darianblogs ¡ 5 years
With how densely packed the trees were, Darian did not feel certain he could worm a path through them. As such he carried on following the will-o-wisp path.
As the wooden flute tune filtered through the leaves, he felt a small chill rush down his spine. He tried to copy the tune as he walked down the path.
Darian took a tentative step forward. he heard the sound of grass being gently crushed beneath his feet as he watched the dimly lit path set out by the will-o-wisps. The path was narrow and did no go too far ahead. probably to set him up for a scare. He was half tempted to blow out a fire of his own to expand his field of view. but the image of the hut up in flames convinced him otherwise.
The will-o-wisp flame felt cool on his scaled tail. Taking a deep breath, the dragon-morph decided to follow the path.
what’s the worse that could happen?
The will-o-wisps continued to light his path forward, lighting up a few feet ahead. So far, they were apparently marking the appropriate path that a person was supposed to take for the haunted house.
A tree creaked next to Darian, accompanied by what sounded like a wood flute playing a haunting, minor tune. It sounded like the sort of melody one would hear accompany a nursery rhyme.
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darianblogs ¡ 5 years
The force of the tear started to grow, tugging at Ford’s coattails. but soon it was creating a small vacuum. Had Maria not thrown it towards the portal. the others most definitely would have been sucked into it. 
Is what Darian would have thought had Maria’s act of getting rid of it no created a small vortex within the room. he grounded himself, digging his claws into the floor. His hands spread to catch either stan in case their lose their grip on the shut down panel.
Ans just in time as Stan’s sweat slick  hands had him slip off and almost into the portal, had darian not caught him in time.
Stanley followed his brother’s line of sight to find the tear in space hanging in the air. It twisted, pulled and folded in on itself like a mobile one would put over a baby’s cot.
“That can’t be good.” He said.
“Stop wasting time Stanley and be helpful for once.” Stanford shouted.
“If that thing gets any bigger the entire universe is at risk!” Stanford interrupted. “Now get off your ass and help me!”
Stanley spared a glance at the rift, it was subtle but he could see the dust that had been kicked up Maria and Darian’s scuffle being sucked in. It didn’t take a genius to realise the potential danger the rift could unleash.
Choosing to bite his tongue Stanley ran to his brother’s side and turned the third key.
__ “Felly!” The inesctoid hunter cried as Maria’s fist cracked into the feline’s head. “Change of plans,” Darian grabbed the Intesctoid hunter’s head. “you’re taking a nap.”  He slammed the hunter’s head against the wall, knocking them out in one hit.
“Maria what’s the plan?” Dairan asked, jumping to her side.
The three keys turned, bringing up the emergency shutdown button while Maria glared up at the rift and rubbed absently at her chest.
“I’m going to take care of that thing; you make sure that nobody gets sucked into it!”
In seconds, Maria was on her hoverboard again and flying up at the rift. She could feel her core reacting in pain to its presence now, rather than discomfort.
White sparks started flying off her fingertips, and Maria narrowed her gaze.
“Another weird World Jumper thing, huh? Let’s do this.”
With that, Maria grabbed the edge of the slippery, shifting rift with both hands. The white energy she was releasing sparked against the rift, making it balk and try to wiggle out of her grip, but something kept it from getting away. Instead, it shrank a little, but not by much.
Maria looked around, then saw the portal was still open, and looked between it and the rift.
Two portals colliding…it seemed like a bad idea. And yet…
Her core tugged in the direction of the portal.
“Okay, okay, mr portal detector,” Maria muttered. “We’ll do it your way.”
She spun around, dragging the rift in an arc with her, before flinging it at the portal.
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darianblogs ¡ 5 years
Darian took a tentative step forward. he heard the sound of grass being gently crushed beneath his feet as he watched the dimly lit path set out by the will-o-wisps. The path was narrow and did no go too far ahead. probably to set him up for a scare. He was half tempted to blow out a fire of his own to expand his field of view. but the image of the hut up in flames convinced him otherwise. 
The will-o-wisp flame felt cool on his scaled tail. Taking a deep breath, the dragon-morph decided to follow the path.
what’s the worse that could happen?
@darianblogs has entered the Haunted Murder Hut!
“Good luck, kid.” Stanley snickered as Darian stepped through the gift shop and into the museum exhibit, then closed the door behind the young man.
At least, this was where the museum exhibit was supposed to be. Instead, it looked like Darian had stepped into the woods in the middle of the night. Dark trunks lined the walls and branches covered the ceiling, so thickly it was impossible to see where the ceiling was. Or if there was a ceiling at all at this point. The lights were dim, making it difficult to see too far ahead. The floor seemed somewhat…softer than usual, as well, almost like it had been covered in something.
For a moment, it looks like Darian is going to have to continue forward in the dark, but then – small lights come to life near his feet. A pair of small, blue fires – will-o-wisps. The pair flicker for a moment, and then are suddenly joined by three more pairs, showing Darian a path forward.
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darianblogs ¡ 5 years
Stanley followed his brother’s line of sight to find the tear in space hanging in the air. It twisted, pulled and folded in on itself like a mobile one would put over a baby’s cot.
“That can’t be good.” He said. 
“Stop wasting time Stanley and be helpful for once.” Stanford shouted. 
“If that thing gets any bigger the entire universe is at risk!” Stanford interrupted. “Now get off your ass and help me!”
Stanley spared a glance at the rift, it was subtle but he could see the dust that had been kicked up Maria and Darian’s scuffle being sucked in. It didn’t take a genius to realise the potential danger the rift could unleash.
Choosing to bite his tongue Stanley ran to his brother's side and turned the third key.
__ “Felly!” The inesctoid hunter cried as Maria’s fist cracked into the feline’s head. “Change of plans,” Darian grabbed the Intesctoid hunter’s head. “you’re taking a nap.”  He slammed the hunter’s head against the wall, knocking them out in one hit. 
"Maria what’s the plan?” Dairan asked, jumping to her side.
Darian didn’t know what Maria was talking about. And given the situation he hadn’t the time to ask about it. However he saw the insectoid hunter raise his whip, their compound eyes were trained on the currently distracted Maria.
Darian flew forward. He whipped around, slamming his scaled tail into the hunter; making them heave before their back made an abrupt meeting with the wall. Darian kept his tail pressed against the hunter as he stepped closer towards them. He noticed their discarded whip and made sure to crush it beneath his foot as he walked past.
“I don’t know who you are. I don’t care what you want. I’ve spent too long with my dad to have you take my Uncle from us.” Darian said, his words turning to flame as he neared the Bounty hunter. “So I’m going to give you one chance. and one chance only. Either you walk back through that portal or the last light you see if your body burning to ash.”
Above him and maria spun the rift. It bended and stretched, as though it were some form of putty in a child’s hand.
“You tell ‘em kid!” Stanley encouraged. He dragged Stanford away from the hunters and to the safety of control room.
Ford pulled himself out of Stanley’s grip, not wanting to be manhandled. In the process, he happened to look up.
Ford cursed loudly in multiple languages that didn’t sound human in origin. “We need to shut the portal down now!” He promptly ran over to the other side of the room, where the emergency shutdown system was waiting. He grabbed two of the three keys and prepared to turn them, but that left a third in need of manning.
The shout caught Maria’s attention, and she glanced over at him before looking up as well. “Of all the – nope! No portals from that thing for you two!” She cracked the feline bounty hunter over the head with a tight fist. The collision of metal to organic material would no doubt give him a concussion at least. A stun at most – hopefully that would give them enough time.
The uncomfortable throbbing in her chest was almost starting to become unbearable at the sight of the rift. She felt she needed do something and fast, but what?
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darianblogs ¡ 5 years
Darian didn’t know what Maria was talking about. And given the situation he hadn’t the time to ask about it. However he saw the insectoid hunter raise his whip, their compound eyes were trained on the currently distracted Maria.
Darian flew forward. He whipped around, slamming his scaled tail into the hunter; making them heave before their back made an abrupt meeting with the wall. Darian kept his tail pressed against the hunter as he stepped closer towards them. He noticed their discarded whip and made sure to crush it beneath his foot as he walked past.
“I don’t know who you are. I don’t care what you want. I’ve spent too long with my dad to have you take my Uncle from us.” Darian said, his words turning to flame as he neared the Bounty hunter. “So I’m going to give you one chance. and one chance only. Either you walk back through that portal or the last light you see if your body burning to ash.”
Above him and maria spun the rift. It bended and stretched, as though it were some form of putty in a child’s hand.
“You tell ‘em kid!” Stanley encouraged. He dragged Stanford away from the hunters and to the safety of control room.
“Hello to you too!” Stanley said obliviously. He ran up to his brother with his arms outstretched. “it’s been so long.”
A small tear appeared in the air above their heads. If one were to take notice of it, unlike the inhabitants of the underground lab, they would recognise what appeared to be a sea of stars poking through ti’s ripping form.
On the far side of the room, the feline hunter who had recovered first, placed his arm against the wall. He wore a smug smirk as he stared Maria down.
“you really think a tiny taser like that would be enough to stop me?” he sneered and picked up his blaster. “Cipher’s reward is well worth a limb or two. Heck maybe I’ll get me one of those blasters that you’ve got with the reward money.” he picked up his blaster and pointed it to ford’s back.
“Speak for yourself,” the insectoid bounty hunter stood up slowly. They were still kneeling on the ground but stood strong. they’re many eyes stared defiantly at maria as they withdrew an electrical whip form their boot. “I heard that Cipher will let whoever hands him over a Stanford Pines free reign to use them as they pleased. Word through the grape vine is that he’s looking for a replacement after his old fox toy disappeared.”
At the sight of the crackling whip int he bounty hunter’s hand Darian flew into action. He flapped his wings and flew over his father and uncle. Landing next to Maria, clawed hands at the ready as he took a fighting stance.
Ford was about to punch his brother in the face when the bounty hunters spoke up. He turned sharply, eyes widening with a mix of something that looked like alarm and fury. “The hell I’m–”
“You’re not getting anywhere near him!”
Maria’s outburst cut Ford off as a burst of fire erupted from her armored form. She dashed forward, slamming into the feline bounty hunter with a fire-covered tackle. The smell of burning fur soon hit everyone’s nostrils as Maria’s weight forced the alien to hit the ground, pinned underneath the burning metal figure.
Maria kept one hand on the bounty hunter’s chest as she deactivated her buster and grabbed the hunter’s blaster, planning to wrench it out of his grip. Her teeth were gritted in a snarl, but her eyes were cold.
“Puppeteer is dead,” Maria hissed, causing Ford to stiffen. “I know the people who killed him, they wouldn’t do the job half-assed.”
In her anger, she didn’t notice the rift above their heads, but her power core was throbbing in a way that was definitely uncomfortable. A warning system that there was something up with the dimensional walls.
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darianblogs ¡ 5 years
“Hello to you too!” Stanley said obliviously. He ran up to his brother with his arms outstretched. “it’s been so long.”
 A small tear appeared in the air above their heads. If one were to take notice of it, unlike the inhabitants of the underground lab, they would recognise what appeared to be a sea of stars poking through ti’s ripping form.
On the far side of the room, the feline hunter who had recovered first, placed his arm against the wall. He wore a smug smirk as he stared Maria down.
“you really think a tiny taser like that would be enough to stop me?” he sneered and picked up his blaster. “Cipher’s reward is well worth a limb or two. Heck maybe I’ll get me one of those blasters that you’ve got with the reward money.” he picked up his blaster and pointed it to ford’s back.
“Speak for yourself,” the insectoid bounty hunter stood up slowly. They were still kneeling on the ground but stood strong. they’re many eyes stared defiantly at maria as they withdrew an electrical whip form their boot. “I heard that Cipher will let whoever hands him over a Stanford Pines free reign to use them as they pleased. Word through the grape vine is that he’s looking for a replacement after his old fox toy disappeared.”
At the sight of the crackling whip int he bounty hunter’s hand Darian flew into action. He flapped his wings and flew over his father and uncle. Landing next to Maria, clawed hands at the ready as he took a fighting stance.
“Sixer! It’s really you!” Stanley didn’t know if he wanted to dance or cry.
Darian kept his hand firmly planted on his father’s shoulder. His gaze flicked from his uncle. who was now staring listlessly at the stopped portal; and at the bounty hunters that had been scanning the room themselves. The feline hunter stared at Stan, his tail swished behind him as the gears in his mind began to spin.
his partner sneered through their mandibles.
“Hey Pines, you going to stand there like a headless Ywgel?” The feline bounty hunter used his tail and reached for the gun at his partners hip.
The portal. That damned piece of machinery, and Stanley had–
Ford’s train of thought was cut off abruptly when the bounty hunter spoke up. He was about to turn to face them when the armored girl got ahead of him.
Maria shot twice from her Buster, sending electric yellow, sparking energy at the two bounty hunters. A Stun Shot, intended to temporarily incapacitate, and not permanently harm.
“Excuse you, he’s having a moment to readjust.” She huffed. “Let him have it, or I’m upping the voltage.”
A charged Stun was nothing to sneeze at.
Ford stared at her with an expression of surprise, then decided she would be something to ask about later.
He had a brother to confront.
“You reactivated the portal?” Ford turned to his brother with an incredulous expression. He almost looked murderous. “Do you realize how dangerous that is?! You could have caused the end of the world!”
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darianblogs ¡ 6 years
“Sixer! It’s really you!” Stanley didn’t know if he wanted to dance or cry. 
Darian kept his hand firmly planted on his father’s shoulder. His gaze flicked from his uncle. who was now staring listlessly at the stopped portal; and at the bounty hunters that had been scanning the room themselves. The feline hunter stared at Stan, his tail swished behind him as the gears in his mind began to spin.
his partner sneered through their mandibles. 
“Hey Pines, you going to stand there like a headless Ywgel?” The feline bounty hunter used his tail and reached for the gun at his partners hip.
The bounty hunters scowled as they stepped away from Stanford. Their hands were raised in surrender. They stared daggers at Maria, their backs against a wall while their prize lay in a heap in the centre of the room. Just within their grasp but out of reach. Stanley ran to the door between the control and portal room. He watched Maria keep the bounty hunters at bay, before instantly turning his gaze to his twin who was struggling to pick himself up from the floor. “Sixer.” he muttered under his breath. Darian held on to his Adoptive father’s shoulder to keep him back. Stanford slowly picked himself up on to all fours. He took a deep breath before searching around wildly. His mind ran a million miles a minute trying to make an understanding of his surroundings. the room was dark. ‘I must be indoors’
The ground beneath him felt dirty.
‘am I underground? maybe this is a cave’
He spied the bounty hunters who had just been hot on his trail and heaved a sigh of relief.
‘That’s on problem solved’
But then he saw his twin staring at him from across the room.
“What the devil is this?” He looked wildly around for his blaster before diving for it. He took aim at his ‘brother’
“If this is some trick to get me weak then you’re more sick than I thought” he said.
Maria narrowed her eyes at the bounty hunters and almost considered charging up her Buster just to make a point, but then Ford started to get to his feet and point his blaster at his own twin.
“Wha – Ford!” Maria looked back, but kept her Buster pointed at the bounty hunters. “Put the weapon down – that’s your brother you’re pointing at!”
Maria should have realized that getting Ford at a moment when he was being chased would result in him being more than a little on edge about where he might end up.
“How do you know who I am?” Ford was getting suspicious of her, now – who was this kid who was keeping his pursuers off his back.
“It’s a long story, and honestly I don’t think I should tell it until these two are taken care of. Don’t point your weapon at your brother – please. He’s been working his butt off getting your portal working enough to find you.”
That caused Ford to whirl around, blaster in hand. “Get–”
And then he saw it. The giant, looming triangular portal that he thought he would never see again.
It was enough to throw him off for a moment.
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darianblogs ¡ 6 years
The bounty hunters scowled as they stepped away from Stanford. Their hands were raised in surrender. They stared daggers at Maria, their backs against a wall while their prize lay in a heap in the centre of the room. Just within their grasp but out of reach. Stanley ran to the door between the control and portal room. He watched Maria keep the bounty hunters at bay, before instantly turning his gaze to his twin who was struggling to pick himself up from the floor. “Sixer.” he muttered under his breath. Darian held on to his Adoptive father’s shoulder to keep him back. Stanford slowly picked himself up on to all fours. He took a deep breath before searching around wildly. His mind ran a million miles a minute trying to make an understanding of his surroundings. the room was dark.  ‘I must be indoors’
The ground beneath him felt dirty. 
‘am I underground? maybe this is a cave’
He spied the bounty hunters who had just been hot on his trail and heaved a sigh of relief.
‘That’s on problem solved’
But then he saw his twin staring at him from across the room.
“What the devil is this?” He looked wildly around for his blaster before diving for it. He took aim at his ‘brother’
“If this is some trick to get me weak then you’re more sick than I thought” he said.
Maria saw multiple dimensions flashed before her eyes, beings of all shapes, sizes and colours stood in her gaze for fractions of a moment. After a few moments Maria caught sight of a brown haired man in a dark coat running with a noticeable limp. He made his way through a desert market place, packed densely with people. his cracked glasses and distinct face told her that this was the man she was looking for.
hot on his trail was a group of bounty hunters, all clad in similarly dark clothing. The hunters had blades and guns drawn, however they withheld form attacking Ford out of fear of attacking civilians. Maria focused on to Ford and picked up bit and pieces of what as being said. “We can’t afford – incident – get him — clear shot ” one of the bounty hunters cried. Although their words were cut off by static.
Ford looked around wildly, hoping to find some escape. Maria saw him tease glances at passing alleyways, but he never took the temptation. Instead his plan seemed to run out of the market place and hope that he’d lose his pursuers in the crowd. Maria saw’s face lift at the sight of the town entrance. Maria saw his mood drop as he was met with an open desert.
The opposite was true for Maria however.
The crowd thinned and Ford found himself face to face with an open expanse of sand horizon. His pursuers got more trigger happy as they neared him. Ford pulled out a pistol and aimed over his shoulder, hoping to least slow down his hunters. Maria took advantage of Ford’s distracted state and opened the portal in front of him.
With a bright flash Stanford Pines fell through the portal. Unfortunately, so did a pair of his attackers.
“Sixer!” Stanley cried. He watched his brother fall out of the portal unceremoniously.
He jumped out to help his brother when two more figures, one cat like the other insectoid, fell through as well. Landing on top of Ford in a heap.
When Maria finally settled on Ford and his location, it took her a moment before she was able to label him as from this dimension, and not a counterpart in any sense of the word. The fact that he was being chased by bounty hunters immediately caused her to look for an opening, and the moment that he was out in the desert and shooting at his pursuers, she took her chance.
The two extra bounty hunters were not what she had been hoping to fall through, however.
Maria quickly disconnected from the portal, pulling energy away from it and forcing it to shut down in the process – hopefully it wasn’t open long enough to create a rift. She made sure her armor was up and retracted her right hand into her arm, shifting the mechanism into something resembling a cannon – her Buster.
Which was promptly aimed at the two alien bounty hunters.
“Stan, pull back! You two – hands up and step away from the humans!”
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darianblogs ¡ 6 years
Maria saw multiple dimensions flashed before her eyes, beings of all shapes, sizes and colours stood in her gaze for fractions of a moment. After a few moments Maria caught sight of a brown haired man in a dark coat running with a noticeable limp. He made his way through a desert market place, packed densely with people. his cracked glasses and distinct face told her that this was the man she was looking for.
hot on his trail was a group of bounty hunters, all clad in similarly dark clothing. The hunters had blades and guns drawn, however they withheld form attacking Ford out of fear of attacking civilians. Maria focused on to Ford and picked up bit and pieces of what as being said.  “We can’t afford -- incident -- get him --- clear shot ” one of the bounty hunters cried. Although their words were cut off by static.
Ford looked around wildly, hoping to find some escape. Maria saw him tease glances at passing alleyways, but he never took the temptation. Instead his plan seemed to run out of the market place and hope that he’d lose his pursuers in the crowd. Maria saw’s face lift at the sight of the town entrance. Maria saw his mood drop as he was met with an open desert.
The opposite was true for Maria however. 
The crowd thinned and Ford found himself face to face with an open expanse of sand horizon. His pursuers got more trigger happy as they neared him. Ford pulled out a pistol and aimed over his shoulder, hoping to least slow down his hunters.  Maria took advantage of Ford’s distracted state and opened the portal in front of him.
With a bright flash Stanford Pines fell through the portal. Unfortunately, so did a pair of his attackers.
“Sixer!” Stanley cried. He watched his brother fall out of the portal unceremoniously. 
He jumped out to help his brother when two more figures, one cat like the other insectoid, fell through as well. Landing on top of Ford in a heap.
“sounds like a plan,” Darian grinned.
“you’re about two tonnes of metal, so I doubt I can stop you even if I wanted to.” Stanley walked over to the control room. He fiddled with some buttons and some knobs before calling out Maria. “You ready kid?”
Maria gave Darian and Stan a thumbs-up before walking over to the upside-down triangle. A quick ride on a hoverboard later, and Maria was right next to one of the panels with alien symbols that surrounded the portal.
She put her hands against the metal. “Let’s do it!”
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darianblogs ¡ 6 years
There was a faint glow coming from Maria’s hands as she powered up the portal. It took a moment, but then suddenly the room was filled with a blinding neon light. Blinking quickly, Darian and Stan’s eyes adjusted to the light. They saw two pillars of light in front of the portal. The inner circle of the portal spun at a dizzying pace. The circle’s multiple colours blurred together, making it look like a rounded rainbow. Flashes of electricity shot out from the portal, making maria’s hair stand up slightly.
Darian jumped with glee, only to not return to the ground.
“it’s working!” Stanley cried. he stood dumb founded, staring at the portal. After so long, he was finally doing it.
“sounds like a plan,” Darian grinned.
“you’re about two tonnes of metal, so I doubt I can stop you even if I wanted to.” Stanley walked over to the control room. He fiddled with some buttons and some knobs before calling out Maria. “You ready kid?”
Maria gave Darian and Stan a thumbs-up before walking over to the upside-down triangle. A quick ride on a hoverboard later, and Maria was right next to one of the panels with alien symbols that surrounded the portal.
She put her hands against the metal. “Let’s do it!”
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darianblogs ¡ 6 years
"sounds like a plan," Darian grinned.
"you're about two tonnes of metal, so I doubt I can stop you even if I wanted to." Stanley walked over to the control room. He fiddled with some buttons and some knobs before calling out Maria. "You ready kid?"
“Wai-wait rift?” Stanley asked. He looked up from the journal in his hands.
“I second that,” Darian said. He raised his arm as though her were in a class room. “You’re sure you plugging yourself into the portal won’t have catastrophic effects of it’s own?” he added.
“plus you’re made of some kinda sci-fi future tech right? can you even plug into Ford’s old ass portal stuff?” Stan asked.
“I’m not planning on literally plugging myself in.” Maria rolled her eyes. “I’m just going to grab onto the edge of the ring and use my energy to keep is stable. This thing may be mostly made of alien tech, but that doesn’t mean that it’s got ports that fit in with my systems.”
Specifically, the plug at the back of her neck.
“So I won’t be letting all this get into my head.”
She looked up at the machine. “As for the rift situation, like I said, with just Ford’s original plans and mathematics, this thing is terribly unstable. Give the machine enough time turned on, and it’ll tear a hole through into Cipher’s dimension and create an instability in the dimensional walls – a rift. Cipher needs that if he’s gonna set off Weirdmageddon, and I don’t plan on letting that happen. So I’m gonna grab on and hopefully – hopefully – I’ll be able to keep that nightmare from falling down on ours heads and dooming the town in the process.”
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darianblogs ¡ 6 years
“Wai-wait rift?” Stanley asked. He looked up from the journal in his hands.
“I second that,” Darian said. He raised his arm as though her were in a class room. “You’re sure you plugging yourself into the portal won’t have catastrophic effects of it’s own?” he added.
“plus you’re made of some kinda sci-fi future tech right? can you even plug into Ford’s old ass portal stuff?” Stan asked.
“it was empty,” Darian said. He carefully tied some cables together. “But I think they might have snuck in while Stan was busy.”
“they’re freeloaders.” Stanley groaned as he walked back into the room, a screwdriver in hand. He sat back on the floor with a heavy ‘fump’.
“so what else do we have left dad?“Darian asked replacing a panel on the underside of the portal.
"the coordinates of sixer’s location by the looks of it” Stan said. “But the portal has some sci-fi tracking system or something”
“kickass” Darian grinned.
Maria put the panel back in place, keeping it still with one hand while the other became covered in flames. She dragged a finger around the edge, effectively sealing the panel and making sure the raccoons would never be able to get back in.
“I’m going to basically plug myself into the portal at this point, I think.” Maria looked over at Stan and Darian. “Even with all of the fixing we’ve done, this thing’s still gonna be pretty unstable. Me adding my power will give this thing more control than not, which is what we’re gonna need if we’re gonna avoid a rift situation like Cipher wants.”
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darianblogs ¡ 6 years
"it was empty," Darian said. He carefully tied some cables together. "But I think they might have snuck in while Stan was busy."
"they're freeloaders." Stanley groaned as he walked back into the room, a screwdriver in hand. He sat back on the floor with a heavy 'fump'.
"so what else do we have left dad?"Darian asked replacing a panel on the underside of the portal.
"the coordinates of sixer's location by the looks of it" Stan said. "But the portal has some sci-fi tracking system or something"
"kickass" Darian grinned.
“that was kind of why I had you check on it” Stanley said with a shaky grin.
As he spoke, an angry snarl filled the room and the panel under Maria’s have began to rattle violently. A moment later a very angry looking raccoon jumped at her. And immediately bounced off her chest harmlessly. It ran around the room, much to Stan’s annoyance before making a mad dash for the elevator.
“was it that long since the last time we worked on the portal?” Darian asked.
“the hut’s been having a lot of business lately. I haven’t had the time to clear out the raccoon nest” Stan grumbled. He picked up a nearby broom and walked towards the panel to scare off any more racoons.
Maria jumped back in surprise when the raccoon came barreling out from under the panel before scrambling out.
“Geez Louise, I was not expecting that to be in there.” Maria stared over her shoulder at the raccoon while two more fully-grown ones and a number of small raccoon kits were shooed out of the space by Stan’s broom. “I thought that Ford would’a caught that before they ended up nesting down here. There was a joke about how Fiddleford put a nest as part of the portal plans, but I didn’t think that’d be true.”
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darianblogs ¡ 6 years
"that was kind of why I had you check on it" Stanley said with a shaky grin.
As he spoke, an angry snarl filled the room and the panel under Maria's have began to rattle violently. A moment later a very angry looking raccoon jumped at her. And immediately bounced off her chest harmlessly. It ran around the room, much to Stan's annoyance before making a mad dash for the elevator.
"was it that long since the last time we worked on the portal?" Darian asked.
"the hut's been having a lot of business lately. I haven't had the time to clear out the raccoon nest" Stan grumbled. He picked up a nearby broom and walked towards the panel to scare off any more racoons
Okay, quick recap, @crossroadsdimension, Mr McGucket and Me took down the blind eye society. surprisingly easy when you take their only weapon and use it against them.
It also helps when you have a friend who can stealth past everything.
Anyway, Maria and me made our way back to the hut. Mr McGucket ran away when Maria mentioned going to fix Uncle Ford’s portal. But that’s where we’re at now. Stan made us some lunch and now we’re in the basement working on getting the portal back into working order.
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darianblogs ¡ 6 years
"I mean, we don't have wires going everywhere, so that's a step up" Darian said, closing a panel.
"less of a risk of someone's claws cutting them" Stan teased as he read through the journal. He connected a pair of wires in front of him before checking the book once more. "I think we're almost done. Maria can you check that panel? Sixer's notes say that that panel Falls loose really often. We don't want that."
Okay, quick recap, @crossroadsdimension, Mr McGucket and Me took down the blind eye society. surprisingly easy when you take their only weapon and use it against them.
It also helps when you have a friend who can stealth past everything.
Anyway, Maria and me made our way back to the hut. Mr McGucket ran away when Maria mentioned going to fix Uncle Ford’s portal. But that’s where we’re at now. Stan made us some lunch and now we’re in the basement working on getting the portal back into working order.
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darianblogs ¡ 6 years
Okay, quick recap, @crossroadsdimension, Mr McGucket and Me took down the blind eye society. surprisingly easy when you take their only weapon and use it against them.
It also helps when you have a friend who can stealth past everything.
Anyway, Maria and me made our way back to the hut. Mr McGucket ran away when Maria mentioned going to fix Uncle Ford’s portal. But that’s where we’re at now. Stan made us some lunch and now we’re in the basement working on getting the portal back into working order.
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darianblogs ¡ 6 years
Reblog if you’re willing to do threads that involve more than 2 muses
For some multi-muse blogs, they may have two muses who are always together or may want to introduce another muse partway in the thread to shake things up.
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