darkalolo · 1 year
yea the way fat women are treated makes my blood boil. it’s always so unjustified and based in coomer logic. like they’ll lie and say they’re soooo concerned for her health and it’s like explain to me in three sentences or less how the words “i bet the meat flaps on this fat bitch are so disgusting” reflects that in any capacity. idiot. like she wouldn’t fuck you either you’re balding at 23 and have what is referred to in clinical settings as a microphallus. and even if you had hair and a dick over 2.5” you’d still look like you smell like honey baked ham and envelope adhesive. die.
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darkalolo · 3 years
Trigger warning: violence against women
And yet woke feminists parade the hijab as a free choice and a tool of empowerment, it's a free choice when you have the freedom to say "no", to actually be able to change your mind about something without fearing for your safety, men in the middle east are some of the most misogynistic creatures ever, you can see how they dress whichever way they want and yet have the hypocrisy to abuse women should they even think of doing the same.
The hijab is a tool of patriarchal oppression, it is used to oppress and subjugate women, in some countries women lose their lives for choosing not to wear it and yet woke liberal leftists celebrate it, they celebrate "world hijab day", they call it empowering even though women like them are being treated violently for wanting to feel the wind in their hair like a normal human being.
The world disgusts me, the hypocrisy disgusts me, virtue signaling also disgusts me, like "OH LOOK AT ME I'M SO TOLERANT AND LOVING".
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darkalolo · 3 years
If you’re an ex-muslim radfem or an ex-religious radfem in general please reblog and put it in the tags so we can follow more blogs critical of religions, as feminism in itself is an atheist movement. Reblog if you aren’t one too, so we can share that list more easily
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darkalolo · 3 years
I don’t know if you know this but here’s a live feed of porn searches being made right now. 
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darkalolo · 3 years
I'm a Nigerian though a Yoruba one,I want you to know the Igbo women who marry new wives do so to at least get some things for themselves since this ethnic group can be cruel to widowed women especially those with female children or childless ones,their husband's properties will be shared amongst the family members while they are left with nothing and sent packing just like most tribes do,they marry a new wife who has to have sex with one of the late husband's relatives until she gets pregnant and will be celebrated if it's a male child(valorization of male child) who is said to continue the late husband's lineage,the widow now knows her place is secure and will most likely live in her husband's house till death,there is no kind of romantic relationship between this two women and Nigeria frowns upon homosexual relationship so the reason it happens is because it is assumed that they are heterosexual and it's still not a legal marriage in Nigeria because neither can they do a court wedding nor a church one.
One married the other for inheritance and security,the other married because her family needs the dowry payment since female children are seen as a way to make money and has to have sex with one of the chosen men who is likely not her choice and becomes an incubator for a dead man,this ethnic group is known for having a large number of children and may have up to 9 kids,so she keeps giving birth until she has a male child if she's unfortunate enough not to have a male child at first or if the 9th child is the only male child,he's also going to be the one to inherit everything leaving the sisters with nothing.
For both countries,those women have to marry or they die hungry and homeless.
I do not believe this should be glamorized neither do I believe straight women can practice full separatism.
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For the straight female separatists on here ❤️❤️
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darkalolo · 3 years
Radical feminists are very often painted as mean, wicked, or ill-tempered. When I first discovered radical feminism, and eventually became a radical feminist myself, I found quite the opposite.
I found that radical feminists are full of love.
We’re full of so much love, actually, that we’ve taken it upon ourselves to turn love into action. We love prostituted women, so we actively fight against human trafficking and the commodification of female and children’s bodies. We love women who are condemned for menstruating, so we fight for their human rights, and aim to normalizing periods. We love women who have been hurt by patriarchal beauty standards (Which are also a great deal of us), to the point of self mutilation, so we spread messages of love and support. All female bodies are worth celebration, and none are wrong or bad. They simply are. We love women who have been traumatized or hurt by men, so we created female-only spaces to heal in. We love women who are forced to subscribe to patriarchal religions, so we actively oppose those religions and any legislative effect they have on women.
Radical feminism is not about hating men, in fact it isn’t about men at all. Radical feminism is about loving and supporting women, but the act of loving women is seen as evil and hateful.
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darkalolo · 3 years
doesn't mod s call herself a feminist? she can't be muslim and a feminist, islam is a male dominated religion, women have to be constantly oppressed. it's disgusting how muslim women are treated
Well, first of all, I’m use they/them, but thanks so much for misgendering me!
You wanna talk about how Muslim women and and woman-aligned people are treated? Fine, we can talk about that.
We can talk about how the Quran was revealed in 632 AD, saying how women are equal to men. (“And their Lord responded to them: ’…be you male or female - you are equal to one another.’” [Quran 3:195])
We can talk about how in the 16th century, western men were still debating if women had souls.
We can talk about how in 632, the 1st century, Muslim women had the rights to choose who to marry, to divorce, to work, to educate and be educated, to have their won inheritance, to their own land and property, to have their own businesses, to participate in combat, to half their husband’s wealth, to have their own opinions, to have custody of their children, and on and on and on.
We can talk about Muslim women’s right to have a voice in government. Tell me, when did the USA give (white) women “equal participation in the political process,” or voting? 1920. Muslim women have had that since 632.
We can talk about how Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Turkey, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, and Senegal have all had female Presidents or Prime Ministers. How 1/3rd of Egypt’s parliament is female. How in the lovely USA, we haven’t even had a women vice-president yet.
We can talk about the hijab, niqab, abaya, and burqa, how they’re mainly worn to protect women from leering men, and to allow women to interact freely in public without people being able to judge their bodies or looks and only having their minds and personalities to make judgements off of.
We can talk a out how the Western world has twisted our clothing into “women have to cover up because they’re indecent!” and women and feminine-presenting people get attacked and have their coverings yanked off, either because of Islamophobic hatred or misguided attempts at saving us.
We can talk about how I’ve had my hijab ripped off twice, both times by white men, once outside my community’s masjid (the Muslim place of worship.) And oddly enough, my clothing didn’t stop me from breaking one of those men’s noses when he went after my sister. Just like it’s never stopped me from going to school, or playing sports, or doing anything a white woman or woman aligned person could do.
We can talk about how outside of the masjid, where men and women are required to cover their heads, I’ve never once been made to wear a hijab.
We can talk about how the only people who have lectured me about dressing modestly were non-Muslim teachers and other educators.
We can talk about how people want to preach about how Muslims think women are indecent, when western schools freak out when a girl shows her shoulders.
We can talk about my cousin who once made a joke about women belonging in the kitchen and how out of thirty people in the room, the only person who laughed was his white friend. How his father immediately corrected him.
We can talk about how the first university ever, the University of al-Qarawiyyin, was founded in 858 by Fatima al-Fihri, a Muslim woman. How despite that, the summer I was thirteen and taking extra courses at the community college, an instructor praised me for joining even though “I know Muslim parents don’t let girls have higher education.” I had to look her in the eyes and ask who she thought was paying for my classes.
We can talk about the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.a.w.) who denounced all forms of enslavement of women, and assisted women in issuing their rights to exist freely.
We can talk about people who rush to condemn Muslim men for hurting the “defenseless” girls, then turning around and making jokes about raping and hitting women.
We can talk about the “saviors of Muslim women,” talking about how they’re so oppressed, they don’t get to make their own choices.
We can talk about how these people completely ignore anyone who says they’re wrong and call them brainwashed. Because of course millions of women have been coerced into believing in a tradition that views them as subservient, what other explanation is there?
We can talk about how patronizing and infantalizing this is, how it denies Muslim women and woman aligned people agency and puts our “saviors” on a pedestal. “We need to be their heroes! Because obviously they can’t fix their problems without the aid of white people!”
We can talk about how it’s true that Muslim women suffer from misogyny. How there are Muslim men who think of women as lesser, how some Muslim women are forced to cover themselves and marry. Because guess what? There is no culture that is exempt from misogyny and sexism, gender discrimination is a problem everywhere. But you cannot call an entire culture and religion inherently misogynistic, that is in no way true. 
We can talk about how somehow there’s this incredibly untrue idea that Western cultures have “progressed forward, and sexism doesn’t exist here, only in other countries and cultures.”
We can talk about how if people want to help Muslim women, all that is needed is for them to listen to us and follow our lead.
We can talk about how Muslim women and woman aligned people do not need white people to save them. We have always been capable of helping ourselves.
There are a lot of conversations to be had about the treatment of Muslim women, if it’s something you want to discuss.
But the thing is? People who talk about how oppressed Muslim women are generally don’t.
You want a deflection from your misogyny, “You think I’m bad! You should see how Muslim girls are treated.” You want an excuse for your Islamophobia, “We need to criticize Islam, they treat women awfully!” You want justification for western imperialism, “These wars are necessary! We need to save the poor girls!”
You don’t care about Muslim women and women aligned people.
Stop pretending like you do.
- Mod S
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darkalolo · 3 years
doesn't mod s call herself a feminist? she can't be muslim and a feminist, islam is a male dominated religion, women have to be constantly oppressed. it's disgusting how muslim women are treated
Well, first of all, I’m use they/them, but thanks so much for misgendering me!
You wanna talk about how Muslim women and and woman-aligned people are treated? Fine, we can talk about that.
We can talk about how the Quran was revealed in 632 AD, saying how women are equal to men. (“And their Lord responded to them: ’…be you male or female - you are equal to one another.’” [Quran 3:195])
We can talk about how in the 16th century, western men were still debating if women had souls.
We can talk about how in 632, the 1st century, Muslim women had the rights to choose who to marry, to divorce, to work, to educate and be educated, to have their won inheritance, to their own land and property, to have their own businesses, to participate in combat, to half their husband’s wealth, to have their own opinions, to have custody of their children, and on and on and on.
We can talk about Muslim women’s right to have a voice in government. Tell me, when did the USA give (white) women “equal participation in the political process,” or voting? 1920. Muslim women have had that since 632.
We can talk about how Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Turkey, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, and Senegal have all had female Presidents or Prime Ministers. How 1/3rd of Egypt’s parliament is female. How in the lovely USA, we haven’t even had a women vice-president yet.
We can talk about the hijab, niqab, abaya, and burqa, how they’re mainly worn to protect women from leering men, and to allow women to interact freely in public without people being able to judge their bodies or looks and only having their minds and personalities to make judgements off of.
We can talk a out how the Western world has twisted our clothing into “women have to cover up because they’re indecent!” and women and feminine-presenting people get attacked and have their coverings yanked off, either because of Islamophobic hatred or misguided attempts at saving us.
We can talk about how I’ve had my hijab ripped off twice, both times by white men, once outside my community’s masjid (the Muslim place of worship.) And oddly enough, my clothing didn’t stop me from breaking one of those men’s noses when he went after my sister. Just like it’s never stopped me from going to school, or playing sports, or doing anything a white woman or woman aligned person could do.
We can talk about how outside of the masjid, where men and women are required to cover their heads, I’ve never once been made to wear a hijab.
We can talk about how the only people who have lectured me about dressing modestly were non-Muslim teachers and other educators.
We can talk about how people want to preach about how Muslims think women are indecent, when western schools freak out when a girl shows her shoulders.
We can talk about my cousin who once made a joke about women belonging in the kitchen and how out of thirty people in the room, the only person who laughed was his white friend. How his father immediately corrected him.
We can talk about how the first university ever, the University of al-Qarawiyyin, was founded in 858 by Fatima al-Fihri, a Muslim woman. How despite that, the summer I was thirteen and taking extra courses at the community college, an instructor praised me for joining even though “I know Muslim parents don’t let girls have higher education.” I had to look her in the eyes and ask who she thought was paying for my classes.
We can talk about the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.a.w.) who denounced all forms of enslavement of women, and assisted women in issuing their rights to exist freely.
We can talk about people who rush to condemn Muslim men for hurting the “defenseless” girls, then turning around and making jokes about raping and hitting women.
We can talk about the “saviors of Muslim women,” talking about how they’re so oppressed, they don’t get to make their own choices.
We can talk about how these people completely ignore anyone who says they’re wrong and call them brainwashed. Because of course millions of women have been coerced into believing in a tradition that views them as subservient, what other explanation is there?
We can talk about how patronizing and infantalizing this is, how it denies Muslim women and woman aligned people agency and puts our “saviors” on a pedestal. “We need to be their heroes! Because obviously they can’t fix their problems without the aid of white people!”
We can talk about how it’s true that Muslim women suffer from misogyny. How there are Muslim men who think of women as lesser, how some Muslim women are forced to cover themselves and marry. Because guess what? There is no culture that is exempt from misogyny and sexism, gender discrimination is a problem everywhere. But you cannot call an entire culture and religion inherently misogynistic, that is in no way true. 
We can talk about how somehow there’s this incredibly untrue idea that Western cultures have “progressed forward, and sexism doesn’t exist here, only in other countries and cultures.”
We can talk about how if people want to help Muslim women, all that is needed is for them to listen to us and follow our lead.
We can talk about how Muslim women and woman aligned people do not need white people to save them. We have always been capable of helping ourselves.
There are a lot of conversations to be had about the treatment of Muslim women, if it’s something you want to discuss.
But the thing is? People who talk about how oppressed Muslim women are generally don’t.
You want a deflection from your misogyny, “You think I’m bad! You should see how Muslim girls are treated.” You want an excuse for your Islamophobia, “We need to criticize Islam, they treat women awfully!” You want justification for western imperialism, “These wars are necessary! We need to save the poor girls!”
You don’t care about Muslim women and women aligned people.
Stop pretending like you do.
- Mod S
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darkalolo · 3 years
Can we all just agree that sexism of any kind is disgusting? Misogynists and Misandrists are equally subhuman garbage.
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darkalolo · 3 years
We all know surrogacy is wrong because it makes women’s bodies into a product that could be sold or rented, and that should be enough reason why surrogacy should be abolished. But i’d like to expand on the reasons:
- There have been reports of poor treatment of surrogate mothers, with some agencies refusing to pay surrogates if they do not obey strict requirements or if they miscarry.
- The requirements for surrogate mothers are mostly insane. They must follow strict diets and physical activities, allow the buyers to control and decide their sexual life, they must have abortions if the buyers suddenly change their minds and decide so, sometimes they can’t even leave the place of residency agreed on the contract. Some of them are submitted to fertility treatments and unsafe medical prescriptions.
- Surrogate mothers must agree to things like: “the surrogate must be married and be a mother of at least one healthy child, be medically and psychologically fit, abstain from cigarettes, alcohol and any other drugs during pregnancy and must agree to give up her parental right,  after the baby is born. Her husband must also pass tests. The couple must present a medical report on their health, the results of semen analysis showing the husband is fertile, a laboratory report on their blood type and their marriage certificate. The agency arranges the contract, life insurance for the surrogate’s family (should she die during pregnancy or childbirth) and life insurance or a will for the child should the (contracting) couple die before the child is born.”
- If these people’s countries don’t allow surrogacy, they often travel to other countries where the law about it is less strict. Especially third world countries like India, Thailand, Cambodia and Nepal. 
- Following last point, surrogacy mostly targets poor and vulnerable women in thirld world countries who can’t find other ways to gain a basic income and therefore decide to use their bodies and sell them. It’s the same reasoning behind prostitution.
- It’s literally selling human life. Not only selling women’s bodies but also the babies they birth. Selling humans is illegal in most cases, and there’s no reason why it shouldn’t be in this case. 
- It’s not “body rent” or “womb rent”, it’s the renting of people. you can’t separate a body from the person. You are your body. When your body dies, you die as well.
- Also in this case the woman is deprived of all rights, can’t even be called mother, and the consumer has all the respect because they’re paying for “the product”. We all know true consent can’t be bought.
- Some people try to excuse some surrogacy cases as “altruistic”, because the women in question are serving as a surrogate for free only because they want to help other people who can’t have babies. but the reality is this is highly unlikely to happen. and even if it did happen, these women are still in severe risk of countless dangers that come with pregnancy, even risking death. all of that for a child that isn’t even hers. so it’s not something that should be normalized
- Sometimes the babies are born with an illness that couldn’t be foreseen during the pregnancy, sometimes they’re born premature, or sometimes they’re simply not what the contracting people wanted. So they’re abandoned. 
- 500 surrogate babies were abandoned in Ukraine last year because the parents couldn’t cross the border due to covid (video on source 6).
- Others may disagree with this point. But there are studies that have shown babies bond with their mothers after birth. Which affects the baby and the mother psychologically and physically for different reasons. Also the baby never consented to being bought and given to strangers. Money doesn’t mean anything to this baby. 
- After the baby is given away, the mother is left alone to handle her trauma and psychological or physical problems caused by this process. The contracting family only gave their money while she was creating “the perfect baby” but once that’s done, they don’t care anymore. 
- Most times when it’s an heterosexual couple doing the contract, the contracting father is the one who has all the rights. And the consent of the infertile woman who is going to raise this child for the most part isn’t even considered as a requirement.
Sources (and things you should read if you want to learn more):
Source 1: Surrogacy - A Human Rights Violation by Renate Klein and here’s a summary
Source 2
Source 3
Source 4
Source 5
Source 6
Feel free to add other reasons why surrogacy is wrong or any other opinion!
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darkalolo · 3 years
i can’t even explain how much it makes my blood boil that people think misandry = misogyny; people whose only argument is “all extremes are bad”.
like it lacks so much common sense and analysis, not only because “misandrist” women don’t rape, beat and murder men like misogynist do, but because in it’s root it couldn’t be more apart.
men have hate us since the begging of time, just because of our sex, they’ve always have and they projected that hate into raping us, using us, chasing us, taking away our rights and our identity as human beings, they’ve always have seen us as something underneath them; even those “allies” who claim to be such feminists and try to be as political correct as possible, even them get off by watching us suffer, they love to see it.
but misandry isn’t any of that: women don’t hate men because of their sex, they don’t hate their existence without any reason. misandry is a natural response, is a common reaction to all the fear that men have caused us and keep on causing. misandry is a response to men’s hate to women, how can that ever be the same?
how can a woman who has lived her entire life being sexually assaulted, sexualized, being taken advantage of, mistreated, abused, insulted and degraded by men and only keeps on see it happening to younger and younger girls without no one making a big deal out of that? just being something normal yk “boys will be boys” and to see that now everything is excused because of kinks and porn culture. like, how can you NOT hate them? as a whole, how can you not hate people who have caused so much suffer? who literally have limited your whole existence by making you scared, making you feel dirty and insecure, by making you hate yourself?
like i can assure that if you are a woman probably about 95% of problems in your life are rooted in the actions of men; not only about your personal connections to them, but also to the system that they’ve created, their visions on what’s right or wrong, beautiful or ugly, correct or inmoral.
“hating men” isn’t an extreme, women don’t own anything to them in any sense, way less something as love and respect. men have never loved us, not even respected us and honestly we have to start doing the same. fuck what men want, what men desire, what men think it’s cool or correct or smart or ideal. and i literally mean it, think about how all of your actions; your way of thinking, of dressing, of talking and acting and always making an effort to be someone desirable and beautiful and “smart”, to never listen to your emotions, to never be loud and intense and passionate and “crazy” are all influenced by men’s perception of what’s ok to be, and look, and feel.
FUCK THAT, fuck men’s standards. live life as you fucking want; stop spending time into being pretty and skinny and hot. read books written by women, study all the things that you are interested in, make art, listen to all the “girly dumb music” that you want, make all the jokes that you think are funny and talk loud. throw your makeup away and wear clothes that are comfy, think about what makes you ALWAYS happy and not only what “feels good” when men or their society approves you.
that’s feminism, REAL feminism, it all starts in the individual actions, ladies please, free yourself, love yourself.
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darkalolo · 3 years
Radical Feminism has given me such immense clarity into the world. It gave me the catharsis of discovering the truth. It saved me from potentially destructive behaviour. It made me take off my rose tinted glasses. The truth really does set you free. For the first time in forever, I don't feel an internal conflict in my belief system. Radical feminism means feminism 'to the root', yes, but to me it also means a defiant, unstoppable, unnegotiable political movement.
It is harrowing to know the truth, painful even. But it gets better. The women who you share the movement with will provide you solace and comfort. You share the truth and the aim to radically restructure society. That is radical in every sense.
As hard as it gets sometimes, I love being a radical feminist.
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darkalolo · 3 years
Not to be Rude™️ but sometimes it feels like men don’t actually care about each other, much less their own issues. Almost every time I see a male issue brought up (ie: being a victim of molestation or sexual assault), it’s almost always brought up as a reaction to women. So like there will be a story about something that happened to a man and the conversation shifts to “I bet you feminists won’t talk about this” or “but if a woman did this” or “but this happens to men too” or something along those lines. A lot of males’ “compassion” for one another seems reactionary; the goal seems to be to shift the attention from women and back onto them but they never seem to actually do anything to help each other. In fact they joke about their pain (literally a running gag in media is males getting raped in prison or just laughing in general when a man/boy is assaulted by a male or female). It has me wondering if men genuinely want to help each other/themselves or do they just want women to stop talking.
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darkalolo · 3 years
I love that men say babies are half theirs only when it comes to abortions. After the baby is born they only take interest in the fun parts like playing with them when they're little and being thanked when the child is successful. Men don't take on half of the emotional, physical, and mental roles of parenting. They complain when they have to contribute financially when they're not parenting at all. Men don't really think children are half theirs, they think that children are mens property and women are just nannies who raise them. That's why they are against abortion. They don't think that abortion is wrong, they think women choosing to not give a man a child is wrong because only he should be able to decide if that child comes into existence or not. That's why you'll never hear the men who shout from the rooftops about women using abortion as birth control talk about powerful men forcing women to get one.
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darkalolo · 3 years
I love that men say babies are half theirs only when it comes to abortions. After the baby is born they only take interest in the fun parts like playing with them when they're little and being thanked when the child is successful. Men don't take on half of the emotional, physical, and mental roles of parenting. They complain when they have to contribute financially when they're not parenting at all. Men don't really think children are half theirs, they think that children are mens property and women are just nannies who raise them. That's why they are against abortion. They don't think that abortion is wrong, they think women choosing to not give a man a child is wrong because only he should be able to decide if that child comes into existence or not. That's why you'll never hear the men who shout from the rooftops about women using abortion as birth control talk about powerful men forcing women to get one.
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darkalolo · 3 years
Piercing a Baby Girls Ears
Is it harmless and cultural or the normalization of disregarding consent and body autonomy?
Before I would have said yes. The piercing a baby girls ear is harmless and cultural. I had mine done as an infant, and so have so many other African and Black women of the diaspora I know
But now because of radical feminism, I am more inclined to think critically. How pervasive is it to disregard the consent and body autonomy of women and girls?
When does it start? And how does it start?
And when you do begin to think about it. It starts as early as when you are a baby.
So my opinion has changed to no.
It has evolved. It is not the right to pierce the ears of an infant girl child. Whether for culture or vanity or tradition.
It is not right for the girl infant to suffer pain for her mother's own vanity.
Because once it starts here. It never ends.
Today it will be a pierced ear and she will cry. And she will be told "the pain is temporary". "To get over it". She will suffer for the vanity of her mother. For compliments from strangers she will never know.
And then tomorrow she will suffer under the vanity of her peers. For peer pressure. To fit in, to be pretty as a child. To be accepted by her peers. "The pain is temporary". You will get over it". For the compliments of girl children her own age.
Then the next day. She will be a teenager. She will suffer under the vanity of beauty standards. Of high school boys. She will have normalized the disregard to consent and body autonomy when her boyfriend decides to choke her, or do anal sex without asking.
"The pain is temporary". "You will get over it". And her boyfriend will shower her with compliments at the pain of her own discomfort.
She will swallow the discomfort and ignore the sharp pains when it hurts to sit down.
After the next day. She will be a wife. She will clean up after a grown man, take care of the children, perform all the household labor. Then lay down on her back for a man who will never even ask her if she came.
She will lay there and say, "This is temporary. The pain is temporary. I will get over it"
We condition girls in our society, literally from infanthood that it is normal to disregard your consent and body autonomy.
Pain is fine. Discomfort is okay. As long as it is done for the vanity of others.
What is the point of pierced ears for a baby besides your own vanity? Is your daughter a human being or an accessory? Is she an object for you to dress up and make cute for others to compliment?
"I will pierce your ears and cause you pain. Not because you need your ears peirced but for my own vanity. Disregard the pain, it is only temporary. Who is it for? Well for me, because of vanity, and because I want you to get compliments"
What are you teaching your girl infants and children? What are we teaching women?
Today it is peirced ear. Tomorrow it is the acceptance of pain and disregard for consent and body autonomy..
So much of the hatred for the girl child starts from infancy. And it is so pervasive and normalized in our society
Women are so quick to disregard any pain felt by the baby. Just as quickly as men are quick to disregard any pain done to the women whether it be emotional, physical, or sexual labor.
It says to me,"So what if it hurts? You will get over it. The pain is just temporary. Stop crying. It is not a big deal"
Who else does that sound like to you? Ask yourself.
Who does this benefit? Who does this harm?
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darkalolo · 3 years
I am so angry. I am so fucking angry and I have nothing that I can do with that anger. It is like coals in my belly. Embers in the palms of my hands. My blood is boiling. Always. I live like this constantly.
Right now, somewhere, a little girl is being held down while her genitalia is mutilated. One day, the man she marries will open the wound with a knife to rape her, if she doesn’t die of infection first. Another, somewhere else, is being married off as a child bride, to be raped by a man four times her age. Another is trafficked to a brothel, so a white man on vacation feels less guilty taking his pedophilia somewhere else. Another is killed as an infant, because she isn’t a son. Another is dying in childbirth. Women all over the world are dying in childbirth, because they couldn’t get an abortion, or they’re a child, or their husband demanded a tenth child. Somewhere, a husband beats his wife, and it’s habit. In the U.S. alone, a woman is beaten every 9 seconds in her domestic relationship. How many will suffer in the time it takes you to read this? Somewhere else, a woman is strangled by her partner. Women die every day to the hands of their lovers. To their exes. To that guy who saw them once in a grocery store and was so mad that they didn’t smile back. A college woman will leave her boyfriend today, and tomorrow find out everyone on campus has a hold of her private photos. She will be told she is a whore, an embarrassment, asking to be raped. 1 in 4 college women are raped. I was one of them. 80% never report. I didn’t. Somewhere a 16 year old at her first job is wondering what to do, because orientation didn’t prepare her to hear the comments her boss makes about her body. Does she quit? Where does she go? Because it’s everywhere! Its everywhere! In that building, a coworker gropes her. In that bus, a man slides his hand across her ass. In that street, ‘harmless’ teens tell her how pretty she’d look with their cocks in her mouth. In that bar, her drink is drugged. You cannot escape it. Women’s suffering, like gasoline dredged over us. Waterboarded by their hate. Lilith was right. Dworkin was right. Every woman locked in an asylum, lobotomized by their family, burnt at the stake, was right. Every woman crying, diaries full, and from every moment of history, of women crying. Hysterical women, but Christ how can you not be?
It makes me want to howl. I want to fucking scream. But I can’t. If I were to open my mouth right now I would breathe fire.
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