dariuspanem-blog · 11 years
"Flowers huh?" I looked around at my forest heaven. It was like home and I loved it "I bet it's still not as beautiful as you are right now." I smiled at her. "You're dad huh, I would love to meet him. The dad of my girlfriend." I wrapped my hand around her and smiled. 
"Well I know it didn't hurt Evie. You never left my side even once. Not when I noticed you died or when I was fighting Emerson, I knew you were right beside me." I kissed her head again and couldn't help but smile. "Well I'm here now Evie, you won't ever feel pain again." 
I'll See You Again || Devie || The Great Beyond ||
“My heaven?” I smiled as I looked around me and then I turned to her “My heaven is you. You are what makes my heaven what it is around me, without you then it would be just another place that I was wondering in.” I smiled down at her and looked her in the eyes. “We are surrounded by trees and right now, we are walking down a path. There is a little creek running down near us and birds chirping. What about yours?”
“I only saw parts of the fight but you were so close. I didn’t want to watch it all though…” I said trailing off. “It did hurt but I’m here now Evie and there is no longer any pain here.” I gave her a kiss on the head and smiled. “I love you.” 
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dariuspanem-blog · 11 years
"My heaven?" I smiled as I looked around me and then I turned to her "My heaven is you. You are what makes my heaven what it is around me, without you then it would be just another place that I was wondering in." I smiled down at her and looked her in the eyes. "We are surrounded by trees and right now, we are walking down a path. There is a little creek running down near us and birds chirping. What about yours?"
"I only saw parts of the fight but you were so close. I didn't want to watch it all though..." I said trailing off. "It did hurt but I'm here now Evie and there is no longer any pain here." I gave her a kiss on the head and smiled. "I love you." 
I'll See You Again || Devie || The Great Beyond ||
I couldn’t believe it was her, she looked exactly like she did in the Capitol. “I know I wasn’t alone, I know you were with me the whole time. Did you hear me when I said your name?” I walked around with her hand in mine and smiled as we walked. 
“I did fare longer than you but I broke a promise to you Evie, I wasn’t there for you at all and I should of been, I should of found you early and protected you. I wasn’t there when I should of been and then Nery wouldn’t of killed you like that.” I couldn’t tear up because there was no sadness up here apparently. “I’m glad I’m here with you right now. I much rather be like this than to be living and not have you.”
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dariuspanem-blog · 11 years
I couldn't believe it was her, she looked exactly like she did in the Capitol. "I know I wasn't alone, I know you were with me the whole time. Did you hear me when I said your name?" I walked around with her hand in mine and smiled as we walked. 
"I did fare longer than you but I broke a promise to you Evie, I wasn't there for you at all and I should of been, I should of found you early and protected you. I wasn't there when I should of been and then Nery wouldn't of killed you like that." I couldn't tear up because there was no sadness up here apparently. "I'm glad I'm here with you right now. I much rather be like this than to be living and not have you."
I'll See You Again || Devie || The Great Beyond ||
I opened my eyes and let out a gasp. Where was I? I was just fighting Emerson and now I’m not here. Well fuck I died. I looked around me and ran my hands over my body, there was no marks on me or anything. I lifted my shorts and looked now, no cuts. I saw people every second coming up and walking past me. Then I heard a boom and looked down, I was watching the games. Then Adrienne walked near me. She died as well. I looked down and saw my parents. They were crying and everything. Dad was holding mom and they were just crying, I even heard him say “Everything will be okay.” I smiled and knew they were going to be alright. I heard a sweet voice behind me and I knew whose it was, Evie’s. I quickly turned around and looked at her. “I knew I would see you again, just didn’t want it to be this soon.” I gave her a smile and rubbed my hand across her face. 
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dariuspanem-blog · 11 years
I opened my eyes and let out a gasp. Where was I? I was just fighting Emerson and now I'm not here. Well fuck I died. I looked around me and ran my hands over my body, there was no marks on me or anything. I lifted my shorts and looked now, no cuts. I saw people every second coming up and walking past me. Then I heard a boom and looked down, I was watching the games. Then Adrienne walked near me. She died as well. I looked down and saw my parents. They were crying and everything. Dad was holding mom and they were just crying, I even heard him say "Everything will be okay." I smiled and knew they were going to be alright. I heard a sweet voice behind me and I knew whose it was, Evie's. I quickly turned around and looked at her. "I knew I would see you again, just didn't want it to be this soon." I gave her a smile and rubbed my hand across her face. 
I'll See You Again || Devie || The Great Beyond ||
I knew where I was, but I knew it wasn’t the place I wanted it to be. they say that heaven looks different to everyone. That people can share the same space here and see different things. All I saw around me was a floral meadow. I arrived here in this splendid paradise. There was no pain, no worry, nothing bad here. I wasn’t broken anymore, I could feel. I felt everything here. How wonderful for such a sad place to be. I thought I’d be alone here, but I was so splendidly relieved to see that my father was the first person to welcome me to my final resting place. He popped in and out of my heaven. As did others. I saw some people come and go, tributes from the game I was watching from afar. Each time the cannon fired down on earth it resonated hear, signaling yet another I feared would be Darius.
 Did they miss me? Little Sadie, Zander, and Holly their tears hurt me the most. I could watch them from here, and that brought me comfort. But then there was Darius.. My love. I was powerless to help him now. I blinked and heard the cannon.. no.. NO..
It happened so quickly. He was there, and now he was here. Right in front of me. He wasn’t hurt, or bleeding. He looked confused. As his back was to me as he looked around, I stepped forward. 
“I told you I’d see you again.” I gently touched his shoulder.
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dariuspanem-blog · 11 years
"Vodka, that will do if I am to win this game but right now I need to fix my wounds." I open it up and pour a little bit on my hand and it starts to sizzle from the alcohol and I grunt a little bit, this hurts. I look at the morphling tablets and know they will come in handy at some point in time. I sit down against the door and look at the ceiling. "This would be a good time for a freaking sponsor Betrix." I say with a chuckle, I don't think I'm getting one anytime soon but I just smile and start to cut up the bed sheets and wrap them around my wounds. 
All Alone // Darius
I just tilt my head and look confused as I close the door and move to the next one. There is such weird stuff in this arena, I don’t even want to know what the bird was talking about. If this room doesn’t work out, I’m going back to the fat guy and nurse my wounds. 
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dariuspanem-blog · 11 years
I walk in the room and close the door behind me and start to look around the room, see if anyone is here or if anything can nurse my wounds. 
All Alone // Darius
I just tilt my head and look confused as I close the door and move to the next one. There is such weird stuff in this arena, I don’t even want to know what the bird was talking about. If this room doesn’t work out, I’m going back to the fat guy and nurse my wounds. 
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dariuspanem-blog · 11 years
I just tilt my head and look confused as I close the door and move to the next one. There is such weird stuff in this arena, I don't even want to know what the bird was talking about. If this room doesn't work out, I'm going back to the fat guy and nurse my wounds. 
All Alone // Darius
The panther retreated and I smiled, I guess it didn’t really want a fight. I pick up my sabre and frown cause I lost my steak knife. I open the door and silently close it behind me so no other tributes hear the door close. I look down at my hand. It is killing me and I need to patch it up soon but first I need to find a good place to do it. I walk down one more room and slowly open that one up. 
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dariuspanem-blog · 11 years
The panther retreated and I smiled, I guess it didn't really want a fight. I pick up my sabre and frown cause I lost my steak knife. I open the door and silently close it behind me so no other tributes hear the door close. I look down at my hand. It is killing me and I need to patch it up soon but first I need to find a good place to do it. I walk down one more room and slowly open that one up. 
All Alone // Darius
The panther hit my arm and I let out a grunt, that hurt like a bitch. I looked at my arm to see the real damage but it wasn’t that bad really. Why did it go back on the bed instead of pouncing on me? I made it angry but apparently not angry enough. I tilt my head and look at it, it only attacked when I attacked. Did it not feel pain from the knife? I side stepped around the bed and waited it for it to pounce. It pounced and I quickly rotated my body and swung my sabre across it’s body, leaving a long cut down its side. 
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dariuspanem-blog · 11 years
The panther hit my arm and I let out a grunt, that hurt like a bitch. I looked at my arm to see the real damage but it wasn't that bad really. Why did it go back on the bed instead of pouncing on me? I made it angry but apparently not angry enough. I tilt my head and look at it, it only attacked when I attacked. Did it not feel pain from the knife? I side stepped around the bed and waited it for it to pounce. It pounced and I quickly rotated my body and swung my sabre across it's body, leaving a long cut down its side. 
All Alone // Darius
  I look at the panther crouching in front of me and my jaw drops. “Well fuck.” I say as I bring my knife back ready to throw. “There kitty, kitty.” I say as I through my knife at it and it dodged but not fast enough, it did dig into his back. The panther let out a growl and I prepared myself for a fight and brought my sabre up when it was about to pounce again. 
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dariuspanem-blog · 11 years
I look at the panther crouching in front of me and my jaw drops. "Well fuck." I say as I bring my knife back ready to throw. "There kitty, kitty." I say as I through my knife at it and it dodged but not fast enough, it did dig into his back. The panther let out a growl and I prepared myself for a fight and brought my sabre up when it was about to pounce again. 
All Alone // Darius
I stand away from the door and look at it. The door is jiggling and I’m getting nervous, they must of trapped whatever it was in there. I gripped my sabre and raised my steak knife, ready to throw. There was no way of getting out until I kill whatever is in there. I get ready for whatever is to come out of that door. 
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dariuspanem-blog · 11 years
I stand away from the door and look at it. The door is jiggling and I'm getting nervous, they must of trapped whatever it was in there. I gripped my sabre and raised my steak knife, ready to throw. There was no way of getting out until I kill whatever is in there. I get ready for whatever is to come out of that door. 
All Alone // Darius
“Poor skinny bastard.” I say as I look up at Adder’s body. My eyes widen when the intestines come down at my and I quickly duck my head back in. The seagulls start to feast on the intestines that are one the porthole and I laugh, they would get a better feast with the dead guy…
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dariuspanem-blog · 11 years
This placed is messed up, someone was attacked here by something or someone, I don't know. I look around the room some more, trying to figure out what happened in here. Hopefully the thing that messed up everything is long gone now. 
All Alone // Darius
“Poor skinny bastard.” I say as I look up at Adder’s body. My eyes widen when the intestines come down at my and I quickly duck my head back in. The seagulls start to feast on the intestines that are one the porthole and I laugh, they would get a better feast with the dead guy…
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dariuspanem-blog · 11 years
These places seem to be lived in to some extent. This one was a great improvement from the last room. I decide to look around the room but silently so just in case nobody hears me if someone is in here. I wonder if anything will be interesting in here. Hopefully more useful than interesting
“Poor skinny bastard.” I say as I look up at Adder’s body. My eyes widen when the intestines come down at my and I quickly duck my head back in. The seagulls start to feast on the intestines that are one the porthole and I laugh, they would get a better feast with the dead guy...
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dariuspanem-blog · 11 years
"Poor skinny bastard." I say as I look up at Adder's body. My eyes widen when the intestines come down at my and I quickly duck my head back in. The seagulls start to feast on the intestines that are one the porthole and I laugh, they would get a better feast with the dead guy in the shower. There is nothing else for me in this room, I hope I was being entertaining enough for the people back at the Capitol and most importantly, the Gamemakers. Everything was starting to freak me out and I needed to start searching another room. I open the door and walk to the room right next to the room I was just in, Room #13. 
All Alone || Darius
I bring my face back and use the shirt I wiped the apple juice off with to wipe the blood off with. That extra shirt was good for something. Now what the fuck could be spraying me with blood. I start to go over the possibilities and then it hits me, it could be the boy that got his neck broke and the seagulls feasting on his dead body. I slowly poke my head out again to look to see what was making the thumping noise, but ready to pull my head out just in case something decided to attack me or worse. 
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dariuspanem-blog · 11 years
I bring my face back and use the shirt I wiped the apple juice off with to wipe the blood off with. That extra shirt was good for something. Now what the fuck could be spraying me with blood. I start to go over the possibilities and then it hits me, it could be the boy that got his neck broke and the seagulls feasting on his dead body. I slowly poke my head out again to look to see what was making the thumping noise, but ready to pull my head out just in case something decided to attack me or worse. 
All Alone || Darius
“Poor fat bastard.” I said as the body rolled out of the shower. I nudged him back in the shower and closed to door to the shower and left the bathroom, nothing left in there for me. I walk into the room and stare at the porthole, the damn slapping was still there and I wanted to fricking know what it was. I walked over to it and looked up and down at it. “Fuck it.” With this I slowly opened the porthole, ready for anything that was going to come out of there.
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dariuspanem-blog · 11 years
"Poor fat bastard." I said as the body rolled out of the shower. I nudged him back in the shower and closed to door to the shower and left the bathroom, nothing left in there for me. I walk into the room and stare at the porthole, the damn slapping was still there and I wanted to fricking know what it was. I walked over to it and looked up and down at it. "Fuck it." With this I slowly opened the porthole, ready for anything that was going to come out of there.
All Alone || Darius
I see what is in the medicine cabinet and figure there is nothing I can really use except for the shaving cream but I’ll figure out a use for that later. The door won’t open and figure there is something inside, I think about opening it and I’m not sure if I should or not, the last time I messed with something, it started to flood around me. I shrug my shoulders and open the door, with my sabre just in case something needs a good poking or slash. 
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dariuspanem-blog · 11 years
I see what is in the medicine cabinet and figure there is nothing I can really use except for the shaving cream but I'll figure out a use for that later. The door won't open and figure there is something inside, I think about opening it and I'm not sure if I should or not, the last time I messed with something, it started to flood around me. I shrug my shoulders and open the door, with my sabre just in case something needs a good poking or slash. 
All Alone || Darius
Well the glass was actually glass which is great I guess. This guy ate everything and he couldn’t share, rude. I look around and opened up the medicine cabinet, hoping to find something useful in there that I could use later on. Next was the shower and then if everything didn’t go to shit, figure out the damn thumping that was driving me insane.
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