brushing against each other, glassy glazed eyes, biting into a lemon, heart-shaped bruises, rotting flowers on a grave, dried blood and spilled liquor, the hush of dusk when it begins raining, the intimacy of a secret
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darcy-doll · 1 year
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Pick five songs for your muse’s playlist and describe the importance of each song.
Your Love by The Outfield
The song was released in 1985 and it was played on the Merry Motel soundtrack a few times a day in the main office. Darcy could remember her late father humming the song as it played quietly from the speakers while he poured over the books, his head bopping to the beat. Clint would tap his pencil against the desk and do a little drum solo while Darcy did her homework in the corner. It’s a song that reminds her of a simpler time, and one of the last best memories she has with her father.
In The Stars by Benson Boone
Released in 2022, this song randomly appeared on Darcy’s Spotify playlist one day and she couldn’t let it go. The song left her in tears as she reminisced about her life on the run. The pain she put people through when she would leave, the memories that were scattered into the wind every time she packed her bags, and the dread she felt at never being able to escape and live the life she felt she deserved… it all crashed as she listened to this song. Every time she hears it, she breaks just a little bit more.
Would Anyone Care by Citizen Soldier
As a beautiful, heartbreaking song that came out in 2020, this song is almost an anthem to Darcy’s life. She’s constantly chasing freedom but there are more than enough times where she wants to give up. There are times when she’s tired of fighting and wants so desperately to cave. Because she’s on the run, friendships and relationships are scarce to her. She is afraid to get close to anyone, knowing she is just going to leave them eventually. But she’s hoping, one day, someone will care about her, even for her.
Rose Colored Lenses by Miley Cyrus
A song released in 2023, it describes the very thing Darcy wants. While she doesn’t need a relationship with anyone, she does want to settle down and build her life. She has been on the run, hitting up city after city, for as long as she can remember and that’s no way for someone like her to live. She aspires to put roots down and make a life for herself. Settle into a good job, make some long lasting friendships, and just focus on herself and what she wants for once. This song describes how unobtainable such a dream is, and it makes her crave for more in life.
Unsinkable by Lucy Spraggan
The song appeared on an album in 2015, and it appeared on the bookstore track list in 2023. Darcy first recalled hearing the song as she was cataloguing books in the backroom, and since then it’s been one of her favorites when it comes to the songs playing in the bookstore. She has been afraid for half her life, wondering who is threatening her and when danger would finally arrive. However, the song serves to be almost like an anthem, because at this point, Darcy is going to hold her head up high and remain unsinkable, no matter what life throws at her.
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darcy-doll · 1 year
the white van.
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She first noticed the van when she left work one day. It was parked across the street. Its windows were tinted so she couldn’t see inside. At first, she thought it was a delivery van. It looked like one. It had those sliding doors on the side and the two-panel doors that opened in the back. She never expected otherwise. There were no markings on the side to indicate where the van was from or who it was delivering things to, but she hardly paid attention to it.
The second time she noticed the van, she was getting coffee. Money was scarce to her since most of her paycheck went to rent. But she ended up with a few extra dollars and decided to treat herself. A cup of coffee was an amazing treat these days and she always appreciated each sip down to the very last drop. As she left the coffeehouse, the van was parked a few spots down the road. Darcy wasn’t one hundred percent sure it was the same van but there was something off about it. Again, there was no lettering on the side. There was no way of knowing what this van was for, but it still spooked her. She ended up taking a shortcut through a dangerous alley to avoid seeing the van, and she made it to her workplace with no problems.
The third time she noticed the van, she almost died. Having just finished a long work shift and being the one to close up, the city was dark and quiet. She didn’t notice the van at first. She wasn’t paying attention to it. She hated walking back home in the dark and her attention was focused on moving swiftly and quickly. She didn’t have a car because she couldn’t afford one, so she went everywhere on foot. While dangerous, she didn’t have any other choice. There were a few cars coming down the road with their headlights bright to let her know. She stayed on the sidewalk until the sidewalk melted into patches of grass, and she kept her head down. Get home quickly, that was the plan.
She was sure the van was trying to scare her as it slowly crept up behind her. She couldn’t see who was driving, or if more than one person were inside. The person behind the wheel suddenly accelerated and its engine roared as Darcy jumped from fear. She turned around, her blonde hair sweeping into her face. The van’s headlights were on, its high beams flashing at her. She was temporarily blinded, unable to see anything for a few moments. She didn’t register the van coming at her until the last second. She jumped out of the way, avoiding being crushed by its big tires. Her body turned and she twisted over her feet, falling to the ground. The van sped off. Covered in minor scrapes, Darcy managed to pull herself together and make it home in one piece.
She told no one about that night. The event left her constantly looking over her shoulder and going through minor panic attacks if she even thought she saw a white van on the street. Darcy knew who it was. She knew it was her sister, or someone her sister hired, in order to scare her back into the family business. Maybe the person behind the wheel was instructed to kidnap her and bring her back home. She wouldn’t put it past her sister to be so cruel. Still, it was another plot in a long list of plots to get Darcy to return. She wasn’t sure how long she could keep it up. How long would she have to deal with this before the turmoil just became too much? How much pain do you have to go through before giving up is okay?
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darcy-doll · 1 year
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darcy merritt / ravishing in red
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darcy-doll · 1 year
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darcy-doll · 1 year
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How Do You Love? // a character study quiz
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darcy-doll · 1 year
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darcy-doll · 1 year
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and there will always be a simple answer.
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darcy-doll · 1 year
meeting the killer king, pt. 2
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Darcy is back in Nate’s hospital. Her older sister is with her.
Read Nate’s version here.
The front desk was boring work, but someone had to do it, and since Ramona didn’t trust anyone enough to run it, the job often ended up in her care unless Darcy wasn’t busy. But these days, Darcy has been very busy. Ramona always knew her “perfect” sister, the favorite of the three Merritt sisters, would help drum up business, but she never expected such an outcome. Word of mouth was a powerful tool.
Whatever that biker douchebag taught Darcy, it was working in Ramona’s favor.
The motel technically wasn’t officially open yet, but when old customers saw the renovations and maintenance being done, they started booking rooms. Ramona wasn’t one to turn them down, especially when the money from such a business kept pouring in. Thanks to Darcy’s body, the motel had police protection most of the time, and all illicit and confidential doings could resume, just like they did before. The Merry Motel was going to be bigger and better than what Clinton Merritt could’ve ever dreamed of.
Just as she was finishing up booking another room, for a different yet salaciously scandalous reason, the bell on top of the main door chimed as someone entered the front office.
“How can I help you?” Ramona put on her best customer service smile as she looked up, only to have the corners of her mouth twitch into a frown. The person in front of her already had a room and was clearly ready to complain about something.
“Yeah,” the gruff, heavyset man responded, looking less than pleased, “I booked a morning wakeup call with the blonde and she never showed.”
The frown became apparent. Ramona glanced at the clock. Darcy should be up by now. She didn’t get to sleep in. She didn’t get to take a day off. Not on Ramona’s watch.
Flipping her frown into a perfectly polished yet utterly fake smile, Ramona nodded as she grabbed a pen and made a note of the complaint on a nearby sticky note. “No worries, I’ll fetch her right now and we’ll get the wakeup call going.”
“You better. I paid a lot of money for it,” the man said. He didn’t look satisfied, but it was enough to get him to leave the main office.
The older Merritt sister was trying to keep her emotions in check, but it was hard when she stormed out of the main office and stomped toward motel room number six. It was the last location Darcy was scheduled at and if she was going to continue servicing the customer behind the door, Ramona wanted extra compensation.
Upon knocking and waiting a few moments, no one answered.
Forming a fist, Ramona pounded heavily against the door. Again, no one answered. In fact, Ramona didn’t hear a single peep from behind the wooden barrier.
Fishing out the master key, Ramona huffed as she unlocked the door and slammed it open. Darcy was on the bed, half dressed and sprawled out. The customer and their belongings were nowhere in sight. Grumbling, Ramona stormed over to Darcy and shook her hard.
“Wake up, you have more work to do.”
Darcy didn’t move. Her skin was a pale grayish and her lips, normally a blushing pink, were turning into a much darker color. Her breathing was shallow and slow, and her eyes were closed. She was completely unresponsive and almost… not lifelike.
The first thing that ran through Ramona’s mind was that her sister was clearly in trouble. The second thought was that Darcy had a job to do and customers to please. Ramona simply couldn’t lose her when there was money to be made.
Ramona, in a quick yet hesitant move, then called 911.
Within the hour, they were rushed into the emergency room. Nurses enveloped Darcy when she arrived, stabbing her with IVs, shining bright lights into her near-dead eyes, and running her through a door where Ramona couldn’t go.
The elder Merritt sister would pace the waiting room, occasionally glancing at her watch, and scowling at every nurse and/or doctor who came in and approached someone else. As wrong as it was for her to think it, Ramona was itching to get back to the motel. People could be trying to request a room, and no one was there. She really did need to consider the idea of asking for outside help.
Eventually, well over the three-hour mark, a nurse appeared and asked Ramona if she would like to see her sister. Ramona agreed and was taken through the forbidden doors. She was ushered into Darcy’s recovery room and saw her sister laying in the hospital bed.
Darcy was still unconscious, but she looked better. Color had returned to her skin and lips and her breathing seemed more even.
Feeling a sense of relief, Ramona sat on the nearby chair that was pushed against the wall. She had a perfect view of her sister and the door. Her eyes rested on Darcy, and she curled her fingers into a fist in her lap. Ramona understood her first thought about losing Darcy was losing money. But then again, Ramona had to remind herself that the only reason Darcy was there was to protect the life she decided to build away from the Merritt Family and the business they built together. This was all Darcy’s fault and Ramona couldn’t see it any other way. In fact, she refused to.
Suddenly, a noise jolted her from her thoughts.
There was a knock at the door, followed by a voice that seemed to know her sister. “Back again? Did you punch another—”
She stared at the doctor as he entered the room. Punch another what? Darcy was in the hospital before?
“Excuse me?” Ramona asked, needing clarification.
The less people knew about Darcy, the better off they were. Darcy was unbelievably stupid for even using her real name in a hospital. That meant a paper trail, and paper trails can be followed. Curiously, what else has Darcy Doll been up to these days?
“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you were someone else,” the doctor said as he went back to look at her sister’s file.
Ramona tried not to look impatient, but she was growing more and more irritated with each passing second. “Just fix her up and let me take her home.”
Dr. Dallas, as his nameplate stated, stared at her. She knew she was being judged, and she had to get Darcy out of there to avoid any suspicion and to put a halt on the paper trail. Darcy’s biker asshat of a man could easily figure out she was here, and that was the last thing Ramona wanted.
Dr. Dallas wasted no time. He was annoyed and his tone reverberated through her with every word he spoke. “Your sister almost died of an opioid overdose. She was given Narcan in the emergency room and made some improvements. She should regain consciousness soon. Given the fact that there are more injuries present on her at this time, I want to keep her here for a couple days. I have questions, and Darcy has answers. She’s not going anywhere.”
Ramona blinked, shockingly staring at the handsome doctor. Anger was seeping through her pores. An opioid overdose? That meant her last customer drugged her sister. That was not what he signed up to do. In fact, Ramona made it explicitly clear in all contracts relating to Darcy, that drugs of any kind were not to be tolerated. She may be evil for everything else she put Darcy through, but she would be damned before letting someone shoot despicable poison into Darcy’s veins while looking for a good time. Knowing that someone intentionally tried to harm her sister did not sit well with her, no matter how hypocritical that made her look.
Now she really had to get Darcy out of there, especially before the biker dickhead and company start piecing things together.
“I need to speak to the person in charge,” Ramona stated. Her demeanor changed and the doctor could tell almost instantly.
Dr. Dallas seemed unfazed by the sudden demand, and he slouched over to the room phone without another question. After calling someone and speaking to them, he turned to face Ramona. “He’s on his way down. In the meantime, I’m just gonna check on her.”
He moved toward the bed, doing whatever doctor-y checkups he needed to do. Ramona didn’t bother keeping tabs on him after that. Turns out, Doctor Dallas wasn’t exactly useful in this situation if he was a stickler for the books. There’s no reason to talk to Darcy. She would have nothing to tell him anyway.
Impatiently tapping her foot did the trick because the door opened very soon after that. Enter Mitch Brantley, and Ramona’s shocking smile suddenly turned wicked.
She recognized Mitch. As a matter of fact, she was damn near positive he was a customer at the motel on more than one occasion. She couldn’t remember what for, but she knew it would come to her.
“Here’s Darcy’s file.”
Dr. Dallas handed over the file to Mitch, and the older doctor took it. For several moments, words went unsaid. Ramona wondered who was going to speak up first. Doctors had paid for a night or two with Darcy, but she couldn’t remember if Mitch was one of them. It was bothering her how she couldn’t remember his transactions. That kind of leverage would’ve been so useful to have right now.
However, he didn’t know that that little tidbit slipped her mind. Time to pull off the best bluff ever.
“Hello doctor. Be a dear and fetch Darcy’s discharge papers. I’m taking her home,” Ramona said, shooing her fingers at him like he was a dog.
Then, that damn Dr. Dallas had to open his mouth and speak up again. Ramona suppressed the urge to roll her eyes, knowing anything he said wouldn’t work. Darcy was leaving, there was no question about it.
“I told you. She’s not leaving. Darcy was admitted to the hospital because of a drug overdose. Hospital protocol says we need to alert the authorities and she needs to be questioned. Plus, your sister has several documented injuries and I’d like to get an x-ray to see if anything else happened that someone may have missed. Additionally, I’d love to order a CAT scan and see how deep those bruises on her body are. Darcy is in good hands, I promise. But someone else may have put their hands on her, and we need to investigate that,” the young doctor went off, clearly ignoring the daggers Ramona was sending him with her gaze.
Ramona was about to open her mouth, but Mitch stepped in and spoke first. “Nate, follow me.”
Both doctors left the room and Ramona listened carefully for the door to be completely shut. The latch clicked in place and privacy shrouded the Merritt sisters once more.
The older blonde stood up from the chair, towering over her pathetic sister in the hospital bed. A frown formed along her features, and Ramona had to suppress the urge to hit the unconscious Darcy. Now Darcy was going to be out of commission for a while, and Ramona was pissed. What if Darcy uses her “time off” to contact that biker fucktard or one of his friends?
Worry was starting to settle in the pit of Ramona’s stomach. Okay, let’s not panic. That just means Darcy would need to be locked up for a while, with no technology or windows, or any access to the outside world. Surely one of the motel rooms fits the bill. Maybe customers could go to Darcy instead of her going to them.
Now she was starting to think of a long-term plan, and she was feeling better. Money could still be made, and Darcy could still be used. It was a good solution and if she worked out the logistics, it could work. Plus, she knew that Darcy was going to be discharged soon. The dirt she had on Mitch helped her case a lot. She had nothing to worry about now.
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darcy-doll · 1 year
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‘tis the season to sparkle and shine. merry christmas.
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darcy-doll · 2 years
darcy’s christmas wishlist
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- One of the simplest things she wants is a nice, hot cup of coffee. - One of her favorite things in the world is books, and if she could be around them during the holidays, she would be one of the happiest people on the planet. - Lilies are her favorite flower, and she’d love a bouquet of them.
- A tattoo has been on her bucket list for a while, but due to her current lifestyle, it’s out of her price range and nearly impossible to get. - Who wouldn’t want to be in the arms of their love during the holidays? - Hedgehogs are Darcy’s favorite animal and she always wanted one as a pet. Being on the run makes that impossible but she can still dream!
- One of Darcy’s biggest wishes is getting a letter from her mom. Genevieve disappeared and made a new family elsewhere, and Darcy just wants to be a part of her life again. - A restful sleep is always on Darcy’s list. She can’t remember a time when she slept without worries or concerns. - Perhaps the hardest gift to receive, Darcy wants to settle down somewhere. A life on the run is no life at all and she’s tired of looking over her shoulder.
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darcy-doll · 2 years
color aesthetic cs.
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