what is love if not the betrayal of hatred.
-emerged in my thoughts as I drifted off to sleep.
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it's kinda fucked up we don't have real enchanted jewelry like i wanna go to micheals and buy a ring that makes my pens use 10% less ink when i wear it or something
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yo, anybody else just wish they could be a tadpole in a creek somewhere, just hangin out ya know. watching the world go by above the water whilst your safe in your little hiding spot away from everything, just waiting for the day you can go out and explore. or is that just me...
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sometimes you just have to pick up that shiny on the ground. it’s yours now, care for it, love it, caress it under a pile of trinkets you keep under your bed. nobody else will care for it like you will, and everything deserves to be loved. you go you goblin, crow, dragon, being you. you’ve got this and I wish that you find the most perfect little treasure to add to your collection soon, because you deserve it.
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Goblincore food/snacks:
🍄 Trail mix, bonus points if you made it yourself
🍄 Gummy worms
🍄 Tomato soup with hotdogs
🍄 Buscuits with honey and butter
🍄 Mushrooms, duh
🍄 Any and all kinds of berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, etc)
🍄 Cereal, with or without the milk
🍄 Little pastries, anything you can get your grubby hands on, especially if its the hostess brand
🍄 Pretty much any and all types of soup
🍄 Pudding, but with cookie crumbs in it, like that dirt pudding you'd eat when you were a kid
🍄 Jam on crackers or bread
Pretty much just food you can take with you on a hike that will warm you right up that you don't need utensils. FINGER FOOD
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Samhain Resource Masterpost
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A collection of categorized links for your Samhain needs! What is Samhain? [X] Samhain is celebrated between October 31st to November 1st (April 30th to May 1st in the S. Hemisphere) and is also called: Samhuinn/Samhainn,  Sauin.
The Basics:
What is Samhain and how is it related to Halloween?
Samhain basics, activities and correspondences
Celebrating samhain 101
Samhain solitary ritual
Witchy autumn activities
Subtle witch tips - Samhain
Ways to honor your deceased loved ones on samhain
Spirit offerings on samhain
What to do with pumpkin seeds
Samhain Crafts:
Samhain candles
Samhain Recipes:
Samhain scones/witch cakes
Gingered pumpkin muffins
Samhain pumpkin bread
Soul cake recipe and spell
Rosemary bourbon sweet potato pie
Tortitas de Calabaza- squash cakes/pumpkin fritters
Cozy compote
Samhain mulled cider
Samhain Spells:
Jack-o-lantern spells
S’more sweetness spell
Pumpkin seed banishing spell
Traditional samhain love spells
Early winter ritual for Samhain
Dust to dust - simple samhain ritual
Bonfire magic ritual for samhain
Samhain Tarot Spreads:
The hallowed spread (3 card)
Samhain tarot spread (3 card)
Samhain tarot spread (4 card)
Samhain spread (5 card)
Witches’ samhain spread (6 card)
Samhain tarot spread (7 card)
October witch tarot spread (10 card)
The otherworld spread (12 card)
Magical Samhain sigil + sigil for Samhain
All Hallows’ flying incense
Last updated September of 2021, please inform me of broken links via askbox!
Imbolc / Ostara / Beltane / Litha / Lammas / Mabon / Samhain / Yule / Bedridden ideas
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some themed gardens with plant suggestions
sun garden
black eyed susan
warm colored carnation
moon garden
white lilies
henbit/purple deadnettle
fae garden
evening primrose
common dewberry
bluebells (do not pick if you are in a forest)
(northeastern) wildflower garden
baby's breath
cornflower/bachelor's buttons
my personal garden wish list
purple deadnettle/henbit
baby's blue eyes
some succulents
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The problem with correspondences
Beginner witches, listen up.
When I started practising, one of the first things I did was put correspondence lists into my grimoire. Or, I tried to. You see, correspondences are individual. To some extent, they’re based on history, folklore, mythology and medicine - but they’re also highly personal. You can look at ten different correspondence tables for the same herb, and depending on the herb, you’ll get similar answers - but you can also get highly divergent ones. The result? I ended up writing 5-20 different correspondences for a bunch of herbs and crystals that I had never even heard of. Do I remember them now, 7 years on? Hell no. 
There’s a few problems with this:
You don’t know which source to trust.
Sources may totally conflict.
You don’t know why those correspondences are listed.
You won’t know what you can and can’t swap out of a spell.
Correspondence tables often don’t provide sources or reasoning.
You may not have those associations, so they may not actually help you.
Correspondences are tools. They help you to focus your intent in your craft. What’s the point in getting the “right” colour, herb, crystal, element, and moon phase for every spell when you don’t understand why you’re using them, or they don’t help you focus your intent? 
So, what’s the solution? Figure out your own correspondences. 
This doesn’t have to be difficult! Let’s say I’m doing a spell because I have a cold. For me, being sick is associated with soup, lemon, orange, honey and ginger - because my Nan used to make me a hot drink with the last few ingredients in it. So maybe I’ll make that drink, or maybe I’ll make soup with fresh ginger in it. I’ll stir the pot widdershins first, to “banish” the sickness (because I associate counter clockwise with banishment or getting rid of something), then deosil to “bring” or “grow” my health (because those are my associations for clockwise). See? Easy! 
Okay, so how exactly do you come up with correspondences?
Well, some of them are pretty immediate. Think associating mistletoe with Christmas, or plants in your area that only bloom at certain points of the year. You can also consider:
history, mythology and folklore: throughout history, there have been associations with certain plants, colours etc. that you can read up on. Some examples include associating purple with wealth or success because the dye for purple clothing was highly expensive (Roman emperors wore it) and associating rosemary with remembrance, as mentioned in Hamlet. 
medicinal properties: even if you aren’t interested in herbalism, you could include plants with medicinal properties in healing spells. 
local associations: this is pretty likely to cross over with history and folklore, but considering local associations is important, too - especially since associations in world history and mythology may not apply to you and your path. You might also have certain associations with “local” in a general sense (see my post about food correspondences below).
cultural associations: think “pumpkin” for October, even in countries where aren’t particularly common. Are there any cultural associations that you have with particular things? (These may be some of your “stronger” associations.)
personal associations: what’s your personal experience? Did you fall into a rosebush as a kid, so you’d rather associate roses with pain than with love? Did your first crush give you a green handbag, so green is a colour of love for you? What do you find comforting?
These aren’t the only aspects to consider, but it’s a starting point. Depending on the type of correspondence you’re looking for, you could consider other aspects, too (like farming calendars for month associations and seasonal foods).
This isn’t to say there’s anything wrong with using or posting correspondence lists - I’ve posted some myself. They can be really useful - but be aware that those are someone else’s correspondences, not yours, and they may not work the same way for you as they do for someone else - and that’s okay! You have your own resources and your own experiences, and it’s your craft. 
I hope this helps! Check out my other posts about coming up with your own correspondences:
How to correspondence: food & herbs
How to correspondence: when to spell
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Working with the Elements Pt II: Fire
Ways to Use the Element
Fire Meditation and Trance Work
Both the sound and look of fire are very calming. Staring into the fire can work for trance work.
Candle Magic
You can use color magic to match a particular intention, carve sigils into the candle, dress the candle in herbs and oils. Note: if doing a banishing spell, blow out the candle; if doing a spell to bring something in, snuff or let the candle go out on its own. I have a post on candle magic that you can find here.
One of the many ways to activate sigils is by burning them. I have a post on how to make sigils and other advice regarding them that you can find here.
Art Magic
If you want to bring out this element in your art work you can draw or paint or write poetry or songs about the animals down below. Alternatively you can use the corresponding colors in the piece. You can make this work an offering and use that to drive the work if so desired.
You can make incense out of the herbs listed down below or other corresponding herbs, which let's you evoke the element both through the herb and the act of burning them.
You can use an altar cloth in a color that corresponds to the element. You can use artwork or oracle cards to bring in animals that correspond to the element, as well. You can use candles, real or LED.
Lava Rock, Igneous Rock
Fire Opal
Red Jasper
Blood Stone
Astrological Signs
You may want to work with the element as the sun passes through the following signs.
Gold jewlery is heavily tied into the fire element. Gold plated or golden in color will work, as will real gold. When working with the fire element, I like to cleanse and charge my jewelry with incense smoke.
You can use oracle cards, printed images, and symbolism with spirit animals on them.
Please research your herbs to make sure they are not dangerous to consume or apply to the skin. This may be because of an allergy or because of the herb itself. Consult a doctor if you are able to.
Alternatives to Candles
Candle flame or fireplace videos or apps. This is good if you are in the broom closet but want to use these for meditation and/or trance work. Because it is less suspicious to stare at your phone than it is to stare at an open flame.
To represent the element in a sacred space or when calling upon the elements, you can use a colored piece of paper, the symbol for fire, crystals, drawings of corresponding animals, etc.
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Working with the Elements Pt 1: Water
Ways to Use the Element
You can work with crystals that align with the element. Examples include aquamarine and amethyst. You can make a casting circle with these and call upon the element that way. Or you can carry a crystal with you to channel the energy and correspondences of it into your daily life. This idea is also great for travel altars or work you do while traveling in general. This is because they are small and easy to carry.
Broom closet tip: If you are in the broom closet, use these as worry stones. Or get a necklace with the stone and channel the energy that way (bonus: this can easily function as a pendulum if need be).
You can work with the astrological signs. You do not need to be part of the three signs (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces) to incorporate them into your work. You can choose to use the sun or moon phases and when they pass into the desired sign. The moon will pass through each sign in a matter of a few days, while the sun stays in each for about a month.
Budgeting Witch Tip: You don't really need much supplies when doing this sort of work. All you need is to tap into your energy and intention and work with the energy of the alignment of the sun or moon.
This is really good for cosmic witches.
This works the same as above. If a planet passes into the desired sign, such as Cancer for emotional workings, then you can choose to work with it. Each planet has its own associations and some may be better than others in a specific working. Or, you may work with a planet that you feel more drawn to.
Work with the colors in bodies of water near you. For example, the water may appear like a darker or a lighter shade of blue. You may want to incorporate this color into your workings instead of another color. But the colors below are some that are associated with water. Of course, there are more.
Blues, light or dark
Greens, like seafoam green
Silver. This does not have to be pure silver. It can be silver plated or sterling silver or silver colored for example will also work.
Copper. Just like above it does not have to be pure copper, it can be copper colored.
You can work with these in imagery. Things like oracle cards, children's toys, or drawings will work just fine. This is especially true since some of the following animals are hard to have around you when doing a spell or ritual.
Sea birds, like seagulls
Please research your herbs before using!
Lemon balm
Mint, like spearmint
Magical Workings
You can enchant and charge your necklace to be associated with a certain intention by placing it in water.
You can attach a corresponding crystal or buy one already attached to your necklace.
Please be careful if using a cheaper material because it may tarnish. Also if using a crystal or stone please make sure it is safe to put in water.
Herb Uses
Please reasearch the herbs you want to use as some may be dangerous to put on the skin or to consume.
Ritual baths (I have tips on a self love bath here)
Spell bags or spell jars
For banishing something, wash or sweep top to bottom, in to out. So I would start on the highest floor, sweeping from the rooms farthest from the stairs towards them. I would continue this until reaching the lowest level. At which point, I start in the back room and make my way towards the door. To attract something do the opposite.
Destroy or Activate Sigils
Wash a sigil away to banish something. If sending this into the environment though the use or a stream or river, please use materials you find at that location. For example, I usually use a leaf found near the body of water I want to use. Then I draw a sigil using my fingers, charge it, then send it into the water. This is to avoid introducing invasive species or not to harm the wildlife with litter.
Magical Water
Streams or Creeks: purification
Dew: beauty, health
Fog or Mist: balance, creativity
Ice: transformation, releasing something like emotions
Ponds or Lakes: peace, contentment
Rain: energy, protection, cleansing
Sea or Ocean: protection or cleansing (because of high salt content)
Snow: calm, transformation
Spring: growth, protection
Wells: healing, intuition, wishes
Harbours: abundance
Tidal: meditation, spirit work
River: energy
Storm: power
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Negative Magic: Curses, Hexes, & Jinxes
What is a hex? jinx? curse?
Hex: Usually impacts only one aspect of life for a certain period of time. Very painful but doesn't last forever.
Jinx: An annoyance that nags and irritates you, akin to bad luck.
Curse: Can impact all areas of life but not very severely, or impacts one aspect of life very severely. Long lasting. Although not common, with enough energy, it can affect generation after generation.
What are the differences?
They are all types of negative magic. Meaning they are designed to bring about negative outcomes in a situation or on a person.
They are on a scale. It gets increasingly more intense in this order (least intense to most intense): jinx, hex, curse.
Curses are typically purposefully cast, where as jinxes and hexes are sometimes cast accidentally. Although they can also all be purposefully cast.
Is this type of magic immoral?
Note: If this goes against your morals, you don't have to practice this type of magic. But for some who are considering this, this may help figure out if it goes against their morals. I'm simply offering the other side of the coin here.
Reason for immortality: There are other alternatives. Kill them with kindness.
In some cases this may work. Always consider your options before jumping into something. However, sometimes using this type of magic is the answer. Return to sender magic or practicing negative magic is best in some cases.
Reason for immortality: It's against the Wiccan reed.
Witchcraft does not equal Wicca and vice versa. Not all witches are Wiccan and not all Wiccans are witches. So not all witches abide by the Wiccan reed. Some practice Christianity, some practice Judaism, some practice Buddhism, some are secular. Everyone is different.
Why would this type of magic backfire?
Ancestors, spirits, familiars are likely to block the magic from being fulfilled. This is possible for even those who don't practice magic as most people have ancestors or spirits around them.
Protections and wards usually send the spell back to you.
You don't fully release the energy of the spell. This may cause the energy of the spell to stick to you, which causes you to feel the negativity instead of the desired target.
How do I avoid this?
You may want to do the spell on a situation instead of the person. Or put a spell on an object they usually interact with like a piece of jewelry.
Release your energy effectively. This takes a lot of practice.
You may want to take cleansing baths or perform other cleansing rituals after the spell.
Ensure that all tools are cleansed before performing the spell. The energies that linger on the tool may interfere with the spell you are trying to cast.
What if I think I've been cursed?
Shadow work.
Smoke cleansing.
How do I avoid being cursed?
Protection spells
What are some examples of this type of magic?
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[inspired by @titlecard and @nyssalance]
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Things That Aren't Witchy But Still Feel Witchy
Wild flowers
Really huge fucking trees
The color green
Cats, specifically ginger cats, they know things
Homemade cooking
Spring water
Being yourself
Cobblestone paths
Turtles, there's just something about them, I don't know
Brightly colored hair
Dark under eye circles, I have them naturally, and it just gives me that aesthetic feel XD
Going to the pharmacy to get your medication
Old coins
Clouds in strange shapes
Mason jars
Cleaning up your space
Freddie Mercury, Rest in Peace Freddie <3
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how to deal with a witchy burnout
most of us have been there. we lose our touch with the craft and don’t feel like doing much. we feel too tired and exhausted to put effort in it and sometimes we feels like there’s no point.
here are some tips on how to get out of this sticky situation! 🌙
drink tea ✨
yes, you heard me! drinking teas with specific herbs (like chamomile for sleep, lavender for anxiety, etc.) will help you get in tune with herbal magick. you can also stir your tea clockwise to bring forward something (like good energy or calmness) or add a sigil on the bottom with some honey (doesn’t have to be perfect). 🍵✨🌸
nature walk ✨
get in tune with those energies outside! i always find a walk on the grass helps pick up my mood (especially barefoot!!). envision the energies from the earth flowing into your body 🌱🌎🍃
witchy movie ✨
sometimes, we just need a little inspo to bring us back to our craft. watching witchy movies can bring back that spark into us! some great movies i recommend are:
the craft
hocus pocus
the love witch
practical magic
charmed (a show)
the vampire diaries (a show)
tarot ✨
start off with one card if more than that feels like it would tire you. it’s ok! you can do one in the morning by asking a simple question like “what should i focus on today?” 🔮✨💜
food ✨
incorporate some magick into the food you eat! this isn’t hard at all, especially since we all eat food everyday. simply add an intent to an herb or spice and then add it into your food. for example, add cinnamon onto your oatmeal, with your intent being that you will have abundance 🥐🍦🍩
songs ✨
songs are great to get you back into magick! listen to pagan music, celtic songs, or just look up “witchcraft songs,” “wiccan songs,” or “pagan songs” on spotify🌛🤍🌜
gratitude ✨
this one’s real simple! when you wake up, thank the universe that you got to live to see another day. you can even journal it. breathe in the air and think of how grateful you are that you’re able to do that. soak in the sun’s rays and feel the heat. 🌞🌼💛
final words...
it’s ok to take breaks! nothing wrong with that. it’s human. appreciate yourself as a person. remember, you are magickal and divine no matter how many burnouts you have. burnouts happen to nearly everyone and it’s completely normal! 🍄🐥🌈
sendin good vibez 💜
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Shadow Work Info 🧿🌀🥀
[credit: @risingwoman on Instagram]
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