dark4ngel · 1 year
dang i love your blog
Thank you 💕
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dark4ngel · 1 year
Congratulations baby this is amazing ✨💕
How to know what aspects you have in your birth chart?
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Hi! Bbloom here! This post is just to point out observations I made and studied in my birth chart and how to find your own aspects. I’m not a professional astrologer and this is all studies. I will not be explaining what these aspects mean in your chart or how they interact with your planets or asteroids, just how to calculate them by yourself. This is helpful so that if you want to read your own synastry/birth chart, you can do so easily.
Disclaimer: Don’t repost my work, it’s been copyrighted.
Planets in the first house would square planets in the 10th house and planets in the 6th house would square planets in the 9th, or planets would square if they have two houses between them.
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Here you can see my Sun squares my Pluto, My Mercury squares my Pluto and asteroid Destinn squares my Pluto. 1st square 10th. You can also see my asteroid Aura squares my Jupiter, it doesn’t make any aspect to Regulus asteroid because asteroid Regulus is Leo, and squares happen to signs in the same modes. This square information can also be applied in the case of my Moon squaring Saturn, which are two houses apart but since my moon and Saturn are both in cardinal signs they’d square, that’s why even though my sun and mercury are two houses apart from Saturn too, they won’t square because they’re not in the same modes. To further explain, because Pisces (1st house) and Sagittarius (10th house) are in the same mode (mutable) they’d square. If my Saturn didn’t leave Gemini to Cancer, it would’ve been squaring my Sun and Mercury (because Gemini is a mutable mode like Pisces and Sagittarius) but it isn’t.
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These are aspects in the same sign and same house and have their degrees closely together.
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As we see from the example above. My Sun conjuncts my mercury, Sun conjuncts Destinn, Mercury conjuncts Destinn because they’re all in the same house and sign and also close in terms of degree. Another example is my Neptune conjunct Vesta, they’re both in Aquarius, the same house and extremely close degree wise. The same also applies to my Chiron conjunct asteroid angel, which are both in Capricorn and the 11th house. Now here’s a kicker. My Uranus conjuncts my Ascendant? How can that be if they aren’t in the same house? Well according to my observations, the asc and mc sign is absolute, the fact that you are in its sign would make you conjunct it, regardless of house placement.
Planets that have one house between them but here’s the catch, to have a sextile it has to be earth x water or fire x air. By that I mean the houses and the signs. To have a sextile, there has to be one house between them and each planet to be in a earth and water house or fire and air house. To know the elements of the house you have to start from the beginning of the zodiac to the end, Aries to Pisces, So if Aries is the ruler of the first house, that makes it a fire house, Taurus rules the second house, that makes it an earth house, Gemini rules the third house that makes it an air house and Cancer rules the fourth house, that makes it a water house.
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Here you can see that My Sun, Destinn and Mercury all sextile my Mars because there is one house between them and they’re water (Pisces planets) x earth (Taurus planet) I also noticed that it’s still applying the laws of fire x air. (Aries house x Gemini house). Other examples are as seen. Venus sextile Uranus (earth sign and water sign, in earth house and water house respectively) and Venus sextile Saturn (earth sign and water sign in earth house and water house respectively), Mercury sextile Chiron and Angel, Lust sextile Pluto, Neptune sextile Aura and MC. The reason that Sun or Destinn didn’t sextile Chiron or Angel was probably because they were too close to the next house just like how Neptune was too close to the 11th house line to sextile Pluto.
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These are planets that are six houses away from each other, apparently this only applies for 1st to 6th house, to calculate the other oppositions, they are literally opposite each other, but you know the houses aren’t truly equal and even though they might be directly opposite each other, the signs count. Aries–Libra, Taurus–Scorpio, Gemini–Sagittarius, Cancer–Capricorn, Leo–Aquarius, Virgo–Pisces.
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So from the diagram above we can see examples of oppositions in my chart. My Sun, Destinn, Uranus and Mercury opposite Jupiter because they are in sister signs, Pisces vs Virgo and are six houses away from each other (Uranus being the exception because Jupiter is a cusp). My Venus opposites asteroid Industria because again they are in sister signs, Taurus and Scorpio, this example shows that the houses example only works for 1st to 6th house but for other houses you have to rely on the sister signs, if my Venus had shifted a little into Aries, even though there are in opposing houses, it wouldn’t have been an opposition because it’s only Taurus that can opposite Scorpio. Anyways, we see Pluto opposite Karma, this is because of them being in sister signs, Sagittarius vs Gemini and so that’s how it is.
These are planets that are four houses away and in the same element, (water-water, earth-earth etc) As for the cusps, since they’re in both houses it’ll apply for whichever, so Mars trines Jupiter regardless and Moon trine Vesta.
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As we can see, Mars trines Chiron and Angel, because it’s four houses away from them and both in earth signs. Black moon Lilith trines moon because they’re four signs away from each other and both in air signs, the same applies to all others shown above.
This aspect is an aspect in which the planets have literally nothing in common with each other, no elements, no signs, no mode, nothing! Complete contrasts that may give you a little trouble with its constant clashing and paradoxical ways. They are 5 houses apart from each other and are vastly different.
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How to count houses?
You may be like, Bbloom? How do I count houses or you may be too embarrassed to even ask me something like that and just suffer in silence or anonymous asks, but don’t worry, I got you neurodivergent peeps who may struggle or be confused by this.
Let’s say you want to count five houses away from the 1st house, this is how you would do it. (Remember, the Quincunx aspect is also 5 houses away from any subject you may be interested in finding so this is a good example.)
So from the video, we can see that, 5 houses away from the 1st house is the 6th house. The reason why I explained it like this is because it’ll be tempting to start counting from the first house and not the second because we’re just used to counting that way, but that’s not how it’s supposed to be done.
I hope I helped and enlightened you guys on how to do it. 🥰💕
©2023 by Intuitive-bbloom
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dark4ngel · 1 year
╰┈➤ what is the matrix of destiny?
based on the 22 arcanum tarot, can tell you a lot about your destiny & your past life + more!
resources on how to read the matrix of destiny
how to calculate? └➤ּ click here
how to find out? ↡
look at the green dollar sign in your chart, look under it. the number thats under it will tell you how you can be wealthy/make the most money. 💲
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if you have the number….
22 - you could definitely be anything you put your mind to, opportunities are out there waiting for you, you have free will! you could make the most money by having a job/career that you love! as i said anything you put your heart/mind into, you can profit from it!
21 - anything that involves traveling would make you the most money! traveling gives you some sort of an ease & a drive! something about foreign lands is coming thru here, you could most definitely make money off of that as well too! traveling to other countries/states just makes you feel at peace!
20 - a natural born healer! also a psychic too anything that involves healing people & providing guidance to others will make you the most money!
19 - anything that involves you to shine among the open world can bring you money, in other words, being the center of attention can bring you money, you can definitely be famous with this too, being a singer, actor, dancer, or anything that involves you being the light that shines bright will definitely work out in your favor & bring you the most money!
18 - psychic!! you’re really intuitive, you should definitely listen to your intuition more love, being a psychic could bring you the most money! you’re also very creative so any creative endeavors could bring you more money as well!
17 - what can i say? you’re very creative, you light up any room that you walk in, being in the limelight like a celebrity basically can bring you so much wealth/money!! whatever you deicide to do love, you will be the number 1 person people go to/rely on, and basically the top number 1 person in any creative endeavors you choose!
16 - LEADER!! being a business owner can bring you the most money seriously!! you’ve got in in you, you just need to tap into that energy and leave behind whatever’s holding you back love!
15 - a career that involves change & transformation is right for you! you can also be a business owner as well! also helping people can give you a lot of money too, being a therapist/guidance counselor can bring in hella money!
14 - a healer, anything that involves travel as well! you can basically have an occupation where you travel and heal people from around the world! you’ve definitely got it in you!
13 - change, change, change, you’re always evolving & transforming so change!! anything that involves change can bring you great money/wealth! also you’re very fearless so jobs that are fear to sum won’t be fear to you! you can make great money off of it!
12 - anything that involves helping others, you’ve got it covered! you can make a lot of money/wealth from that!
11 - sports or working out you’ve definitely got it! you can be a leader in those fields as well, you can achieve great fame from it too! you can make money/wealth from it!
10 - anything because you’re a very lucky person! anything you step foot in can bring you great wealth/money!! don’t ever doubt your luck because it is always with you!
9 - you’re a self made baddie! anything that involves working alone can bring you great money/wealth!
8 - anything that involves justice & following the rules is definitely best for you to make money/wealth! being a attorney, judge or working for the government, like i said will bring you money/wealth!
7 - taking a risk, traveling, being a leader will bring you great money/wealth! anything that involves freedom will most def bring money/wealth towards you!
6 - anything that involves relationships/bringing people close together, being a love match maker can bring you great money/wealth!
5 - being the owner of a family business or a teacher can bring you wealth/money! you’re very smart at what you do, so being these 2 can be easy for you! you’ll make a lot of hard earned money/wealth!
4 - leader!! anything that involves leading people and having great authority will bring you so much wealth/money! you’re a powerful leader so doing this can really bring you wealth/money!
3 - model!! you are so beautiful! anybody will notice you! so being a model or basically having yourself out on display for others to see will bring you great money/wealth!
2 - you are wise beyond your years, very popular too! you can gain a large amount of following, so being an influencer can bring you a lot of money/wealth! putting yourself out there on a social media platform can bring in hella money/wealth!
1 - self made!! so anything that involves you & only you and the ability to have freedom for yourself can bring in money/wealth!
comment below which one you have loves! thanks for tuning in!
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dark4ngel · 1 year
Okay guys, thanks for participating in the poll.
So to get to work, what topics should I work on.
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dark4ngel · 1 year
Hi guys~
Sorry for the long hiatus 😬 ; been hella busy trying to stabilize my life and I can say I have for the time being 💕. Thanks to everyone who’s still following me and I’d love to start producing content again :)
Just not sure what sort of content to post rn 💀
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dark4ngel · 2 years
Mom & Dad: Your 4th and 9th House 🧔👩👧🏡
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How can we see how your parents are represented in your birth chart?
As we know the 4th house represents Mother.
The 9th house represents the father. Some sources consider the 10th house as the house representing the father, however from the Vedic Astrology POV, the 9th house is one’s biological father & the 10th house can represent one’s “figurative” father.
4th house:
Your mother’s qualities & traits
Relationship with the mother
9th house:
Your father’s qualities & traits
Relationship with father
What you inherit from your father
How To Read The Post?
Read from Ascendant or Moon sign (Whole Signs) *I’m making this post from the POV of Vedic Sidereal Astrology*
*Disclaimer: This can apply to your primary caregivers growing up, not just “biological” parents. I know this can be sensitive topic, so take it as it resonates ❤️ This is “generally speaking” but ofc other parts of your chart can alter these interpretations*
(Can Apply To Ascendant Or Moon Sign)
Aries: Cancer 4H & Sagittarius 9H
Taurus: Leo 4H & Capricorn 9H
Gemini: Virgo 4H & Aquarius 9H
Leo: Scorpio 4H & Aries 9H
Virgo: Sagittarius 4H & Taurus 9H
Libra: Capricorn 4H & Gemini 9H
Capricorn: Aries 4H & Virgo 9H
Aquarius: Taurus 4H & Libra 9H
Pisces: Gemini 4H & Scorpio 9H
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Aries 4H:
Mom who is ambitious, independent, strong-willed, dominant or blunt
Having a mom who was concerned with her own pursuits, life, or hobbies
Often with this placement one learns how to be independent quite young due to mother’s behavior
Mom could’ve been an entrepreneur or self employed
Likely that mom was into fitness, health, or some sort of athletic pursuit
I’ve often see those with this placement have very attractive or “young” looking moms
Through relationship with mother, one experiences competitiveness, individuality and autonomy
Aries 9H:
A father who is assertive, bold or aggressive
Having a disciplinarian as a father
A father who was involved in military, police profession, sports, health or anything physical
A father who is self made or individualistic
A dad who is masculine and has strong extroverted energy
I’ve seen it manifest as a father who is “selfish” or overall self oriented
From the father, one inherits a sense of bravery, courage, and independence
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Taurus 4H:
Having a mother who is wealthy, self reliant, stable, traditional, or rigid
Likely that one’s mom/mom’s side of the family has stable material wealth, or assets
I’ve seen sometimes with this placement one comes from a wealthy family or even old money
Can have a mom who is artistic, creative or involved in artistic endeavors
Mother can be traditional or “old fashioned”
Through the relationship with mother, one experiences material indulgence & how to be self reliant
Taurus 9H:
Having a dad who is stable, rigid, patient, reliable, grounded, indulgent or artistic
One could have a father who is very materially oriented, or concerned with assets or making money
Sometimes manifests as having a wealthy father
Father is someone who is considered attractive by others. Aka a “dilf” (Respectfully)
From your dad you inherit a sense of aesthetics, artistic talents, material indulgence, or ability to create wealth
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Gemini 4H:
Mom who is restless, changeable, resourceful, intelligent, or humorous
Can point to mother having a lifestyle where she traveled a lot or created an unstable environment
Mother could be crafty or have many different skills or hobbies
Through relationship with mother, one experiences a student-teacher dynamic, where you learn directly from mother
Gemini 9H:
Dad who is intelligent, playful, witty, changeable, or sarcastic
Dad could’ve been one to have many skills or hobbies
Sometimes points to a father who traveled a lot or was unstable interns of lifestyle  
From your father you inherit certain skills he might teach you. Even intellectual ability or “street smarts”
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Cancer 4H:
Having a mother who is caring, nurturing, or emotional 
Your mom may have been a housewife/stay at home mom
A mom who is a “homemaker” or is home and family oriented
Through relationship with mother one experiences emotional support and affection  
Cancer 9H:
Dad who is caring, nurturing, protective, supportive, emotional or moody
Sometimes manifests as a father would can seem “motherly” or even be literally more motherly than the mom in the parenting dynamic
Father can be patriotic, traditional, or loyal to his homeland/family
From the father, one inherits a sense of emotional intelligence or awareness.
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Leo 4H:
Could have a mother who is independent, enthusiastic, glamorous or flamboyant
Can indicate having a mother who is famous, popular, well known or influential
Mother/mother’s side of the family can be influential or be from high society
Mom who participates in own hobbies and is independent (can have a career based on hobbies)
Can often indicate a entrepreneurial mother
Through relationship with mother, one gains a sense of identity & confidence
Leo 9H:
Dad who Is independent, charismatic, dominant, creative, or ambitious
I’ve also seen it sometimes manifest as one having a father who is “childish” or immature
Quite possible that one’s father is famous, well known, popular or influential. (I’ve seen this sometimes as having a famous/well known grandfather too)
Father could be of high status or be from a high status family
From your father you inherit certain creative gifts, talents or hobbies
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Virgo 4H:
Having a mom who is orderly, critical, picky, service oriented or dedicated
Can have a mom who is passionate about health or wellness (encourages a healthy way of eating)
I’ve seen a lot of people with this placement be raised vegan/vegetarian/gluten-free etc (dietary restrictions)
Mother can have high expectations or be very critical
Through relationship with mother, one experiences how to be discerning and manage one’s health
Virgo 9H:
Dad who is practical, analytical, logical, critical, hardworking or helpful  
A father who is “of service” or is helpful in practical ways as opposed to affectionate/emotional ways
I’ve often seen this manifest as a father who is in the health profession: doctor, dentist, therapist etc
From your father you inherit a sense of work ethic or health-consciousness
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Libra 4H:
A mother who is artistic, diplomatic and balance oriented
Mother could be involved in aesthetic endeavors or do that as a profession
You can have a very beautiful mother or mom others consider a “milf” (respectfully)
Having a mom is harmonious, easy going or charming
Through the relationship with mother, you experience a sense of balance and taste for culture, art or aesthetics
Libra 9H:
Having a father who is fair-minded and diplomatic
Father could be involved in politics, architecture, law, design or art
I’ve seen this sometimes manifest as one having a wealthy father (Venus influence)
Father who is a “peacemaker” or mediator
From the father, one inherits a sense of fair-mindedness, and ability to be discerning and logical
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Scorpio 4H:
A mother who is mysterious or secretive.
Mom is involved or interested in the occult.
Having a mother who is turbulent/unstable mentally, emotionally or literally
Mom could’ve been controlling, possessive or smothering.
A karmic bond is seen here with one’s mother.
Through relationship with mother one experiences profound psychological and spiritual transformation
**TW: won’t apply to everyone** but I’ve noticed it’s common here for one to experience a mother who is “toxic” (ie: psychologically abusive or narcissistic)
Scorpio 9H:
Dad who is domineering, possessive, controlling, intense or cunning  
Father could’ve been involved in spiritual practices or the occult
In some cases this placement show a father who is involved in the underworld or crime, or in some type of corrupt activity
Sometimes manifests as a turbulent or troubled relationship with father (or one that’s non existent)
Through the father one inherits a sense of rebelliousness, and ability to adapt to transformation and change
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Sagittarius 4H:
Having a mom who is free spirited, open minded, adventurous, philosophical, or intelligent
A mom who is a teacher, a guide or advisor to you or other people
A mother who is spiritual or religious
A mom who is an immigrant or from a different culture/country
During childhood, mother may have traveled a lot or been away from home due to international circumstances
Through relationship with mother, you gain wisdom, knowledge, and life lessons 
Sagittarius 9H:
Having a father who is optimistic, open minded, generous and supportive
Can have a father who is wealthy or generous with resources
Having a dad that is literally a teacher, or one that teaches you lessons and brings you wisdom
A dad from a different culture than your mom. (immigrant/foreign/international)
From your father you inherit a sense of open-mindedness and bravery
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Capricorn 4H:
Mom who is reliable, traditional, old fashioned, practical  and hardworking
Mother can be more direct/straightforward instead of “nurturing”
Mother could prefer a traditional parenting style
Mother could be strict, unyielding, judgmental or a be “disciplinarian”
Through the relationship with mother, one can become aware of what it means to have discipline, work hard and have responsibilities
Capricorn 9H:
Having a strict father, one with high expectations
A father who is realistic, logical or shrewd
A dad who is an authority figure in society (boss, entrepreneur, politician etc)
Father can be serious, stern (non emotional)
One could literally have a older father, that is older than most dads
Can manifest as distance with father or receiving coldness from father
From your dad you inherit a sense of discipline and persistence
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Aquarius 4H:
Mom who is eccentric, unconventional, aloof, rebellious, or unique
Sometimes manifests as a mother who is literally or emotionally distant
I’ve often seen it manifest as experiencing some sort distance or even “rejection” on mother’s behalf
Mother’s parenting style not considered traditional or “normal”
Through relationship with mother you experience individualism, friendship  and humanitarianism
Aquarius 9H:
Having a father who is unpredictable, eccentric, quirky, unique or unconventional
A father who is invested in humanitarian causes
Father can be distant, aloof or independent
From your father you inherit a sense of individuality or rebelliousness
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Pisces 4H:
Mom who is spiritual, free spirited, artistic, wise, generous, or kind  
Sometimes manifests as a mother who was aloof, absent or unreliable
Mom could’ve been religious or spiritual
Karmic or past life bond with mother
Mom would have sacrificed a lot during raising kids or even during pregnancy
Through a relationship with mother one experiences unconditional love, humility, or loss/sacrifice
Pisces 9H:
Can have a father who is freedom-loving, open minded, or “bohemian”
Sometimes manifests as a father who was absent or non committal
Father teaches one spiritual lessons
Father could be a musician or involved in religion
Father could be selfless or sacrifice for you or family
From your dad you inherit a sense of humility, spirituality or unconditional love
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🐣 Case Study: North West 🐣
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North has her 4th house in Leo with her 9th house in Capricorn. She’s a Taurus Ascendant as per her Sidereal chart.
North’s 4th House In Leo ♌️
Her mom (Kim Kardashian) is famous. Leo represents fame/celebrity
Her mom is independent and involved in her own passions & hobbies. She’s an entrepreneur which is represented by the Solar energy in her 4H
Her mom is glamorous/creative (Leo archetype)
Her mom comes from high society and was born to an influential family. Sun = high status.
North’s 9th House In Capricorn ♑️
Her dad (Kanye West) is considered an authority figure in society, represented by the Capricorn archetype 
Her dad was relatively “older” when she was born (age 37)
Kanye has said he wants to restrict with North’s social media usage (in response to her having a TikTok account made by her mom). Restriction= Saturn energy
Kanye has voiced that Kim dresses North “too grown”. Again going with the theme of restriction/disapproval 
Her dad has been known to be someone with high standards, also considered “shrewd”, serious and grumpy (Capricorn archetype)
🐣 Case Study: Stormi Webster 🐣
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Stormi has Cancer Ascendant with her 4th house in Libra with her 9th house in Pisces. (Sidereal Chart)
Stormi’s 4th House In Libra ♎️
Her mom: (Kylie Jenner) is a Sidereal Libra. Her Moon is in Swati.
Her mom is known to be beautiful, and has a knack for aesthetics.
Her mom owns a cosmetics company which Stormi visits the headquarters/offices of as a child.
She receives lavish gifts/lifestyle from her Mom due to the Venus influence of her 4th house.
Stormi’s 9th House In Pisces ♓️
Her father (Travis Scott) is known to be free spirited, rebellious and mysterious (Key themes of Pisces)
Her dad is a musician. Music can be represented by Pisces/Jupiter influence.
Her dad is relatively controversial (we know why)
Her dad is somewhat of an elusive or mysterious public figure.
Not much can be said about his parenting style (there’s not a lot of public info on it so I’ll keep it superficial here. Ironically enough Pisces can represent the unknown)
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-starsandsuch ✌️💕
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dark4ngel · 2 years
Ahh that’s so sweet lol 💀
I think dark4ngel is a pretty good tarot reader! I highly recommend her 🧿🩰
I will check her out! Thanks for your ask 💕🤗
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dark4ngel · 2 years
Another of my favorites here :)
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𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒔𝒖𝒏 | 𝒔𝒖𝒏'𝒔 𝒃𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒕: 𝒂𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒔 (𝒑𝒕.𝒊) | 𝒏𝒊𝒌𝒐𝒍𝒂'𝒔 𝒅𝒆𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒕
𝒂𝒏 𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 | IMPORTANT
𝒇𝒖𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌𝒔
𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒅 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔
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𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧:
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭:
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dark4ngel · 2 years
Hello there!
First of i am so sorry for late feedback. And thank you for this reading I really appreciate the time and energy you have put in this reading. I am not sur if some people find me pretty and if the get regal vibes from me. But this is something I try to do, I like to dress up in way were I can get a regal vibe. I don't know if this is being noticed or not. Yes my friends do tell me that I do work hard which isa good thing but I also stress my self on that things that are not that important. And yes some people do think that i am not that ambitious because I don't show that, I kind of hide my self from people and yes do see many of my near people competing with me, for no reason, like I always try my best to not hurt them, but somehow I don't get this in return. Every thing you have mentioned in this reading is just on point. Once again thank you so much & have a great day/night💫
Hi dear, thanks for the feedback and I’m glad some points resonated with you ❤️❤️, do have a good day ✨
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dark4ngel · 2 years
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Love languages, the best gift for them and how they show their love
Initially I wanted to do the type of gifts your person would like to receive. But when I did the reading it became something else. So just see the ‘gift’ as something abstract. I did include info on physical gifts in most piles tho. This can be applied to anyone you are thinking about, but some piles are more focused on romantic connections. So just adjust the message to fit your situation. 
You can choose a different pile for each question; eg. Pile X for “the best gift for them”, Pile Y for “how they show their love to you”. Also remember to always ask and confirm with your person before doing anything. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t; the message may be for someone else, or there may be no message for you in this reading.
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Instructions: Focus on the topic and ask yourself the question. Choose a number/picture that you feel the most drawn to or that you can’t stop looking at. Trust your intuition. May the message resonate. Let me know which pile you choose! Feedback is appreciated!
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dark4ngel · 2 years
How would a tarot reader describe you?
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Note: I'll be referring to the reader in third person.
Pile 1
Cards: the fool (reversed) – the king of wands (reversed) – the ten of pentacles
This person seems to be kinda non-committal. 'Friends' by Chase Atlantic started playing as soon as I started reading the cards. It's funny because they also seem to crave intimacy and intensity. They might just be very cautious in case they end up trusting the wrong person. They might be perceived as reckless or childish by others. This person has an interesting energy, they believe that no one could possibly love them for who they are but they also believe that everyone is in love with them and people from the past have a hard time moving on from them because they're one of a kind. This person might have had a strict father or male figure in their life. This person loves attention, I wouldn't be surprised if this person had leo placements or a prominent sun placement. They tend to march at the beat of their own drum. They don't care about what others say as long as they're being true to themselves, however, they still want to be popular, they don't care about being well-liked as much as being popular. When it comes to relationships they can get really intense but at some point they might go through a serious denial and avoidance phase. They also tend to think that they're always right. They've got a very diverse personality, they might also be considered rude by some. This person might come from a rich family or might have gotten rich by themselves, if not, they definitely have the ability to make a lot of money. How people perceive them, how their family and childhood affected them, how much money they have, how to spend and manage money and their career goals are constantly on their mind. They either have a good family life or wish to have one, even if it's a found family. They might have a soft spot for the found family trope. This person might be very naive, people are usually not as soft as they perceive them to be. This person might choose emotionally unavailable partners because they unconsciously like the thought of not having to commit but might also end up choosing emotionally vulnerable partners because they love the intensity and intimacy of having someone strip their soul bare in front of them and vice versa (even though they're scared of the latter). They tend to see the best in everyone and might often see people and situations for their potential, I think it's because they've grown a lot from who they were in the past and can correlate how they acted in the past with what people might be thinking or might do in similar situations in the present or future, they are really mature but they still want to nurture their inner child because of how fast they were forced to grow. They might be interested in psychology, human behaviour or just really good at reading people and their patterns.
Pile 2
Cards: the king of wands – the seven of swords (reversed) – the seven of pentacles
This person is likely the center of attention. They have the kind of personality where they'll listen to what everyone has to say but will do what they wish to do at the end of the day, however, they'll not disregard the negative possibilities but will instead keep them in mind and have a back-up plan or simply just faith that they'll be fine regardless of the outcome. They are confident, ambitious, generous and proud of themselves. This person has a very royal vibe and mindset, it might reflect their sense of style and body language too. They might be perceived as someone unfaithful and as someone who moves on really quickly after a breakup, be it platonic or romantic. They could lie a lot, I'm not sure what they lie about but it might be to protect their pride. This person seems to have a sense of regret towards someone (mostly themself) due to something they did in the past and if they don't consciously... Then they should rethink. They might be trying to convince themself that they were the right person and didn't do anything wrong regarding a certain situation. However, if this person is self aware and has owned up to themselves about everything that happened, they are living a pretty fulfilling life, they are growing everyday, they might be anxious sometimes but they have faith. This person might be perceived as an attention seeker by someone or a certain group of people. They most likely have experienced being a villain in someone else's story. They might have gone through multiple betrayals, some of which might have been recent. They might be having a lot of ideas right now and might be moving forward with some plans as well. They seem to have a lot of perseverance, their hardwork will likely pay off (only after they've gained self awareness though).
Pile 3
Cards: death (reversed) – the king of wands (reversed) – the five of swords
TW: mentions of abuse and bullying.
They have a hard time letting go and moving on. They might feel like they're stuck in a certain pattern which might unfortunately be true. If they do not learn lessons and try to actively heal themselves for which they'll have to face their demons/their shadow side, they'll be stuck in this cycle of repeating patterns for a long time. They might be in a period of unavoidable change right now and they'll have to accept it. This person loves attention even if they do not accept it. They might have an extremely delicate temper and might be perceived as rude and forceful by others. They do what they want to do and believe that they're always right when in reality they do not even know themselves because they do not want to face themselves. They're impulsive and have really high expectations of themselves and others but they have sort of a hypocritical approach, they might internally or openly fight with people who judge others. They might have been a victim of abuse or bullying, if not, they've just felt very humiliated (probably recently) which might have affected them a lot. If this person recently loss someone, it was for the best. They might have that mindset where they feel like they have to win no matter what. They might even end up sounding really harsh or sometimes dumb in arguments due to their desire to win. They're going through a change that they didn't even ask for. I'm getting a heartbroken energy from them. I'm getting them getting criticized and humiliated for dating someone in the past or for simply just wanting to be loved :(, this person however, has a lot of capacity for growth, depth and change. This person also seems to be a really deep and intense lover even though their ideals or ways may be toxic. They might have their venus in aquarius or a venus in aquarius might have broken their heart, can simply be prominent aquarius placements too. This person is starting to form a very strong yet melancholic personality with a lot of depth, emotional intelligence and social grace. This person is going to have a physical glow up soon and turn out to be very confident and sure of themselves.
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dark4ngel · 2 years
Very true
#0013 rx planets in your chart
rx planets will indicate what unfinished business/lessons you have in this lifetime. the more rx planets you have, the more lessons you are urged to complete. your rx planets may be difficult to cooperate with and may bring out some of your most challenging traits. look towards the sign, planet, and house. the sun and moon can never go rx. energy is directed inwards instead of projected outwards like it should.
mercury in rx — you will need to learn and appreciate the value of communication and verbalizing thoughts and feelings into concrete facts. there may be issues with general communication or the aiblity to express honesty. inability to confront; there is self-sabotage and self-criticizing. repetitive thinking patterns, especially negative, are prominent. while mercury rx indicates someone with great intellect and an ability to process information on a profoundly innate level, you may struggle with overthinking/having too much to think about. you are a reflective person but this often gets the better of you because you tend to isolate yourself from others for no specific reason.
mars in rx — great difficulty with confrontation and settling on one ambition to take action towards. you seem to want everything and nothing at all. you may express anger very aggressively but only after letting it boil inside you for a very long time; you may experience "dull anger", a type of anger that sits inside you, instead of having a clear projection outwards. you can be very passive-aggressive and only take action when you feel forced to. you cannot stand up for yourself, though you feel the great need to be dominant. one of your lessons will be to take charge in life instead of sitting on the post waiting for someone to do it al for you.
venus in rx — you have trouble opening up and letting people see you for who you are. romantically speaking, you have trouble committing because you fear depth, not because you are a cheater, although this can indicate some promiscuity as well. with others, you may have a harder time socializing because you like isolation more than the outside world. you may be lonelier than most. any friends you have are most likely friends from childhood or just very long-term friends. you may have a hard time loving yourself. so, one of your lessons will involve loving yourself and letting others love you. we accept the love we deserve and certainly, you accept love that is not what you really deserve
jupiter in rx — one of your lessons will include having your own set of beliefs instead of following other people's. it will involve establishing a personal constitution/morals/values you abide by. unconcerned with material wealth, you may focus on spiritual wealth to the point of total rejection of the real world. your gambler attitude may get tested also. personally speaking you may be reclusive and not have the brightest social life, but you definitely have a lot of luck, despite being in rx. in fact, this rx can breed a type of luck that puts you in disadvantaged scenarios designed for growth, but the type of scenarios that guarantee you will make it out the other side!
saturn in rx — confrontation may be a fear for you. you self-isolate, are very controlling, and feel the need to constantly micromanage. inwardly speaking, you are very nervous and have a lot of insecurities, especially with your body and personal wealth/success. in this lifetime, you will have to learn the proper discipline to achieve the goals you want out of life. you may want a lot but lack the ambition or direction in getting there. you may also be rebellious and not cooperative in relationships because you can't seem to take them seriously. additionally, you will learn to let go of control and let the universe take its course. you cannot always know what is best for you.
neptune in rx — this is a heavy dreamer planet, and can breed someone lazy and totally incapable of caring for themselves. while your imagination is insanely creative, you tend to have your heads up in the clouds too much. you struggle with being in reality for long. you may be gifted with the ability to dream or have a very strong connection to your spirituality, but you don't know how to express it, and it leaves you feeling restless most of the time. you are lonely and often misunderstood. you require a lot of time for yourself. you self-isolate more than be with others.
uranus in rx — you may be afraid of new beginnings because you are comfortable with what memories, nostalgia, and predictability do for you. there is happiness in the known and you may repel any sort of expression in fear of other people's judgment. there is a strong calling within you that urges you to be who you are, but you don't know how. to others, you may seem conventional, but inside you really are not. you have views and beliefs completely opposite to what impression you give off. your social life may lack or be very unpredictable. you may struggle to have solid friendships or maintain your own identity in friend groups.
pluto in rx — this is one of the most challenging rx placements because your struggles are experienced on the inside and have no expression on the outside. what this means is that you go through emotional/mental/spiritual turmoil that manifests in depressive moods or anger issues instead of being healthily channeled. you are very controlling and micromanage all the time. one of your lessons will be to let change be and to stop avoiding what needs changing. part of your inner turmoil is just layers of your soul shedding to embrace new sides to your personality. you have a very powerful presence and certainly love power but you hate any situation that puts you in a powerless state.
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dark4ngel · 2 years
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dark4ngel · 2 years
The guilt I felt reading pile 1 😔💀 it’s literally chaosville.
✮ what would your sim think of you? what would they say to you if they could? ✮
pile one, two, or three?
photo creds to freakst0mp on pinterest!
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ pile one
“what would pile one’s sim think of them?” if your sim could think for themselves (assuming they can’t lol) they would think that you, their god/creator, is very much chaotic and not very balanced. you’re probably the type of player that sees how many different ways you can kill your sim(s). they think that you are very unfair; if they ever tried to pray to you or beg for mercy, you wouldn’t care to listen. they think you’re extremely powerful and you can pretty much make anything happen (which is true to an extent) and they’re pretty fearful of you, pile one. the evil sims would praise you and love to bring chaos upon the world, while the nicer sims would question why their creator had to be so merciless. “what would pile one’s sim say to them?” your sim would tell you how unhappy you’ve made them in their life. maybe you took them away from their family, you made them cheat on the spouse they were in love with, you made them quit the career they loved for a career they hate, you get it. but yeah they’d also tell you that they’re terrified of you and they pretty much never expect a good day??? they wake up and automatically think it’s going to be a terrible day ahead of them. i didn’t expect to feel bad while doing this reading, but i feel bad for your sims hahaha. they’d also say how overwhelmed they are with all the work they do.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ pile two
“what would pile two’s sim think of them?” your sim would be very confident in their belief of you, their creator/god! you’re probably the type to make your sim(s) rich right away, and/or use a lot of cheats to progress quicker. they most definitely would be greedy because of this, though. they’d feel very financially protected under your wing and it may make them very snobby and rude to others. your sim basically feels unstoppable because of you. you may use the cheat that makes it to where their needs don’t go down so they’re pretty much good “for life” lol. “what would pile two’s sim say to them?” if your sim could speak to you, they’d say that they really, really love and appreciate everything you do for them! they’d be very emotional in your presence, for you literally made them everything they are. they’d also tell you how loyal to you they are, and they will always faith in you. they’d definitely see you as their god and would possibly even create a religion specifically for you. if you have the magic pack then they’d give you many offerings and praise you every day. your sim really loves you lol.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ pile three
“what would pile three’s sim think of them?” your sim would have mixed feelings about you, pile three. they’d see you as a god that takes away from their sims to teach them a lesson and/or bring in something new for them. they’d have moments of worry and maybe even doubt in you, their creator/god, but then they’d see why what happened had to happen. they’d see you as a strategic higher power, even if you’re not intentionally being strategic. maybe you just do things in patterns, or something. overall, your sim would think of you pretty highly. “what would pile three’s sim say to them?” if your sim could talk to you, they’d ask you to make life a bit easier for them. i get a feeling you don’t use cheats very much in the game, you play it “correctly.” they’d ask you to give them a better job, a more comfortable bed or maybe some cuter decor in their house. they’re grateful for you, but they would mention that they feel like they’ve had bad luck and the good things are taking too long. they’d ask you if it’s cause of bad karma, lol.
thank you for reading and interacting! <3
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dark4ngel · 2 years
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dark4ngel · 2 years
how have you been?
Hey anon, I’ve been pretty stressed and busy 😅. Thanks for asking, and how are you doing? :)
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dark4ngel · 2 years
Happy birthday!
Thank you! 😊💕
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