darkchocmadness · 7 months
Hey! Its our first anniversary!
Happy 1st Anniversary, my cute wife! As I reflect on this milestone, I can't help but cherish the journey we've shared together. It feels like just yesterday when we embarked on our first date, a humble yet memorable night at Burger King Sunset Road . Do you remember how nervous we both were, yet how that nervousness faded away in the comfort of each other's company?
That night, as rain poured outside, it seemed like the universe was conspiring to bring us closer together. Despite the weather, our laughter and conversation filled the air, creating a warmth that enveloped us both. And when we decided to extend our late night at Restu Bali hotel, it was as if time stood still, allowing us to savor every moment.
Looking back, I'm filled with gratitude for this journey we've undertaken together. Many may have doubted us, but here we are, celebrating our first year of relationship . It's a testament to the strength of our love and the depth of our connection. I am profoundly grateful to have you by my side, not just today, but for all the days to come. Here's to us, my love, and to the countless beautiful moments that lie ahead. Happy anniversary!
I love you so much,
Sincerely ,
Tamujin Zain. 😘❤️
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darkchocmadness · 8 months
My life is blessed, a tapestry divine,
Where love and joy in every moment shine.
With my wife, the heart's true compass,
Each day a chapter, a story wondrous.
In symphony, our notes entwine,
A melody sweet, a love so fine.
Celestial dance, stars aglow,
Countless moments of bliss in tow.
A garden of serenity, love's own bloom,
Planted by my wife, dispelling gloom.
Mosaic of happiness, memories dear,
Crafted with love, drawing near.
Journey of discovery, treasures unfold,
Hand in hand with my wife, stories untold.
Canvas of colors, vibrant and bright,
Painted by my wife, a pure delight.
Melody of laughter, dreams we weave,
Harmonious chords, our love to believe.
In this sanctuary of joy, foundation strong,
Blessed is my life, with love lifelong.
#DarkChocMadness #DNTNSWN
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darkchocmadness · 9 months
In the moonlit glow where stars ignite,
A poem unfolds, a tale so bright.
For her, a muse, in beauty's grace,
A verse that dances, a sweet embrace.
Her eyes, like constellations deep,
Hold secrets, galaxies, and dreams to keep.
In every gaze, a universe untold,
A love story, forever to unfold.
Her laughter, a melody, a gentle song,
Echoes through the night, where hearts belong.
Each note a charm, a serenade so sweet,
In love's symphony, two souls entreat.
Her touch, a whisper, a soft caress,
A language spoken, a tender finesse.
In every stroke, a story spun,
Of passion's fire and the rising sun.
Through valleys low and mountains high,
This poem for her, a heartfelt sigh.
A journey written in verses rare,
A love that blossoms, beyond compare.
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darkchocmadness · 9 months
I loved everything about you
Maybe too much
but how could i not love
that smile
that laughter
those eyes
that humour
that passion
how could i not love you
if you were everything
i’ve ever wanted
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darkchocmadness · 1 year
“My Sun and Moon”
Baby, baby, you're my sun and moon
Girl, you're everything between
A lot of pretty faces could waste my time
But you're my dream girl
You make flowers bloom
Girl, you make the stars collide
And I don't know what I did to get lucky like this
But it sure feels fine
'Cause you give me love and affection
I give you all my protection
I'm tryna stay by your side 'til the day I die
And you give me all of your love
And I give you all of my trust
I know you'll never betray me or leave my side,
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darkchocmadness · 1 year
“Misunderstood Creature”
Throughout my life, I've been the perpetual misunderstood creature, from my early years to the present day.
The world often perceives me through a different lens, but beneath the surface lies a heart of unparalleled kindness and compassion.
Despite the misconceptions, my soft heart has been a steady source of warmth and understanding, offering solace to those who truly see beyond the surface.
I just want to be honest , it’s hard but i’ll be fine. I knew how it felt to be a Wolves , to be a Foxes , to be a Pitbull , to be a Sharks & Spiders.
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darkchocmadness · 1 year
She wrote me this ;
“I fall in love with you because you care about me but what I mean is not in a materialistic way.
But instead, I fall in love with you because you care about my soul. I fall in love with you because you take care of my mind. I Fall in love with you because you take care of my heart. I Fall in love with you because you will take care of me even the most chaotic parts of who I am.
I fall in love with you because you are someone who waits for me. Who understands me even in the madness, someone who helps me, and guides me, someone who supports me. I fall in love with you because you will hug and kiss me after a fight. I fall in love with you because your eyes light up whenever that you sees me”
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darkchocmadness · 1 year
She wrote me this ;
You're coming back in my life,
And I think it's the end of the world,
We're starting over and my life is getting better day by day.
Baby, I love you
When my life is getting hard, I steal a few deep breath from the world every a few minutes in a day.
Until you come into my life and hug me tightly, to make sure all of my worries and my pain will dissapear,
You make me feel better day by day. It's always you.
Baby, I love you
I'm just an idiot with the painted face who hate herself, In the corner taking up space in the crowded room.
But when you walks in, I'm loved.
Baby, I love you.
I just need a quite place where I can scream how I love you
p/s : Still can’t move on with this , i love her so much ❤️
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darkchocmadness · 1 year
Unplanned , Yet Destined.
In Bali's sun-kissed land, fate wove its thread,
A chance encounter, where our hearts were led.
Unplanned, yet destined, our souls intertwined,
In that magical moment, her love I did find.
Her presence, a gift, like a gentle breeze,
Unexpectedly, she put my soul at ease.
With her, life bloomed, colors brighter than before,
She breathed new life, deep into my core.
Together we danced, through life's highs and lows,
She's the anchor that steadies me as the wind blows.
In her embrace, I found my truest form,
Her love, a shelter from life's raging storm.
I pray for forever, until my last breath,
With her, I've found home, and that's no jest.
My beautiful wife, my love and my guide,
With you, by my side, life's a wondrous ride.
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darkchocmadness · 1 year
What is love , You ask?
Muhammad ( SAW ) said :
When i was poor , She made me rich.
When world was against me, She stayed by my side and made me strong.
When the world treated me as a liar, She believed in me.
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darkchocmadness · 1 year
There are no words that can fully express how much comfort and happiness you bring into my life. From the moment we met, you’ve been the source of my greatest joy and solace. When I’m with you, the world fades away, and all that matters is the warmth of your presence.
You have a way of making every moment feel like home, and being with you is like finding my safe haven. Your love and understanding embrace me like a gentle breeze, and I feel truly at ease, knowing that I have you by my side.
Your laughter is my melody, your smile my guiding light. In your arms, I find a sense of peace and contentment that I never knew was possible. With you, I can be my truest self, and you love me unconditionally, flaws and all.
You are my confidant, my best friend, and my partner in every adventure. Your unwavering support and encouragement inspire me to be a better person each day.
I cherish every shared moment, every laugh, every tear, and every dream we build together. You are the missing piece that completes me, and I am eternally grateful for the love we share.
Thank you for being the foundation of my happiness and the light that brightens my days. I am forever grateful for the love you give me, and I promise to cherish and love you with all my heart, always.
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darkchocmadness · 1 year
Being an expat and surviving means you are a brave soul willing to create a life outside your comfort zone.
It allows you to rewrite your story, leaving behind the old chapters and embracing the adventure of the unknown.
and it opens doors to new friendships, experiences, and a world of possibilities.
thus , you found hidden strengths you never knew existed.
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darkchocmadness · 1 year
I absolutely adore my wife’s siblings for the genuine care and affection they shower upon HER .
It’s heartwarming to witness the strong bond they share, always looking out for her well-being and happiness.
Their advice has proven to be invaluable, as they have a deep understanding of her preferences and needs. Their support and guidance have led to many positive decisions in her life, and I am grateful to have such caring and insightful individuals as part of our extended family.
Their presence not only strengthens our relationship but also enriches our lives with love and wisdom.
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darkchocmadness · 1 year
She Deserved This Happiness in Her Life.
Life had presented her with numerous challenges, but through it all, she persevered with unwavering strength and resilience. Her journey was marked by ups and downs, triumphs and setbacks, yet she never lost sight of her inherent worth. Amidst the storms that tested her resolve, she held onto the belief that happiness was her rightful companion.
Her spirit radiated warmth and kindness, touching the lives of those fortunate enough to cross her path. She selflessly gave of herself, offering solace to those in need, a comforting embrace to those overwhelmed by sorrow. In her presence, burdens felt lighter, and hope rekindled.
Though life’s hardships threatened to dim her inner light, she never allowed them to extinguish her spirit. She embraced vulnerability, finding strength in her ability to rise above adversity. Each setback became a stepping stone, propelling her towards a brighter future.
As the chapters of her story unfolded, the universe took notice of her resilience. It whispered secrets of joy and whispered promises of serenity into her ear. Slowly but surely, happiness began to weave its way into her life. It arrived in the simplest of moments—a genuine laugh shared with a cherished friend, the beauty of a sunset painting the sky with vibrant hues, the embrace of love that filled her heart to the brim.
She deserved every ounce of happiness that graced her existence. Her perseverance, compassion, and unwavering belief in better days served as a testament to her strength of character. She had weathered the storms, and now, the sun broke through the clouds, illuminating her path with gentle warmth.
May her journey continue to be adorned with the joys she so richly deserved. May her days be filled with laughter, love, and the fulfillment of dreams. And may her story inspire others to believe in their own inherent worth, knowing that happiness is a birthright to be claimed, cherished, and celebrated.
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darkchocmadness · 1 year
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darkchocmadness · 1 year
The beauty of morning sex is that it combines the freshness of a new day
with the warmth of your lover’s touch,
creating a blissful symphony of pleasure.
- DarkChocMadness
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darkchocmadness · 1 year
Nothing is sexier than a woman that admits she wants you,
send a good morning and night messages ,
replied fast ,
doesn’t leave you on read,
show you how much she wants you,
give you time & attention,
does anything to make you smile,
and only has eyes for you.
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